2,413 research outputs found

    Instanton Distribution in Quenched and Full QCD

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    In order to optimize cooling as a technique to study the instanton content of the QCD vacuum, we have studied the effects of alternative algorithms, improved actions and boundary conditions on the evolution of single instantons and instanton anti-instanton pairs. Using these results, we have extracted and compared the instanton content of quenched and full QCD.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX file + 3 figures included, uses epsfig.sty and espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at LATTICE96(topology

    Physiopathological role of the enzymatic complex 5α-reductase and 3α/β-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase in the generation of progesterone and testosterone neuroactive metabolites

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    The enzymatic complex 5\u3b1-reductase (5\u3b1-R) and 3\u3b1/3\u3b2-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (HSOR) is expressed in the nervous system, where it transforms progesterone (PROG) and testosterone (T) into neuroactive metabolites. These metabolites regulate myelination, brain maturation, neurotransmission, reproductive behavior and the stress response. The expression of 5\u3b1-R and 3\u3b1-HSOR and the levels of PROG and T reduced metabolites show regional and sex differences in the nervous system and are affected by changing physiological conditions as well as by neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. A decrease in their nervous tissue levels may negatively impact the course and outcome of some pathological events. However, in other pathological conditions their increased levels may have a negative impact. Thus, the use of synthetic analogues of these steroids or 5\u3b1-R modulation have been proposed as therapeutic approaches for several nervous system pathologies. However, further research is needed to fully understand the consequences of these manipulations, in particular with 5\u3b1-R inhibitors

    Dielectric (p,q) Strings in a Throat

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    We calculate the (p,q) string spectrum in a warped deformed conifold using the dielectric brane method. The spectrum is shown to have the same functional form as in the dual picture of a wrapped D3-brane with electric and magnetic fluxes on its world volume. The agreement is exact in the limit where q is large. We also calculate the dielectric spectrum in the S-dual picture. The spectrum in the S-dual picture has the same form as in the original picture but it is not exactly S-dual invariant due to an interchange of Casimirs of the non-Abelian gauge symmetries. We argue that in order to restore S-duality invariance the non-Abelian brane action should be refined, probably by a better prescription for the non-Abelian trace operation

    The Orbit of the New Milky Way Globular Cluster FSR1716 =VVV-GC05

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    Indexación: Scopus.We use deep, multi-epoch near-IR images of the VISTA Variables in the Via Lictea (VVV) Survey to measure proper motions (PMs) of stars in the Milky Way globular cluster (GC) FSR1716 = VVV-GC05. The colormagnitude diagram of this object, made by using PM-selected members, shows an extended horizontal branch, nine confirmed RR Lyrae (RRL) members in the instability strip, and possibly several hotter stars extending to the blue. Based on the fundamental-mode (ab-type) RRL stars that move coherently with the cluster, we confirmed that FSR1716 is an Oosterhoff I GC with a mean period aPabn = 0.574 days. Intriguingly, we detect tidal extensions to both sides of this cluster in the spatial distribution of PM-selected member stars. Also, one of the confirmed RRabs is located -11 arcmin in projection from the cluster center, suggesting that FSR1716 may be losing stars due to the gravitational interaction with the Galaxy. We also measure radial velocities (RVs) for five cluster red giants selected using the PMs. The combination of RVs and PMs allow us to compute for the first time the orbit of this GC, using an updated Galactic potential. The orbit results to be confined within|Zmax| < 2.0 kpc, and has eccentricity 0.4 < e < 0.6, with perigalactic distance 1.5 < Rperi (kpc) < 2.3, and apogalactic distance 5.3 < Rapo (kpc) < 6.4. We conclude that, in agreement with its relatively low metallicity ([Fe/H] =-1.4 dex), this is an inner-halo GC plunging into the disk of the Galaxy. As such, this is a unique object with which to test the dynamical processes that contribute to the disruption of Galactic GCs. © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aacd0

    Physical performance and physical activity in older adults: associated but separate domains of physical function in old age.

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    Background: Physical Function Is A Crucial Factor In The Prevention And Treatment Of Health Conditions In Older Adults And Is Usually Measured Objectively With Physical Performance Tests And/or Physical Activity Monitoring. Objective: To Examine Whether 1) Physical Performance (PP) And Physical Activity (PA) Constitute Separate Domains Of Physical Function; 2) Differentiation Of PA Classes Is More Informative Than Overall PA. Design: Cross-Sectional Study To Explore The Relationships Within And Among PP And PA Measures. Methods In 49 Older Participants (83±7 Years; M±SD), Performance-based Tests Were Conducted And PA Was Measured For One Week. Activity Monitor Data Were Reduced In Terms Of Duration, Periods, And Mean Duration Of Periods Of Lying, Sitting, Standing And Locomotion. The Relation Between And Within PP Scores And PA Outcomes Were Analysed Using Rank Order Correlation And Factor Analysis. Results: Factor Structure After Varimax Rotation Revealed Two Orthogonal Factors Explaining 78% Of The Variance In The Data: One Comprising All PA Variables And One Comprising All PP Variables. PP Scores Correlated Moderately With PA In Daily Life. Differentiation Of Activity Types And Quantification Of Their Duration, Intensity And Frequency Of Occurrence Provided Stronger Associations With PP, As Compared To A Single Measure Of Acceleration Expressing Overall PA. Limitations: For Independent Validation, The Conclusions About The Validity Of The Presented Conceptual Framework And Its Clinical Implications Need To Be Confirmed In Other Studies. Conclusions: PP And PA Represent Associated But Separate Domains Of Physical Function, Suggesting That An Improvement Of PP Does Not Automatically Imply An Increase Of PA, I.e. A Change To A More Active Lifestyle. Differentiation Of Activity Classes In The Analysis Of PA Provides More Insights Into PA And Its Association With PP Than Using A Single Overall Measure Of Acceleration

    The phase relation between sunspot numbers and soft X-ray flares

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    To better understand long-term flare activity, we present a statistical study on soft X-ray flares from May 1976 to May 2008. It is found that the smoothed monthly peak fluxes of C-class, M-class, and X-class flares have a very noticeable time lag of 13, 8, and 8 months in cycle 21 respectively with respect to the smoothed monthly sunspot numbers. There is no time lag between the sunspot numbers and M-class flares in cycle 22. However, there is a one-month time lag for C-class flares and a one-month time lead for X-class flares with regard to sunspot numbers in cycle 22. For cycle 23, the smoothed monthly peak fluxes of C-class, M-class, and X-class flares have a very noticeable time lag of one month, 5 months, and 21 months respectively with respect to sunspot numbers. If we take the three types of flares together, the smoothed monthly peak fluxes of soft X-ray flares have a time lag of 9 months in cycle 21, no time lag in cycle 22 and a characteristic time lag of 5 months in cycle 23 with respect to the smoothed monthly sunspot numbers. Furthermore, the correlation coefficients of the smoothed monthly peak fluxes of M-class and X-class flares and the smoothed monthly sunspot numbers are higher in cycle 22 than those in cycles 21 and 23. The correlation coefficients between the three kinds of soft X-ray flares in cycle 22 are higher than those in cycles 21 and 23. These findings may be instructive in predicting C-class, M-class, and X-class flares regarding sunspot numbers in the next cycle and the physical processes of energy storage and dissipation in the corona.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    18F-FDG PET/CT in breast cancer: Evidence-based recommendations in initial staging

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    Current guidelines do not systematically recommend 18F-FDG PET/CT for breast cancer staging; and the recommendations and level of evidence supporting its use in different groups of patients vary among guidelines. This review summarizes the evidence about the role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in breast cancer staging and the therapeutic and prognostic impact accumulated in the last decade. Other related aspects, such as the association of metabolic information with biology and prognosis are considered and evidence-based recommendations for the use of 18F-FDG PET/CT in breast cancer staging are offered. We systematically searched MEDLINE for articles reporting studies with at least 30 patients related to clinical questions following the Problem/Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome framework. We critically reviewed the selected articles and elaborated evidence tables structuring the summarized information into methodology, results, and limitations. The level of evidence and the grades of recommendation for the use of 18F-FDG PET/CT in different contexts are summarized. Level III evidence supports the use of 18F-FDG PET/CT for initial staging in patients with recently diagnosed breast cancer; the diagnostic and therapeutic impact of the 18F-FDG PET/CT findings is sufficient for a weak recommendation in this population. In patients with locally advanced breast cancer, level II evidence supports the use of 18F-FDG PET/CT for initial staging; the diagnostic and therapeutic impact of the 18F-FDG PET/CT findings is sufficient for a strong recommendation in this population. In patients with recently diagnosed breast cancer, the metabolic information from baseline 18F-FDG PET/CT is associated with tumor biology and has prognostic implications, supported by level II evidence. In conclusion, 18F-FDG PET/CT is not recommended for staging all patients with early breast cancer, although evidence of improved regional and systemic staging supports its use in locally advanced breast cancer. Baseline tumor glycolytic activity is associated with tumor biology and prognosis

    Fuzzy Scalar Field Theory as a Multitrace Matrix Model

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    We develop an analytical approach to scalar field theory on the fuzzy sphere based on considering a perturbative expansion of the kinetic term. This expansion allows us to integrate out the angular degrees of freedom in the hermitian matrices encoding the scalar field. The remaining model depends only on the eigenvalues of the matrices and corresponds to a multitrace hermitian matrix model. Such a model can be solved by standard techniques as e.g. the saddle-point approximation. We evaluate the perturbative expansion up to second order and present the one-cut solution of the saddle-point approximation in the large N limit. We apply our approach to a model which has been proposed as an appropriate regularization of scalar field theory on the plane within the framework of fuzzy geometry.Comment: 1+25 pages, replaced with published version, minor improvement

    Combined analysis of solar neutrino and solar irradiance data: further evidence for variability of the solar neutrino flux and its implications concerning the solar core

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    A search for any particular feature in any single solar neutrino dataset is unlikely to establish variability of the solar neutrino flux since the count rates are very low. It helps to combine datasets, and in this article we examine data from both the Homestake and GALLEX experiments. These show evidence of modulation with a frequency of 11.85 yr-1, which could be indicative of rotational modulation originating in the solar core. We find that precisely the same frequency is prominent in power spectrum analyses of the ACRIM irradiance data for both the Homestake and GALLEX time intervals. These results suggest that the solar core is inhomogeneous and rotates with sidereal frequency 12.85 yr-1. We find, by Monte Carlo calculations, that the probability that the neutrino data would by chance match the irradiance data in this way is only 2 parts in 10,000. This rotation rate is significantly lower than that of the inner radiative zone (13.97 yr-1) as recently inferred from analysis of Super-Kamiokande data, suggesting that there may be a second, inner tachocline separating the core from the radiative zone. This opens up the possibility that there may be an inner dynamo that could produce a strong internal magnetic field and a second solar cycle.Comment: 22 pages, 9 tables, 10 figure