81 research outputs found

    Взаємозв’язок великих кондратьєвських циклів розвитку економіки і системних світових конфліктів

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    Однією з найважливіших проблем, що постала перед сучасною наукою у зв’язку із стрімким розгортанням глобальної економічної кризи, загостренням світових конфліктів, є вироблення науково обґрунтованих «метричних» експрес прогнозів розвитку суспільства на ближчу і далеку перспективу

    On the reliability of merger-trees and the mass growth histories of dark matter haloes

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    We have used merger trees realizations to study the formation of dark matter haloes. The construction of merger-trees is based on three different pictures about the formation of structures in the Universe. These pictures include: the spherical collapse (SC), the ellipsoidal collapse (EC) and the non-radial collapse (NR). The reliability of merger-trees has been examined comparing their predictions related to the distribution of the number of progenitors, as well as the distribution of formation times, with the predictions of analytical relations. The comparison yields a very satisfactory agreement. Subsequently, >.........Comment: A&SS Accepte

    On the spin distributions of Λ\LambdaCDM haloes

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    We used merger trees realizations, predicted by the extended Press-Schechter theory, in order to study the growth of angular momentum of dark matter haloes. Our results showed that: 1) The spin parameter λ\lambda' resulting from the above method, is an increasing function of the present day mass of the halo. The mean value of λ\lambda' varies from 0.0343 to 0.0484 for haloes with present day masses in the range of 109h1M 10^9\mathrm{h}^{-1}M_{\odot} to 1014h1M10^{14}\mathrm{h}^{-1}M_{\odot}. 2)The distribution of λ\lambda' is close to a log-normal, but, as it is already found in the results of N-body simulations, the match is not satisfactory at the tails of the distribution. A new analytical formula that approximates the results much more satisfactorily is presented. 3) The distribution of the values of λ\lambda' depends only weakly on the redshift. 4) The spin parameter of an halo depends on the number of recent major mergers. Specifically the spin parameter is an increasing function of this number.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Measurement of the Charged Multiplicities in b, c and Light Quark Events from Z0 Decays

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    Average charged multiplicities have been measured separately in bb, cc and light quark (u,d,su,d,s) events from Z0Z^0 decays measured in the SLD experiment. Impact parameters of charged tracks were used to select enriched samples of bb and light quark events, and reconstructed charmed mesons were used to select cc quark events. We measured the charged multiplicities: nˉuds=20.21±0.10(stat.)±0.22(syst.)\bar{n}_{uds} = 20.21 \pm 0.10 (\rm{stat.})\pm 0.22(\rm{syst.}), nˉc=21.28±0.46(stat.)0.36+0.41(syst.)\bar{n}_{c} = 21.28 \pm 0.46(\rm{stat.}) ^{+0.41}_{-0.36}(\rm{syst.}) nˉb=23.14±0.10(stat.)0.37+0.38(syst.)\bar{n}_{b} = 23.14 \pm 0.10(\rm{stat.}) ^{+0.38}_{-0.37}(\rm{syst.}), from which we derived the differences between the total average charged multiplicities of cc or bb quark events and light quark events: Δnˉc=1.07±0.47(stat.)0.30+0.36(syst.)\Delta \bar{n}_c = 1.07 \pm 0.47(\rm{stat.})^{+0.36}_{-0.30}(\rm{syst.}) and Δnˉb=2.93±0.14(stat.)0.29+0.30(syst.)\Delta \bar{n}_b = 2.93 \pm 0.14(\rm{stat.})^{+0.30}_{-0.29}(\rm{syst.}). We compared these measurements with those at lower center-of-mass energies and with perturbative QCD predictions. These combined results are in agreement with the QCD expectations and disfavor the hypothesis of flavor-independent fragmentation.Comment: 19 pages LaTex, 4 EPS figures, to appear in Physics Letters

    Linear Collider Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001, 3: Studies of Exotic and Standard Model Physics

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    This Resource Book reviews the physics opportunities of a next-generation e+e- linear collider and discusses options for the experimental program. Part 3 reviews the possible experiments on that can be done at a linear collider on strongly coupled electroweak symmetry breaking, exotic particles, and extra dimensions, and on the top quark, QCD, and two-photon physics. It also discusses the improved precision electroweak measurements that this collider will make available.This Resource Book reviews the physics opportunities of a next-generation e+e- linear collider and discusses options for the experimental program. Part 3 reviews the possible experiments on that can be done at a linear collider on strongly coupled electroweak symmetry breaking, exotic particles, and extra dimensions, and on the top quark, QCD, and two-photon physics. It also discusses the improved precision electroweak measurements that this collider will make available

    Production of pi+, pi-, K+, K-, p and p-bar in Light (uds), c and b Jets from Z0 Decays

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    We present improved measurements of the differential production rates of stable charged particles in hadronic Z0 decays, and of charged pions, kaons and protons identified over a wide momentum range using the SLD Cherenkov Ring Imaging Detector. In addition to flavor-inclusive Z0 decays, measurements are made for Z0 decays into light (u, d, s), c and b primary flavors, selected using the upgraded Vertex Detector. Large differences between the flavors are observed that are qualitatively consistent with expectations based upon previously measured production and decay properties of heavy hadrons. These results are used to test the predictions of QCD in the Modified Leading Logarithm Approximation, with the ansatz of Local Parton-Hadron Duality, and the predictions of three models of the hadronization process. The light-flavor results provide improved tests of these predictions, as they do not include the contribution of heavy-hadron production and decay; the heavy-flavor results provide complementary model tests. In addition we have compared hadron and antihadron production in light quark (as opposed to antiquark) jets. Differences are observed at high momentum for all three charged hadron species, providing direct probes of leading particle effects, and stringent constraints on models.Comment: 44 pages, 14 figs; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Altered TMPRSS2 usage by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron impacts infectivity and fusogenicity

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    The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 variant emerged in 20211 and has multiple mutations in its spike protein2. Here we show that the spike protein of Omicron has a higher affinity for ACE2 compared with Delta, and a marked change in its antigenicity increases Omicron’s evasion of therapeutic monoclonal and vaccine-elicited polyclonal neutralizing antibodies after two doses. mRNA vaccination as a third vaccine dose rescues and broadens neutralization. Importantly, the antiviral drugs remdesivir and molnupiravir retain efficacy against Omicron BA.1. Replication was similar for Omicron and Delta virus isolates in human nasal epithelial cultures. However, in lung cells and gut cells, Omicron demonstrated lower replication. Omicron spike protein was less efficiently cleaved compared with Delta. The differences in replication were mapped to the entry efficiency of the virus on the basis of spike-pseudotyped virus assays. The defect in entry of Omicron pseudotyped virus to specific cell types effectively correlated with higher cellular RNA expression of TMPRSS2, and deletion of TMPRSS2 affected Delta entry to a greater extent than Omicron. Furthermore, drug inhibitors targeting specific entry pathways3 demonstrated that the Omicron spike inefficiently uses the cellular protease TMPRSS2, which promotes cell entry through plasma membrane fusion, with greater dependency on cell entry through the endocytic pathway. Consistent with suboptimal S1/S2 cleavage and inability to use TMPRSS2, syncytium formation by the Omicron spike was substantially impaired compared with the Delta spike. The less efficient spike cleavage of Omicron at S1/S2 is associated with a shift in cellular tropism away from TMPRSS2-expressing cells, with implications for altered pathogenesis

    Dynamic Adsorption of CO2/N2 on Cation-Exchanged Chabazite SSZ-13: A Breakthrough Analysis

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    Alkali-exchanged SSZ-13 adsorbents were investigated for their applicability in separating N2 from CO2 in flue gas streams using a dynamic breakthrough method. In contrast to IAST calculations based on equilibrium isotherms, K+ exchanged SSZ-13 was found to yield the best N2 productivity, comparable to Ni-MOF-74, under dynamic conditions where diffusion properties play a significant role. This was attributed to the selective, partial blockage of access to the chabazite cavities, enhancing the separation potential in a 15/85 CO2/N2 binary gas mixture