43 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Alternative High-Throughput Sequencing Methodologies for the Monitoring of Marine Picoplanktonic Biodiversity Based on rRNA Gene Amplicons

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    16 pages, 6 figures, 2 tablesSequencing of rRNA gene polymerase chain reaction amplicons (rRNA tags) is the most common approach for investigating microbial diversity. The recent development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies has enabled the exploration of microbial biodiversity at an unprecedented scale, greatly expanding our knowledge on the microbiomes of marine ecosystems. These approaches provide accurate, fast, and cost efficient observations of the marine communities, and thus, may be suitable tools in biodiversity monitoring programs. To reach this goal, consistent and comparable methodologies must be used over time and within sites. Here, we have performed a cross-platform study of the two most common HTS methodologies, i.e., 454-pyrosequencing and Illumina tags to evaluate their usefulness in biodiversity monitoring and assessment of environmental status. Picoplankton biodiversity has been compared through both methodologies by sequencing the 16 and 18 S rRNA genes of a set of samples collected in the coast of Barcelona (NW Mediterranean). The results show that, despite differences observed in the rare OTUs retrieved, both platforms provide a comparable view of the marine picoplankton communities. On a taxonomic level, there was an accurate overlap in the detected phyla between the two methods and the overall estimates of alpha- and betadiversity were comparable. In addition, we explored the concept of “indicator species” and found that certain taxa (i.e., members of the Gammaproteobacteria among others) as well as the ratio between some phylogenetic groups (i.e., the ratio of Alphaproteobacteria/Gammaproteobacteria, Alteromonas/SAR11, and Alteromonas + Oceanospirillales/SAR11) have potential for being useful indicators of environmental status. The data show that implementing new protocols and identifying indicators of environmental status based on rRNA amplicon sequencing is feasible, and that is worth exploring whether the identified indices are universally applicableThis manuscript is a result of DEVOTES (DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing GEnS) project, funded by the European Union (grant agreement no. 308392), and a MINECO Grant GRADIENTS Fine-scale structure of cross-shore GRADIENTS along the Mediterranean coast (CTM2012-39476-C02)Peer Reviewe

    Relación flujos-desempeño en fondos de pensiones y fondos de inversión de España

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar si los inversionistas de fondos de pensiones y de fondos de inversión consideran el desempeño alcanzado por el fondo de la misma manera al tomar sus decisiones de inversión. Concretamente, a lo largo de este trabajo comparamos diferentes medidas de desempeño, y analizamos la relación existente entre flujos y desempeño, desde una visión comparada entre fondos de pensiones y fondos de inversión españoles de renta variable global, desde enero de 1999 hasta diciembre de 2013. adicionalmente, se estudia si los resultados cambian según el tamaño del fondo y su posición respecto al mercado. Los resultados muestran que, aunque el desempeño de los fondos de inversión es algo superior, ambos tipos de inversionistas consideran el desempeño alca&nzado por el fondo para tomar sus decisiones de inversión. Asimismo, se observan ciertas diferencias por tamaño, especialmente en los fondos pequeños. Por último, los inversionistas de pensiones penalizan que el fondo se aleje del índice de referencia, mientras que los de inversión recompensan los buenos resultados, independientemente del resultado respecto al mercado

    Assessment of microbial plankton diversity as an ecological indicator in the NW Mediterranean coast

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    High-throughput sequencing of microbial assemblages has been proposed as an alternative methodology to the traditional ones used in marine monitoring and environmental assessment. Here, we evaluated pico- and nanoplankton diversity as ecological indicators in NW Mediterranean coastal waters by comparing their diversity in samples subjected to varying degrees of continental pressures. Using metabarcoding of the 16S and 18S rRNA genes, we explored whether alphadiversity indices, abundance of Operational Taxonomic Units and taxonomic groups (and their ratios) provide information on the ecological quality of coastal waters. Our results revealed that only eukaryotic diversity metrics and a limited number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic taxa displayed potential in assessing continental influences in our surveyed area, resulting thus in a restrained potential of microbial plankton diversity as an ecological indicator. Therefore, incorporating microbial plankton diversity in environmental assessment could not always result in a significant improvement of current marine monitoring strategies.Preprint2,35

    Maximizing the Products Display for Purchaser Lucidity and Alleviation in Circulation to Augment the Sale of Supermarket: Milieu of Bangladesh

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    The purpose of this study is to appraise the accessible products display for the purchaser lucidity which may maximizes offers and actions of business with the alleviation in circulation to augment the random sale in the arena of supermarket. The study scrutinizes a fundamental research on the context of Bangladesh and especially for the Dhaka zone. A supermarket, a large form of the traditional grocery store, is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food and household products, organized into aisles. It is larger in size and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store, but is smaller and more limited in the range of merchandise than a hypermarket or big-box market. The traditional supermarket occupies a large amount of floor space, usually on a single level. It is usually situated near a residential area in order to be convenient to consumers. The basic appeal is the availability of a broad selection of goods under a single roof, at relatively low prices. Other advantages include ease of parking and frequently the convenience of shopping hours that extend far into the evening or even 24 hours a day. Key words: Circulation, Supermarket, Alleviation, Sale, Products, Variation, Lucidit

    Stroke prevalence among the Spanish elderly: an analysis based on screening surveys

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    BACKGROUND: This study sought to describe stroke prevalence in Spanish elderly populations and compare it against that of other European countries. METHODS: We identified screening surveys -both published and unpublished- in Spanish populations, which fulfilled specific quality requirements and targeted prevalence of stroke in populations aged 70 years and over. Surveys covering seven geographically different populations with prevalence years in the period 1991–2002 were selected, and the respective authors were then asked to provide descriptions of the methodology and raw age-specific data by completing a questionnaire. In addition, five reported screening surveys in European populations furnished useful data for comparison purposes. Prevalence data were combined, using direct adjustment and logistic regression. RESULTS: The overall study population, resident in central and north-eastern Spain, totalled 10,647 persons and yielded 715 cases. Age-adjusted prevalences, using the European standard population, were 7.3% for men, 5.6% for women, and 6.4% for both sexes. Prevalence was significantly lower in women, OR 0.79 95% CI 0.68–0.93, increased with age, particularly among women, and displayed a threefold spatial variation with statistically significant differences. Prevalences were highest, 8.7%, in suburban, and lowest, 3.8%, in rural populations. Compared to pooled Spanish populations, statistically significant differences were seen in eight Italian populations, OR 1.39 95%CI (1.18–1.64), and in Kungsholmen, Sweden, OR 0.40 95%CI (0.27–0.58). CONCLUSION: Prevalence in central and north-eastern Spain is higher in males and in suburban areas, and displays a threefold geographic variation, with women constituting the majority of elderly stroke sufferers. Compared to reported European data, stroke prevalence in Spain can be said to be medium and presents similar age- and sex-specific traits

    On Imprimitive Representations of Finite Reductive Groups in Non-defining Characteristic

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    In this paper, we begin with the classification of Harish-Chandra imprimitive representations in non-defining characteristic. We recall the connection of this problem to certain generalizations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras and show that Harish-Chandra induction is compatible with the Morita equivalence by Bonnaf\'{e} and Rouquier, thus reducing the classification problem to quasi-isolated blocks. Afterwards, we consider imprimitivity of unipotent representations of certain classical groups. In the case of general linear and unitary groups, our reduction methods then lead to results for arbitrary Lusztig series

    From high doses of oral rivastigmine to transdermal rivastigmine patches: user experience and satisfaction among caregivers of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease

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    Introduction: Rivastigmine, a treatment for mild to moderate Alzheimer disease (AD), is the first cholinesterase inhibitor to be available in the transdermal format. We aim to describe user experience and satisfaction with the rivastigmine patch, as well as any clinical changes perceived in patients. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, multicentre study with 239 investigators and 1851 informal caregivers of patients with mild to moderate AD. Patients were treated with transdermal rivastigmine patches for ≥6 months and had previously received high doses of oral rivastigmine. Results: Mean caregiver age was 59.8 ± 14.4 years and 70.9% were women. They spent 10.0 ± 7.1 hours per day providing care and 79.8% lived with the patient. Patch instructions were described as easy to follow by 97.1% of the caregivers and 92.1% of them rated patch application as easy or very easy. The most commonly cited disadvantage was adhesion problems (26.8%). Discontinuation of treatment was due to cutaneous reactions in most cases. Overall, 76.5% of the caregivers were satisfied or very satisfied with transdermal treatment and 77.4% considered that its interference with daily activities was minimal or null. The patch was preferred to oral treatment by 94.3% of caregivers. Clinical Global Impression of Change ratings improved according to 61.3% of the caregivers and 53% of the investigators. Few caregivers reported medication forgetfulness. Conclusions: Most caregivers of patients with mild to moderate AD preferred the transdermal format of rivastigmine to the oral format. Caregivers also reported overall satisfaction, ease of use, and reduced impact on daily activities for transdermal rivastigmine format, in addition to patient improvement compared to their condition under the previous treatment. Resumen: Introducción: Rivastigmina, tratamiento para la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) leve-moderada, es el primer inhibidor de la colinesterasa administrable por vía transdérmica. Se describen la experiencia de uso y la satisfacción de los cuidadores informales con los parches de rivastigmina, así como el cambio clínico percibido en los pacientes con su empleo. Métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal y multicéntrico, con 239 investigadores y 1851 cuidadores informales de pacientes con EA leve-moderada, tratados con rivastigmina transdérmica durante ≥6 meses, y que previamente recibían dosis altas de rivastigmina por vía oral. Resultados: La edad media de los cuidadores fue 59,8 ± 14,4 años (70,9% mujeres). El 79,8% compartía domicilio con el paciente, dedicando 10,0 ± 7,1 h/día a su cuidado. Para la mayoría de los cuidadores las instrucciones del parche fueron comprensibles (97,1%) y la aplicación fácil o muy fácil (92,1%). La principal dificultad mencionada fueron problemas de adhesión (26,8%). En general, los abandonos del tratamiento se produjeron por reacciones cutáneas. El 76,5% de los cuidadores estuvieron satisfechos o muy satisfechos con el parche y el 77,4% consideró que interfería poco o nada en las actividades diarias propias. El 94,3% prefirió la vía transdérmica respecto a la vía oral. La Impresión Clínica Global de Cambio fue mejor en algún grado para el 61,3% de los cuidadores y para el 53% de los investigadores. Se notificaron pocos olvidos de la medicación. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los cuidadores de pacientes con EA leve-moderada prefirieron la vía transdérmica de rivastigmina a la vía oral, notificando satisfacción global, facilidad de uso e impacto reducido en sus actividades diarias propias con la ruta transdérmica, así como mejora de los pacientes respecto al tratamiento anterior. Keywords: Alzheimer disease, Informal caregiver, Rivastigmine, Satisfaction, Clinical Global Impression of Change, Treatment compliance, Transdermal patch, Palabras clave: Enfermedad de Alzheimer, Cuidador informal, Rivastigmina, Satisfacción, Impresión Clínica Global de Cambio, Cumplimiento terapéutico, Parche transdérmic

    Experiencia de uso y satisfacción con rivastigmina transdérmica en cuidadores de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer de leve a moderada previamente tratados con rivastigmina oral a dosis altas

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    Resumen: Introducción: Rivastigmina, tratamiento para la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) leve-moderada, es el primer inhibidor de la colinesterasa administrable por vía transdérmica. Se describen la experiencia de uso y la satisfacción de los cuidadores informales con los parches de rivastigmina, así como el cambio clínico percibido en los pacientes con su empleo. Métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal y multicéntrico, con 239 investigadores y 1851 cuidadores informales de pacientes con EA leve-moderada, tratados con rivastigmina transdérmica durante ≥ 6 meses, y que previamente recibían dosis altas de rivastigmina por vía oral. Resultados: La edad media de los cuidadores fue 59,8 ± 14,4 años (70,9% mujeres). El 79,8% compartía domicilio con el paciente, dedicando 10,0 ± 7,1 h/día a su cuidado. Para la mayoría de los cuidadores las instrucciones del parche fueron comprensibles (97,1%) y la aplicación fácil o muy fácil (92,1%). La principal dificultad mencionada fueron problemas de adhesión (26,8%). En general, los abandonos del tratamiento se produjeron por reacciones cutáneas. El 76,5% de los cuidadores estuvieron satisfechos o muy satisfechos con el parche y el 77,4% consideró que interfería poco o nada en las actividades diarias propias. El 94,3% prefirió la vía transdérmica respecto a la vía oral. La Impresión Clínica Global de Cambio fue mejor en algún grado para el 61,3% de los cuidadores y para el 53% de los investigadores. Se notificaron pocos olvidos de la medicación. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los cuidadores de pacientes con EA leve-moderada prefirieron la vía transdérmica de rivastigmina a la vía oral, notificando satisfacción global, facilidad de uso e impacto reducido en sus actividades diarias propias con la ruta transdérmica, así como mejora de los pacientes respecto al tratamiento anterior. Abstract: Introduction: Rivastigmine, a treatment for mild to moderate Alzheimer disease (AD), is the first cholinesterase inhibitor to be available in the transdermal format. We aim to describe user experience and satisfaction with the rivastigmine patch, as well as any clinical changes perceived in patients. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, multicentre study with 239 investigators and 1851 informal caregivers of patients with mild to moderate AD. Patients were treated with transdermal rivastigmine patches for ≥ 6 months and had previously received high doses of oral rivastigmine. Results: Mean caregiver age was 59.8 ± 14.4 years and 70.9% were women. They spent 10.0 ± 7.1 hours per day providing care and 79.8% lived with the patient. Patch instructions were described as easy to follow by 97.1% of the caregivers and 92.1% of them rated patch application as easy or very easy. The most commonly cited disadvantage was adhesion problems (26.8%). Discontinuation of treatment was due to cutaneous reactions in most cases. Overall, 76.5% of the caregivers were satisfied or very satisfied with transdermal treatment and 77.4% considered that its interference with daily activities was minimal or null. The patch was preferred to oral treatment by 94.3% of caregivers. Clinical Global Impression of Change ratings improved according to 61.3% of the caregivers and 53% of the investigators. Few caregivers reported medication forgetfulness. Conclusions: Most caregivers of patients with mild to moderate AD preferred the transdermal format of rivastigmine to the oral format. Caregivers also reported overall satisfaction, ease of use, and reduced impact on daily activities for transdermal rivastigmine format, in addition to patient improvement compared to their condition under the previous treatment. Palabras clave: Enfermedad de Alzheimer, Cuidador informal, Rivastigmina, Satisfacción, Impresión Clínica Global de Cambio, Cumplimiento terapéutico, Parche transdérmico, Keywords: Alzheimer disease, Informal caregiver, Rivastigmine, Satisfaction, Clinical Global Impression of Change, Treatment compliance, Transdermal patc