23,917 research outputs found

    Planning and managing rural recreational traffic flows: why the future can’t be more like the past

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    The increasing popularity of rural tourism can cause traffic related problems at certain areas. Traffic congestion and parking problems are likely to occur as the infrastructure at these countryside destinations is seldom capable of dealing with the growing number of cars. Values which make the sites attractive to visitors can become under pressure and car traffic can also have negative effects on natural values. To prevent for such impacts, recreational traffic management is required. Recreational traffic management focuses on a smart organisation of recreational traffic flows. It has developed since the 1970s and to-day its character is influencing. Influencing takes place by offering tempting alternative opportunities and packages with varied facilities, based on specific desires of individual recreants. This requires detailed data on recreational use as well as an actor analysis, both on a regional and local scale

    A Choice Set Modeling Approach to EU Issue Voting

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    Focusing on the case of Britain, this paper evaluates the role that EU issue voting played in the 1992 and 1997 elections. EU issue voting arises when the issue of European integration has a direct in uence on vote choice by in uencing the attractiveness of party alternatives. In this paper, we explore two different ways in which such infleunce can occur: elimination of party alternatives due to their EU stance or moderator of the utility felt toward a subset of party alternatives that are all viable for the voter. These two in uences are explored through a choice set logistic regression model. The results suggest that EU issue voting increased from 1992 to 1997, especially in England. However, compared with traditional left-right issues, the influence of EU issue voting remained modest even in 1997, when public opinion had taken a Euroskeptic turn and when the Conservative party was seen as much closer than Labour on this issue

    Massive galaxies with very young AGN

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    Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio galaxies are generally thought to be the young counterparts of classical extended radio sources and live in massive ellipticals. GPS sources are vital for studying the early evolution of radio-loud AGN, the trigger of their nuclear activity, and the importance of feedback in galaxy evolution. We study the Parkes half-Jansky sample of GPS radio galaxies of which now all host galaxies have been identified and 80% has their redshifts determined (0.122 < z < 1.539). Analysis of the absolute magnitudes of the GPS host galaxies show that at z > 1 they are on average a magnitude fainter than classical 3C radio galaxies. This suggests that the AGN in young radio galaxies have not yet much influenced the overall properties of the host galaxy. However their restframe UV luminosities indicate that there is a low level of excess as compared to passive evolution models.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges", IAUS 245; M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula & B. Barbuy, ed

    Built-In Self-Test Methodology for A/D Converters

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    A (partial) Built-in Self-Test (BIST) methodology is proposed for analog to digital (A/D) converters. In this methodology the number of bits of the A/D converter that needs to be monitored externally in a test is reduced. This reduction depends, among other things, on the frequency of the applied test signal. At low test signal frequencies only the least significant bit (LSB) needs to be monitored and a "full" BIST becomes feasible. An analysis is made of the trade-off between the size of the on-chip test circuitry and the accuracy of this BIST techniqu

    Comparative Analysis of Litigation Systems: An Auction-Theoretic Approach

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    A simple auction-theoretic framework is used to examine symmetric litigation environments where the legal ownership of a disputed asset is unknown by the court. The court observes only the quality of the case presented by each party, and awards the asset to the party presenting the best case. Rational litigants influence the quality of their cases by hiring skillful attorneys. This framework permits us to compare the equilibrium legal expenditures that arise under a continuum of legal systems. The British rule, American rule, and some recently proposed legal reforms are special cases of our model.Auctions, contests, litigation, fee-shifting

    Simlandscape: serious gaming in participatory spatial

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    In an attempt to improve support for contemporary spatial planning practice, Simlandscape has been developed. In this document the development of Simlandscape as Âżserious gameÂż in digital form is described. In its current state, Simlandscape exists in two methodological forms; as an analogue game and as a planning support system using GIS for research and design. The game focuses on simulation of plan processes and on the resulting transformation of areas involved. Players interact with an analogue area model. The planning support system focuses on design and evaluation of plan scenarios and the data handling and presentation accompanying this process. A major challenge now is to integrate, upgrade and digitize components of the analogous game with the planning support system. Several interesting components (practical and scientific) of this project are identified and are discussed

    Jitter and Decision-level Noise Separation in A/D Converters

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    Gaussian aperture jitter leads to a reduced SNR of A/D converters. Also other noise sources, faults and nonlinearities affect the digital output signal. A measurement setup for a new off-chip diagnosis method, which systematically separates the jitter-induced errors from the errors caused by these other factors, is described. Deterministic errors are removed via a subtracting technique. High-level ADC simulations and measurements have been carried out to determine relations between the size of the jitter or decision-level noise and the remaining random errors. By carrying out two tests at two different input frequencies and using the simulation results, errors induced by decision-level noise can be remove
