1,273 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Khamir Laut Dalam Pakan Anguilla Bicolor Terhadap Retensi Lemak Dan Daya Cerna Energi [the Effect of Use of Sea Yeast in Feed Anguilla Bicolor Against Fat Retention and Energy Di Gestion]

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    Ikan sidat merupakan ikan konsumsi penting. Khamir laut (marine yeast) merupakan organisme seluler dari golongan jamur, bersifat kemoorganotrof, bereproduksi seksual dengan spora dan aseksual dengan pertunasan atau pembelahan. Percobaan ini menggunakan substitusi (A) 0% khamir laut (B) 5% khamir laut utuh (C) 5% khamir laut dipecah dan (D) 5% khamir laut direduksi. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil terbaik pada perlakuan D menunjukkan retensi lemak 24,88% dan daya cerna energy 69,74%

    Hubungan Fasilitas Belajar dan Lingkungan Belajar dengan Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013

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    . Ria Risty Rahmawati. K8409052. HUBUNGAN FASILITAS BELAJAR DAN LINGKUNGAN BELAJAR DENGAN PRESTASI BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN SOSIOLOGI SISWA KELAS XI IPS SMA NEGERI 3 SUKOHARJO TAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013. Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Juni 2013.Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : (1) hubungan fasilitas belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa dalam belajar Sosiologi, (2) hubungan lingkungan belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa dalam belajar Sosiologi, (3) hubungan fasilitas belajar dan lingkungan belajar secara bersama-sama dengan prestasi belajar siswa dalam belajar Sosiologi. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) kelas XI SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013, sebesar 199 siswa. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 25% dari keseluruhan populasi sebanyak 50 siswa yang terbagi atas 5 kelas. Teknik sampling yang digunakan Proporsional Random Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang dipakai menggunakan analisis statistik dengan Regresi Linier Berganda/Multiple.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan hipotesis pertama “Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara Fasilitas Belajar dengan Prestasi Belajar Sosiologi Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013, diterima”. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari analisis data yang menunjukkan nilai (r) sebesar 0,545 dan (ρ) = 0,000. Hipotesis kedua “Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara Lingkungan Belajar Siswa dengan Prestasi Belajar Sosiologi Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013”, diterima. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil analisis data yang menujukkan nilai (r) sebesar 0,559 dan (ρ) = 0,000. Hipotesis ketiga “Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan secara bersama-sama Fasilitas Belajar dan Lingkungan Belajar dengan Prestasi Belajar Sosiologi Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013”, diterima. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil analisis data yang menunjukkan data (r) sebesar 0,448 dan (ρ) = 0,000

    Pengembangan Jawa Barat sebagai Provinsi Jasa

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    Jawa Barat as the next province after DKI Jakarta has many strategic roles. Jawa Barat has a vision to be the most advance province in 2012, according to the vision Jawa Barat has to achieve that vision and reach the opportunity. There are so much to do and big challenges that Jawa Barat has to deal with. But the important things is how the government recognize classification of services and knows the challenge they face

    Survey Tentang Pemahaman Pendidikan Seks Siswa Kelas X Smk Dr. Soetomo Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman pendidikan seks yang dimiliki siswa, cara siswa mendapatkan informasi mengenai seks dan orang yang berperan dalam memberikan informasi seks. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Populasi dari penelitian ini sebanyak 605 siswa dan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 241 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling. Dari analasis dapat diketahui persentase rata – rata dari kelas X SMK Dr. Soetomo Surabaya dalam pemahaman perkembangan fisik (71%), pemahaman perkembangan psikis (84%), pemahaman perkembangan pola pikir (75%), pemahaman organ – organ reproduksi (59%), pemahaman kesehatan organ reproduksi (76%), pemahaman penyebab menular seksual (80%), pemahaman macam – macam penyakit menular seksual (68%), pemahaman nilai – nilai moral dalam keluarga (64%) dan pemahaman nilai moral dalam masyarakat (81%). Yang sangat mempengaruhi siswa dalam mendapat informasi mengenai seks adalah teman sebaya.  Peran orangtua dalam memberikan pendidikan seks tidak begitu besar karena orangtua menganggap bahwa pendidikan seks sudah diberikan ketika di sekolah. Peran konselor sendiri dalam memberikan pemahaman dalam pendidikan seks hanya berpengaruh sekitar 15% sisanya 60% dari teman dan 25% dari internet.     Kata kunci : Survey Pemahaman Pendidikan Seks, Sisw

    Regenerasi Topeng Randegan

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    Topeng Randegan is one of the types of art that developed in the village of Randegan, both West and East Randegan, Jatitujuh District, Majalengka Regency. Topeng Randegan in the village of East Randegan is "a continuation" of the topeng beber that develops the village of Beber, Ligung District, Majalengka regency. The research on this art is to know how the regeneration of the TopengRandegan. In case that there is only one maestro of Topeng Randegan in Randegan East Village and have entered the old age, so it is assumed that Topeng Randegan is endangered. This study uses qualitative method and the research findings are outlined descriptively. The results show that there is only one studio that develops Topeng Randegan. Thus,Topeng Randegan attempts to sustainability, and passes on to the younger generation through non-formal education (courses). But, it is unfortunate that the learners come only in short-term period. They learn dance Topeng Randegan not for a purpose or goal as a dance artist, caused by school work. Therefore, the learning process is instant, andthe result is only for performing

    Analisis Keberlanjutan Fiskal Indonesia Tahun 2000-2012

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    Indonesia\u27s budget deficit that is financed by debt could increase the government debt. This causes the governemnt budget increase continuously in order to payback the debt. Fiscal sustainability is achieved when the government is capable to manage its debt so that the debt will not burden the future government budget. VECM is employed in this study to determine whether Indonesia\u27s fiscal is sustainable or not. After calculating the actual condition of the ratio of primary balance to GDP, it is concluded that Indonesia\u27s fiscal is sustainable for the year of 2000 and 2012

    The Influence of Translation Techniques on the Accuracy and Acceptability of Translated Utterances That Flout the Maxim of Quality

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    Translating the implied meanings in utterances is one of the trickiest situations translators may confront. One example is in translating utterances that flout the maxim of quality. When a speaker flouts the maxim of quality, they are implying further information that is not represented in the utterance. Translators use various translation techniques in order to convey the meaning of the original text in the most appropriate and acceptable form in the target text. This study investigates how translation techniques may affect the quality of a translation. The approach implemented in this study is pragmatics in translation. This study belongs to the field of descriptive qualitative research with an embedded case study. For data, we look at all the utterances which may be said to be flouting the maxim of quality in the source text and its translation. Content analysis and focus group discussion were applied as the methods to collect and analyze the data. A focus group discussion was used to assess translation quality. The majority of the data was classified as accurate and acceptable, while the rest was considered less accurate and inaccurate due to the application of the translation technique amplification (addition), discursive creation and literal translation. Some data was also found to be less acceptable due to literal translation and pure borrowing

    Bisnis Internasional dan Perusahaan Multinasional

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    Business World has become "Borderless World" and cannot grow by developing its domestic market only, but also have to take a challenge to make an overseas expansion. There are some differences between domestic and international business. Indeed, international business has more aspects than domestic business, therefore a company has to be more effective when it attempts to make an overseas expansion. This paper will explain about how a company attain a high effectiveness and get ready to enter international business. Several strategies of international Business, such as: exportation, licensing agreement, management contracts, joint ventures and subsidiaries will be elaborated. Finally, Global service strategies, which are: multi country expansion, importing customers, follow your customers, service unbundling, and beating the clock will also be discussed

    Bisnis Internasional dan Perusahaan Multinasional

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    Business World has become "Borderless World" and cannot grow by developing its domestic market only, but also have to take a challenge to make an overseas expansion. There are some differences between domestic and International business. Indeed, International business has more aspects than domestic business, therefore a company has to be more effective when it attempts to make an overseas expansion. This paper will explain about how a company attain a high effectiveness and get ready to enter International business. Several strategies of International Business, such as: exportation, licensing agreement, management contracts, joint ventures and subsidiaries will be elaborated. Finally, Global service strategies, which are: multi country expansion, importing customers, follow your customers, service unbundling, and beating the clock will also be discussed