212 research outputs found

    Cleavage of macromolecular RAFT chain transfer agents by sodium azide during characterization by aqueous GPC

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    Accurate and reliable analysis of polymers by GPC is vital in the field of controlled radical polymerisation. Often, water-soluble polymers are analysed by aqueous gel permeation chromatography (GPC) in a solvent containing dilute sodium azide as an anti-microbial agent. Previous reports have shown that sodium azide at high concentration is able to remove terminal CTA groups from polymer chains, producing thiol-terminated polymers. This study demonstrates that GPC sample preparation of RAFT polymers in aqueous solvents containing dilute (200 ppm) sodium azide can cause significant changes in the measured molecular weight distribution. These changes occur within hours of dissolving the polymer sample and are shown to be due to cleavage of the CTA in the polymer chain together with disulfide coupling of the resulting polymeric thiols. The extent to which this occurs is strongly dependent on the CTA attached to the polymer; an almost 10-fold difference in the rate of CTA removal is observed between different RAFT agents. The by-product of the reaction between sodium azide and RAFT polymers is also investigated and shown to be an unstable thiatriazole-functionalised Z group. The thiatriazole then degrades further to form a nitrile-functionalised Z group, N2 and elemental sulfur

    Ultra-fast aqueous polymerisation of acrylamides by high power visible light direct photoactivation RAFT polymerisation

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    The effect of visible LED power (λmax = 402 nm, 451 nm) on kinetics and control of direct photoactivation RAFT polymerisations of acrylamide and dimethylacrylamide are investigated. By increasing power supplied to the LEDs from 6 to 208 W, the polymerisation time required to reach >85% conversion is reduced from 12 hours to 11 minutes for acrylamide. Similar conversions are shown to be obtainable in 5 minutes for dimethylacrylamide, all without any exogenous photoinitiator or catalyst. This increase in polymerisation rate is attributed to an increase in both photon flux and a coincident increase in polymerisation temperature at higher light intensities. With both 402 nm and 451 nm LEDs exciting the same n → π* electronic transition, little difference in rate of polymerisation is seen between the two light sources. Minimal reduction in polymerisation control is observed at high irradiation intensity for acrylamide, while an increased production of low molecular weight dead chains is observed for dimethylacrylamide. This is shown to be mitigated by controlling the polymerisation temperature to 17 °C which caused both a reduction in low molecular weight tailing and an increased polymerisation time. Visible light direct photoactivation RAFT is also shown to have application in the synthesis of ultra-high molecular weight acrylamide polymers (Mn > 1 000 000 g mol−1)

    Microscopic understanding of ultrafast charge transfer in van-der-Waals heterostructures

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    Van-der-Waals heterostructures show many intriguing phenomena including ultrafast charge separation following strong excitonic absorption in the visible spectral range. However, despite the enormous potential for future applications in the field of optoelectronics, the underlying microscopic mechanism remains controversial. Here we use time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy combined with microscopic many-particle theory to reveal the relevant microscopic charge transfer channels in epitaxial WS2_2/graphene heterostructures. We find that the timescale for efficient ultrafast charge separation in the material is determined by direct tunneling at those points in the Brillouin zone where WS2_2 and graphene bands cross, while the lifetime of the charge separated transient state is set by defect-assisted tunneling through localized sulphur vacanices. The subtle interplay of intrinsic and defect-related charge transfer channels revealed in the present work can be exploited for the design of highly efficient light harvesting and detecting devices.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figure

    Strain-dependent exciton diffusion in transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides have a remarkable excitonic landscape with deeply bound bright and dark exciton states. Their properties are strongly affected by lattice distortions that can be created in a controlled way via strain. Here, we perform a joint theory-experiment study investigating exciton diffusion in strained tungsten disulfide (WS2) monolayers. We reveal a non-trivial and non-monotonic influence of strain. Lattice deformations give rise to different energy shifts for bright and dark excitons changing the excitonic landscape, the efficiency of intervalley scattering channels and the weight of single exciton species to the overall exciton diffusion. We predict a minimal diffusion coefficient in unstrained WS2 followed by a steep speed-up by a factor of 3 for tensile biaxial strain at about 0.6% strain - in excellent agreement with our experiments. The obtained microscopic insights on the impact of strain on exciton diffusion are applicable to a broad class of multi-valley 2D materials

    In vitro interaction of chronic wound bacteria in biofilms

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    Objective: To use in vitro biofilm models of wound bacterial isolates and compare the biofilms produced for different combinations of wound bacterial species. Method: In vitro biofilms, generated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus oralis and Micrococcus luteus in microtitre plates and a constant depth film fermentor (CDFF), were studied. The tested isolates all originated from chronic venous leg ulcers. Biofilms of individual and dual combinations of these species were generated in microtitre plate wells at 37°C for 24-96 hours and also in the CDFF for 7 days. The extent of biofilm formation from these systems was then measured using crystal violet staining and/or total viable counts. Results: All the chronic wound bacteria formed biofilms (both individually and in mixed culture) in these models. In mixed species microtitre plate biofilms, both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus appeared to antagonise biofilm formation by S. oralis and M. luteus, with P. aeruginosa completely inhibiting the growth of these organisms. Similar effects were evident in the CDFF model, when all four bacterial species were added simultaneously, with M. luteus being 'out-competed' by the other organisms present and occurring at numbers at the limits of detection; however, there was an apparent increase in the numbers of S. oralis compared with its single culture equivalent. Conclusion: The study highlighted differences in biofilm formation ability for the tested species in both closed and open model systems. Using dual species biofilms, distinct species antagonism was observed with apparent antagonism of pathogenic species over 'commensal' ones. Such a finding provides insight into possible bacterial interactions during development of 'non-healing' wound biofilms

    Mapping of the dark exciton landscape in transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit a remarkable exciton physics including bright and optically forbidden dark excitonic states. Here, we show how dark excitons can be experimentally revealed by probing the intraexcitonic 1s-2p transition. Distinguishing the optical response shortly after the excitation and after the exciton thermalization allows us to reveal the relative position of bright and dark excitons. We find both in theory and experiment a clear blueshift in the optical response demonstrating the transition of bright exciton populations into lower-lying dark excitonic states

    Photocurrent measurements of supercollision cooling in graphene

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    The cooling of hot electrons in graphene is the critical process underlying the operation of exciting new graphene-based optoelectronic and plasmonic devices, but the nature of this cooling is controversial. We extract the hot electron cooling rate near the Fermi level by using graphene as novel photothermal thermometer that measures the electron temperature (T(t)T(t)) as it cools dynamically. We find the photocurrent generated from graphene p−np-n junctions is well described by the energy dissipation rate CdT/dt=−A(T3−Tl3)C dT/dt=-A(T^3-T_l^3), where the heat capacity is C=αTC=\alpha T and TlT_l is the base lattice temperature. These results are in disagreement with predictions of electron-phonon emission in a disorder-free graphene system, but in excellent quantitative agreement with recent predictions of a disorder-enhanced supercollision (SC) cooling mechanism. We find that the SC model provides a complete and unified picture of energy loss near the Fermi level over the wide range of electronic (15 to ∼\sim3000 K) and lattice (10 to 295 K) temperatures investigated.Comment: 7pages, 5 figure

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Novel Polyvalent Bacteriophages With Potent In Vitro Activity Against an International Collection of Genetically Diverse Staphylococcus aureus

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    Phage therapy recently passed a key milestone with success of the first regulated clinical trial using systemic administration. In this single-arm non-comparative safety study, phages were administered intravenously to patients with invasive Staphylococcus aureus infections with no adverse reactions reported. Here, we examined features of 78 lytic S. aureus phages, most of which were propagated using a S. carnosus host modified to be broadly susceptible to staphylococcal phage infection. Use of this host eliminates the threat of contamination with staphylococcal prophage — the main vector of S. aureus horizontal gene transfer. We determined the host range of these phages against an international collection of 185 S. aureus isolates with 56 different multilocus sequence types that included multiple representatives of all epidemic MRSA and MSSA clonal complexes. Forty of our 78 phages were able to infect > 90% of study isolates, 15 were able to infect > 95%, and two could infect all 184 clinical isolates, but not a phage-resistant mutant generated in a previous study. We selected the 10 phages with the widest host range for in vitro characterization by planktonic culture time-kill analysis against four isolates:- modified S. carnosus strain TM300H, methicillin-sensitive isolates D329 and 15981, and MRSA isolate 252. Six of these 10 phages were able to rapidly kill, reducing cell numbers of at least three isolates. The four best-performing phages, in this assay, were further shown to be highly effective in reducing 48 h biofilms on polystyrene formed by eight ST22 and eight ST36 MRSA isolates. Genomes of 22 of the widest host-range phages showed they belonged to the Twortvirinae subfamily of the order Caudovirales in three main groups corresponding to Silviavirus, and two distinct groups of Kayvirus. These genomes assembled as single-linear dsDNAs with an average length of 140 kb and a GC content of c. 30%. Phages that could infect > 96% of S. aureus isolates were found in all three groups, and these have great potential as therapeutic candidates if, in future studies, they can be formulated to maximize their efficacy and eliminate emergence of phage resistance by using appropriate combinations

    Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function

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    Excitons, Coulomb-bound electron-hole pairs, are the fundamental excitations governing optoelectronic properties of semiconductors. While optical signatures of excitons have been studied extensively, experimental access to the excitonic wave function itself has been elusive. Using multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy, we present a momentum-, energy- and time-resolved perspective on excitons in the layered semiconductor WSe2. By tuning the excitation wavelength, we determine the energy-momentum signature of bright exciton formation and its difference from conventional single-particle excited states. The multidimensional data allows to retrieve fundamental exciton properties like the binding energy and the exciton-lattice coupling and to reconstruct the real-space excitonic wave function via Fourier transform. All quantities are in excellent agreement with microscopic calculations. Our approach provides a full characterization of the exciton wave function and is applicable to bright and dark excitons in semiconducting materials, heterostructures, and devices

    Probing correlations in the exciton landscape of a moir\'e heterostructure

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    Excitons are two-particle correlated bound states that are formed due to Coulomb interaction between single-particle holes and electrons. In the solid-state, cooperative interactions with surrounding quasiparticles can strongly tailor the exciton properties and potentially even create new correlated states of matter. It is thus highly desirable to access such cooperative and correlated exciton behavior on a fundamental level. Here, we find that the ultrafast transfer of an exciton's hole across a type-II band-aligned moir\'e heterostructure leads to a surprising sub-200-fs upshift of the single-particle energy of the electron being photoemitted from the two-particle exciton state. While energy relaxation usually leads to an energetic downshift of the spectroscopic signature, we show that this unusual upshift is a clear fingerprint of the correlated interactions of the electron and hole parts of the exciton quasiparticle. In this way, time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is straightforwardly established as a powerful method to access exciton correlations and cooperative behavior in two-dimensional quantum materials. Our work highlights this new capability and motivates the future study of optically inaccessible correlated excitonic and electronic states in moir\'e heterostructures.Comment: 32 pages, 4 main figures, 5 supplemental figure
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