2,466 research outputs found

    Heat treating of a lamellar eutectic alloy (gamma/gamma prime + delta)

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    Eutectic superalloys are being developed at several laboratories for application as aircraft gas turbine airfoils. One such alloy was subjected to several heat treatments to determine if its mechanical properties could be improved. It was found that by partially dissolving the alloy at 1210 C and then aging at 900 C the tensile strength can be increased about 12 percent at temperatures up to 900 C. At 1040 C no change in tensile strength was observed. Times to rupture were measured between 760 and 1040 C and were essentially the same or greater than for as-grown material. Tensile and rupture ductility of the alloy are reduced by heat treatment. Photographs of the microstructure are shown

    Microstructural changes caused by thermal treatment and their effects on mechanical properties of a gamma/gamma prime - delta eutectic alloy

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    Microstructural changes due to thermal treatments of a directionally solidified gamma/gamma'-delta eutectic alloy were investigated. Aging treatments of 8 to 48 hours and ranging from 750 to 1120 C were given to the alloy in both its as directionally solidified condition and after gamma' solutioning. Aging resulted in gamma' coarsening gamma precipitates in delta, and delta and gamma'' precipitates in delta. The tensile strength was increased about 12 percent at temperatures up to 900 C by a heat treatment. Times to rupture were essentially the same or greater than for as directionally solidified material. Tensile and rupture ductility in the growth direction of the alloy were reduced by the heat treatment

    Carburization and heat treatment to cause carbide precipitation in gamma/gamma prime-delta eutectic alloys

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    In an attempt to improve their longitudinal shear strength, several directionally solidified eutectic alloy compositions with minor element modifications were pact, carburized, and heat treated to provide selective carbide precipitation at the cell and grain boundaries. The directionally solidified Ni-17.8 Nb-6Cr-2.5Al-3Ta (weight percent) alloy was selected for the shear strength evaluation because it showed the shallowest delta-denuded zone at the carburized surface. The carburization-carbide precipitation treatment, however, did not appear to improve the longitudinal shear strength of the alloy

    Temporal evolution of mesoscopic structure of some non-Euclidean systems using a Monte Carlo model

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    A Monte Carlo based computer model is presented to comprehend the contrasting observations of Mazumder et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 255704 (2004) and Phys. Rev. B 72, 224208 (2005)], based on neutron-scattering measurements, on temporal evolution of effective fractal dimension and characteristic length for hydration of cement with light and heavy water. In this context, a theoretical model is also proposed to elucidate the same.Comment: 31 Pages, 13 Figure

    Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of (1 1 1) oriented nanocrystalline ZnTe thin films

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    Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young’s modulus obtained from loaddisplacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ∼0.4.Financial support in the form of fellowships to MSRNK and SK from the ACRHEM project of DRDO is acknowledged

    Ginzburg-Landau theory for the conical cycloid state in multiferroics: applications to CoCr2_2O4_4

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    We show that the cycloidal magnetic order of a multiferroic can arise in the absence of spin and lattice anisotropies, for e.g., in a cubic material, and this explains the occurrence of such a state in CoCr2_2O4_4. We discuss the case when this order coexists with ferromagnetism in a so called `conical cycloid' state, and show that a direct transition to this state from the ferromagnet is necessarily first order. On quite general grounds, the reversal of the direction of the uniform magnetization in this state can lead to the reversal of the electric polarization as well, without the need to invoke `toroidal moment' as the order parameter.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Majorana fermions in ferromagnetic chains on the surface of bulk spin-orbit coupled ss-wave superconductors

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    Majorana fermion (MF) excitations in solid state system have non-Abelian statistics which is essential for topological quantum computation. Previous proposals to realize MF, however, generally requires fine-tuning of parameters. Here we explore a platform which avoids the fine-tuning problem, namely a ferromagnetic chain deposited on the surface of a spin-orbit coupled ss-wave superconductor. We show that it generically supports zero-energy topological MF excitations near the two ends of the chain with minimal fine-tuning. Depending on the strength of the ferromagnetic moment in the chain, the number of MFs at each end, nn, can be either one or two, and should be revealed by a robust zero-bias peak (ZBP) of height 2ne2/h2ne^2/h in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements which would show strong (weak) signals at the ends (middle) of the chain. The role of an approximate chiral symmetry which gives an integer topological invariant to the system is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A Socio-Clinical Profile Of Cases Of Laparoscopic Sterilization Performed At Institution And Camps

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    Research Question: What is the socio-clinical profile of cases of laparoscopic sterilization performed at the insti­tution and camps. Objectives: To study the (1) socio-clinical aspect of laparoscopic ligations. (2) complications and the failure rate. Study Design: Longitudinal study. Setting: Females coming for sterilization at the O-.P.D. and post-partum centre. Participants: 9088 females of reproductive age group. Study Variables: Age group, social class, residence, education, number of living children. Outcome Variables: Proportion of women who came for sterilization, ligations performed at hospital. Results: Demographic characteristics showed that 5658 (62.2%) and 3430 (37.8%) were from rural and urban areas respectively. Socio-economically , 80% cases be­longed to low socio-enonomic class. As regards the literacy status, 5500 (60.5%) of the patients were illiterate and 2600 (28.6%) of them had received only primary education. The age group which commonly accepted sterilization in 5056 cases (55.6%) was 31-35 years. The parity in our study showing highest incidence of laparoligation. i.e. 36.17% was 5. Our complication rate was 0.5% and failure rate 0.6%. Conclusions: Our experience of about 15 years shows that laparoscopic sterilization is a simple, safe, easy method and acceptable to the rural and even illiterate masses in this region. In the event of pregnancy, this permanent method is more acceptabl
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