49 research outputs found

    Minat Berwirausaha Lulusan Sma/Smk/Ma Ditinjau Dari Peluang Usaha Dan Lingkungan Keluarga Di Kelurahan Mlese Kecamatan Ceper Kabupaten Klaten

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    The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) Effect of business opportunities to the interest in entrepreneurship graduate SMA / SMK / MA in Sub Mlese Ceper District of Klaten district; 2) The influence of family environment on interest in entrepreneurship graduate SMA / SMK / MA in Sub Mlese Ceper District of Klaten district; 3) Effect of business opportunities and family environment on interest in entrepreneurship graduate SMA / SMK / MA in Sub Mlese Ceper District of Klaten district. This type of research, quantitative descriptive drawing conclusions through statistical analysis. The research sample according krejcie table with a 5% error level a number of 84 people from a population of 114 people. Collecting data using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test, test R2, as well as the effective contribution and relative contribution. Results of regression analysis to obtain the equation: Y = 16.127 + 0,326X1 + 0,336X2. 1) no influence on the interest in entrepreneurship business opportunities. This is evident from the results of the t test first obtain thitung> ttable ie 2.412> 1.990 and the significance value ttable, namely 2.229> 1.990 and the significance value F table, namely 7.178> 3.11 and a significance value <0.05 is 0.001. 4) variable business opportunities provide effective contribution of 8% and the relative contribution of 53%, family environment variables contribute effectively amounted to 7.05% and the relative contribution of 47%. Results of calculation for the value of R2 obtained yield was 0.151, which means 15.1% interest in entrepreneurship and business opportunities are influenced by the family environment, the remaining 84.9% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keywords: interest in entrepreneurship, business opportunities, and the family environment


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    At the moment requirement of fuel increases with the increase population and the development of technology without balanced with reserves of petroleum resources derived from fossil dwindling because it is not renewable. Several countries, including Indonesia started doing a lot of research in the search for renewable fuels, one of which is biodiesel. This research aims to make biodiesel from coconut oil through the transesterification process using microwave. This study uses a mole ratio of oil to methanol (1:9), concentration of KOH catalyst (0.01%; 0.05%; 0.1%; 0.15%; 0.2% and 0.25%), time of reaction (30, 60,90,120 and 150 seconds) and power of microwave (100, 264 and 400 watts). In this research study the effect concentration of KOH catalyst, time of reaction, power of microwave to yield and quality of biodiesel product. Results from this study indicate that concentration of KOH catalyst is 0.20%, time of reaction is 150 seconds and power of microwave is 400 watt and the largest yield of biodiesel product is 93.22%. The quality product of biodiesel in this research complies with biodiesel quality standard ISO 7128: 2012

    A Portrait of Higher Education Students’ Experiences of doing Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) Speaking Practices in Indonesia

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    This paper aimed to explore the experiences of higher education students on Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) speaking practices and their personal insight of IDLE influences on their speaking skill. Through this study it is revealed that language learning style on the case of IDLE speaking practice was successfully explained on the practice. This research used interview and participants’ observation. For analyzing the data, the researcher used narrative inquiry model including data collection, data transcription and reporting the narrative study. The participants were two undergraduate female students. Both of them have an experience to go abroad and have a lot of online foreigner friends by IDLE. The result explained that participants have different purposes of practiced IDLE speaking and the way they practiced IDLE speaking. These practices also influenced their speaking aspects such as vocabulary, grammar, fluency, comprehension, and pronunciation. This new learning strategy in an informal context helps them as university students to love their process of learning a language


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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the influences of informal digital learning of English (IDLE) speaking practices which emerge the boundaries between countries. The researcher used questionnaire, interview, document analysis, and observation as data collection. For analyzing qualitative data, the researcher used narrative inquiry model including data collection, data transcription and reporting the narrative study. The participant were two female undergraduate students of English department in Indonesia. The result explained that IDLE speaking practices influence their self-confidence, motivation, and communication competence. This research also reveald that their language learning strategy through IDLE speaking practice widen their social and culture understanding. This new language learning strategy in informal context helps digital natives in this era to enjoy their learning


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    At the moment requirement of fuel increases with the increase population and the development of technology without balanced with reserves of petroleum resources derived from fossil dwindling because it is not renewable. Several countries, including Indonesia started doing a lot of research in the search for renewable fuels, one of which is biodiesel. This research aims to make biodiesel from coconut oil through the transesterification process using microwave. This study uses a mole ratio of oil to methanol Keywords:, biodiesel, catalysts, coconut oil, microwave, transeterificatio

    The Negotiation of Political Identity and Rise of Social Citizenship: A Study of the Former Female Combatants in Aceh Since the Helsinki Peace Accord

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    An identity negotiation process, initiated after the peace agreement was reached, is currently underway in Aceh. This can be seen, for example, in the activities of the women joined in the Inong Balee troop, the women's wing of the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) formed in the late 1990s. Their participation as women combatants is inseparable from the strong ethno-nationalistic identity and ethno-political struggle that sought Aceh's independence. Today, more than twelve years after peace was reached in Aceh, the Acehnese ethno-political identity has experienced a transformation. Although it has not entirely disappeared, their activities have been framed as part of Indonesian nationalism. This finding emphasizes that nation is not fixed, but transformable and negotiable. The once ethno-political identity has become a social national identity. This paper attempts to understand how former woman members of GAM through a qualitative narrative. This paper attempts to answer why this has happened and how former combatants have negotiated their identities. Is there still a sense of Acehnese nationalism, as they fought for, and how has this intersected with their Indonesian nationalism since they became ordinary citizens

    Perbandingan Akhlak Siswa Reguler, Pesantren Dan Program Khusus Dalam Pembelajaran Di MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing, Polokarto, Sukoharjo Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing has three class programs there are regular class, pesantren and special program. This Madrasah, has a mission to optimize habituation that focuses on the formation of morality students into a person who has good moral. Regular students are students who are not special program or students of pesantren, regular students have the same lesson with pesantren students in Madrasah. Students of pesantren in their daily life are always familiarized with good behavior and have a structured activity schedule because after attending the Madrasah lesson, students will re-enter the schedule of pesantren activities. While the special program students are superior madrasah students, the students of this program will receive special additional hours each day. This condition attracts the author's attention to research Comparison of Regular Student Morals, Pesantren and Special Program at MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing in Lesson Year 2017/2018. Polokarto Sub-district, Sukoharjo District while following the process of teaching and learning activities in school. This research includes field research with qualitative approach taking place in MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing Polokarto Sub-district, Sukoharjo District. This research was conducted from November 13, 2017 until March 10, 2018. The data collection using interview method, observation and documentation. While the method of data analysis using comparative analysis to find the moral differences of regular students, pesantren and special programs. Based on the data analysis from the research results can be concluded that there are three aspects of comparison that is before the process of teaching and learning, during the process of teaching and learning and after the process of teaching and learning. With the sincerity of greeting when greeted with the teacher, reads Al-Qur’an before the process of teaching and learning, every class program there is not paying attention during the process of teaching and learning, and give gifts to the teacher in certain order. The differences are in the intensity of students 'attention during the process of teaching and learning, students' responses to lessons learned, thanks to teachers after the process of teaching and learning. MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing also attempts to familiarize smile greetings to teachers to respect teachers at school, habituation recitations together, and pray together before and after the the process of teaching and learning

    Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Kelapa Dengan Katalis KOH, Ca(OH)2, dan Mg(OH)2 Menggunakan Gelombang Mikro (Microwave) Secara Batch

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    Biodiesel merupakan bioenergi atau bahan bakar nabati yang dibuat dari minyak nabati melalui proses transesterifikasi, esterifikasi, atau proses esterifikasi-transesterifikasi. Proses pembuatan biodiesel dapat dilakukan dengan metode pemanasan konvensional maupun dengan metode pemanasan microwave. Dengan radiasi microwave, maka waktu yang dibutuhkan saat proses transesterifikasi lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan konvensional. Disisi lain, minyak kelapa memiliki potensi yang besar untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan biodiesel karena ketersediaannya yang melimpah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat biodiesel dari minyak kelapa secara batch melalui proses transesterifikasi methanol dengan menggunakan radiasi microwave dengan katalis KOH, Ca(OH)2, dan Mg(OH)2 dan mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi tiap katalis, daya, dan waktu yang digunakan terhadap yield dan viskositas biodiesel yang dihasilkan. Reaksi dilakukan sesuai dengan variabel waktu yang ditentukan, yaitu 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5 menit. Variabel konsentrasi tiap katalis adalah 0,01; 0,05; 0,1; 0,15; 0,2; 0,25 (% berat) dari berat minyak kelapa dan variasi daya microwave (100, 264, dan 400 Watt). Penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu persiapan, transesterifikasi, pemisahan pencucian, dan tahap analisis. Pada tahap persiapan, melarutkan metanol dan katalis sesuai dengan variabel. Selanjutnya dilakukan tahap transesterifikasi dengan mencampurkan larutan methanol (methanol dan katalis) dengan minyak kelapa dengan mol ratio 1 (minyak) : 9 (methanol) dan mengatur daya microwave serta memulai proses transesterifikasi. Tahap selanjutnya adalah pemisahan hasil transesterifikasi dari katalis padat, dilanjutkan dengan tahap pencucian dengan aquadest untuk memisahkan impurities yang masih tersisa dalam biodiesel. Tahap akhir yang dilakukan adalah analisis hasil biodiesel dengan menganalisis densitas, viskositas dan %FFA. Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) menjadi standard dari pembuata biodiesel dari penelitian. Dari percobaan yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi katalis maka yieldnya akan semakin tinnggi dan viskositasnya juga menurun. Hal ini juga berlaku pada variabel daya dan waktu. Dimana ketiga variabel tersebut memiliki pengaruh terhadap nilai viskositas dan yield yang dihasilkan. Nilai yield tertinggi dari variabel di atas adalah 93,225 % pada katalis KOH dengan konsentrasi 0,2 %, daya 400 Watt, dan waktu 150 detik, dimana viskositasnya sebesar 3,45 cSt. Biodiesel yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan katalis Ca(OH)2 dan Mg(OH)2 menghasilkan yield di bawah 10 % dan viskositas di atas 25 cSt