10 research outputs found

    Magnetoroton instabilities and static susceptibilities in higher Landau levels

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    We present analytical results concerning the magneto-roton instability in higher Landau levels evaluated in the single mode approximation. The roton gap appears at a finite wave vector, which is approximately independent of the LL index n, in agreement with numerical calculations in the composite-fermion picture. However, a large maximum in the static susceptibility indicates a charge density modulation with wave vectors q0(n)∼1/2n+1q_0(n)\sim 1/\sqrt{2n+1}, as expected from Hartree-Fock predictions. We thus obtain a unified description of the leading charge instabilities in all LLs.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Skyrmions in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    It is verified that, at small Zeeman energies, the charged excitations in the vicinity of 1/3 filled Landau level are skyrmions of composite fermions, analogous to the skyrmions of electrons near filling factor unity. These are found to be relevant, however, only at very low magnetic fields.Comment: 13 pages including 2 postscript figures; accepted for publication in Solid State Communications (1996

    Wigner Crystals in the lowest Landau level at low filling factors

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    We report on results of finite-size numerical studies of partially filled lowest Landau level at low electron filling factors. We find convincing evidence suggesting that electrons form Wigner Crystals at sufficiently low filling factors, and the critical filling factor is close to 1/7. At nu=1/7 we find the system undergoes a phase transition from Wigner Crystal to the incompressible Laughlin state when the short-range part of the Coulomb interaction is modified slightly. This transition is either continuous or very weakly first order.Comment: 5 papges RevTex with 8 eps figures embedded in the tex

    Skyrmion Dynamics and NMR Line Shapes in QHE Ferromagnets

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    The low energy charged excitations in quantum Hall ferromagnets are topological defects in the spin orientation known as skyrmions. Recent experimental studies on nuclear magnetic resonance spectral line shapes in quantum well heterostructures show a transition from a motionally narrowed to a broader `frozen' line shape as the temperature is lowered at fixed filling factor. We present a skyrmion diffusion model that describes the experimental observations qualitatively and shows a time scale of ∼50μsec\sim 50 \mu{\rm sec} for the transport relaxation time of the skyrmions. The transition is characterized by an intermediate time regime that we demonstrate is weakly sensitive to the dynamics of the charged spin texture excitations and the sub-band electronic wave functions within our model. We also show that the spectral line shape is very sensitive to the nuclear polarization profile along the z-axis obtained through the optical pumping technique.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Hamiltonian Description of Composite Fermions: Magnetoexciton Dispersions

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian theory of the FQHE, developed by Shankar and myself based on the fermionic Chern-Simons approach, has recently been quite successful in calculating gaps in Fractional Quantum Hall states, and in predicting approximate scaling relations between the gaps of different fractions. I now apply this formalism towards computing magnetoexciton dispersions (including spin-flip dispersions) in the ν=1/3\nu=1/3, 2/5, and 3/7 gapped fractions, and find approximate agreement with numerical results. I also analyse the evolution of these dispersions with increasing sample thickness, modelled by a potential soft at high momenta. New results are obtained for instabilities as a function of thickness for 2/5 and 3/7, and it is shown that the spin-polarized 2/5 state, in contrast to the spin-polarized 1/3 state, cannot be described as a simple quantum ferromagnet.Comment: 18 pages, 18 encapsulated ps figure

    Hamiltonian Theory of the FQHE: Conserving Approximation for Incompressible Fractions

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian theory of the FQHE developed by Shankar and the present author based on the fermionic Chern-Simons approach has recently been quite successful in calculating gaps and finite tempertature properties in Fractional Quantum Hall states. Initially proposed as a small-qq theory, it was subsequently extended by Shankar to form an algebraically consistent theory for all qq in the lowest Landau level. Such a theory is amenable to a conserving approximation in which the constraints have vanishing correlators and decouple from physical response functions. Properties of the incompressible fractions are explored in this conserving approximation, including the magnetoexciton dispersions and the evolution of the small-qq structure factor as \nu\to\half. Finally, a formalism capable of dealing with a nonuniform ground state charge density is developed and used to show how the correct fractional value of the quasiparticle charge emerges from the theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figure

    Mixed States of Composite Fermions Carrying Two and Four Vortices

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    There now exists preliminary experimental evidence for some fractions, such as ν\nu = 4/11 and 5/13, that do not belong to any of the sequences ν=n/(2pn±1)\nu=n/(2pn\pm 1), pp and nn being integers. We propose that these states are mixed states of composite fermions of different flavors, for example, composite fermions carrying two and four vortices. We also obtain an estimate of the lowest-excitation dispersion curve as well as the transport gap; the gaps for 4/11 are smaller than those for 1/3 by approximately a factor of 50.Comment: Accepted for PRB rapid communication (scheduled to appear in Nov 15, 2000 issue

    Structures for Interacting Composite Fermions: Stripes, Bubbles, and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    Much of the present day qualitative phenomenology of the fractional quantum Hall effect can be understood by neglecting the interactions between composite fermions altogether. For example the fractional quantum Hall effect at ν=n/(2pn±1)\nu=n/(2pn\pm 1) corresponds to filled composite-fermion Landau levels,and the compressible state at ν=1/2p\nu=1/2p to the Fermi sea of composite fermions. Away from these filling factors, the residual interactions between composite fermions will determine the nature of the ground state. In this article, a model is constructed for the residual interaction between composite fermions, and various possible states are considered in a variational approach. Our study suggests formation of composite-fermion stripes, bubble crystals, as well as fractional quantum Hall states for appropriate situations.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Positions of the magnetoroton minima in the fractional quantum Hall effect

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    The multitude of excitations of the fractional quantum Hall state are very accurately understood, microscopically, as excitations of composite fermions across their Landau-like Λ\Lambda levels. In particular, the dispersion of the composite fermion exciton, which is the lowest energy spin conserving neutral excitation, displays filling-factor-specific minima called "magnetoroton" minima. Simon and Halperin employed the Chern-Simons field theory of composite fermions [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 48}, 17368 (1993)] to predict the magnetoroton minima positions. Recently, Golkar \emph{et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 117}, 216403 (2016)] have modeled the neutral excitations as deformations of the composite fermion Fermi sea, which results in a prediction for the positions of the magnetoroton minima. Using methods of the microscopic composite fermion theory we calculate the positions of the roton minima for filling factors up to 5/11 along the sequence s/(2s+1)s/(2s+1) and find them to be in reasonably good agreement with both the Chern-Simons field theory of composite fermions and Golkar \emph{et al.}'s theory. We also find that the positions of the roton minima are insensitive to the microscopic interaction in agreement with Golkar \emph{et al.}'s theory. As a byproduct of our calculations, we obtain the charge and neutral gaps for the fully spin polarized states along the sequence s/(2s±1)s/(2s\pm 1) in the lowest Landau level and the n=1n=1 Landau level of graphene.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, published versio