820 research outputs found

    Apseudomorph tanaidaceans (Crustacea: Peracarida) from mud-volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz (North-east Atlantic)

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    Faunal collections from mud-volcano sites in the Gulf of Cadiz, at depths between 355 and 3061 m, have revealed a high diversity (and in some cases high density) of tanaidaceans. A previous paper has described some of the tanaidomorph species found. Records of apseudomorph species from deep-sea chemosynthetic habitats are almost non-existent. The present study reports on seven apseudomorph species from five different genera from this material; two of the species, one in each of the genera Sphyrapus and Pseudosphyrapus are new to science, although there was insufficient material available to describe fully the Pseudosphyrapus species. Two of the other species are reported herein for only the second time. A neo-type is erected for Apseudes setiferus Bacescu, and a lectotype for Sphyrapus malleolus Norman & Stebbing; these two, plus Atlantapseudes nigrifrons Bacescu and Fageapseudes retusifrons Richardson are redescribed. The habitus of Apseudes grossimanus is figured. None of the taxa appear to show any morphological features specifically adapted to the peculiar habitat around mud-volcanoes. The genus Collossella is relegated to the synonymy of Fageapseudes. The non-chemosynthetic-habitat-associated species Apseudes coriolis is moved to Taraxapseudes.EC - GOCE-CT-2005-511234 HERMESEC - 226354 HERMIONETraining Through Research Programme IOC-UNESCOCensus of Marine Life Project COMARGEMNiSW grant 2PO4C 089 29

    Sediment Mixing and Amorphous Weathering Products in a Glaciated Mars-Analog System

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    Modern climate models of Mars tend to predict a colder, icier early climate than previously imagined. While alteration of mafic terrain under warm, wet conditions is relatively well understood, a significant knowledge gap exists in how weathering might occur under redominantly glaciated environments on Mars. In such conditions, it is unclear whether all or any of the variety of aqueous alteration phases expressed in contemporaneous early martian surfaces could be formed, or how erosion of mafic bedrock and transport of sediment would comparatively change. Please see attachment

    Sediment Transport and Aqueous Alteration in a Mars-Analog Glacial System

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    The bulk of the Martian crust is basaltic with a wide variety of subsequently derived aqueous alteration phases. Study of analogue terrains is vital to better understand the weathering of such mafic bedrock at a range of surface temperatures. Moreover, climatic models have suggested that the early Martian climate was not warm and wet, but cold and icy, with some of the apparent fluvial and lacustrine features attributable to transient melting of ice sheets as opposed to persistent surface water. This study examines sediment samples from Collier glacial valley, Three Sisters, Oregon (OR), with the aim of better characterizing erosion, transport, and in situ aqueous alteration in a glaciated Mars-analogue terrain

    Basalt Weathering in a Cold and Icy Climate: Three Sisters, Oregon as an Analog for Early Mars

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    There is abundant evidence for liquid water on early Mars, but the debate remains whether early Mars was warm and wet or cold and icy with punctuated periods of melting. To further investigate the hypothesis of a cold and icy early Mars, we collected rocks and sediments from the Collier and Diller glacial valleys in the Three Sisters volcanic complex in Oregon. We analyzed rocks and sediments with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopies with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM, TEM, EDS), and visible, short-wave infrared (VSWIR) and thermal-IR (TIR) spectroscopies to characterize chemical weathering and sediment transport through the valleys. Here, we focus on the composition and mineralogy of the weathering products and how they compare to those identified on the martian surface. Phyllosilicates (smectite), zeolites, and poorly crystalline phases were discovered in pro- and supra-glacial sediments, whereas Si-rich regelation films were found on hand samples and boulders in the proglacial valleys. Most phyllosilicates and zeolites are likely detrital, originating from hydrothermally altered units on North Sister. TEM-EDS analyses of the <2 um size fraction of glacial flour samples demonstrate a variety of poorly crystalline (i.e., no long-range crystallographic order) phases: iron oxides, devitrified volcanic glass, and Fe-Si-Al phases. The CheMin XRD on the Curiosity rover in Gale crater has identified significant amounts of X-ray amorphous materials in all samples measured to date. The amorphous component is likely a combination of silicates, iron oxides, and sulfates. Although we have not yet observed amorphous sulfate in the samples from Three Sisters, the variety of poorly crystalline weathering products found at this site is consistent with the variable composition of the X-ray amorphous component identified by CheMin. We suggest that these amorphous phases on Mars could have formed in a similarly cold and icy environment

    Diversity of Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) in the World's Oceans – How Far Have We Come?

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    Tanaidaceans are small peracarid crustaceans which occur in all marine habitats, over the full range of depths, and rarely into fresh waters. Yet they have no obligate dispersive phase in their life-cycle. Populations are thus inevitably isolated, and allopatric speciation and high regional diversity are inevitable; cosmopolitan distributions are considered to be unlikely or non-existent. Options for passive dispersion are discussed. Tanaidaceans appear to have first evolved in shallow waters, the region of greatest diversification of the Apseudomorpha and some tanaidomorph families, while in deeper waters the apseudomorphs have subsequently evolved two or three distinct phyletic lines. The Neotanaidomorpha has evolved separately and diversified globally in deep waters, and the Tanaidomorpha has undergone the greatest evolution, diversification and adaptation, to the point where some of the deep-water taxa are recolonizing shallow waters. Analysis of their geographic distribution shows some level of regional isolation, but suffers from inclusion of polyphyletic taxa and a general lack of data, particularly for deep waters. It is concluded that the diversity of the tanaidomorphs in deeper waters and in certain ocean regions remains to be discovered; that the smaller taxa are largely understudied; and that numerous cryptic species remain to be distinguished. Thus the number of species currently recognized is likely to be an order of magnitude too low, and globally the Tanaidacea potentially rival the Amphipoda and Isopoda in diversity

    Mental health and wellbeing in parents of excessively crying infants: prospective evaluation of a support package

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    Background During the first four months of age, approximately 20% of infants cry a lot without an apparent reason. Most research has targeted the crying and its causes, but there is a need for equal attention to the impact of the crying on parents and subsequent outcomes. This study reports the findings from a prospective evaluation of a package of materials designed to support the wellbeing and mental health of parents who judge their infant to be crying excessively. The resulting ‘Surviving Crying’ package comprised a website, printed materials, and a programme of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - based support sessions delivered to parents by a qualified practitioner. It was designed to be suitable for National Health Service (NHS) use. Methods Parents were referred to the study by NHS Health Visitors or Community Public Health Nurses. Fifty seven parents of excessively crying babies received the support package and provided rating scale measures of depression, anxiety, frustration because of the crying, and other measures before receiving the support package, together with outcome measures afterwards. Results Significant reductions in depression and anxiety were found with the number of parents meeting clinical criteria for depression or anxiety halving between baseline and outcome. These improvements were not explained by changes in infant crying. Reductions also occurred in the number of parents reporting the crying to be a large or severe problem (from 28 to 3 parents) or feeling very or extremely frustrated by the crying (from 31 to 1 parent). Other findings included increases in parents’ confidence, knowledge of infant crying and improvements in parents’ sleep. Conclusions The findings suggest that the Surviving Crying package may be effective in supporting the wellbeing and mental health of parents of excessively crying babies. Further, large-scale controlled trials of the package in NHS settings are warranted

    Time-evolving mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet from satellite altimetry

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    Mass changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet may be estimated by the input–output method (IOM), satellite gravimetry, or via surface elevation change rates (dH/dt). Whereas the first two have been shown to agree well in reconstructing ice-sheet wide mass changes over the last decade, there are few decadal estimates from satellite altimetry and none that provide a time-evolving trend that can be readily compared with the other methods. Here, we interpolate radar and laser altimetry data between 1995 and 2009 in both space and time to reconstruct the evolving volume changes. A firn densification model forced by the output of a regional climate model is used to convert volume to mass. We consider and investigate the potential sources of error in our reconstruction of mass trends, including geophysical biases in the altimetry, and the resulting mass change rates are compared to other published estimates. We find that mass changes are dominated by surface mass balance (SMB) until about 2001, when mass loss rapidly accelerates. The onset of this acceleration is somewhat later, and less gradual, compared to the IOM. Our time-averaged mass changes agree well with recently published estimates based on gravimetry, IOM, laser altimetry, and with radar altimetry when merged with airborne data over outlet glaciers. We demonstrate that, with appropriate treatment, satellite radar altimetry can provide reliable estimates of mass trends for the Greenland Ice Sheet. With the inclusion of data from CryoSat-2, this provides the possibility of producing a continuous time series of regional mass trends from 1992 onward
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