7,256 research outputs found

    Analysis of the land surface heterogeneity and its impact on atmospheric variables and the aerodynamic and thermodynamic roughness lengths

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    The land surface heterogeneity has a very significant impact on atmospheric variables (air temperature T-a, wind speed u, and humidity q), the aerodynamic roughness length z(0m), thermodynamic roughness length z(0h), and the excess resistance to heat transfer kB(-1). First, in this study the land surface heterogeneity has been documented through the comparison of surface reflectance r(0), surface temperature T-0, net radiation flux R-n, and sensible heat flux H partitioning over the different land cover types in the experimental areas of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Asian Monsoon Experiment on the Tibetan Plateau (GAME/Tibet), the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) Asia-Australia Monsoon Project on the Tibetan Plateau (CAMP/Tibet), the Heihe Basin Field Experiment (HEIFE), the Arid Environment Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, 95 (AECMP' 95), and the Dun Huang Experiment (DHEX). The results show that the surface heterogeneity was very significant in the areas of the HEIFE, the AECMP' 95, and the DHEX and that it was less significant in the areas of CAMP/Tibet and GAME/Tibet. Second, the vertical profiles of T-a, u, and q in the near-surface layer and above the blending height z(b) have been analyzed using the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) tower data, radiosonde data, and tethered balloon data observed during the HEIFE, the DHEX, and the CAMP/Tibet. The results show that the land surface heterogeneity leads in the near-surface layer to different vertical profiles of u, T-a, and q overlying the surfaces of the Gobi and the oasis in the areas of the HEIFE and DHEX. The values of u, T-a, and q become well mixed above a height of about 300 m at the HEIFE and 150 m at the DHEX. z(0m), z(0h), and kB(-1) over the different land surfaces have also been determined in this study. The results show that the land surface heterogeneity leads to different aerodynamic and thermodynamic parameters over the areas of the HEIFE, the AECMP' 95, and the GAME/Tibe

    A theorem for the beam splitter entangler

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    It is conjectured that the an entanglement output states from a beam splitter requires the nonclassicality in the input state(M.S. Kim, W. Son, V. Buzek and P. L. Knight, Phys. Rev. A, 65, 032323(2002)). Here we give a proof for this conjecture.Comment: Two relevant literatures added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Population dynamics of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae in in vitro monoxenic solid culture

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    La présente étude sur la dynamique des populations des nématodes entomopathogènes #Heterorhabditis bacteriophora et #Steinernema carpocapsae en élevage in vitro sur milieu solide montre que la taille de l'inoculum est importante pour optimiser la récolte finale des juvéniles infestants et pour déterminer leur temps de développement. Les plus fortes récoltes sont obtenues pour #H. bacteriophora avec un inoculum de 1 000 000 juvéniles infestants par fiole, ce qui représente dix fois la valeur de l'inoculum optimal pour #S. carpocapsae. Les populations issues des inoculums de valeurs extrêmes (un ou deux contre 1 000 000 juvéniles infestants par fiole) montrent des différences dans la reproduction et le développement des populations entre #H. bacteriophora et #S. carpocapsae. Un inoculum de 10 000 000 juvéniles infestants par fiole provoque un doublement de la population de #H. bacteriophora conduit à une population finale de 25 x 1 000 000 nématodes en 6 semaines. Cependant, il n'a pas été possible d'initier le développement d'une population de #S. carpocapsae$ en inoculant seulement deux juvéniles infestants par fiole. Les résultats de cette étude pourraient être utlisés pour la production en masse de nématodes entomophathogènes, et des recherches futures sur les relations intimes entre valeurs de l'inoculum, développement des populations et population finale de juvéniles infestants de ces nématodes pourraient augmenter l'efficacité de la production commerciale de ces nématodes. (Résumé d'auter

    Population development of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae in the larvae of Galleria mellonella

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    Le développement de populations d'#Heterorhabditis bacteriophaga et #Steinernema carpocapsae dans les larves de #Galleria mellonella$ a été étudié après inoculation avec un ou deux juvéniles infestants, respectivement. Pour les deux nématodes, trois générations d'adultes sont observées et, après trois semaines, une population finale de l'ordre de 150 000 juvéniles infestants par insecte est dénombrée. Cependant, le développement des populations diffère par plusieurs aspects chez ces deux espèces. Les détails du développement dans l'insecte hôte des populations de ces nématodes entomopathogènes les plus couramment utilisés pourraient servir à l'établissement d'un niveau optimal de fécondité, au moins durant la première génération en culture in vitro. (Résumé d'auteur

    Properties of a beam splitter entangler with Gaussian input states

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    An explicit formula is given for the quantity of entanglement in the output state of a beam splitter, given the squeezed vacuum states input in each mode.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Novel Scheme to Search for Fractional Charge Particles in Low Energy Accelerator Experiments

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    In the Standard Model of particle physics, the quarks and anti-quarks have fractional charge equal to ±1/3\pm1/3 or ±2/3\pm2/3 of the electron's charge. There has been a large number of experiments searching for fractional charge, isolatable, elementary particles using a variety of methods, including e+e−e^+e^- collisions using dE/dx ionization energy loss measurements, but no evidence has been found to confirm existence of free fractional charge particles, which leads to the quark confinement theory. In this paper, a proposal to search for this kind particles is presented, which is based on the conservation law of four-momentum. Thanks to the CLEOc and BESIII detectors' large coverage, good particle identification, precision measurements of tracks' momenta and their large recorded data samples, these features make the scheme feasible in practice. The advantage of the scheme is independent of any theoretical models and sensitive for a small fraction of the quarks transitioning to the unconfinement phase from the confinement phase.Comment: 9 page

    Design and application of a multi-modal process tomography system

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    This paper presents a design and application study of an integrated multi-modal system designed to support a range of common modalities: electrical resistance, electrical capacitance and ultrasonic tomography. Such a system is designed for use with complex processes that exhibit behaviour changes over time and space, and thus demand equally diverse sensing modalities. A multi-modal process tomography system able to exploit multiple sensor modes must permit the integration of their data, probably centred upon a composite process model. The paper presents an overview of this approach followed by an overview of the systems engineering and integrated design constraints. These include a range of hardware oriented challenges: the complexity and specificity of the front end electronics for each modality; the need for front end data pre-processing and packing; the need to integrate the data to facilitate data fusion; and finally the features to enable successful fusion and interpretation. A range of software aspects are also reviewed: the need to support differing front-end sensors for each modality in a generic fashion; the need to communicate with front end data pre-processing and packing systems; the need to integrate the data to allow data fusion; and finally to enable successful interpretation. The review of the system concepts is illustrated with an application to the study of a complex multi-component process

    Examining Periodic Solar Wind Density Structures Observed in the SECCHI Heliospheric Imagers

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    We present an analysis of small-scale, periodic, solar-wind density enhancements (length-scales as small as \approx 1000 Mm) observed in images from the Heliospheric Imager (HI) aboard STEREO A. We discuss their possible relationship to periodic fluctuations of the proton density that have been identified at 1 AU using in-situ plasma measurements. Specifically, Viall, Kepko, and Spence (2008) examined 11 years of in-situ solar-wind density measurements at 1 AU and demonstrated that not only turbulent structures, but also non-turbulent periodic density structures exist in the solar wind with scale sizes of hundreds to one thousand Mm. In a subsequent paper, Viall, Spence, and Kasper (2009) analyzed the {\alpha} to proton solar-wind abundance ratio measured during one such event of periodic density structures, demonstrating that the plasma behavior was highly suggestive that either temporally or spatially varying coronal source plasma created those density structures. Large periodic density structures observed at 1 AU, which were generated in the corona, can be observable in coronal and heliospheric white-light images if they possess sufficiently high density contrast. Indeed, we identify such periodic density structures as they enter the HI field of view and follow them as they advect with the solar wind through the images. The smaller periodic density structures that we identify in the images are comparable in size to the larger structures analyzed in-situ at 1 AU, yielding further evidence that periodic density enhancements are a consequence of coronal activity as the solar wind is formed.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Crossing Statistic: Bayesian interpretation, model selection and resolving dark energy parametrization problem

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    By introducing Crossing functions and hyper-parameters I show that the Bayesian interpretation of the Crossing Statistics [1] can be used trivially for the purpose of model selection among cosmological models. In this approach to falsify a cosmological model there is no need to compare it with other models or assume any particular form of parametrization for the cosmological quantities like luminosity distance, Hubble parameter or equation of state of dark energy. Instead, hyper-parameters of Crossing functions perform as discriminators between correct and wrong models. Using this approach one can falsify any assumed cosmological model without putting priors on the underlying actual model of the universe and its parameters, hence the issue of dark energy parametrization is resolved. It will be also shown that the sensitivity of the method to the intrinsic dispersion of the data is small that is another important characteristic of the method in testing cosmological models dealing with data with high uncertainties.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, discussions extended, 1 figure and two references added, main results unchanged, matches the final version to be published in JCA

    Quasinormal modes of a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by free static spherically symmetric quintessence: Electromagnetic perturbations

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    In this paper, we evaluated the quasinormal modes of electromagnetic perturbation in a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by the static spherically symmetric quintessence by using the third-order WKB approximation when the quintessential state parameter wq w_{q} in the range of −1/3<wq<0-1/3<w_{q}<0. Due to the presence of quintessence, Maxwell field damps more slowly. And when at −1<wq<−1/3-1<w_{q}<-1/3, it is similar to the black hole solution in the ds/Ads spacetime. The appropriate boundary conditions need to be modified.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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