2,423 research outputs found

    Impact of multiscale dynamical processes and mixing on the chemical composition of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment–North America

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    We use high-frequency in situ observations made from the DC8 to examine fine-scale tracer structure and correlations observed in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during INTEX-NA. Two flights of the NASA DC-8 are compared and contrasted. Chemical data from the DC-8 flight on 18 July show evidence for interleaving and mixing of polluted and stratospheric air masses in the vicinity of the subtropical jet in the upper troposphere, while on 2 August the DC-8 flew through a polluted upper troposphere and a lowermost stratosphere that showed evidence of an intrusion of polluted air. We compare data from both flights with RAQMS 3-D global meteorological and chemical model fields to establish dynamical context and to diagnose processes regulating the degree of mixing on each day. We also use trajectory mapping of the model fields to show that filamentary structure due to upstream strain deformation contributes to tracer variability observed in the upper troposphere. An Eulerian measure of strain versus rotation in the large-scale flow is found useful in predicting filamentary structure in the vicinity of the jet. Higher-frequency (6–24 km) tracer variability is attributed to buoyancy wave oscillations in the vicinity of the jet, whose turbulent dissipation leads to efficient mixing across tracer gradients

    Natural Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds Due to Annual Variation of Soil Temperature

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    A theoretical investigation of factors affecting gas phase transport of volatile organic compounds in unsaturated zone is presented. Studying annual soil temperature variation with time and depth declares that there is a considerable temperature variation in the upper few meters that may affect the overall natural mass transport of volatile organic compounds. A one-dimensional mathematical model is used to study the effect of soil temperature variation on diffusive mass transport. From the analytical solution, it is clear that there is a significant net mass transport upward direction and a stimulated spatial oscillation of contaminant concentration in soil. The magnitude of these two modes of mass transport is higher as the contaminant is more volatile

    Predicting NOM Removal by Fixed-Bed GAC Adsorbers

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    Natural Organic Matter (NOM) normally exists in raw surface water as a complex mixture of organic compounds, mainly humic acids and fulvic acids. In water treatment plants, free chlorine reacts with NOM and forms a wide range of substances known as Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs). Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) adsorption is one of the best available technologies employed for the removal of NOM. A mathematical model for the adsorption of NOM onto GAC in a fixed bed column and in a batch reactor was built. The mathematical model was solved numerically using finite element and orthogonal collocation methods. Experiments were conducted using Rapid Small Scale Column Test (RSSCT) to evaluate the performance of GAC column to remove or reduce the concentration of NOM in raw water. The predicted values from the mathematical model showed very good agreement with the experimental measurements for a range of empty bed contact time, GAC particle size and raw water pH. Most of the mathematical model parameters were determined experimentally in adsorption equilibrium isotherm and batch reactor experiments

    Wave-pinned patterns for cell polarity — a catastrophe theory explanation

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    A class of four-component reaction-diffusion systems are studied in one spatial dimension, with one of four specific reaction kinetics. Models of this type seek to capture the interaction between active and inactive forms of two G-proteins, known as ROPs in plants, thought to underly cellular polarity formation. The systems conserve total concentration of each ROP, which enables reduction to simple canonical forms when one seeks conditions for homogeneous equilibria or heteroclinic connections between them. Transitions between different multiplicities of such states are classified using a novel application of catastrophe theory. For the time-dependent problem, the heteroclinic connections represent so-called wave-pinned states that separate regions of the domain with different ROP concentrations. It is shown numerically how the form of wave-pinning reached can be predicted as a function of the domain size and initial total ROP concentrations. This leads to state diagrams of different polarity forms as a function of total concentrations and system parameters

    Traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire : étude rétrospective sur les traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire A propos de 26 cas

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    Notre travail est une étude rétrospective des caractéristiques épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire dans le service de traumatologie du CHU Frantz Fanon, sur une période de 2 ans, allant du Janvier 2015 au Décembre 2016. ON a souligné les données suivantes : L’âge moyen de nos malades est de 29 ans. Le sexe masculin est le plus atteint (80,76%). Les étiologies sont dominées par les AVP avec un pourcentage de 53.84%, suivies des CHUTES (46,15%). La douleur rachidienne de la région traumatisée est le signe révélateur principal. Les déficits neurologiques sont fréquents (96,26%). Les fractures de la charnière dorsolombaire prédominent sur les atteintes lombaires et dorsales. La fracture- tassement est la lésion prédominante (65,35%) avec siège électif au niveau de la 1ère vertèbre lombaire. Le traitement chirurgical assurant une fixation efficace des lésions instables, a été réalisé chez tous les patients. L’évolution des paraplégiques reste encore menacée par certaines complications de la période initiale notamment les infections urinaires. L’évolution des troubles neurologiques étant dans l’ensemble variable. La lésion médullaire complète a un pronostic péjoratif.Notre travail est une étude rétrospective des caractéristiques épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des traumatismes du rachis dorsolombaire dans le service de traumatologie du CHU Frantz Fanon, sur une période de 2 ans, allant du Janvier 2015 au Décembre 2016. ON a souligné les données suivantes : L’âge moyen de nos malades est de 29 ans. Le sexe masculin est le plus atteint (80,76%). Les étiologies sont dominées par les AVP avec un pourcentage de 53.84%, suivies des CHUTES (46,15%). La douleur rachidienne de la région traumatisée est le signe révélateur principal. Les déficits neurologiques sont fréquents (96,26%). Les fractures de la charnière dorsolombaire prédominent sur les atteintes lombaires et dorsales. La fracture- tassement est la lésion prédominante (65,35%) avec siège électif au niveau de la 1ère vertèbre lombaire. Le traitement chirurgical assurant une fixation efficace des lésions instables, a été réalisé chez tous les patients. L’évolution des paraplégiques reste encore menacée par certaines complications de la période initiale notamment les infections urinaires. L’évolution des troubles neurologiques étant dans l’ensemble variable. La lésion médullaire complète a un pronostic péjoratif

    Improving chemical, rheological and sensory properties of commercial low-fat cream by concentrate addition of whey proteins

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    The present study was conducted to determine the effect of whey protein concentrate (WPC) addition on the commercial low-fat cream's chemical, rheological and sensory properties. WPC was added to the low-fat cream (10% fat)   in ratios of 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0% to represent the treatments C1, C2, and C3, respectively.In addition, a fat-rich, positive control treatment (C +) with a fat percentage of 30% and a negative low-fat control treatment (C-) with a fat percentage of 10% were investigated without adding WPC. Chemical tests were carried out, including the percentage of moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, total acidity, and pH, as well as rheological tests that included; hardness, springiness, and Cohesiveness. Also, a sensory evaluation was conducted. The results showed a decrease in the moisture percentage of the added treatments with the increment of the added WPC quantity. Also, a decrease in the fat percentage and pH of the WPC addition treatments was observed, combined with an increment in the percentage of protein, carbohydrates, ash, and total acidity. Regarding the microbiological properties, no bacterial or mycological contamination was observed during the manufacturing and storage periods. The results also showed the improvement of rheological and sensory characteristics by increasing the percentage of WPC addition compared with the positive and negative control treatments. The present study would be helpful in the production of low-fat cream fortified with whey proteins with high nutritional value

    Exceptional groups from open strings

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    We consider type IIB theory compactified on a two-sphere in the presence of mutually nonlocal 7-branes. The BPS states associated with the gauge vectors of exceptional groups are seen to arise from open strings connecting the 7-branes, and multi-pronged open strings capable of ending on more than two 7-branes. These multi-pronged strings are built from open string junctions that arise naturally when strings cross 7-branes. The different string configurations can be multiplied as traditional open strings, and are shown to generate the structure of exceptional groups.Comment: 25 pages, LATEX, 9 figures; minor changes, two references adde

    Effectiveness of technology transfer in the search for sustainable development : the case of Qatar

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    The Emir of Qatar firmly believes that security without development is not sustainable in the long run. Endorsed by Qatar’s top leadership, this conviction has spread contagiously to all corners of the public and private spheres, leading, in turn, numerous initiatives and massive investments directed at the development of the country. Sustainable development investments in Qatar are promising, but the process very slow amidst dynamic globalization. Technology capability is a key factor accelerating the growth of economic, social and environmental development. Hence, the aim of this dissertation is to assess the effectiveness of technology transfer in Qatar's search for sustainable development. The scope of the dissertation is confined to an analysis of certain government agencies involved in technology transfer; the government, the industry and R&D centres. The study developed a framework of measures to assess Qatari technology transfer and sustainable development, categorized into nine themes, including sustainable development, governance and internal environment, external technology resources, internal technology resource measures, absorptive capacity, value chain, value network, research and development and competitiveness. Through exploratory, descriptive and predictive research using qualitative and quantitative field surveys, along with secondary research, the study developed a framework of measures, and used it to assess the effectiveness of sustainability and technology transfer in Qatar. The study concluded that the technology transfer environment and practices in Qatar are ineffective in advancing the search for sustainable development. The study recommends the need to establish policies and priorities to facilitate sustainable development, focusing especially on technology, science and innovation. Future research should focus on in-depth case studies of specific industrial clusters as well as deepening the understanding of thematic measures of sustainability.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Setting international standards for patient and parent involvement and engagement in childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer research: A report from a European Collaborative Workshop

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    BACKGROUND: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in research, advocates for research conducted ‘with’ not ‘for’ the affected population. In paediatric oncology research, the parents of children, adolescents and young adults affected by cancer are represented by the term ‘public’ in the acronym PPIE. Patients (those with cancer and cancer survivors) are also passionate advocates who drive forward the research priorities of children, adolescents and young adults throughout the entire research process. AIMS: A workshop was held at an international professional meeting in 2019 with the aim to define Patient and Parent Involvement and Engagement (PPIE); capture PPIE activities on a European level; and to explore the role of PPIE in non-interventional research. A proposed framework for a European PPIE strategy for childhood, adolescent and young adult cancers was also discussed. METHODS: The 60-minute workshop was attended by health care professionals, researchers, scientists, parents, survivors and charity/support organisations. A presentation to define PPIE, including the difference in terminology for PPIE in the context of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancers was discussed. Best practice examples from the United Kingdom (UK) helped to demonstrate the positive impact of PPIE in paediatric oncology research. Three breakout groups then explored themes relating to PPIE, namely PPIE priorities, PPIE mapping for Europe, and PPIE in non-interventional research and data-linkage. RESULTS: Disparity in PPIE activities across Europe was evident, with ambiguity surrounding terminology and expected roles for PPIE representatives in paediatric oncology research. A lack of PPIE activity in Eastern Europe correlated with a lack of availability for clinical trials and poorer survival rates for paediatric oncology patients. There was unanimous support for PPIE embedded research in all areas, including in non-interventional studies. CONCLUSION: A European-level definition of PPIE for paediatric oncology research is needed. Further exploration into the role and responsibilities of patients, parents, and professionals when undertaking PPIE related activities is also recommended. Best practice examples from the UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium demonstrated a preliminary evidence base from which a European PPIE strategy framework can be designed, inclusive of the patient and parent voice
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