1,624 research outputs found

    Cool dwarfs in wide multiple systems. Paper 6: A curious quintuple system of a compact Sun-like triple and a close pair of an M dwarf and a very cool white dwarf at a wide separation

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    The system WDS 16329+0315 is an old, nearby quintuple physical system in the thick Galactic disc formed by a close-resolved, triple primary of solar metallicity, namely HD 149162, and a very wide, common proper motion, secondary pair, formed by the mid-M dwarf G-17-23 and the white dwarf LSPM J1633+0311S. We present an exhaustive astrometric and photometric data compilation of the system, including Gaia DR2 parallaxes and proper motions, and the first analysis of the nature of the faintest component. LSPM J1633+0311S (HD 149162 C) is a very cool white dwarf with an effective temperature of only about 5500 K, near the coolest end of the grid of theoretical models.Comment: The Observatory, in press, to appear in December 201

    Ecuaciones para la estimación de biomasa de frondosas en España

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    To estimate forest carbon pools from forest inventories it is necessary to have biomass models or biomass expansion factors. In this study, tree biomass models were developed for the main hardwood forest species in Spain: Alnus glutinosa, Castanea sativa, Ceratonia siliqua, Eucalyptus globulus, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus angustifolia, Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Populus x euramericana, Quercus canariensis, Quercus faginea, Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus suber. Different tree biomass components were considered: stem with bark, branches of different sizes, above and belowground biomass. For each species, a system of equations was fitted using seemingly unrelated regression, fulfilling the additivity property between biomass components. Diameter and total height were explored as independent variables. All models included tree diameter whereas for the majority of species, total height was only considered in the stem biomass models and in some of the branch models. The comparison of the new biomass models with previous models fitted separately for each tree component indicated an improvement in the accuracy of the models. A mean reduction of 20% in the root mean square error and a mean increase in the model efficiency of 7% in comparison with recently published models. So, the fitted models allow estimating more accurately the biomass stock in hardwood species from the Spanish National Forest Inventory data.Para realizar estimaciones de cantidades de carbono acumulado por los bosques, a partir de datos procedentes de inventarios forestales, es necesario disponer de modelos de estimación de biomasa o de factores de expansión. En este trabajo se han ajustado modelos de estimación de biomasa para las principales especies forestales de frondosas existentes en los bosques españoles: Alnus glutinosa, Castanea sativa, Ceratonia siliqua, Eucalyptus globulus, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus angustifolia, Olea europea var. sylvestris, Populus x euramericana, Quercus canariensis, Quercus faginea, Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica y Quercus suber. Se han determinado las siguientes fracciones: fuste con corteza, ramas de diferentes tamaños, parte aérea y parte radical. Para cada especie se ajustó un sistema de ecuaciones utilizando la metodología de mínimos cuadrados generalizados conjuntos, que contempla el cumplimiento de la propiedad aditiva entre fracciones. Como variables independientes se utilizaron el diámetro y la altura total del árbol. El diámetro aparece en todos los modelos, no así la altura, si bien su inclusión resulta en una mejora de las estimaciones en los modelos de biomasa de fuste para la mayoría de las especies y en parte de los modelos de ramas. La comparación con otros modelos desarrollados anteriormente para estas especies y ajustados con otra metodología, indica una mejora en la precisión de los aquí presentados. Existe una mejora media del 20% en términos de la raíz del error medio cuadrático y del 7% en la eficiencia del modelo. Así, mediante el uso de estos modelos ajustados se puede estimar con mayor precisión la biomasa y el carbono acumulado por estas especies de frondosas a partir de datos del Inventario Forestal Nacional de España

    Genome-wide CRISPR interference screen identifies long non-coding RNA loci required for differentiation and pluripotency

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    This work was funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant P01GM099117, and by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under the grant DGE1144152 (J.R.H. and K.M.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Although many long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) exhibit lineage-specific expression, the vast majority remain functionally uncharacterized in the context of development. Here, we report the first described human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines to repress (CRISPRi) or activate (CRISPRa) transcription during differentiation into all three germ layers, facilitating the modulation of lncRNA expression during early development. We performed an unbiased, genome-wide CRISPRi screen targeting thousands of lncRNA loci expressed during endoderm differentiation. While dozens of lncRNA loci were required for proper differentiation, most differentially expressed lncRNAs were not, supporting the necessity for functional screening instead of relying solely on gene expression analyses. In parallel, we developed a clustering approach to infer mechanisms of action of lncRNA hits based on a variety of genomic features. We subsequently identified and validated FOXD3-AS1 as a functional lncRNA essential for pluripotency and differentiation. Taken together, the cell lines and methodology described herein can be adapted to discover and characterize novel regulators of differentiation into any lineage.United States Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA P01GM099117National Science Foundation (NSF) DGE114415

    Two-zero textures for Dirac Neutrinos

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    We review the two-zero mass matrix textures approach for Dirac neutrinos with the most recent global fit in the oscillation parameters. We found that three of the 15 possible textures are compatible with current experimental data, while the remaining two-zero textures are ruled out. Two textures are consistent with the neutrino masses' normal hierarchy and are CP-conserving. At the same time, the other one is compatible with both mass orderings and allows for CP violation. We also present the correlations between the oscillation parameters for the allowed two-zero textures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A Role for Both Conformational Selection and Induced Fit in Ligand Binding by the LAO Protein

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    Molecular recognition is determined by the structure and dynamics of both a protein and its ligand, but it is difficult to directly assess the role of each of these players. In this study, we use Markov State Models (MSMs) built from atomistic simulations to elucidate the mechanism by which the Lysine-, Arginine-, Ornithine-binding (LAO) protein binds to its ligand. We show that our model can predict the bound state, binding free energy, and association rate with reasonable accuracy and then use the model to dissect the binding mechanism. In the past, this binding event has often been assumed to occur via an induced fit mechanism because the protein's binding site is completely closed in the bound state, making it impossible for the ligand to enter the binding site after the protein has adopted the closed conformation. More complex mechanisms have also been hypothesized, but these have remained controversial. Here, we are able to directly observe roles for both the conformational selection and induced fit mechanisms in LAO binding. First, the LAO protein tends to form a partially closed encounter complex via conformational selection (that is, the apo protein can sample this state), though the induced fit mechanism can also play a role here. Then, interactions with the ligand can induce a transition to the bound state. Based on these results, we propose that MSMs built from atomistic simulations may be a powerful way of dissecting ligand-binding mechanisms and may eventually facilitate a deeper understanding of allostery as well as the prediction of new protein-ligand interactions, an important step in drug discovery

    Antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and colour of red wines treated with new fining agents

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    Nowadays the clarification and stabilization of red wines is generally done with conventional fining agents, like bentonite and activated coal, which pose a major challenge to environmental security and wastes management. This stimulated the use of many new techniques in order to discover alternative fining agents that don’t have negative influence on color, phenolic compounds and quality parameters. The aim of this research is to determine, how alternative fining agents, in different doses, affect antioxidant activity and colour parameters of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' red wines. Experimental material is from North-East Romania and was fined with mesoporous materials, bentonite and activated coal. Discriminant analysis classified 'Cabernet Sauvignon' wines according to the different fining agents based on total polyphenolic compounds and total antioxidant activity. Alternative fining agents, as mesoporous materials, have less impact on the colour and phenolic content of red wines in contrast to activated coal and bentonite treatments that can conduct to unsatisfying characteristics. Mesoporous materials are preferable and could be an exceptional adsorbent for polyphenolic compounds

    Gestión del conocimiento de Diseño en la industria del mueble

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    Ponencia presentada en el VIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrada en Bilbao en el año 2004The goal of the project was to improve the design process of the products in the furniture industry. It consisted of investigating the definition of a knowledge-based model in order to assist in the design of the industrial products. Firstly, a design process analysis and redesign was made through the process modeling. From the current design process model of the studied company a new design process model was achieved. In the new process, changes and consequences of introducing a new design tool, such as Catia V5, were reflected. Improvements referring to times, workflows, reduction of mistakes and better efficiency in the product design were achieved. Then, an Informal Model was built up and developed with the product knowledge of the company. This model was the necessary way between the information that defines the product related with the company and the Formal Model, which is required for its application in computer programs for products design. Finally, through using the program Catia V5, the prototype of a model was built up. That model allowed the achievement of variations in current designs automatically, taking into account the features and limitations of itself. Those automatic designs were gotten by the user, modifying the defined variables by introducing the searched parameters. In that way, a reduction of the time needed for current design and less mistakes of any type were achieved. As a whole, the project achieved a reduction of times and mistakes, increased flexibility referred to changes in the product design and integration between the design tasks, and achieved a best product knowledge management in the company.El objetivo general de este proyecto era mejorar el proceso de diseño de los productos de la industria del mueble. Consistía en investigar en la definición de un modelo basado en el conocimiento para asistir el diseño de productos industriales. En primer lugar se realizó un análisis y rediseño del proceso de diseño actual de la empresa estudiada mediante el modelado de procesos. A partir del modelo de proceso actual se obtuvo un nuevo modelo, en el cual se analizaban y reflejaban los cambios y consecuencias en el proceso ante la implementación de una nueva herramienta de diseño, como es el Catia. Se obtuvieron mejoras en aspectos de tiempo, flujo de actividades, reducción de fallos y una mayor eficiencia en el diseño. Otro de los puntos del proyecto fue la construcción de un Modelo Informal, desarrollado con el conocimiento de producto de la empresa, el cual constituye el paso necesario entre la información que define el producto en relación con la empresa y la obtención del Modelo Formal, requerido para su aplicación en herramientas informáticas para el diseño de productos. Y por último, mediante la utilización de la aplicación Catia V5 se desarrolló un prototipo de un modelo que permite la obtención de variaciones en diseños desarrollados rutinariamente de manera automática, teniendo en cuenta las características y limitaciones del mismo. Esto se produce, cuando el usuario introduce los parámetros deseados, modificando así las variables definidas, produciendo de esta forma una reducción de tiempos y minimización en cualquier tipo de error. Con todo ello se consigue una minimización de tiempos y errores, aumentar la flexibilidad en cuanto a la introducción de cambios en el diseño, aumentar la integración entre las actividades de producción y las actividades de diseño y una mejor gestión del conocimiento del producto por parte de la organización

    Efficacy of different recovery strategies in elite soccer players

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    Una correcta estrategia de recuperación (ER) tras la competición o el entrenamiento de alta intensidad en fútbol ayudará a no disminuir el rendimiento y a prevenir lesiones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la eficacia de diferentes estrategias de recuperación combinadas en comparación con una simple, tras una sesión de entrenamiento específico de fútbol. Participaron 20 jugadores de fútbol de élite y se utilizaron cuatro estrategias de recuperación de forma aleatoria y contrabalanceada a lo largo de 4 semanas de entrenamiento. Se midió temperatura timpánica y las escalas subjetiva Total Quality Recovery (TQR) y Category Ratio Scale (CR10). Los resultados exponen que ninguna de las ER estudiadas muestra ser más eficaz que las demás. No obstante, la realización de protocolos de recuperación combinados llevados a cabo tras la sesión de entrenamiento de fútbol, tiende a una mayor eficacia respecto al protocolo que incluía únicamente estiramientosAfter a soccer match or high intensity training, suitable recovery will help not to decrease performance and to prevent injuries. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of different combined recovery strategies in comparison with a simple one, after a specific soccer training session. Twenty elite players participated in the study. A randomized crossover design was used to determine the effect of 4 post-training session recovery strategies. Tympanic temperature was measured, as well as Total Quality Recovery (TQR) and Category Ratio Scale (CR10) subjective scales. Results show that none of the recovery strategies proved more effective than others. However, the use of combined strategies tended to be more effective than a simple strategy after a high intensity training session in socce
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