375 research outputs found


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    Masa remaja ditandai dengan mulai berani untuk menjalin hubungan khusus dengan lawan jenis yang biasa disebut pacaran. Pacaran merupakan salah satu cara yang paling banyak dilakukan dan paling mudah untuk menggiring remaja ke perilaku seksual berisiko. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis perilaku seksual remaja laki-laki dan perempuan di Kota Ambon. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian merupakan remaja di Kota Ambon. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)/sederajat di Kota Ambon. Penelitian menggunakan quote sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 50 siswa tiap sekolah. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 1.000 siswa SMA/sederajat yang diambil dari 20 sekolah di Kota Ambon.  Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa sekitar 62,1% remaja pernah menonton video porno dan sekitar 42,7% beranggapan bahwa berpelukan adalah hal yang biasa, sekitar 10,8% remaja pernah melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah. Remaja laki-laki yang memiliki perilaku seksual berisiko sebesar 61,4% sedangkan remaja perempuan yang memiliki perilaku seksual berisiko yaitu 26,4%. Kesimpulannya adalah ada hubungan jenis kelamin dengan perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja di Kota Ambon (p<0,001). Disarankan bagi guru dan orang tua dapat mengawasi perilaku remaja sehingga tidak terjerumus melakukan perilaku seksual berisiko

    The activation of non-linear optical response in Ag@ZnO nanocolloids under an external highly intense electric field

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    An extensive theoretical and experimental study of the non-linear optical properties of bare and silver-decorated zinc oxide (ZnO and Ag@ZnO) nanostructures, prepared by laser-generated plasmas in water and in water/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solutions, is reported. The z-scan technique was used to monitor the activation of the non-linear optical mechanisms, focusing an intense laser radiation through the nanocolloids under study. A classical formalism was adopted to explain the z-scan data of these anisotropic materials and to describe the influence of radiation torque and forces on the optically activated nanostructures. This modelling approach includes effects of nanoparticles rearrangements, also taking into account plasmonic effects. An interesting coupling between the nature of the optical limiting response and the nanostructures reorganization under the high-power laser excitation, used during the z-scan measurements, was found and, for the first time to our knowledge, was explained using a classical theoretical approach

    Trauma and Parenting Beliefs : Exploring the Ethnotheories and Socialization Goals of Palestinian Mothers

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    Parenting beliefs are important to infant wellbeing, but there is a lack of research into their role in war conditions. We examined (1) how maternal traumatic experiences (war events and childhood abuse) and mental health would be associated with parenting beliefs about good childrearing practices (ethnotheories) and desirable child characteristics (socialization goals) and (2) whether parenting beliefs mediate the impact of traumatic experiences and mental health on mother-infant interaction and infant development. Palestinian mothers (N = 510) participated during pregnancy and at four and 12 months postpartum. They reported current traumatic war events, emotional and physical abuse in their own childhood and mental health (posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety symptoms), their ethnotheories and socialization goals and the quality of dyadic mother-infant interactions and infant developmental skills (language, fine-motor, and gross-motor). High maternal exposure to traumatic war events was associated with higher autonomy-enhancing-and lower relatedness-enhancing-socialization goals. Conversely, maternal childhood abuse was associated with higher relatedness-enhancing-and lower autonomy-enhancing-socialization goals. High maternal exposure to traumatic war events was associated with high levels of positive dyadic interaction, whereas high emotional and physical abuse and mental health problems were associated with low levels of positive dyadic interaction. Parenting beliefs did not mediate the impact of maternal traumatic experiences and mental health on dyadic interaction or infant development. The nature of maternal traumatic experiences was central for the socialization goals in unique and specific ways. The findings emphasize the meaningfulness of parenting values, goals, and practices among mothers caring for their infants in war conditions.Peer reviewe

    Parameters for irreversible inactivation of monoamine oxidase

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    Funding:RRR, AA, SH and SB are grateful to COST Action CA13153 for facilitating their collaboration and funding short-term visits. AA acknowledges funding under P1-0005 (Slovenian Research Agency). The APC was funded by MDPI.The irreversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidases (MAO) slow neurotransmitter metabolism in depression and neurodegenerative diseases. After oxidation by MAO, hydrazines, cyclopropylamines and propargylamines form a covalent adduct with the flavin cofactor. To assist the design of new compounds to combat neurodegeneration, we have updated the kinetic parameters defining the interaction of these established drugs with human MAO-A and MAO-B and analyzed the required features. The Ki values for binding to MAO-A and molecular models show that selectivity is determined by the initial reversible binding. Common to all the irreversible inhibitor classes, the non-covalent 3D-chemical interactions depend on a H-bond donor and hydrophobic-aromatic features within 5.7 angstroms apart and an ionizable amine. Increasing hydrophobic interactions with the aromatic cage through aryl halogenation is important for stabilizing ligands in the binding site for transformation. Good and poor inactivators were investigated using visible spectroscopy and molecular dynamics. The initial binding, close and correctly oriented to the FAD, is important for the oxidation, specifically at the carbon adjacent to the propargyl group. The molecular dynamics study also provides evidence that retention of the allenyl imine product oriented towards FADH− influences the formation of the covalent adduct essential for effective inactivation of MAO.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Sustainable local development and environmental governance: a strategic planning experience

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    The emphasis on learning and adaptation among different actors at various political administrative levels and on various geographic scales has become a precondition for the emergence of sustainable development. It is possible to find the essential form of collaborative management by using a Strategic Plan, designed to determine a local model of sustainable competitiveness in economic, social and environmental terms. The adoption of a Strategic Plan stimulates a process of shared knowledge, through which it is possible to generate a new environmental governance (EG) that is truly representative of a local system. This paper presents, as a case study representative of the Italian context, the Strategic Plan of the Nebrodi area (SP), and assesses the structure of a new form of public and private environmental governance focused on sustainable concern. Finally, the SP could be considered a guideline for managing the local territorial and environmental system from a long-term perspective

    Life cycle inventory data for the Italian agri-food sector: background, sources and methodological aspects

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    AbstractPurposeFor the development of any life cycle assessment study, the practitioner frequently integrates primary data collected on-field, with background data taken from various life cycle inventory databases which are part of most commercial LCA software packages. However, such data is often not generally applicable to all product systems since, especially concerning the agri-food sector, available datasets may not be fully representative of the site specificity of the food product under examination. In this context, the present work investigates the background, sources and methodological aspects that characterise the most known commercial databases containing agri-food data, with a focus on four agri-food supply chains (olive oil, wine, wheat products and citrus fruit), which represent an important asset for the Italian food sector.MethodsSpecifically, the paper entails a review of currently available LCI databases and their datasets with a twofold scope: firstly, to understand how agri-food data is modelled in these databases for a coherent and consistent representation of regional scenarios and to verify whether they are also suitable for the Italian context and, secondly, to identify and analyse useful and relevant methodological approaches implemented in the existing LCI databases when regional data are modelled.ResultsBased on the aforementioned review, it is possible to highlight some problems which may arise when developing an LCI pertaining to the four Italian agri-food supply chains, namely:1. The need for specific inventory datasets to tackle the specificities of agri-food product systems.2. The lack of datasets, within the existing DBs, related to the Italian context and to the abovementioned supply chains. In fact, at present, in the currently available LCI DBs, there are very few (or in some cases none) datasets related to Italian wine, olive oil, wheat-based products and citrus fruit. The few available datasets often contain some data related to the Italian context but also approximate data with that of product systems representing other countries.Furthermore, the present study allowed to identify and discuss the main aspects to be used as starting elements for modelling regional data to be included in a future Italian LCI database of the abovementioned four supply chains.ConclusionsThe results of the present study represent a starting point for the collection of data and its organisation, in order to develop an Italian LCI agri-food database with datasets which are representative of the regional specificities of four agri-food supply chains which play an important role in the Italian economy

    Life cycle inventory data for the Italian agri-food sector: background, sources and methodological aspects

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    Purpose: For the development of any life cycle assessment study, the practitioner frequently integrates primary data collected on-field, with background data taken from various life cycle inventory databases which are part of most commercial LCA software packages. However, such data is often not generally applicable to all product systems since, especially concerning the agri-food sector, available datasets may not be fully representative of the site specificity of the food product under examination. In this context, the present work investigates the background, sources and methodological aspects that characterise the most known commercial databases containing agri-food data, with a focus on four agri-food supply chains (olive oil, wine, wheat products and citrus fruit), which represent an important asset for the Italian food sector. Methods: Specifically, the paper entails a review of currently available LCI databases and their datasets with a twofold scope: firstly, to understand how agri-food data is modelled in these databases for a coherent and consistent representation of regional scenarios and to verify whether they are also suitable for the Italian context and, secondly, to identify and analyse useful and relevant methodological approaches implemented in the existing LCI databases when regional data are modelled. Results: Based on the aforementioned review, it is possible to highlight some problems which may arise when developing an LCI pertaining to the four Italian agri-food supply chains, namely: 1. The need for specific inventory datasets to tackle the specificities of agri-food product systems. 2. The lack of datasets, within the existing DBs, related to the Italian context and to the abovementioned supply chains. In fact, at present, in the currently available LCI DBs, there are very few (or in some cases none) datasets related to Italian wine, olive oil, wheat-based products and citrus fruit. The few available datasets often contain some data related to the Italian context but also approximate data with that of product systems representing other countries. Furthermore, the present study allowed to identify and discuss the main aspects to be used as starting elements for modelling regional data to be included in a future Italian LCI database of the abovementioned four supply chains. Conclusions: The results of the present study represent a starting point for the collection of data and its organisation, in order to develop an Italian LCI agri-food database with datasets which are representative of the regional specificities of four agri-food supply chains which play an important role in the Italian economy

    Brownian motion of graphene.

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    Brownian motion is a manifestation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem of statistical mechanics. It regulates systems in physics, biology, chemistry, and finance. We use graphene as prototype material to unravel the consequences of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in two dimensions, by studying the Brownian motion of optically trapped graphene flakes. These orient orthogonal to the light polarization, due to the optical constants anisotropy. We explain the flake dynamics in the optical trap and measure force and torque constants from the correlation functions of the tracking signals, as well as comparing experiments with a full electromagnetic theory of optical trapping. The understanding of optical trapping of two-dimensional nanostructures gained through our Brownian motion analysis paves the way to light-controlled manipulation and all-optical sorting of biological membranes and anisotropic macromolecules
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