557 research outputs found

    Thermoluminescent aerosol analysis

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    A method for detecting and measuring trace amounts of aerosols when reacted with ozone in a gaseous environment was examined. A sample aerosol was exposed to a fixed ozone concentration for a fixed period of time, and a fluorescer was added to the exposed sample. The sample was heated in a 30 C/minute linear temperature profile to 200 C. The trace peak was measured and recorded as a function of the test aerosol and the recorded thermoluminescence trace peak of the fluorescer is specific to the aerosol being tested

    Method for detecting pollutants

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    A method is described for detecting and measuring trace amounts of pollutants of the group consisting of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide in a gaseous environment. A sample organic solid material that will undergo a chemical reaction with the test pollutant is exposed to the test environment and thereafter, when heated in the temperature range of 100-200 C., undergoes chemiluminescence that is measured and recorded as a function of concentration of the test pollutant. The chemiluminescence of the solid organic material is specific to the pollutant being tested

    A thermoluminescent method for aerosol characterization

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    A thermoluminescent method has been used to study the interactions of aerosols with ozone. The preliminary results show that ozone reacts with many compounds found in aerosols, and that the thermoluminescence curves obtained from ozonated aerosols are characteristic of the aerosol. The results suggest several important applications of the thermoluminescent method: development of a detector for identification of effluent sources; a sensitive experimental tool for study of heterogeneous chemistry; evaluation of importance of aerosols in atmospheric chemistry; and study of formation of toxic, electronically excited species in airborne particles

    Carbon-catalyzed oxidation of SO2 by NO2 and air

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    A series of experiments was performed using carbon particles (commercial furnace black) as a surrogate for soot particles. Carbon particles were suspended in water, and gas mixtures were bubbled into the suspensions to observe the effect of carbon particles on the oxidation of SO2 by air and NO2. Identical gas mixtures were bubbled into a blank containing only pure water. After exposure each solution was analyzed for pH and sulfate. It was found that NO2 greatly enhances the oxidation of SO2 to sulfate in the presence of carbon particles. The amount of sulfate found in the blanks was significantly less. Under the conditions of these experiments no saturation of the reaction was observed and SO2 was converted to sulfate even in a highly acid medium (pH or = 1.5)

    Strain and dynamic measurements using fiber optic sensors embedded into graphite/epoxy tubes

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    Graphite/epoxy tubes were fabricated with embedded optical fibers to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring strains with a fiber optic technique. Resistance strain gauges were attached to the tubes to measure strain at four locations along the tube for comparison with the fiber optic sensors. Both static and dynamic strain measurements were made with excellent agreement between the embedded fiber optic strain sensor and the strain gauges. Strain measurements of 10(exp -7) can be detected with the optical phase locked loop (OPLL) system using optical fiber. Because of their light weight, compatibility with composites, immunity to electromagnetic interference, and based on the static and dynamic results obtained, fiber optic sensors embedded in composites may be useful as the sensing component of smart structures

    A Business Plan of Love Baby Early Education Company

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    早期教育关系着国家和家庭的未来,拥有着庞大的市场需求和广阔的发展前景。随着新一代教育观念的更新、经济实力的增强和对社会竞争激烈程度的进一步认识,让孩子接受规范的早期启蒙教育,开发孩子优秀的情商、智商和逆商,已经成为社会潮流。本论文运用创业管理相关理论,通过对早期教育市场现状的分析和研究,结合市场需求问卷调查,提出厦门艾贝早期教育中心创业设想。研究表明,艾贝早期教育中心应该定位于中高端市场,通过加强早期教育中心的师资力量建设,开发创新独特的核心竞争力课程,因人施教,建立服务质量控制方法,注重管理团队建设,诚信经营,树立良好的品牌形象,赢取市场份额。通过估算,艾贝早期教育中心需投资200万元,预计...Early education relates with the future of the family and country. Its market is a huge market and has a wide prospect. With the education conceptual renewal and the enhanced economic strength and the understanding to the intensified social competition of the new generation, developing a good EQ and IQ and AQ of children has become a trend. Early education is a good way to it. The thesis analyses ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115103

    Assessing the Effectiveness of a Performance Evaluation System in the Public Health Care Sector: Some Novel Evidence from the Tuscany Region Experience

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    Since 80's the introduction of New Public Management principles has promoted the use of performance measurement to drive a more efficient, effective and accountable public sector. The adoption of a sophisticated and comprehensive multidimensional performance measurement system, which looks beyond traditional financial measures, based on organization strategies, such as the balanced scorecard, has thus been suggested. This revolution in the public management came together with the devolution processes that involved most European public health systems. Set within this context, in the last decade, each of the twenty Italian regions developed its own management tools. Among others, the Tuscan performance evaluation system (PES) has been valued as a particularly innovative and comprehensive system. This paper reports the novel experience of the Tuscan PES; in particular, it measures PES effectiveness and discusses the critical factors that could have led to the PES success. Five are the critical success factors identified by researchers: the visual reporting system, the linkage between PES and CEO's reward system, the public disclosure of data, the high level of employees and managers involvement into the entire process and the strong political commitment. All those factors run together to achieve better results; however, the process of development of the system plays a pivotal role. Scholars suggest the use of a constructive approach in order to gain effective changes in human organization. According to this stream of literature, this paper contributes by the novel experience of the Tuscan PES in addressing as a further fruitful application of the constructivist approach in healthcare

    Neoliberalism, managerialism and the reconfiguring of social work in Sweden and the United Kingdom

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    This is the author's manuscript of an article published in Archaeological Dialogues. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1350508412448222This paper considers some of the ways in which neoliberalism, through the processes of managerialism, has impacted on the occupation of social work in Sweden and the UK. It is argued that there are similar implications in both countries, through the managerial drive for increased performance in economy, efficiency and effectiveness, but also in the development of evidence based practice. Whilst the key focus of the paper is on similarities between these two countries, differences are also noted. There is also recognition of the way in which resistance to the reconfiguration of social work is taking shape

    Divergent mind-sets, convergent policies: Policing models against organized crime in Italy and in England within international frameworks

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    The fight against organized crime is a very fertile ground for policymaking at various levels. On one side, because of the perceived transnationality of the phenomenon, national states are inclined to develop harmonized responses within the European or international law frameworks. On the other side, national conceptualizations and manifestations of organized crime often make these harmonizations quite challenging. This paper shares the findings of a socio-legal investigation carried out in England and in Italy through interviews and document analysis, comparing the two national models against organized crime. The paper presents these two models ? the Italian Structure Model and the English Activity Model, which are very different in many ways ? in order to identify divergences and convergences of policies and practices. This comparative exercise not only improves our understanding of national approaches, beyond cultural, linguistic and legal boundaries, but also improves the dialogue towards concerted efforts at the international level. Nevertheless, the globalization of criminal markets and the internationalization of policies have influenced perceptions of organized crime and related policing tactics at national levels too. This paper will briefly look at international perspectives to assess to what extent divergent and convergent areas between the two models are also areas of interest and focus at the international level, in order to conclude with an enhanced understanding of both models before drawing conclusions