8 research outputs found

    Deflection of (anti)ferromagnetic skyrmions at heterochiral interfaces

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    Devising magnetic nanostructures with spatially heterogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) is a promising pathway towards advanced confinement and control of magnetic skyrmions in potential devices. Here we discuss theoretically how a skyrmion interacts with a heterochiral interface using micromagnetic simulations and analytic arguments. We show that a heterochiral interface deflects the trajectory of ferromagnetic (FM) skyrmions, and that the extent of such deflection is tuned by the applied spin-polarized current and the difference in DMI across the interface. Further, we show that this deflection is characteristic for the FM skyrmion, and is completely absent in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) case. In turn, we reveal that the AFM skyrmion achieves much higher velocities than its FM counterpart, yet experiences far stronger confinement in nanoengineered heterochiral tracks, which reinforces AFM skyrmions as a favorable choice for skyrmion-based devices

    Manipulation of Magnetic Skyrmions by Superconducting Vortices in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Heterostructures

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    Dynamics of magnetic skyrmions in hybrid ferromagnetic films harbors novel physical phenomena and holds promise for technological applications. In this work, we discuss the behavior of magnetic skyrmions when coupled to superconducting vortices in a ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructure. We use numerical simulations and analytic arguments to reveal broader possibilities for manipulating the skyrmion-vortex dynamic correlations in the hybrid system, that are not possible in its separated constituents. We explore the thresholds of particular dynamic phases, and quantify the phase diagram as a function of the relevant material parameters, applied current and induced magnetic torques. Finally, we demonstrate the broad and precise tunability of the skyrmion Hall-angle in presence of vortices, with respect to currents applied to either or both the superconductor and the ferromagnet within the heterostructure

    Spin textures in chiral magnetic monolayers with suppressed nearest-neighbor exchange

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    High tunability of two dimensional magnetic materials (by strain, gating, heterostructuring or otherwise) provides unique conditions for studying versatile magnetic properties and controlling emergent magnetic phases. Expanding the scope of achievable magnetic phenomena in such materials is important for both fundamental and technological advances. Here we perform atomistic spin-dynamics simulations to explore the (chiral) magnetic phases of atomic monolayers in the limit of suppressed first-neighbors exchange interaction. We report the rich phase diagram of exotic magnetic configurations, obtained for both square and honeycomb lattice symmetries, comprising coexistence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin-cycloids, as well as multiple types of magnetic skyrmions. We perform a minimum-energy path analysis for the skyrmion collapse to evaluate the stability of such topological objects, and reveal that magnetic monolayers could be good candidates to host the antiferromagnetic skyrmions that are experimentally evasive to date

    Identification of New Rofecoxib-Based Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors: A Bioinformatics Approach

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    The cyclooxygenase-2 receptor is a therapeutic target for planning potential drugs with anti-inflammatory activity. The selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor rofecoxib was selected as a pivot molecule to perform virtual ligand-based screening from six commercial databases. We performed the search for similarly shaped Rapid Overlay of Chemical Structures (ROCS) and electrostatic (EON) compounds. After, we used pharmacokinetic and toxicological parameters to determine the best potential compounds, obtained through the softwares QikProp and Derek, respectively. Then, the compounds proceeded to the molecular anchorage study, which showed promising results of binding affinity with the hCOX-2 receptor: LMQC72 (∆G = −11.0 kcal/mol), LMQC36 (∆G = −10.6 kcal/mol), and LMQC50 (∆G = −10.2 kcal/mol). LMQC72 and LMQC36 showed higher binding affinity compared to rofecoxib (∆G = −10.4 kcal/mol). Finally, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to evaluate the interaction of the compounds with the target hCOX-2 during 150 ns. In all MD simulation trajectories, the ligands remained interacting with the protein until the end of the simulation. The compounds were also complexing with hCOX-2 favorably. The compounds obtained the following affinity energy values: rofecoxib: ΔGbind = −45.31 kcal/mol; LMQC72: ΔGbind = −38.58 kcal/mol; LMQC36: ΔGbind = −36.10 kcal/mol; and LMQC50: ΔGbind = −39.40 kcal/mol. The selected LMQC72, LMQC50, and LMQC36 structures showed satisfactory pharmacokinetic results related to absorption and distribution. The toxicological predictions of these compounds did not display alerts for possible toxic groups and lower risk of cardiotoxicity compared to rofecoxib. Therefore, future in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to confirm the anti-inflammatory potential of the compounds selected here with bioinformatics approaches based on rofecoxib ligand

    Densidade de plantio e idade de colheita de quebra-pedra [Phyllanthus amarus (Schumach. & Thonning) genótipo Unicamp-CPQBA 14] na produtividade de filantina Density of planting and age of Phillanthus amarus genotype UNICAMP/CPQBA-14 on the productivity of phyllanthin

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da densidade de plantio e da idade de Phyllanthus amarus CPQBA-14, sobre o teor e produtividade de filantina. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 6, com cinco repetições, envolvendo 4 tratamentos de densidade de plantio (400.000 pl ha -1; 200.000 pl ha -1; 100.000 pl ha -1 e 66.667,68 pl ha -1) com 6 colheitas (30, 45, 60, 75, 90 e 105 dias após o transplante (DAT)). Os dados foram submetidos a Análise de Variâncias e Regressão (P > 0.001). Para o teor de Filantina, foram observados efeitos significativos e independentes dos tratamentos de idade da planta na colheita e densidade de plantio. O teor de filantina aumentou linearmente com a idade da planta, atingindo o máximo aos 105 DAT, com teor de 11,52 g Kg-1. O adensamento populacional estimado que proporcionou máximo teor de filantina (8,66 g kg-1) foi de 299.860 pl ha-1. A produtividade de filantina apresentou interação significativa entre densidade de plantio e idade da planta na colheita. Observou-se que ao longo do crescimento da planta, os tratamentos com 200 e 400.000 pl ha -1 apresentaram as maiores produtividades de filantina (39,3 e 37,8 kg ha-1) aos 97,12 e 95,17 DAT, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o espaçamento apropriado para o melhor arranjo espacial de cultivo é de 299.860 pl ha-1 para as produtividades de 3.974,19 Kg (massa de matéria seca foliar) x 0,00866 kg (teor de filantina) = 34,416 kg ha-1 de filantina, com colheita programada aos 97 DAT.<br>The effect of planting density and age of Phyllanthus amarus- genotype CPQBA-14, on the content and productivity of phyllanthin were evaluated. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 4 x 6, with five replicates, consisting of 4 treatments of planting density (400.000 pl ha-1; 200.000 pl ha-1; 100.000 pl ha-1 and 66667.68 pl ha-1) with six ages of plants (30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 days after transplanting (DAT)). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression (P>0.005). For phyllanthin content independent and significant effects of harvest and planting density were observed. The phyllanthin contents increased with plant age, peaking at 105 DAT, with a content of 11.52 g kg-1. The estimated population density that provided the high phyllanthin contents (8.66 g kg-1) was at 299.860 pl ha-1. The productivity of phyllanthin showed significant interaction between planting density and plants ages. It was observed during the plant growth, the treatments with 200 and 400.000 pl ha -1 had the highest yield of phyllanthin (39.3 and 37.8 kg ha-1) with 95.17 and 97.12 DAT, respectively. We conclude that the proper spacing for best spatial arrangement of the cultivation is 299.860 pl ha-1 for the yield of 3974.19 kg (dry weight leaf) x 0.00866 kg (phyllanthin contents) = 34.416 kg ha-1 of phyllanthin with harvest scheduled at 97 DAT

    Water analysis

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