536 research outputs found

    Diferencias y similitudes en la insatisfacción corporal entre personas con trastornos alimentarios, personas con disforia de género y estudiantes universitarios

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    To subjects with gender dysphoria, body image is an important aspect of their condition. These individuals at times report high body dissatisfaction, similar to individuals with an eating disorder. In total, 61 subjects with gender dysphoria, 30 subjects with an eating disorder, and 40 healthy subjects were evaluated. We parted from the hypothesis that gender dysphoria subjects present more body dissatisfaction than the control group, but less than the eating disorder group. Results regarding body dissatisfaction (related to body beauty ideals) showed significant differences between groups.  Subjects with gender dysphoria had higher scores in the body dissatisfaction subscale than the general population, but lower scores than people with eating disorders.Para las personas con disforia de género, la imagen corporal es un aspecto fundamental en su condición. Éstas a veces manifiestan alta insatisfacción corporal, similar a la que pueden tener personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria.  En total, 61 personas con disforia de género, 30 personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y 40 personas sanas fueron evaluadas. Como hipótesis se esperaba que los sujetos con disforia de género presentaran mayor insatisfacción corporal que el grupo control, pero menos que el grupo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Los resultados sobre insatisfacción corporal (asociada al ideal de belleza) mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Las personas con disforia de género tuvieron mayores puntuaciones en insatisfacción corporal que la población general, pero menores puntuaciones que las manifestadas por las personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria

    Environmental Lead: Rabito et al. Respond

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    Insatisfacción corporal: Dismorfia muscular, trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y disforia de género

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud. Fecha de lectura: 06-11-201

    The Relationship between Mold Exposure and Allergic Response in Post-Katrina New Orleans

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    Objectives. The study's objective was to examine the relation between mold/dampness exposure and mold sensitization among residents of Greater New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Methods. Patients were recruited from the Allergy Clinic of a major medical facility. Any patient receiving a skin prick test for one of 24 molds between December 1, 2005 and December 31, 2008 was eligible for the study. Exposure was assessed using standardized questionnaires. Positive mold reactivity was defined as a wheal diameter >3 mm to any mold genera. Results. Approximately 57% of participants tested positive to any indoor allergen, 10% to any mold. Over half of respondents had significant home damage, 34% reported dampness/mold in their home, half engaged in renovation, and one-third lived in a home undergoing renovation. Despite extensive exposure, and multiple measures of exposure, we found no relationship between mold/dampness exposure and sensitivity to mold allergens. Conclusions. These results along with results of earlier research indicate no excess risk of adverse respiratory effects for residents living in New Orleans after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina

    Effect of Treatment with DL-carnitine after Acute Alcoholization in Rats

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    Acute ethanol consumption leads to the formation of free radicals. Among other functions, carnitine has  an important antioxidant role and chronic ethanol use leads to carnitine deficiency. The objective of the  present study was to determine the variation in the carnitine pool (free cernitine plus its acylated derivates)  and the hepatic oxidative stress occurring in the presence of acute ethanol administration followed by  treatment with carnitine in rats. Male Wistar rats weighing approximately 60 g were divided at random  into four groups of 7 animals each, i.e., group receiving carnitine, group receiving carnitine plus ethanol,  group receiving ethanol alone, and untreated control. Acute administration of ethanol and/or carnitine did  not change the total amount of carnitine and its derivates in plasma but did alter their profile with the free  carnitine increasing to over 75%, while the mean percentage of free carnitine in the control group was 33.2%.  There was marked carnitine excretion in the groups treated with DL-carnitine. Higher lipid peroxidation  was detected in the groups receiving carnitine, with the maintenance of vitamin E. We conclude that the  administration of DL-carnitine after an episode of alcohol intoxication has no beneficial effect in terms of  hepatic oxidative stress.

    Diferencias de género existentes en la población general en relación a la insatisfacción corporal asociada al ideal de belleza: una revisión sistemática

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    Abstract: Body dissatisfaction has been studied extensively due to its rela- tionship with issues such as eating disorders, mainly in the female and adolescent population. However, it seems that there are differences in the type of body dissatisfaction that females and males manifest with respect to their body image. On this basis, the objective of this work was to review systematically the studies published from 2010 to July 2018 into gender differences in body dissatisfaction associated with the ideal of beauty in the general population. A total of 18 studies were selected from the MeSH/ PubMed, Dialnet and DOAJ databases. The results obtained from the studies analysed showed that the female population continues to show greater body dissatisfaction associated with the ideal of beauty compared to the male population. However, the manifestation of body dissatisfaction is expressed differently for men and women.2018-201

    Tratando... trastorno por estrés postraumático

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    Recuperarse de un suceso traumático, de un acontecimiento agresivo, de una experiencia estresante, no siempre es fácil. En algunos casos, las personas que han sufrido ese tipo de situaciones reviven la experiencia con imágenes intrusivas, pensamientos negativos, evitan lugares o personas y sufren por el recuerdo constante de lo ocurrido. Estamos ante un trastorno por estrés postraumático (TEPT). El TEPT es uno de los trastornos silenciosos que puede afectar a numerosas facetas de la vida de las personas y encontrarse en la raíz de otros trastornos; por ello, su buen diagnóstico y tratamiento es crucial para el bienestar de quien lo padece. Sin embargo, no es fácil su correcta identificación, por sus manifestaciones a veces ambiguas, porque en algunos casos la experiencia traumática no es clara y accesible para la persona o bien porque nos podemos encontrar con casos más complejos con sintomatología disociativa. De igual forma, el tratamiento del TEPT no es sencillo y requiere de ciertas habilidades terapéuticas y el uso de técnicas especializadas. En este libro se ofrece una ayuda al profesional de la salud mental que va a afrontar una intervención con un paciente con TEPT, brindándole información general del trastorno, su definición, diagnóstico y evaluación, así como medio centenar de situaciones conflictivas que pueden aparecer en la intervención con sus correspondientes soluciones. También, a modo de complemento práctico, se ofrece material que puede ser utilizado en las intervenciones.2019-2

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for an Adolescent with Anorexia Nervosa

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    Introduction: The treatment of anorexia nervosa remains a matter of much debate. Though cognitive behavioural therapy would seem to offer good results, there is still no resounding evidence pointing to a single treatment of choice. The case presented in this paper examines the treatment with CBT of a patient presenting anorexia nervosa. Evaluation/diagnosis: An adolescent girl, 17 years of age, voluntarily attends psychological therapy to address eating behaviour problems. After administering the EAT-26, EDI-2, and BSQ standardised screening tests, as well as a clinical interview for assessment, a psychopathological profile is obtained, providing a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, restricting subtype. Therapeutic goals: The therapeutic goals set were to reach a healthy weight for the patient’s age and height (specified as a minimum BMI of 18.5) and change the structure of thoughts, feelings, and behaviour that was justifying and maintaining the disorder. Treatment: Treatment lasted for 33 sessions and used cognitive behavioural techniques, such as cognitive restructuring, response cost, and positive reinforcement, in addition to family intervention techniques. Nutrition therapy was also carried out in parallel to the treatment sessions. Results: Following eight months of weekly sessions, the patient reached the target weight and changed attitudes towards food and body image, replacing them with healthy thoughts and behaviours. Follow-up made one and two years after the end of the treatment saw that these results were maintained. Discussion and conclusions: In this case, CBT proved effective in achieving the patient’s physical and psychological recovery. Therefore, this case contributes to the evidence of the efficacy of this therapeutic approach in certain cases of ED.2021-2

    Síntomas disociativos y experiencias traumáticas en la infancia en un grupo de mujeres universitarias.

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    Introducción: La disociación es definida como una ruptura y fragmentación de las funciones integradoras sobre la conciencia, la memoria, la identidad, la conciencia corporal y de la percepción de la propia persona y de su entorno y en muchas ocasiones, es consecuencia de haber sufrido experiencias traumáticas . La disociación psicomorfa incluye amnesia, despersonalización, desrealización y alteración y confusión de la identidad, en respuesta a eventos traumáticos. La disociación somatomorfa constituye una manifestación somática de la disociación, incluye los síntomas somáticos que no pueden ser explicados por una condición médica (anestesia o analgesia, dolor, pérdida de la movilidad…). Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio es explorar la relación entre trauma infantil y síntomas disociativos psicomorfos y somatomorfos en mujeres universitarias. Material y Método: Se administraron los cuestionarios DES, SDQ-20 y CTQ- SF a 40 mujeres universitarias. Los datos se analizaron con el programa SPSS para Windows en su versión 24,0. Resultados: Un 22,5% de la muestra presentó síntomatología asociada a estrés portraumático y un 37,5 % cumplía criterios de sospencha de un posible trastorno disociativo. En cuanto a la relación entre variables, en la muestra, la relación entre abuso emocional y sintomatología disociativa psicoforme fue estadísticamente significativa no siendo así para el resto de subtipos de trauma. Conclusión: Parece confirmarse, en la línea de estudios previos, la relación entre haber sufrido trauma infantil y desarrollar sintomatología disociativa. Al menos en algunos tipos de trauma. Estudios previos sugieren que la disociación es un mediador entre el trauma infantil y la posibilidad de desarrollar algunas patologías en la vida adulta, sin embargo, el tipo de relación entre las variables requieren de un mayor estudio2018-201

    Mediating Factors between Childhood Traumatic Experiences and Eating Disorders Development: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Many people with eating disorders often report having suffered some kind of childhood trauma. For this reason, many studies have attempted to explore the mediating factors between traumatic experiences and the development of eating disorders. The aim of our study is to conduct a systematic review of published works on the mediating factors between childhood trauma and the development of eating disorders. Method: This review was carried out up to 5 December, 2020, using the databases PsycInfo and PubMed, combining the keywords, and applying a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: A total of 18 articles were retrieved. After the articles were analyzed, a set of mediating factors between childhood trauma and the development of eating disorders was established, including pathological dissociation, difficulty with emotion self-regulation, body dissatisfaction, negative affect/depression, anxiety, general distress, self-criticism, and alexithymia, among others. Conclusions: In addition to evaluating trauma in eating disorders, these results highlight the importance of paying special attention to the presence of various possible mediating factors, which must be taken into account in the planning of therapeutic treatment. Identifying symptoms of trauma or eating disorders early on could prevent onset of more severe psychopathology during adulthood.2020-2