3,031 research outputs found

    Genealogies of rapidly adapting populations

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    The genetic diversity of a species is shaped by its recent evolutionary history and can be used to infer demographic events or selective sweeps. Most inference methods are based on the null hypothesis that natural selection is a weak or infrequent evolutionary force. However, many species, particularly pathogens, are under continuous pressure to adapt in response to changing environments. A statistical framework for inference from diversity data of such populations is currently lacking. Toward this goal, we explore the properties of genealogies in a model of continual adaptation in asexual populations. We show that lineages trace back to a small pool of highly fit ancestors, in which almost simultaneous coalescence of more than two lineages frequently occurs. While such multiple mergers are unlikely under the neutral coalescent, they create a unique genetic footprint in adapting populations. The site frequency spectrum of derived neutral alleles, for example, is non-monotonic and has a peak at high frequencies, whereas Tajima's D becomes more and more negative with increasing sample size. Since multiple merger coalescents emerge in many models of rapid adaptation, we argue that they should be considered as a null-model for adapting populations.Comment: to appear in PNA

    A Note on T-dualities in the Pure Spinor Heterotic String

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    In this note we study the preservation of the classical pure spinor BRST constraints under super T-duality transformations. We also determine the invariance of the one-loop conformal invariance and of the local gauge and Lorentz anomalies under the super T-dualities.Comment: References adde

    Multiscaling in passive scalar advection as stochastic shape dynamics

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    The Kraichnan rapid advection model is recast as the stochastic dynamics of tracer trajectories. This framework replaces the random fields with a small set of stochastic ordinary differential equations. Multiscaling of correlation functions arises naturally as a consequence of the geometry described by the evolution of N trajectories. Scaling exponents and scaling structures are interpreted as excited states of the evolution operator. The trajectories become nearly deterministic in high dimensions allowing for perturbation theory in this limit. We calculate perturbatively the anomalous exponent of the third and fourth order correlation functions. The fourth order result agrees with previous calculations.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Kappa-symmetric Derivative Corrections to D-brane Dynamics

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    We show how the superembedding formalism can be applied to construct manifestly kappa-symmetric higher derivative corrections for the D9-brane. We also show that all correction terms appear at even powers of the fundamental length scale ll. We explicitly construct the first potential correction, which corresponds to the kappa-symmetric version of the 4F4\partial^4 F^4, which one finds from the four-point amplitude of the open superstring.Comment: 20 pages. Minor changes, added reference

    Perturbation theory vs. simulation for tadpole improvement factors in pure gauge theories

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    We calculate the mean link in Landau gauge for Wilson and improved SU(3) anisotropic gauge actions, using two loop perturbation theory and Monte Carlo simulation employing an accelerated Langevin algorithm. Twisted boundary conditions are employed, with a twist in all four lattice directions considerably improving the (Fourier accelerated) convergence to an improved lattice Landau gauge. Two loop perturbation theory is seen to predict the mean link extremely well even into the region of commonly simulated gauge couplings and so can be used remove the need for numerical tuning of self-consistent tadpole improvement factors. A three loop perturbative coefficient is inferred from the simulations and is found to be small. We show that finite size effects are small and argue likewise for (lattice) Gribov copies and double Dirac sheets.Comment: 13 pages of revtex

    Correlation functions, null polygonal Wilson loops, and local operators

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    We consider the ratio of the correlation function of n+1 local operators over the correlator of the first n of these operators in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, and consider the limit where the first n operators become pairwise null separated. By studying the problem in twistor space, we prove that this is equivalent to the correlator of a n-cusp null polygonal Wilson loop with the remaining operator in general position, normalized by the expectation value of the Wilson loop itself, as recently conjectured by Alday, Buchbinder and Tseytlin. Twistor methods also provide a BCFW-like recursion relation for such correlators. Finally, we study the natural extension where n operators become pairwise null separated with k operators in general position. As an example, we perform an analysis of the resulting correlator for k=2 and discuss some of the difficulties associated to fixing the correlator completely in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures. v2: typos corrected and references added; v3: published versio

    Comments on gluon scattering amplitudes via AdS/CFT

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    In this article we consider n gluon color ordered, planar amplitudes in N=4 super Yang Mills at strong 't Hooft coupling. These amplitudes are approximated by classical surfaces in AdS_5 space. We compute the value of the amplitude for a particular kinematic configuration for a large number of gluons and find that the result disagrees with a recent guess for the exact value of the amplitude. Our results are still compatible with a possible relation between amplitudes and Wilson loops. In addition, we also give a prescription for computing processes involving local operators and asymptotic states with a fixed number of gluons. As a byproduct, we also obtain a string theory prescription for computing the dual of the ordinary Wilson loop, Tr P exp[ i\oint A ], with no couplings to the scalars. We also evaluate the quark-antiquark potential at two loops.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures,v3:minor correction

    Nonclassical statistics of intracavity coupled χ(2)\chi^{(2)} waveguides: the quantum optical dimer

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    A model is proposed where two χ(2)\chi^{(2)} nonlinear waveguides are contained in a cavity suited for second-harmonic generation. The evanescent wave coupling between the waveguides is considered as weak, and the interplay between this coupling and the nonlinear interaction within the waveguides gives rise to quantum violations of the classical limit. These violations are particularly strong when two instabilities are competing, where twin-beam behavior is found as almost complete noise suppression in the difference of the fundamental intensities. Moreover, close to bistable transitions perfect twin-beam correlations are seen in the sum of the fundamental intensities, and also the self-pulsing instability as well as the transition from symmetric to asymmetric states display nonclassical twin-beam correlations of both fundamental and second-harmonic intensities. The results are based on the full quantum Langevin equations derived from the Hamiltonian and including cavity damping effects. The intensity correlations of the output fields are calculated semi-analytically using a linearized version of the Langevin equations derived through the positive-P representation. Confirmation of the analytical results are obtained by numerical simulations of the nonlinear Langevin equations derived using the truncated Wigner representation.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Manifest SO(N) invariance and S-matrices of three-dimensional N=2,4,8 SYM

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    An on-shell formalism for the computation of S-matrices of SYM theories in three spacetime dimensions is presented. The framework is a generalization of the spinor-helicity formalism in four dimensions. The formalism is applied to establish the manifest SO(N) covariance of the on-shell superalgebra relevant to N =2,4 and 8 SYM theories in d=3. The results are then used to argue for the SO(N) invariance of the S-matrices of these theories: a claim which is proved explicitly for the four-particle scattering amplitudes. Recursion relations relating tree amplitudes of three-dimensional SYM theories are shown to follow from their four-dimensional counterparts. The results for the four-particle amplitudes are verified by tree-level perturbative computations and a unitarity based construction of the integrand corresponding to the leading perturbative correction is also presented for the N=8 theory. For N=8 SYM, the manifest SO(8) symmetry is used to develop a map between the color-ordered amplitudes of the SYM and superconformal Chern-Simons theories, providing a direct connection between on-shell observables of D2 and M2-brane theories.Comment: 28 page

    Observation of twin beam correlations and quadrature entanglement by frequency doubling in a two-port resonator

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    We demonstrate production of quantum correlated and entangled beams by second harmonic generation in a nonlinear resonator with two output ports. The output beams at wavelength 428.5 nm exhibit 0.9 dB of nonclassical intensity correlations and 0.3 dB of entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure