931 research outputs found

    Usaha Menyeimbangkan Otak Kiri Dengan Otak Kanan Bagi Anak

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    It is an honor for parents and children themselves if the child has high ability in the field of exact sciences in the form of natural sciences and mathematics,  but this is not realized that the child is only encouraged to develop left brain activities but the right brain seems to be neglected. As it is known that the human brain basically consists of two left and right hemispheres which ave different functions. The right brain tends to be related to E, interaction, communication with others, self-control, values and the nature of things. Meanwhile., the left brain tends to focus on logic, the ratio of writing, reading and mathmeatics. Between these two with different functions there is nothing wrong and both are useful. Because of that, there needs to be a balance to develop this function so that the next generation is not only good at creating new things but also thinking about the uses and effects of it

    Total focussing method for volumetric imaging in immersion non destructive evaluation

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    This paper describes the use of a 550 (25x22) element 2MHz 2D piezoelectric composite array in immersion mode to image an aluminum test block containing a collection of artificial defects. The defects included a 1mm diameter side-drilled hole, a collection of 1mm slot defects with varying degrees of skew to the normal and a flat bottomed hole. The data collection was carried out using the full matrix capture; a scanning procedure was developed to allow the operation of the large element count array through a conventional 64-channel phased array controller. A 3D TFM algorithm capable of imaging in a dual media environment was implemented in MATLAB for the offline processing the raw scan data. This algorithm facilitates the creation of 3D images of defects while accounting for refraction effects at material boundaries. In each of the test samples interrogated the defects, and their spatial position, are readily identified using TFM. Defect directional information has been characterized using VTFM for defect exhibiting angles up to and including 45o of skew


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    Otak adalah salah satu organ tubuh yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia, tentu tidak secara kebetulan bahwa otak seakan dilindungi oleh tulang kepala. Kerusakan yang terjadi mungkin akibat benturan dan gangguan lain akan mempengaruhi sistem berpikir secara normal. Otak manusia walaupun memiliki satu tempat, namun secara ilmiah dan fungsinya dapat dibagi dalam beberapa bagian yakni otak besar, otak kecil, otak kiri dan otak kanan yang diantarai oleh otak tengah. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis menguraikan pemahaman tentang kontribusi otak tengah yang tidak kalah penting dari bagian otak yang lain, termasuk dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar anak


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh kepemimpinan guru terhadap  prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survey, dengan variabel kepemimpinan guru (variabel bebas) dan Prestasi Belajar(variabel terikat). Penentuan jumlah sampel ditentukan menggunakan rumus Sugiyono dan diperoleh 30 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Uji validitas menggunakan rumus product moment, sedangkan uji reliabilitas dengan skala Likert. Uji prasyarat analisis data menggunakan uji Normalitas dengan metode Kolmogorov Shapiro-Wilk. Pada uji analisis data menggunakan Regresi Sederhana. Hasil penelitian kelas IV SD Negeri No 100409 Sampe Cita Kecamatan Kutalimbaru Kabupaten Deli Serdang diperoleh, kepemimpina  guru termasuk kriteria sangat tinggi dengan rata-rata 83,43, prestasi belajar siswa berkriteria sangat tinggi dengan rata-raa 81,67 dan ada pengaruh yang signifikan kepemimpinan guru terhadap prestasi belajar  siswa


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    Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Talking Stick. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri 104218 Desa Sidomuliyo. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri 104218 Desa Sidomuliyo sebanyak 30 orang siswa. Objek penelitian adalah model pembelajaran Talking Stick pada mata pelajaran IPA dengan materi Peristiwa Alam di Indonesia di kelas V SD Negeri 104218 Desa Sidomuliyo Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah lembar Observasi dan Tes.Hasil Penelitian Pada saat siklus I nilai rata-rata siswa 60,60 dan yang tuntas 60,73% setelah dilakukan tindakan yaitu pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan yakni nilai rata-rata menjadi 79,10 dan yang tuntas 96,5% . Kata Kunci : Talking stick, Model, IP

    Improving tree mortality models by accounting for environmental influences

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    Tree-ring chronologies have been widely used in studies of tree mortality where variables of recent growth act as an indicator of tree physiological vigour. Comparing recent radial growth of live and dead trees thus allows estimating probabilities of tree mortality. Sampling of mature dead trees usually provides death-year distributions that may span over years or decades. Recent growth of dead trees (prior to death) is then computed during a number of periods, whereas recent growth (prior to sampling) for live trees is computed for identical periods. Because recent growth of live and dead trees is then computed for different periods, external factors such as disturbance or climate may influence growth rates and, thus, mortality probability estimations. To counteract this problem, we propose the truncating of live-growth series to obtain similar frequency distributions of the "last year of growth" for the populations of live and dead trees. In this paper, we use different growth scenarios from several tree species, from several geographic sources, and from trees with different growth patterns to evaluate the impact of truncating on predictor variables and their selection in logistic regression analysis. Also, we assess the ability of the resulting models to accurately predict the status of trees through internal and external validation. Our results suggest that the truncating of live-growth series helps decrease the influence of external factors on growth comparisons. By doing so, it reinforces the growth-vigour link of the mortality model and enhances the model's accuracy as well as its general applicability. Hence, if model parameters are to be integrated in simulation models of greater geographical extent, truncating may be used to increase model robustness

    Summer CO2 evasion from streams and rivers in the Kolyma River basin, north-east Siberia

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    Inland water systems are generally supersaturated in carbon dioxide (CO2) and are increasingly recognized as playing an important role in the global carbon cycle. The Arctic may be particularly important in this respect, given the abundance of inland waters and carbon contained in Arctic soils; however, a lack of trace gas measurements from small streams in the Arctic currently limits this understanding.We investigated the spatial variability of CO2 evasion during the summer low-flow period from streams and rivers in the northern portion of the Kolyma River basin in north-eastern Siberia. To this end, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and gas exchange velocities (k) were measured at a diverse set of streams and rivers to calculate CO2 evasion fluxes. We combined these CO2 evasion estimates with satellite remote sensing and geographic information system techniques to calculate total areal CO2 emissions. Our results show that small streams are substantial sources of atmospheric CO2 owing to high pCO2 and k, despite being a small portion of total inland water surface area. In contrast, large rivers were generally near equilibrium with atmospheric CO2. Extrapolating our findings across the Panteleikha-Ambolikha sub-watersheds demonstrated that small streams play a major role in CO2 evasion, accounting for 86% of the total summer CO2 emissions from inland waters within these two sub-watersheds. Further expansion of these regional CO2 emission estimates across time and space will be critical to accurately quantify and understand the role of Arctic streams and rivers in the global carbon budget

    Universal behavior of localization of residue fluctuations in globular proteins

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    Localization properties of residue fluctuations in globular proteins are studied theoretically by using the Gaussian network model. Participation ratio for each residue fluctuation mode is calculated. It is found that the relationship between participation ratio and frequency is similar for all globular proteins, indicating a universal behavior in spite of their different size, shape, and architecture.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Outside in-group and out-group identities? Constructing male solidarity and female exclusion in UK builders’ talk

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    This article examines the spoken interactions of a group of British construction workers to discover whether it is possible to identify a distinctive ‘builders’ discourse’. Given that builders work for a mostly all-male profession (Curjao, 2006), we ask whether the ways in which male builders converse with each other while ‘on the job’ can be held in any way responsible for the under-representation of women within this major occupational sector in the UK. This article reports on a case study of the conversations of three white, working-class, male builders, which took place while travelling in a truck between different building sites. This forms part of a larger ethnographic study of builders’ discourse in different work locations. The analysis shows that male builders are highly collaborative in constructing narratives of in-group and out-group identities (Duszak, 2002; Tajfel, 1978). Various other male groups are demonized in these conversations: Polish immigrant builders, rude clients and rival builders. However, there is almost no reference to women. The article concludes that women are viewed as so unthreatening to male ascendancy in the building industry that they do not even feature within the ‘out-group’

    Exploration of human serum lipoprotein supramolecular phospholipids using statistical heterospectroscopy in n-Dimensions (SHY-n): Identification of potential cardiovascular risk biomarkers related to SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection causes a significant reduction in lipoprotein-bound serum phospholipids give rise to supramolecular phospholipid composite (SPC) signals observed in diffusion and relaxation edited 1H NMR spectra. To characterize the chemical structural components and compartmental location of SPC and to understand further its possible diagnostic properties, we applied a Statistical HeterospectroscopY in n-dimensions (SHY-n) approach. This involved statistically linking a series of orthogonal measurements made on the same samples, using independent analytical techniques and instruments, to identify the major individual phospholipid components giving rise to the SPC signals. Thus, an integrated model for SARS-CoV-2 positive and control adults is presented that relates three identified diagnostic subregions of the SPC signal envelope (SPC1, SPC2, and SPC3) generated using diffusion and relaxation edited (DIRE) NMR spectroscopy to lipoprotein and lipid measurements obtained by in vitro diagnostic NMR spectroscopy and ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS/MS). The SPC signals were then correlated sequentially with (a) total phospholipids in lipoprotein subfractions; (b) apolipoproteins B100, A1, and A2 in different lipoproteins and subcompartments; and (c) MS-measured total serum phosphatidylcholines present in the NMR detection range (i.e., PCs: 16.0,18.2; 18.0,18.1; 18.2,18.2; 16.0,18.1; 16.0,20.4; 18.0,18.2; 18.1,18.2), lysophosphatidylcholines (LPCs: 16.0 and 18.2), and sphingomyelin (SM 22.1). The SPC3/SPC2 ratio correlated strongly (r = 0.86) with the apolipoprotein B100/A1 ratio, a well-established marker of cardiovascular disease risk that is markedly elevated during acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. These data indicate the considerable potential of using a serum SPC measurement as a metric of cardiovascular risk based on a single NMR experiment. This is of specific interest in relation to understanding the potential for increased cardiovascular risk in COVID-19 patients and risk persistence in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS)