39 research outputs found

    HW/SW codesign techniques for dynamically reconfigurable architectures

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    Genesis of an atypical Podzol in the Iberian Range: micromorphological characterization

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    A podzol has been described in the Iberian Range (Moncayo Natural Park), which may represent the southernmost example in Europe. The fact that it occurs at the podzol distribution limit makes its morphology atypical. The aim of this work is to identify the components and formation processes of the soil, and to determine if the processes are active or paleo-processes by a micromorphological approach. The study podzol is located in the top of a northern hillside (30% of slope), at 1600 m altitude on quartzitic sandstones, under Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) with an udic moisture regime and a frigid temperature regime. We found opaque, orthic iron oxide nodules at the base of the profile (Bhs1), which is related to a current oxidation-reduction process; silt caps are also observed on the coarse elements, pedofeatures evidencing the cryoturbation process, probably also current processes. In the Bhs2 horizon, coatings and micro-laminated clay infillings are identified that are interspersed with fine silts in the holes. Many of these coatings are fragmented and mixed with the basal mass of the soil, indicating that they are paleofeature, possibly prior to the current podzolization. En el Sistema Ibérico (Parque Natural del Moncayo) han sido descritos Podzols, que se encuentran entre los más meridionales de Europa. El hecho de estar en su límite de distribución hace que su morfología sea atípica. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los componentes y procesos de formación del suelo, y determinar si los procesos son activos o paleo-procesos, mediante un enfoque micromorfológico. El Podzol de estudio está situado en la cima de una ladera septentrional (30% de pendiente), a 1600 m de altitud sobre areniscas cuarcíticas, bajo pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris) con un régimen de humedad údico y un régimen de temperatura frígido. Se encuentran nódulos opacos, órticos, de óxidos de hierro en la base del perfil (horizonte Bhs1), lo que está relacionado con un proceso de óxido-reducción actual; también se observan casquetes o cappings de limo en los elementos gruesos, edaforrasgo que evidencia el proceso de crioturbación, probablemente también actual. En el horizonte Bhs2 se identifican revestimientos y rellenos de arcilla microlaminada que se intercalan con limos finos en los poros. Muchos de estos revestimientos están fragmentados y mezclados con la masa basal del suelo, lo que indica que son paleoprocesos, posiblemente anteriores a la podzolización actual

    Predictive runtime code scheduling for heterogeneous architectures

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    Heterogeneous architectures are currently widespread. With the advent of easy-to-program general purpose GPUs, virtually every re- cent desktop computer is a heterogeneous system. Combining the CPU and the GPU brings great amounts of processing power. However, such architectures are often used in a restricted way for domain-speci c appli- cations like scienti c applications and games, and they tend to be used by a single application at a time. We envision future heterogeneous com- puting systems where all their heterogeneous resources are continuously utilized by di erent applications with versioned critical parts to be able to better adapt their behavior and improve execution time, power con- sumption, response time and other constraints at runtime. Under such a model, adaptive scheduling becomes a critical component. In this paper, we propose a novel predictive user-level scheduler based on past performance history for heterogeneous systems. We developed sev- eral scheduling policies and present the study of their impact on system performance. We demonstrate that such scheduler allows multiple appli- cations to fully utilize all available processing resources in CPU/GPU- like systems and consistently achieve speedups ranging from 30% to 40% compared to just using the GPU in a single application mode.Postprint (published version

    Development and preliminary testing of the new five-level version of EQ-5D (EQ-5D-5L)

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    This article introduces the new 5-level EQ-5D (EQ-5D-5L) health status measure. EQ-5D currently measures health using three levels of severity in five dimensions. A EuroQol Group task force was established to find ways of improving the instrument's sensitivity and reducing ceiling effects by increasing the number of severity levels. The study was performed in the United Kingdom and Spain. Severity labels for 5 levels in each dimension were identified using response scaling. Focus groups were used to investigate the face and content validity of the new versions, including hypothetical health states generated from those versions. Selecting labels at approximately the 25th, 50th, and 75th centiles produced two alternative 5-level versions. Focus group work showed a slight preference for the wording 'slight-moderate-severe' problems, with anchors of 'no problems' and 'unable to do' in the EQ-5D functional dimensions. Similar wording was used in the Pain/Discomfort and Anxiety/Depression dimensions. Hypothetical health states were well understood though participants stressed the need for the internal coherence of health states. A 5-level version of the EQ-5D has been developed by the EuroQol Group. Further testing is required to determine whether the new version improves sensitivity and reduces ceiling effects

    A component-based integrated toolkit

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    This paper presents the Integrated Toolkit, a framework which enables the easy development of Grid-unaware applications. While keeping the Grid transparent to the programmer, the Integrated Toolkit tries to optimize the performance of such applications by exploiting their inherent concurrency when executing them on the Grid. The Integrated Toolkit is designed to follow the Grid Component Model (GCM) and is therefore formed by several components, each one encapsulating a given functionality identified in the GRID superscalar runtime. Currently, a first functional prototype of the Integrated Toolkit is under development. On the one hand, we have chosen ProActive as the GCM implementation and, on the other, we have used JavaGAT as a uniform interface to abstract from the underlying Grid middleware when performing job submission and file transfer operations. Thus far, we have tested our prototype with several simple applications, showing that they maintain the same behaviour as if they were executed locally and sequentially

    A Service for Reliable Execution of Grid Applications

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