22 research outputs found


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    The research entitled Effect of Total Quality Control and Just In Time on improving product quality and cost efficiency aims to analyze the effect of Total Quality Control (TQC) and Just In Time (JIT) on improving product quality and cost efficiency. This research was conducted at one of the manufacturing companies in Surabaya, namely UD. Sukri Dana Abadi. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The type of data used in this study is the type of primary data where researchers obtain data through direct data collection efforts. Methods of data collection is done by conducting interviews and observations on the object under study. The results of this study indicate that Total Quality Control (TQC) has an effect on improving product quality and cost efficiency, where the quality of the resulting product is in accordance with the specifications and Standard Operational Prosedur (SOP). While Just In Time (JIT) shows a significant effect on improving product quality and cost efficiency. The storage fee before Just In Time is Rp. 7,463,577 while the storage cost after Just In Time is Rp. 3,732,788 then there is a difference of Rp. 3,731,788 which means Just In Time can reduce costs by Rp. 3,731,788

    Challenges Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation And Cpo Prices In Indonesia Palm Oil Industry

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    Objective : This study points to analyze the challenges of Rupiah Exchange Rates and International CPO Prices to Indonesia's CPO Export Volume. Design /methodology/approach : this research exercises explanatory type under a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study were done by time series techniques. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) tool. Findings :  The study results indicate that: (1) Rupiah Exchange Rates do not have a significant effect on Indonesia's CPO Export Volume; (2) International CPO prices have a significant effect on Indonesia's CPO Export Volume. Practical implications : intensify business in economy sector in order to reach the lower class people. Paper type : research paper   Keywords: Rupiah Exchange Rates, International CPO Prices, Export Volum


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    ABSTRACTThis study has the aim of knowing the effect of dividend policy as measured by dividends per share and dividend payout ratio on stock prices. This research is quantitative descriptive. The total companies that will be studied are 3 companies which are determined through purposive sampling. In this study shows the results that dividend policy does not have a significant effect on the stock prices of textile and garment companies listed on the  Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). While simultaneously dividends per share and dividend payout ratio have no effect on stock prices. This shows that dividends do not provide signals or information to investors to invest in shares, because investors feel the same, whether they receive dividends at present or not, in the end investors will invest again and the rise and fall of the DPR will not affect investors whether will invest in the company or not.

    The Influence of Financial Structure, Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior on Household Financial Resilience Using Financial Inclusion and Financial Decision as Intervening Variables On Cancer Survivors Household In East Java During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The research aims to analyze the influence of financial structure, financial literacy and financial behavior on household financial resilience where financial inclusion and financial decisions are intervening variables in families of cancer survivors in East Java during the Covid 19 pandemic. It uses a quantitative approach by collecting data through surveys. The population of this study is the overall data on the number of women with breast cancer in East Java. Based on secondary data obtained from the 2018 Indonesian Health Profile issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, there were 937 breast cancer sufferers in East Java up to 2018. The results showed of the determination coefficient test obtained the number 0.547826, which means that the variables used in the study are Financial Structure, Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, Financial Inclusion and Financial Decisions  can influence the Financial Resilience variable by 54.78%. Financial inclusion and financial decisions as intervening variables, where financial inclusion has a negative and significant effect, while financial decisions have a positive and significant effect

    Challenges Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation And Cpo Prices In Indonesia Palm Oil Industry

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    Objective : This study points to analyze the challenges of Rupiah Exchange Rates and International CPO Prices to Indonesia's CPO Export Volume. Design /methodology/approach : this research exercises explanatory type under a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study were done by time series techniques. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) tool. Findings :  The study results indicate that: (1) Rupiah Exchange Rates do not have a significant effect on Indonesia's CPO Export Volume; (2) International CPO prices have a significant effect on Indonesia's CPO Export Volume. Practical implications : intensify business in economy sector in order to reach the lower class people. Paper type : research paper   Keywords: Rupiah Exchange Rates, International CPO Prices, Export Volum


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    Pasar modal adalah suatu tempat/tata letak  dimana pihak yang lain memiliki sumber dana lebih yang kemudian bertransaksi dengan pihak yang sedang membutuhkan keuangan dalam transaksi antar sekuritas. Pada aktifitas investasi, sebagai seorang investor mempunyai harapan bahwa akan mendapatkan profit/laba yang menguntungkan dengan meminimalisir risiko yang ada. Dengan terciptanya pasar modal, pemodal dapat bisa memiliki alternatif dari kegiatan investasi yang dimana alternatif ini dapat memberikan keuntungan yang paling optimal jika dibandingkan dengan investasi. Dengan banyaknya saham yang tercatat di BEI, seringkali investor kebingungan untuk memutuskan saham yang  dipilih dan masuk kedalam kriteria portofolionya.. Untuk mengatasi kebingungan tersebut, maka pelaku investor harus mempunyai sedikit atau banyaknya pemahaman mengenai investasi dalam portofolio agar dapat menentukan keputusan terbaiknya dalam investasinya. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan analisa untuk membuktikan bahwasannya apakah perusahaan manufaktur dalam makanan dan minuman  yang dipilih dapat membentuk portofolio optimal  menggunakan metode indeks tunggal dan penelitian ini juga memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tingginya tingkat keuntungan yang diharapkan dan juga risiko yang kemungkinan bisa terjadi pada investor. Metode yang dipilih peneliti adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terbukti bahwa perusahaan makanan yang kami pilih dapat membentuk portofolio optimal. Pada penelitian ini kami memilih 3 perusahaan untuk dijadikan sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu PT Mayora Indah Tbk., PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk., PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. Dari 3 perusahaan yang kami pilih sebagai sampel penelitian ini, ada 2 perusahaan yang bisa dinyatakan sebagai kandidat perusahaan yang dapat membentuk portofolio optimal, yaitu PT. Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk dan PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

    The Effect Of Green Accounting On Profitability In Manufacturing Companies Sub-Sector Cement Sector In 2020-2022

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    Green Accounting is an accounting system that regulates between companies and the surrounding environment. Green Accounting can provide useful information for business people to manage, design, and evaluate related company systems in order to have a positive impact on the surrounding environment and the general public. This research aims to recognize the effect of Green Accounting on profitability in the manufacturing industry of the lower industrial zone and chemical cement sub-zone in 2020-2022. The research was conducted using quantitative methods. It was found that Green Accounting has a positive effect on the profitability of manufacturing companies. This is evidenced by the results of calculations with the research variables of environmental performance and the use of environmentally friendly products, which refer to the sustainability reports of manufacturing companies in the cement sub-sector in 2020-2022

    Pengaruh Rasio Likuiditas, Leverage, Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Financial Resilience Pada Industri Food And Beverage (F&B) Dalam Masa Krisis Ekonomi

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    This study aims to determine the financial performance of financial resilience in times of crisis of each company engaged in the Food and Beverage (F&B) sector, namely PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, and PT Sentra Food Indonesia Tbk during 2019- 2021 through ratio analysis. The data analysis method used is a quantitative descriptive method, namely by collecting, processing, and interpreting the data obtained so that it can provide a clear picture of the situation under study based on the numbers. The result of this study is that the liquidity ratio has a significantly positive effect on financial resilience. While the leverage ratio and profitability ratios have no significant positive effect on financial resilience

    Mediation Effect of Computer Self-Efficacy Between Learning Motivation and Learning Achievement

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    Factors that influence learning achievement include learning motivation and self-efficacy. This study aims to explain the effect of learning motivation, and self-efficacy on student achievement. The population used in this study were students of the Faculty of Economics, University of 17 August 1945, Surabaya. The sampling technique is random sampling. The data collection used is documentation and questionnaires. The design of this research is an explanation of the variables of learning motivation (X1), self-efficacy (X2), and learning achievement (Y). The data analysis technique used is Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed that learning motivation and self-efficacy partially affected the learning achievement of undergraduate students. The limitations of this study are limited to students of the Management S1 program, so it cannot be generalized to other populations. Further researchers are expected to add other variables that affect learning achievement and can add data collection techniques with observation and interviews so that research results are more accurate. Keywords: Learning Motivation, Computer Self-Efficacy, Learning Achievement


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengenai peranan green accounting terhadap green campus di Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Green accounting merupakan pengembangan informasi terbaru yang memperhatikan tentang lingkungan dengan mengungkapkan laporan biaya aktivitas yang ada, dengan bersifat sukarela karena belum terdapat aturan tegas. Apabila ingin mencapai sustainability universitas, selain memperhatikan aspek ekonomi dan sosial juga harus memperhatikan aspek lingkungan agar tetap terjaga eksistensi universitas sekaligus kelestarian lingkungannya. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini  yaitu kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa green accounting berperan dalam sustainability development di Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, hal ini ditunjukkan dari program Eco Campus yang dilakukan oleh Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya salah satunya penurunan penggunaan daya listrik per kW