95 research outputs found

    Le attività motorie e sportive nella scuola primaria. Una sinergia scuola-famiglia per la formazione del bambino.

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    3noreservedLa seguente ricerca, fondata sulla ricchezza educativa delle attività motorie e sportive, riconosce la valenza del ruolo dei genitori in tale processo e valorizza la proficuità del rapporto istituzionale basato su sinergia culturale e complicità di azione. Dato per scontato, infatti, che nella persona non esistono separazioni e, pertanto, il corpo non è il “vestito” di ogni individuo, ma piuttosto il suo modo globale di essere nel mondo e di agire nella società, la corporeità, le diverse forme intellettive e l’affettività partecipano allo sviluppo del bambino, la cui evoluzione rappresenta il risultato dell’esistenza di un rapporto tra l’Io, l’ambiente e gli altri. Se l’atto psicomotorio, infatti, è guidato dal cervello e questo, a sua volta, necessita di stimoli precisi - di tipo esterno, propriocettivo e di forte spinta motivazionale per poter formulare risposte - un genitore di un bambino della scuola primaria deve essere consapevole del forte condizionamento del ruolo che riveste la relazione quotidiana domiciliare attraverso linguaggi non verbali comuni. È in famiglia che si scrive il destino dei propri figli: un clima di autorealizzazione si costruisce insieme, giorno dopo giorno, attraverso l’esempio vitale e coerente del genitore, specie attraverso la comunicazione analogica.mixedF. GOMEZ PALOMA; R. SGAMBELLURI; P. AIELLO;GOMEZ PALOMA, F.; Sgambelluri, R.; Aiello, P

    Coordinating Pluggable Transceiver Control in SONiC-based Disaggregated Packet-Optical Networks

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    Effective control of pluggable transceivers in SONiC-based packet-optical nodes is demonstrated. A workflow for multi-layer recovery upon soft failure detection is validated, showing no traffic disruption and fast node-driven coordination between packet and optical operations

    Field trial of SDN-controlled probabilistic constellation shaping supporting multiple rates over a coupled-core multi-core fiber

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    A SDN controller configures probabilistic constellation shaping through NETCONF optimizing spectral efficiency according to the path length or degradations due to soft failure. The integrated data and control planes are demonstrated with multiple rates (800-850-900-950-1000Gb/s) in a field trial employing multi-core fiber with 4-coupled cores

    Profiling of Amatoxins and Phallotoxins in the Genus Lepiota by Liquid Chromatography Combined with UV Absorbance and Mass Spectrometry

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    Species in the mushroom genus Lepiota can cause fatal mushroom poisonings due to their content of amatoxins such as α-amanitin. Previous studies of the toxin composition of poisonous Lepiota species relied on analytical methods of low sensitivity or resolution. Using liquid chromatography coupled to UV absorbance and mass spectrometry, we analyzed the spectrum of peptide toxins present in six Italian species of Lepiota, including multiple samples of three of them collected in different locations. Field taxonomic identifications were confirmed by sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. For comparison, we also analyzed specimens of Amanita phalloides from Italy and California, a specimen of A. virosa from Italy, and a laboratory-grown sample of Galerina marginata. α-Amanitin, β-amanitin, amanin, and amaninamide were detected in all samples of L. brunneoincarnata, and α-amanitin and γ-amanitin were detected in all samples of L. josserandii. Phallotoxins were not detected in either species. No amatoxins or phallotoxins were detected in L. clypeolaria, L. cristata, L. echinacea, or L. magnispora. The Italian and California isolates of A. phalloides had similar profiles of amatoxins and phallotoxins, although the California isolate contained more β-amanitin relative to α-amanitin. Amaninamide was detected only in A. virosa

    NFV Orchestration over Disaggregated Metro Optical Networks with End-to-End Multi-Layer Slicing enabling Crowdsourced Live Video Streaming

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    Network infrastructure must support emerging applications, fulfill 5G requirements, and respond to the sudden increase of societal need for remote communications. Remarkably, crowdsourced live video streaming (CLVS) challenges operators' infrastructure with tides of users attending major sport or public events that demand high bandwidth and low latency jointly with computing capabilities at the networks' edge. The Metro-Haul project entered the scene proposing a cost-effective, agile, and disaggregated infrastructure for the metro segment encompassing optical and packet resources jointly with computing capabilities. Recently, a major Metro-Haul outcome took the form of a field trial of network function virtualization (NFV) orchestration over the multi-layer packet and disaggregated optical network testbed that demonstrated a CLVS use case. We showcased the average service creation time below 5 min, which met the key performance indicator as defined by the 5G infrastructure public private partnership. In this paper, we expand our field trial demonstration with a detailed view of the Metro-Haul testbed for the CLVS use case, the employed components, and their performance. The throughput of the service is increased from approximately 9.6 Gbps up to 35 Gbps per virtual local area network with high-performance VNFs based on single-root input/output virtualization technology