784 research outputs found

    Elastic properties of graphyne-based nanotubes

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    Graphyne nanotubes (GNTs) are nanostructures obtained from rolled up graphyne sheets, in the same way carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are obtained from graphene ones. Graphynes are 2D carbon-allotropes composed of atoms in sp and sp2 hybridized states. Similarly to conventional CNTs, GNTs can present different chiralities and electronic properties. Because of the acetylenic groups (triple bonds), GNTs exhibit large sidewall pores that influence their mechanical properties. In this work, we studied the mechanical response of GNTs under tensile stress using fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Our results show that GNTs mechanical failure (fracture) occurs at larger strain values in comparison to corresponding CNTs, but paradoxically with smaller ultimate strength and Young's modulus values. This is a consequence of the combined effects of the existence of triple bonds and increased porosity/flexibility due to the presence of acetylenic groups

    Three-Dimensional kinetic adaptations of gait throughout pregnancy and postpartum

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    The present publication was supported by the following projects: (1) funder, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, project title: Effect of Biomechanical Loading on the Musculoskeletal System in Women during Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period; promoter, CIPER/FMH-UL/ESDRM-IPS; Principal Researcher, Rita Santos-Rocha; and project reference, PTDC/DES/102058/2008; (2) funder, European Union: QREN-InAlentejo-Programa Operacional do Alentejo-2007–2013/National Strategic Reference Framework, project title: Alentejo’s Science and Technology Park, Sport and Health Research Center; promoter: Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior/Health School of Santarém; Project Coordinator, Rita Santos-Rocha; and project reference, ALENT-07-0262-FEDER-001883.Biomechanical adaptations that occur during pregnancy can lead to changes on gait pattern. Nevertheless, these adaptations of gait are still not fully understood. The purpose was to determine the effect of pregnancy on the biomechanical pattern of walking, regarding the kinetic parameters. A three-dimensional analysis was performed in eleven participants. The kinetic parameters in the joints of the lower limb during gait were compared at the end of the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy and in the postpartum period, in healthy pregnant women. The main results showed a reduction in the normalized vertical reaction forces, throughout pregnancy, particularly the third peak. Pregnant women showed, during most of the stance phase, medial reaction forces as a motor response to promote the body stability. Bilateral changes were observed in hip joint, with a decrease in the participation of the hip extensors and in the eccentric contraction of hip flexors. In ankle joint a decrease in the participation of ankle plantar flexors was found. In conclusion, the overall results point to biomechanical adjustments that showed a decrease of the mechanical load of women throughout pregnancy, with exception for few unilateral changes of hip joint moments

    Host Plant Record for the Fruit Flies, Anastrepha fumipennis and A. nascimentoi (Diptera, Tephritidae)

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    The first host plant record for Anastrepha fumipennis Lima (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Geissospermum laeve (Vell.) Baill (Apocynaceae) and for A. nascimentoi Zucchi found in Cathedra bahiensis Sleumer (Olacaceae) was determined in a host plant survey of fruit flies undertaken at the “Reserva Natural da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce”. This reserve is located in an Atlantic Rain Forest remnant area, in Linhares county, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The phylogenetic relationships of Anastrepha species and their hosts are discussed. The occurrence of these fruit fly species in relation to the distribution range of their host plants is also discussed

    Sensitive screening of single nucleotide polymorphisms in cell free DNA for diagnosis of gestational tumours

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    Tumours expressing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the majority of which are difficult to biopsy due to their vascularity, have disparate prognoses depending on their origin. As optimal management relies on accurate diagnosis, we aimed to develop a sensitive cell free DNA (cfDNA) assay to non-invasively distinguish between cases of gestational and non-gestational origin. Deep error-corrected Illumina sequencing of 195 common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in cfDNA and matched genomic DNA from 36 patients with hCG-secreting tumours (serum hCG 5 to 3,042,881 IU/L) and 7 controls with normal hCG levels (≤ 4 IU/L) was performed. cfDNA from confirmed gestational tumours with hCG levels ranging from 1,497 to 700,855 IU/L had multiple (n ≥12) ‘non-host’ alleles (i.e. alleles of paternal origin). In such cases the non-host fraction of cfDNA ranged from 0.3% - 40.4% and correlated with serum hCG levels. At lower hCG levels the ability to detect non-host cfDNA was variable, with the detection limit dependent on the type of causative pregnancy. Patients with non-gestational tumours were identifiable by the absence of non-host cfDNA, with copy number alterations detectable in the majority of cases. Following validation in a larger cohort, our sensitive assay will enable clinicians to better inform patients, for whom biopsy is inappropriate, of their prognosis and provide optimum management

    Identifying networks in social media: The case of #Grexit

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    We examine the intensity of ‘#Grexit’ usage in Twitter during a period of economic and financial turbulence. Using a frequency-analysis technique, we illustrate that we can extract detailed information from social media data. This allows us to map the networks of interest as it is reflected in Twitter. Our findings identify high-interest in Grexit from Twitter users in key peripheral countries, core Eurozone members as well as core EU member states outside the Eurozone. Overall, our study presents a useful tool for identifying clusters. This is part of a new research agenda utilising the information extracted from big data available via social media channels

    The middle ear of the pink fairy armadillo Chlamyphorus truncatus (Xenarthra, Cingulata, Chlamyphoridae): comparison with armadillo relatives using computed tomography.

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    The pink fairy armadillo Chlamyphorus truncatus is the smallest extant armadillo and one of the least-known fossorial mammals. The aim of this study was to establish if its middle ear is specially adapted to the subterranean environment, through comparison with more epigeic relatives of the groups Euphractinae (Chaetophractus villosus, Chaetophractus vellerosus, Zaedyus pichiy) and Dasypodinae (Dasypus hybridus). We examined the middle ears using micro-computed tomography and subsequent three-dimensional reconstructions. D. hybridus has a relatively small middle ear cavity, an incomplete bulla and 'ancestral' ossicular morphology. The other species, including Chlamyphorus, have fully ossified bullae and middle ear ossicles, with a morphology between 'transitional' and 'freely mobile', but in all armadillos the malleus retains a long anterior process. Unusual features of armadillo ears include the lack of a pedicellate lenticular apophysis and the presence, in some species, of an element of Paaw within the stapedius muscle. In common with many subterranean mammals, Chlamyphorus has a relatively flattened malleo-incudal articulation and appears to lack a functional tensor tympani muscle. Its middle ear cavity is not unusually enlarged, and its middle ear ossicles seem less robust than those of the other armadillos studied. In comparison with the euphractines, there is no reason to believe that the middle ear of this species is specially adapted to the subterranean environment; some aspects may even be indicative of degeneration. The screaming hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus vellerosus, has the most voluminous middle ear in both relative and absolute terms. Its hypertrophied middle ear cavity likely represents an adaptation to low-frequency hearing in arid rather than subterranean conditions.Argentinian research grants: Secretaría General de Ciencia y Tecnología, UNS (Project PGI 24/B243); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) through a PhD fellowship to APB; Subsecretaría de Relaciones Internacionales, UNS, through a grant to APB


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    Nonhuman primates are considered as the natural hosts of Hepatitis A virus (HAV), as well as other pathogens, and can serve as natural sentinels to investigate epizootics and endemic diseases that are of public health importance. During this study, blood samples were collected from 112 Neotropical primates (NTPs) (Sapajus nigritus and S. cay, n = 75; Alouatta caraya, n = 37) trap-captured at the Paraná River basin, Brazil, located between the States of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul. Anti-HAV IgG antibodies were detected in 4.5% (5/112) of NTPs, specifically in 6.7% (5/75) of Sapajus spp. and 0% (0/37) of A. caraya. In addition, all samples were negative for the presence of IgM anti-HAV antibodies. These results suggest that free-ranging NTPs were exposed to HAV within the geographical regions evaluated

    Comparte la felicidad, educando sobre sexualidad con ciudadanos y ciudadanas habitantes de calle

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    Curso de Especial InterésLos habitantes de calle (en adelante CHC) se han convertido en una problemática social debido a la desarticulación, violencia y pobreza de la sociedad colombiana. A partir de esta situación se diseñó y elaboró la cartilla “Comparte la felicidad, educando sobre sexualidad con Ciudadanos y Ciudadanas Habitantes de calle” que aborda los cuatro holones de la sexualidad: Vinculación afectiva, erotismo, género y reproductividad, con el objetivo de promover la salud sexual y reproductiva, y la prevención de Infecciones de transmisión sexual, incluido el VIH/SIDA. Para identificar el contenido de la cartilla se realizó una entrevista estructurada de la cual se obtuvo la información a incluir en la cartilla, posteriormente validada en la unidad OASIS.Curso de Especial Interés1. Resumen 2. Justificación 3. Marco teórico 4. Objetivos de la investigación 5. Métodología 6. Estudio de mercado 7. Resultados 8. Discusión 9. Conclusiones 10. Recomendaciones 11. Referencias 12. ApéndicesPregradoPsicólog