723 research outputs found

    The life struggles of transgenders in the Nerupatril Neenthi Vandhen

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    Society looks down upon the birth of transgenders due to genetic mutations. In her autobiography, Padmini says that transgenders should be aware of the mental barriers, dilemmas and physical problems within themselves, create clear good thinking and live with self-confidence. It should be clear that there is transgender just as the human race is male and female. Padmini Prakash's autobiography Nerupatril Neenthi Vandhen (I Swam in the Fire) tells us that we need to respect the spirit of transgenders who are born as one of us and want to live with us. The struggles of transgenders in the society and their names, their inhibitions in society now, the changes made by the social reform thinkers are recorded. Padmini proudly records the achievements of transgenders, social service, work session, making a mark for themselves and gaining their identity in life

    Stress as a Possible Mechanism in Melanoma Progression

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    The incidence of melanoma, the most aggressive type of cutaneous malignant tumor, is currently on the rise. Treatment in advanced stages is still unsuccessful compared with other malignant tumors, thus it is important to indentify the key mechanisms responsible for melanoma progression and metastasis. Genetic and molecular components, in particular, that are up- or downregulated in melanoma cells, affect the invasive potential of melanoma. Another possible important cofactor highlighted by recent studies is chronic stress, involving environmental and psychological factors, which can be an important cofactor in not only cancer progression in general but also in melanoma spreading. The negative effects of chronic stress have been evaluated epidemiologically in patients with breast and prostate cancer. In particular, the effects of stress mediators, namely, catecholamines have been studied on various human malignancies, including melanoma and have highlighted a significant increase of progression-related molecules. As such, this could be the starting point for a new approach in the treatment of advanced melanoma, in which the negative effects of stress are reduced or blocked

    On the robustness of bucket brigade quantum RAM

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    We study the robustness of the bucket brigade quantum random access memory model introduced by Giovannetti, Lloyd, and Maccone [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 160501 (2008)]. Due to a result of Regev and Schiff [ICALP '08 pp. 773], we show that for a class of error models the error rate per gate in the bucket brigade quantum memory has to be of order o(2−n/2)o(2^{-n/2}) (where N=2nN=2^n is the size of the memory) whenever the memory is used as an oracle for the quantum searching problem. We conjecture that this is the case for any realistic error model that will be encountered in practice, and that for algorithms with super-polynomially many oracle queries the error rate must be super-polynomially small, which further motivates the need for quantum error correction. By contrast, for algorithms such as matrix inversion [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 150502 (2009)] or quantum machine learning [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 130503 (2014)] that only require a polynomial number of queries, the error rate only needs to be polynomially small and quantum error correction may not be required. We introduce a circuit model for the quantum bucket brigade architecture and argue that quantum error correction for the circuit causes the quantum bucket brigade architecture to lose its primary advantage of a small number of "active" gates, since all components have to be actively error corrected.Comment: Replaced with the published version. 13 pages, 9 figure

    {Improved Bounds on Fourier Entropy and Min-entropy}

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    Given a Boolean function f:{−1,1}n→{−1,1}f:\{-1,1\}^n\to \{-1,1\}, the Fourier distribution assigns probability f^(S)2\widehat{f}(S)^2 to S⊆[n]S\subseteq [n]. The Fourier Entropy-Influence (FEI) conjecture of Friedgut and Kalai asks if there exist a universal constant C>0 such that H(f^2)≀CInf(f)H(\hat{f}^2)\leq C Inf(f), where H(f^2)H(\hat{f}^2) is the Shannon entropy of the Fourier distribution of ff and Inf(f)Inf(f) is the total influence of ff. 1) We consider the weaker Fourier Min-entropy-Influence (FMEI) conjecture. This asks if H∞(f^2)≀CInf(f)H_{\infty}(\hat{f}^2)\leq C Inf(f), where H∞(f^2)H_{\infty}(\hat{f}^2) is the min-entropy of the Fourier distribution. We show H∞(f^2)≀2Cmin⁡⊕(f)H_{\infty}(\hat{f}^2)\leq 2C_{\min}^\oplus(f), where Cmin⁡⊕(f)C_{\min}^\oplus(f) is the minimum parity certificate complexity of ff. We also show that for every ϔ≄0\epsilon\geq 0, we have H∞(f^2)≀2log⁥(∄f^∄1,Ï”/(1−ϔ))H_{\infty}(\hat{f}^2)\leq 2\log (\|\hat{f}\|_{1,\epsilon}/(1-\epsilon)), where ∄f^∄1,Ï”\|\hat{f}\|_{1,\epsilon} is the approximate spectral norm of ff. As a corollary, we verify the FMEI conjecture for the class of read-kk DNFDNFs (for constant kk). 2) We show that H(f^2)≀2aUC⊕(f)H(\hat{f}^2)\leq 2 aUC^\oplus(f), where aUC⊕(f)aUC^\oplus(f) is the average unambiguous parity certificate complexity of ff. This improves upon Chakraborty et al. An important consequence of the FEI conjecture is the long-standing Mansour's conjecture. We show that a weaker version of FEI already implies Mansour's conjecture: is H(f^2)≀Cmin⁥{C0(f),C1(f)}H(\hat{f}^2)\leq C \min\{C^0(f),C^1(f)\}?, where C0(f),C1(f)C^0(f), C^1(f) are the 0- and 1-certificate complexities of ff, respectively. 3) We study what FEI implies about the structure of polynomials that 1/3-approximate a Boolean function. We pose a conjecture (which is implied by FEI): no "flat" degree-dd polynomial of sparsity 2ω(d)2^{\omega(d)} can 1/3-approximate a Boolean function. We prove this conjecture unconditionally for a particular class of polynomials

    Utilization pattern of extension tools and methods by Agricultural Extension Agents

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    A study was conducted in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu state to understand the utilization pattern of extension tools and methods by the agricultural extension agents. As ICT revolution is slowly conquering the rural sector, it becomes imperative that the agricultural extension agents transform themselves to the changing times and develop competencies in utilizing these ICTs.  The study explored the usage of various extension tools and methods by the change agents and the constraints faced in utilizing them. The findings revealed that the extension functionaries frequently used the individual contact methods viz., telephone, office calls and farm and home visits in the process of transfer of technology. Least efforts were shown in sending SMS based communication. Meetings were the common and frequently adopted group contact method. Demonstrations, farmer field school, farmer’s interest groups, field trips and farmer training programmes were moderately adopted. Posters, leaflets and pre-season campaigns were the widely adopted mass contact methods. They possess least skill in utilizing farm magazines, presenting television and radio programmes, which are among the most popular and most efficient mass contact methods. The extension functionaries need to be trained adequately on the wider use of electronic communication methods like e mails, and SMS in the local language. Efforts should be taken up to sensitize the importance and train the extension agents in the usage of different group and mass contact methods

    Two new results about quantum exact learning

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    Determinants of dysphagia following stroke

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    Background: Swallowing is affected following stroke. Many studies focus on various aspects of swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) following stroke. However, there are not many studies on the determinants of dysphagia following stroke. The aim of the present study is to establish the association between various factors with the severity of dysphagia.Methods: After screening for Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MASA),110 patients, post-stroke were selected using consecutive sampling to assess the common risk factors, namely the presence of diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, alcohol usage and smoking habits. Additionally, other variables such as age, gender, type of lesion, side of lesion, tobacco chewing, speech disorders, arterial dysfunction, lobe involvement and Brunnstrom’s stages, were also evaluated using a structured interview method. c2 (chi-squared) analysis was carried out to find out the association between the selected determinants and severity of dysphagia following stroke.Results: It was found that age and Brunnstrom’s stages are the determinants of dysphagia, as analysis showed a strong association with a p value < 0.001. A marginal association between post-stroke dysphagia and type of lesion with a p value of 0.056 was also observed.Conclusions: Among 15 factors evaluated, age, type of lesion and Brunnstrom’s stages showed a significant association with the severity of dysphagia following stroke. This study advocates early dysphagia management for elderly patients with high Brunnstrom’s grading, for those who are not expected to spontaneously recover following stroke, and for earlier and better community rehabilitation. [Ethiop.J. Health Dev. 2019; 33(3):147-152]Key words: Post-stroke dysphagia, Brunnstrom’s stages, dysphagia risk factors

    Random matrix techniques in quantum information theory

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    The purpose of this review article is to present some of the latest developments using random techniques, and in particular, random matrix techniques in quantum information theory. Our review is a blend of a rather exhaustive review, combined with more detailed examples -- coming from research projects in which the authors were involved. We focus on two main topics, random quantum states and random quantum channels. We present results related to entropic quantities, entanglement of typical states, entanglement thresholds, the output set of quantum channels, and violations of the minimum output entropy of random channels

    Detection of Wolbachia endobacteria in Culex quinquefasciatus by Gimenez staining and confirmation by PCR

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    Background & objectives: Wolbachia are common intracellular bacteria that are found in arthropods and nematodes.These endosymbionts are transmitted vertically through host eggs and alter host biology in diverse ways, includingthe induction of reproductive manipulations, such as feminization, parthenogenesis, male killing and sperm-eggincompatibility. Since they can also move horizontally across species boundaries, Wolbachia is gaining importancein recent days as it could be used as a biological control agent to control vector mosquitoes or for paratransgenicapproaches. However, the study of Wolbachia requires sophisticated techniques such as PCR and cell culturefacilities which cannot be affordable for many laboratories where the diseases transmitted by arthropod vectorsare common. Hence, it would be beneficial to develop a simple method to detect the presence of Wolbachia inarthropods.Method: In this study, we described a method of staining Wolbachia endobacteria, present in the reproductivetissues of mosquitoes. The reliability of this method was compared with Gram staining and PCR based detection.Results: The microscopic observation of the Gimenez stained smear prepared from the teased ovary of wildcaught and Wolbachia (+) Cx. quinquefasciatus revealed the presence of pink coloured pleomorphic cells ofWolbachia ranging from cocci, comma shaped cells to bacillus and chain forms. The ovaries of Wolbachia (–)cured mosquito did not show any cell. Although Gram’s staining is a reliable differential staining for the otherbacteria, the bacterial cells in the smears from the ovaries of wild caught mosquitoes did not take the stain properlyand the cells were not clearly visible. The PCR amplified product from the pooled remains of wild caught andWolbachia (+) Cx. quinquefasciatus showed clear banding, whereas, no banding was observed for the negativecontrol (distilled water) and Wolbachia (–) Cx. quinquefasciatus.Interpretation & conclusion: The Gimenez staining technique applied, could be used to detect the members of theendobacteria Wolbachia easily, even in a simple laboratory without any special facilities or even in the fieldcondition and for handling large number of samples in a shorter duratio
