825 research outputs found

    Development of a novel micro-assay for evaluation of peroxyl radical scavenger capacity: Application to carotenoids and structure–activity relationship

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    AbstractA micro-assay was developed and validated, using a microplate reader in 96-well format, C11–BODIPY581/591 as fluorescent probe and AIBN as ROO generator. The structure–activity relationship was established for 15 carotenoid standards, indicating that the opening of the β-ionone ring and the increase of chromophore extension in the carotenoid structure were the major factors leading to the increase of ROO scavenging capacity. The values for ROO scavenging capacity were calculated using α-tocopherol as reference compound. Among the studied carotenoids, all-trans-lycopene was the most efficient ROO scavenger (8.67±0.74) followed by all-trans-astaxanthin (6.50±0.62). All the carotenoids showed to be more effective ROO scavengers than α-tocopherol and some hydrophilic compounds. Finally, the method was successfully applied to assay the ROO scavenging capacity of carotenoid extracts from two Amazonian fruits, peach palm (7.83±0.21) and mamey (6.90±0.44)

    Evaluation Of Biochemical And Serological Methods To Identify And Clustering Yeast Cells Of Oral Candida Species By Chromagar Test, Sds-page And Elisa.

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate biochemical and serological methods to characterize and identify Candida species from the oral cavity. The strains used were five Candida species previously identified: C. albicans, C. guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, C. tropicalis, and Kluyveromyces marxianus, as a negative control. The analyses were conducted through the SDS-PAGE associated with statistical analysis using software, chromogenic medium, and CHROMagar Candida (CA), as a differential medium for the isolation and presumptive identification of clinically important yeasts and an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA), using antisera produced against antigens from two C. albicans strains. This method enabled the screening of the three Candida species: C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. krusei, with 100% of specificity. The ELISA using purified immunoglobulin G showed a high level of cross-reaction against protein extracts of Candida species. The SDS-PAGE method allowed the clustering of species-specific isolates using the Simple Matching coefficient, S(SM) = 1.0. The protein profile analysis by SDS-PAGE increases what is known about the taxonomic relationships among oral yeasts. This methodology showed good reproducibility and allows collection of useful information for numerical analysis on information relevant to clinical application, and epidemiological and systematical studies.64231732

    WildKey: A Privacy-Aware Keyboard Toolkit for Data Collection In-The-Wild

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    Touch data, and in particular text-entry data, has been predominantly collected in laboratory settings, under controlled conditions. While touch and text-entry data has consistently shown its potential for monitoring and detecting a variety of conditions and impairments, its deployment in-the-wild remains a challenge. In this paper, we present WildKey, an Android keyboard toolkit that allows for the usable deployment of in-the-wild user studies. WildKey is able to analyse text-entry behaviours through implicit and explicit text-entry data collection while ensuring user privacy. We detail each of the WildKey’s components and features, metrics collected, and discuss the steps taken to ensure user privacy thus promoting compliance

    Дискусійні питання історії ЗУНР

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    У статті аналізуються питання, які все ще залишаються в історіографії Західноукраїнської Народної Республіки. Автор звертає увагу на контроверсійні точки зору щодо революційних подій, які відбулися 1 листопада 1918 р. у Львові, стосовно часу існування ЗУНР, Акту злуки УНР та ЗУНР, причин поразки Української Галицької армії тощо.The author of the article analyses the questions that are still disputable in modern Ukrainian historiography. The author attracts our attention to the controversial points of view concerning the type of revolutionary events which took place on the 1 st of November 1918 in Lviv, concerning the time of WUPR existence, concerning the Act of Unification of Western Ukrainian People’s Republic end Ukrainian People’s Republic , concerning the reasons of the defeat of Ukrainian army, etc

    Immobilization of Candida antarctica Lipase Type B by Adsorption on Activated Carbon

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    The immobilization of Candida antarctica lipase type B on activated carbon was studied. Adsorption conditions were investigated in order to improve enzyme activity and stability in organic media. Results showed that biocatalyst activity and recovered activity were improved with increasing concentrations of ammonium sulphate on the supernatant during enzyme adsorption. Hydrophobic interactions were the driving force of the immobilization process. Nevertheless, the specific and recovered activity of the immobilized enzyme is affected by pH of adsorption, and best results were obtained when lipase adsorption was conducted near the enzyme isoeletric point (pI 6.0). Operational stability of the immobilized enzyme was markedly improved when lipase loading was increased from 74.15 U g-1 to 112.34 U g-1. After the sixth cycle of butyl butyrate synthesis, it retained around 10 % of the initial activity. Derivatives prepared in this work were tested and compared to a commercial derivative and results showed that they were a suitable biocatalyst to be used in the synthesis of flavours, such as butyl butyrate


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo o levantamento e análise das fontes de apoio financeiro e gerencial que foram buscadas por pequenas indústrias do setor metal-mecânico vinculadas ao Projeto PEPI para as atividades de inovação, procurando também identificar as principais motivações que levaram seus gestores a buscar o apoio de agentes externos. A pesquisa buscou analisar ainda se estas empresas inovam em produto e processo. Para tanto, utilizou-se como referência o Manual de Oslo, que traz as diretrizes para a coleta e interpretação de dados sobre inovação. Com base neste manual foi possível a elaboração de um questionário para coleta dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que as indústrias do setor metal-mecânico inovaram no período em análise, sendo que a maioria das inovações se refere a categoria “produtos novos para a empresa”. Quanto à inovação de processo destacou-se a introdução de algum “novo método na fabricação dos produtos”. Em relação às fontes de apoio financeiro a grande maioria utilizou os fundos próprios; as instituições financeiras foram buscadas por menos da metade das empresas. Nas fontes de apoio gerencial se destacaram o SEBRAE e o Projeto PEPI, sendo a Universidade a terceira opção mais procurada. As motivações pela busca de fontes de apoio externo se destacaram a necessidade de recursos financeiros e a possibilidade de obter o apoio na gestão

    Production of live larvae following in vitro maturation of zebrafish oocytes.

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    This study aimed to assess the effects of carp pituitary extract (CPE), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) on zebrafish oocyte maturation and the ability of these mature oocytes to be fertilized and developed until hatching. Stage III follicles were matured in eight treatments: five concentrations of CPE (16, 32, 48, 64 and 80 μg/mL), one of FSH (0.5 μg/mL), one of LH (0.5 μg/mL), or one combination of FSH (0.5 μg/mL) and LH (0.5 μg/mL). Maturation rates in CPE treatments were 12.8% (16 μg/mL), 24.8% (32 μg/mL), 27.0% (48 μg/mL), 22.7% (64 μg/mL) and 9.6% (80 μg/mL); in FSH was 15.7% (0.5 μg/mL), in LH was 31.8% (0.5 μg/mL) and in FSH (0.5 μg/mL) combined with LH (0.5 μg/mL) it was 50.4%. In vitro fertilization was performed in all treatments; however, only the treatment combining FSH and LH resulted in fertilized oocytes. After maturation using FSH combined with LH, the cleavage rate was 33.3% and hatching rate of live larvae was 20.0%. These results showed that FSH combined with LH was effective in IVM of zebrafish oocyte

    ER stress activation in the intestinal mucosa but not in mesenteric adipose tissue is associated with inflammation in Crohn’s disease patients

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    Chronic/abnormal activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is linked to the exacerbation of the inflammatory process and has been recently linked to Crohn’s disease (CD) pathophysiology. We investigated the intestinal mucosa and the mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) collected from CD patients with active disease (CD group) and from non-IBD patients (CTR group) to study ER stress activation and to address tissue-specific modulation in CD. The intestinal mucosa of CD patients showed an upregulation in the expression of ER stress related genes, including ATF3, DNAJC3, STC2, DDIT3, CALR, HSPA5 and HSP90B1. Results showed that EIF2AK3 gene was upregulated, along with increased protein expression of p-eIF2α and p-eIF2α/eIF2α ratio. Additionally, ERN1 gene expression was upregulated, along with an increased spliced/activated form sXBP1 protein. Despite the upregulation of ATF6 gene expression in the intestinal mucosa of CD patients, no differences were found in ATF6 protein expression. Lastly, the analysis of MAT revealed unchanged levels of ER stress markers along with no differences in the activation of UPR. However, chaperone gene expression was modulated in the MAT of CD patients. To conclude, our results address tissue-specific differences in UPR activation in CD and point the ER stress as an important pro-inflammatory mechanism in CD, specifically in the intestinal mucosa149CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP401270/2016-502-P-28707/20122016/01638-

    Impactos ambientais do manejo agroecológico da caatinga no Rio Grande do Norte.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os impactos ambientais do manejo agroecológico da caatinga, em unidades de produção familiar no Rio Grande do Norte, pelo método Ambitec de produção animal - dimensão ambiental, desenvolvido pela Embrapa Meio Ambiente. Foram avaliadas sete unidades de produção familiar, em quatro projetos de assentamentos de reforma agrária do Município de Apodi, RN. Os dados para o levantamento foram obtidos por meio de questionários aplicados aos representantes das unidades produtivas familiares, que atribuíram, a cada variável estudada, um valor que representou a alteração proporcionada pela implementação da tecnologia. Após a inserção dos coeficientes de alteração de cada variável dos indicadores por unidade de produção, o coeficiente de impacto foi automaticamente calculado por meio da planilha Ambitec. O manejo agroecológico da caatinga resultou num impacto ambiental positivo, e suas maiores contribuições foram relacionadas aos efeitos positivos dos seguintes indicadores: capacidade produtiva do solo, uso de insumos materiais, qualidade do produto e diminuição da emissão de poluentes à atmosfera. Dois indicadores geraram efeitos negativos: o uso de energia e o uso de recursos naturais. Pela superioridade dos benefícios gerados, o manejo agroecológico da caatinga é uma inovação tecnológica geradora de impactos ambientais positivos

    Scarabaeoidea (Insecta : Coleoptera) in the Brazilian Cerrado : current state of knowledge

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    Besouros pertencentes à superfamília Scarabaeoidea ocupam habitats variados, possuem hábitos alimentares diversifi cados, desempenham importante papel ecológico e diversas espécies apresentam importância agrícola. No entanto, estudos com esse grupo na região do Cerrado são escassos. Nesta revisão realizou-se um levantamento dos artigos publicados nos últimos 30 anos a respeito dos Scarabaeoidea no Cerrado. Foram recuperados 64 artigos, realizados em nove unidades da federação, que focavam quatro temas principais espécies praga, aspectos bioecológicos, biodiversidade e importância ecológica, e técnicas e metodologias de coleta de Scarabaeoidea. Os resultados desta revisão indicam que poucos estudos foram realizados com os Scarabaeoidea no Cerrado brasileiro nas últimas décadas frente à importância e diversidade desse grupo de insetos.Beetles belonging to the superfamily Scarabaeoidea occupy different habitats, present feeding habits diversifi ed, play an important ecological role and several species have agricultural importance. However, studies with this group in the Brazilian Cerrado are scarce. In this review we carried out a survey of scientifi c articles published in the past 30 years concerning Scarabaeoidea in the Cerrado. Were found 64 studies in nine Brazilian states. The studies focused on four main topics: pest species, bioecology, biodiversity and ecological importance, techniques and methodologies for collecting Scarabaeoidea. The results of this review indicate that few studies have been conducted with Scarabaeoidea in the Cerrado in recent decades compared to the importance and diversity of this group of insects