1,455 research outputs found

    GUI Interfacing of DICOM images including 3D Model Creation

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    The purpose of this project is to create a simple method for viewing DICOM images taken during a medical scan such as CT or MRI. To perform this, Matlab programming was used to create a graphical user interface. This interface shows the user the image and attached information with subsequent images accessible via a slider bar. Furthermore, the user has the option to view a three-dimensional model of the object scanned which can then be rotated and viewed at multiple angles. This modeling was achieved using custom edge detection algorithms which locate and exclude exterior edges to allow viewing of the targeted objects. For testing purposes, a DICOM set of lung images was used to reconstruct the interior lung structure

    Wide-bandwidth, tunable, multiple-pulse-width optical delays using slow light in cesium vapor

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    We demonstrate an all-optical delay line in hot cesium vapor that tunably delays 275 ps input pulses up to 6.8 ns and 740 input ps pulses up to 59 ns (group index of approximately 200) with little pulse distortion. The delay is made tunable with a fast reconfiguration time (hundreds of ns) by optically pumping out of the atomic ground states.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    CubeSat Laser Communication Crosslink Pointing Demonstration

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    An opportunity arose to demonstrate optical crosslink pointing between two CubeSats in LEO using spacecraft not specifically designed for that purpose. The AeroCube-7 spacecraft, designed for optical downlinks as part of the Optical Communication and Sensor Demonstration mission, was tasked to point its communications laser at the ISARA spacecraft to demonstrate the capability of one CubeSat to track another in LEO. The ISARA spacecraft, which does not carry a data receiver, but does carry a short-wave infrared camera (SWIR) as part of the CUMULOS payload, was tasked to track the AeroCube-7 spacecraft and use the SWIR camera to record the OCSD laser. The SWIR images were downloaded over an RF channel and used to evaluate the pointing and tracking of both spacecraft. Two successful tests of crosslink pointing were completed between AeroCube-7 and ISARA, providing a demonstration in principle of the capability, and laying the groundwork for more refined experiments that will use this technique for on-orbit measurements of beam profiling. Further tests between AeroCube-11 and ISARA are also in preparation to demonstrate crosslink pointing in a more-challenging orbital configuration

    High-rate Li-MnO2 cells for aerospace use

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    A series of comparative studies were undertaken on representative cells as objectively as possible in order to appreciate the respective advantages of the different systems. After reviewing the first test results our attention was soon focussed on the following four lithium systems: (1) Li-SOCl2; (2) Li-SO2; (3) Li-(CF(sub x))(sub n); and (4) Li-MnO2. This resulted in the decision in 1982 to adopt the Li-MnO2 system for high-rate applications

    Microscopic study of the He2-SF6 trimers

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    The He2-SF6 trimers, in their different He isotopic combinations, are studied both in the framework of the correlated Jastrow approach and of the Correlated Hyperspherical Harmonics expansion method. The energetics and structure of the He-SF6 dimers are analyzed, and the existence of a characteristic rotational band in the excitation spectrum is discussed, as well as the isotopic differences. The binding energies and the spatial properties of the trimers, in their ground and lowest lying excited states, obtained by the Jastrow ansatz are in excellent agreement with the results of the converged CHH expansion. The introduction of the He-He correlation makes all trimers bound by largely suppressing the short range He-He repulsion. The structural properties of the trimers are qualitatively explained in terms of the shape of the interactions, Pauli principle and masses of the constituents.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to PR

    Forward Flux Sampling for rare event simulations

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    Rare events are ubiquitous in many different fields, yet they are notoriously difficult to simulate because few, if any, events are observed in a conventiona l simulation run. Over the past several decades, specialised simulation methods have been developed to overcome this problem. We review one recently-developed class of such methods, known as Forward Flux Sampling. Forward Flux Sampling uses a series of interfaces between the initial and final states to calculate rate constants and generate transition paths, for rare events in equilibrium or nonequilibrium systems with stochastic dynamics. This review draws together a number of recent advances, summarizes several applications of the method and highlights challenges that remain to be overcome.Comment: minor typos in the manuscript. J.Phys.:Condensed Matter (accepted for publication

    Information theoretic approach to interactive learning

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    The principles of statistical mechanics and information theory play an important role in learning and have inspired both theory and the design of numerous machine learning algorithms. The new aspect in this paper is a focus on integrating feedback from the learner. A quantitative approach to interactive learning and adaptive behavior is proposed, integrating model- and decision-making into one theoretical framework. This paper follows simple principles by requiring that the observer's world model and action policy should result in maximal predictive power at minimal complexity. Classes of optimal action policies and of optimal models are derived from an objective function that reflects this trade-off between prediction and complexity. The resulting optimal models then summarize, at different levels of abstraction, the process's causal organization in the presence of the learner's actions. A fundamental consequence of the proposed principle is that the learner's optimal action policies balance exploration and control as an emerging property. Interestingly, the explorative component is present in the absence of policy randomness, i.e. in the optimal deterministic behavior. This is a direct result of requiring maximal predictive power in the presence of feedback.Comment: 6 page

    Degradation versus self-assembly of block copolymer micelles

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    The stability of micelles self-assembled from block copolymers can be altered by the degradation of the blocks. Slow degradation shifts the equilibrium size distribution of block copolymer micelles and change their properties. Quasi-equilibrium scaling theory shows that the degradation of hydrophobic blocks in the core of micelles destabilize the micelles reducing their size, while the degradation of hydrophilic blocks forming coronas of micelles favors larger micelles and may, at certain conditions, induce the formation of micelles from individual chains.Comment: Published in Langmuir http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/la204625

    Pinning of quantized vortices in helium drop by dopant atoms and molecules

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    Using a density functional method, we investigate the properties of liquid 4He droplets doped with atoms (Ne and Xe) and molecules (SF_6 and HCN). We consider the case of droplets having a quantized vortex pinned to the dopant. A liquid drop formula is proposed that accurately describes the total energy of the complex and allows one to extrapolate the density functional results to large N. For a given impurity, we find that the formation of a dopant+vortex+4He_N complex is energetically favored below a critical size N_cr. Our result support the possibility to observe quantized vortices in helium droplets by means of spectroscopic techniques.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 3 pages and 5 figures (4 Postscript, 1 jpeg
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