1,394 research outputs found

    Antinociceptive effects of lacosamide on spinal neuronal and behavioural measures of pain in a rat model of osteoarthritis.

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    Alterations in voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) function have been linked to chronic pain and are good targets for analgesics. Lacosamide (LCM) is a novel anticonvulsant that enhances the slow inactivation state of VGSCs. This conformational state can be induced by repeated neuronal firing and/or under conditions of sustained membrane depolarisation, as is expected for hyperexcitable neurones in pathological conditions such as epilepsy and neuropathy, and probably osteoarthritis (OA). In this study, therefore, we examined the antinociceptive effect of LCM on spinal neuronal and behavioural measures of pain, in vivo, in a rat OA model

    Atrial myxoma presenting as a cerebellar stroke

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    Primary tumors of the heart are rare. However, among them cardiac myxoma is the most common tumor accounting for half of the primary cardiac neoplasms. About 75% of cardiac myxomas are located in the left atrium, and 25% are located in the right atrium. These are thought to be arising from remnants of subendocardial vasoformative reserve cells or multipotential primitive mesenchymal cells in the fossa ovalis and surrounding endocardium, which can differentiate along a variety of cell lineages including epithelial, hematopoietic, and muscle cells. Although some cases are discovered incidentally by echocardiographic examination, it was recognized in most of the patients by various symptoms caused by the release of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), obstruction of intracardiac blood flow, or embolization. Cardiac myxoma has many undetermined interesting issues regarding its origin, nature as a tumor, varying clinical manifestations, and the presence of both sporadic and familial types. Recent evidence revealed that cardiac myxomas are benign neoplasms and slowly proliferating lesions. The existence of its malignant counterpart is controversial. However, recurrence after surgical excision or metastasis has been reported. We hereby present a case report of a young gentleman who presented with history of sudden onset of weakness and cerebellar signs. Urgent CT scan revealed hypodensities of bilateral occipital lobes and cerebellum suggestive of infarcts. Urgent echocardiography denoted large left atrial myxoma. The tumor was excised and the patient recovered well

    Midline or Retroperitoneal Approach in Operating on a Retroperitoneal Tumour: A Surgical Dilemma

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    Retroperitoneal tumors are rare form of tumors arising from the retroperitoneal space and account for 10-15% of soft tissue sarcoma.1,2 Liposarcoma represent 0.1% of all cancers 3 and arise mostly from the mesenchyme usually located in muscles, fat and connective tissue. 4 It is a high grade tumor with high propensity for recurrence.1 80% of patientspresent with asymptomatic abdominal distension in their 5th - 6th decade of life.4 Liposarcoma tend to present as a huge mass posing a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma especially with regards to its position and surgical approach

    Electrophysiological evidence for voltage-gated calcium channel 2 (Cav2) modulation of mechano- and thermosensitive spinal neuronal responses in a rat model of osteoarthritis.

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) remains one of the greatest healthcare burdens in western society, with chronic debilitating pain-dominating clinical presentation yet therapeutic strategies are inadequate in many patients. Development of better analgesics is contingent on improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms mediating OA pain. Voltage-gated calcium channels 2.2 (Cav2.2) play a critical role in spinal nociceptive transmission, therefore blocking Cav2.2 activity represents an attractive opportunity for OA pain treatment, but the only available licensed Cav2.2 antagonist ziconitide (PrilatTM) is of limited use. TROX-1 is an orally available, use dependent and state-selective Cav2 antagonist, exerting its analgesic effect primarily via Cav2.2 blockade, with an improved therapeutic window compared with ziconitide. Using a rat model of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA), 2mg, induced OA we used in vivo electrophysiology to assess the effects of spinal or systemic administration of TROX-1 on the evoked activity of wide dynamic range spinal dorsal horn neurons in response to electrical, natural mechanical (dynamic brush and von Frey 2, 8, 26 and 6g) and thermal (40, 45 and 45°C) stimuli applied to the peripheral receptive field. MIA injection into the knee joint resulted in mechanical hypersensitivity of the ipsilateral hind paw and weight-bearing asymmetry. Spinal administration of TROX-1 (0.1 and 1μg/50μl) produced a significant dose-related inhibition of dynamic brush, mechanical (von Frey filament (vF) 8, 26 and 60g) and noxious thermal-(45 and 48°C) evoked neuronal responses in MIA rats only. Systemic administration of TROX-1 produced a significant inhibition of the mechanical-(vF 8, 26 and 60g) evoked neuronal responses in MIA rats. TROX-1 did not produce any significant effect on any neuronal measure in Sham controls. Our in vivo electrophysiological results demonstrate a pathological state-dependent effect of TROX-1, which suggests an increased functional role of Cav2, likely Cav2.2, channels in mediating OA pain

    Peningkatan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Melalui Pendekatan Pendidikan Responsif Gender di Kabupaten Sumenep

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    This article aims to discuss increasing the human development index through a gender-responsive education approach. This article uses a library research approach with content analysis techniques. The results showed that the HDI of Sumenep Regency was still relatively low, namely that males were at 72.32% while females were at 58.38%. This figure illustrates that there are still significant differences between males and females. One of the indicators is the school average of 6.60% for boys and 4.63% for girls. This fact is still detrimental to women. Then the Gender Empowerment Index (IDG) in Sumenep is 60.99% better than other districts in Madura. IDG Sumenep data from 2010 to 2019 shows a fairly good increase, even better than other districts in Madura. However, this gap is still a development problem in the field of education in Sumenep.  This study shows the revitalization of the human development agenda in the field of gender responsive education, especially in rural areas and islands. Development challenges in Sumenep are still faced with cultural praxis, some of which are not yet in favor of gender equality. The Sumenep government should be able to increase the human development index through gender responsive education, by making this study a recommendation to the relevant agencies. One of them is revitalizing the role of the education board, by optimizing the function of the education board as an advisory agency, supporting agency, controlling agency, and mediating agencyArtikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang peningkatan indek pembangunan manusia melalui pendekatan pendidikan resposif gender. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan library research dengan teknik konten analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa IPM kabupaten Sumenep masih relatf rendah yaitu laki-laki berada pada angka 72.32 % sementara perempuan 58.38 % angka ini menggambarkan bahwa masih terjadi perbedaan yang signifikan antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Salah satu indikatornya adalah rata-rata sekolah laki-laki 6.60 % dan perempuan 4.63%.  Fakta ini masih merugikan perempuan. Kemudian indek pemberdayaan Gender (IDG) di Sumenep adalah 60.99% lebih baik dari kabupaten lainnya di Madura.   data IDG Sumenep dari 2010 sampai 2019 menunjukkan peningkatan yang cukup baik, bahkan lebih baik dari kabupaten lain di Madura. Kendati demikian kesenjangan ini masih menjadi persoalan pembangunan dalam bidang pendidikan di Sumenep. Studi ini menunjukkan revitalisasi agenda pembangunan manusia di bidang pendidikan yang responsif gender, terutama di wilayah perdesaan dan kepulauan. Tantangan pembangunan di Sumenep masih dihadapkan pada praksis  budaya yang sebagian diantaranya belum berpihak pada kesetaraan gender. Pemerintah Sumenep seyogyanya dapat meningkatkan indek pembangunan manusia melalui jalur pendidikan responsive gender, dengan menjadikan kajian ini sebagai rekomendasi kepada dinas terkait. Salah satunya adalah merevitalisasi peran dewan pendidikan, yaitu mengoptimalkan fungsi dewan pendidikan sebagai advisory agency, supporting agency, controlling agency, dan mediating agenc

    An improved design of a fully automated multiple output micropotentiometer

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    This paper describes in details a new design of a fully automated multiple output micropotentiometer (?pot). A prototype has been built at the National Institute for Standards (NIS), Egypt to establish this highly improved AC voltage source in the millivolt range. The new device offers three different outputs covering a wide frequency range from only one outlet. This valuably supports the precise sourcing ranges of low AC voltage at NIS. The design and the operation theory of this prototype have been discussed in details. An automatic calibration technique has been introduced through specially designed software using the LabVIEW program to enhance the calibration technique and to reduce the uncertainty contributions. Relative small AC-DC differences of our prototype in the three output ranges are fairly verified. The expanded uncertainties of the calibration results for the three output ranges have been faithfully estimated. However, further work is needed to achieve the optimum performance of this new device

    Temperature effects on the electrical performance of large area multicrystalline silicon solar cells using the current shunt measuring technique

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    The temperature effects on the electrical performance of a large area multicrystalline silicon solar cell with back-contact technology have been studied in a desert area under ambient conditions using the current shunt measuring technique. Therefore, most of the problems encountered with traditional measuring techniques are avoided. The temperature dependency of the current shunt from 5ºC up to 50ºC has been investigated. Its temperature coefficient proves to be negligible which means that the temperature dependency of the solar cell is completely independent of the current shunt. The solar module installed in a tilted position at the optimum angle of the location, has been tested in two different seasons (winter and summer). The obtained solar cell short circuit current, open circuit voltage and output power are correlated with the measured incident radiation in both seasons and all results are discussed

    Mapping inundation from sea level rise and its interaction with land cover in the Sundarbans mangrove forest

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    The sea level rise (SLR) in the Sundarbans areas is higher than the global-average rate of sea rise, and many studies assume that most of the dry land of the Sundarbans will be inundated by the end of the twenty-first century. This study aims to analyze the amount of dry land that can potentially be inundated by SLR in Sundarbans and the impact under different land cover conditions. Four SLR scenarios, a digital elevation data grid, and net subsidence data are used to map areas that will be potentially inundated by 2100. Results for the low (35 cm), mid (52 cm), high (70 cm), and extreme (147 cm) SLR scenarios indicate that the Sundarbans landmass area will be flooded up to 40 km(2) (1%), 72 km(2) (1.8%), 136 km(2) (3.4%), and 918 km(2) (23%), respectively, under the current net subsidence rate of -2.4 mm/year by 2100. Except for the extreme scenarios, the low, mid, and high SLR will result in riverbank and beach areas to be covered by water. The potential inundation areas of different vegetation cover classes that already exist today (2020) will be nominal for the low, mid, and high SLR scenarios. We also analyzed the sensitivity of the results through station-based SLR data, which fits with the low (35 cm) SLR scenarios under the -2.4 mm/year subsidence rate. This study concluded that the inundation aspect of SLR will not directly affect the Sundarbans; however, indirectly related threats and anthropogenic disturbances can be major drivers of the Sundarbans' degradation by the end of the twenty-first century. This work discusses reasonable inundation scenarios integrating SLR and subsidence with a custom land-cover map that includes three forest-density categories. The study's findings contribute to forest management planning and support the UN goals of the Bangladesh Delta Plan

    Electrical performance study of a large area multicrystalline silicon solar cell using a current shunt and a micropotentiometer

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    In this paper, a new technique using a Current Shunt and a Micropotentiometer has been used to study the electrical performance of a large area multicrystalline silicon solar cell at outdoor conditions. The electrical performance is mainly described by measuring both cell short circuit current and open circuit voltage. The measurements of this cell by using multimeters suffer from some problems because the cell has high current intensity with low output voltage. So, the solar cell short circuit current values are obtained by measuring the voltage developed across a known resistance Current Shunt. Samples of the obtained current values are accurately calibrated by using a Micropotentiometer (μpot) thermal element (TE) to validate this new measuring technique. Moreover, the solar cell open circuit voltage has been measured. Besides, the cell output power has been calculated and can be correlated with the measured incident radiation


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    Kekurangan zink pada saat anak-anak dapat menyebabkan stunting (pendek) dan telambatnya kematangan funsi seksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan pola konsumsi pangan sumber zink dengan status zink anak SDN Cambaya Kecamatan Ujung Tanah Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study.Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 179 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling dengan besar sampel 104 orang. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi squre. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan defisiensi zink pada anak SDN Cambaya Ujung Tanah Makassar sebesar 54.8%. Tidak ada hubungan antara pola konsumsi pangan sumber zink dengan status zink anak sekolah dasar (p=0.096). Tidak ada hubungan pola konsumsi pangan pendukung absorbsi zat zink dengan status zink anak sekolah dasar (p=0.432). Tidak ada hubungan antara pola konsumsi pangan penghambat zat zink dengan status zink anak sekolah dasar (p=0.329).Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, yaitu tidak ada hubungan antara pola konsumsi pangan sumber zink dengan status zink
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