4,026 research outputs found

    Lightside Atmospheric Revitalization System

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    The system was studied as a replacement to the present baseline LiOH system for extended duration shuttle missions. The system consists of three subsystems: a solid amine water desorbed regenerable carbon dioxide removal system, a water vapor electrolysis oxygen generating system, and a Sabatier reactor carbon dioxide reduction system. The system is designed for use on a solar powered shuttle vehicle. The majority of the system's power requirements are utilized on the Sun side of each orbit, when solar power is available

    The Cartan form for constrained Lagrangian systems and the nonholonomic Noether theorem

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    This paper deals with conservation laws for mechanical systems with nonholonomic constraints. It uses a Lagrangian formulation of nonholonomic systems and a Cartan form approach. We present what we believe to be the most general relations between symmetries and first integrals. We discuss the so-called nonholonomic Noether theorem in terms of our formalism, and we give applications to Riemannian submanifolds, to Lagrangians of mechanical type, and to the determination of quadratic first integrals.Comment: 25 page

    Adiabatically coupled systems and fractional monodromy

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    We present a 1-parameter family of systems with fractional monodromy and adiabatic separation of motion. We relate the presence of monodromy to a redistribution of states both in the quantum and semi-quantum spectrum. We show how the fractional monodromy arises from the non diagonal action of the dynamical symmetry of the system and manifests itself as a generic property of an important subclass of adiabatically coupled systems

    The Non-Trapping Degree of Scattering

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    We consider classical potential scattering. If no orbit is trapped at energy E, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree. This can be calculated explicitly and be used for symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. If the potential is bounded, then in the non-trapping case the boundary of Hill's Region is empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. We consider classical potential scattering. If at energy E no orbit is trapped, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree deg(E) < 2. This is calculated explicitly for all potentials, and exactly the integers < 2 are shown to occur for suitable potentials. The non-trapping condition is restrictive in the sense that for a bounded potential it is shown to imply that the boundary of Hill's Region in configuration space is either empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. However, in many situations one can decompose a potential into a sum of non-trapping potentials with non-trivial degree and embed symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. This comprises a large number of earlier results, obtained by different authors on multi-obstacle scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure Revised and enlarged version, containing more detailed proofs and remark

    Graduate student theses supported by DOE`s Environmental Sciences Division

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    This report provides complete bibliographic citations, abstracts, and keywords for 212 doctoral and master`s theses supported fully or partly by the U.S. Department of Energy`s Environmental Sciences Division (and its predecessors) in the following areas: Atmospheric Sciences; Marine Transport; Terrestrial Transport; Ecosystems Function and Response; Carbon, Climate, and Vegetation; Information; Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics, and Model Physics (CHAMMP); Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM); Oceans; National Institute for Global Environmental Change (NIGEC); Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV); Integrated Assessment; Graduate Fellowships for Global Change; and Quantitative Links. Information on the major professor, department, principal investigator, and program area is given for each abstract. Indexes are provided for major professor, university, principal investigator, program area, and keywords. This bibliography is also available in various machine-readable formats (ASCII text file, WordPerfect{reg_sign} files, and PAPYRUS{trademark} files)

    Evolution of spectral properties along the O(6)-U(5) transition in the interacting boson model. II. Classical trajectories

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    This article continues our previous study of level dynamics in the [O(6)-U(5)]\supsetO(5) transition of the interacting boson model [nucl-th/0504016] using the semiclassical theory of spectral fluctuations. We find classical monodromy, related to a singular bundle of orbits with infinite period at energy E=0, and bifurcations of numerous periodic orbits for E>0. The spectrum of allowed ratios of periods associated with beta- and gamma-vibrations exhibits an abrupt change around zero energy. These findings explain anomalous bunching of quantum states in the E\approx0 region, which is responsible for the redistribution of levels between O(6) and U(5) multiplets.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; continuation of nucl-th/050401

    Evolutionary Roots of Property Rights; The Natural and Cultural Nature of Human Cooperation

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    Debates about the role of natural and cultural selection in the development of prosocial, antisocial and socially neutral mechanisms and behavior raise questions that touch property rights, cooperation, and conflict. For example, some researchers suggest that cooperation and prosociality evolved by natural selection (Hamilton 1964, Trivers 1971, Axelrod and Hamilton 1981, De Waal 2013, 2014), while others claim that natural selection is insufficient for the evolution of cooperation, which required in addition cultural selection (Sterelny 2013, Bowles and Gintis 2003, Seabright 2013, Norenzayan 2013). Some scholars focus on the complexity and hierarchical nature of the evolution of cooperation as involving different tools associated with lower and the higher levels of competition (Nowak 2006, Okasha 2006); others suggest that humans genetically inherited heuristics that favor prosocial behavior such as generosity, forgiveness or altruistic punishment (Ridley 1996, Bowles and Gintis 2004, Rolls 2005). We argue these mechanisms are not genetically inherited; rather, they are features inherited through cultural selection. To support this view we invoke inclusive fitness theory, which states that individuals tend to maximize their inclusive fitness, rather than maximizing group fitness. We further reject the older notion of natural group selection - as well as more recent versions (West, Mouden, Gardner 2011) – which hold that natural selection favors cooperators within a group (Wynne-Edwards 1962). For Wynne-Edwards, group selection leads to group adaptations; the survival of individuals therefore depends on the survival of the group and a sharing of resources. Individuals who do not cooperate, who are selfish, face extinction due to rapid and over-exploitation of resources

    Finite-dimensional integrable systems associated with Davey-Stewartson I equation

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    For the Davey-Stewartson I equation, which is an integrable equation in 1+2 dimensions, we have already found its Lax pair in 1+1 dimensional form by nonlinear constraints. This paper deals with the second nonlinearization of this 1+1 dimensional system to get three 1+0 dimensional Hamiltonian systems with a constraint of Neumann type. The full set of involutive conserved integrals is obtained and their functional independence is proved. Therefore, the Hamiltonian systems are completely integrable in Liouville sense. A periodic solution of the Davey-Stewartson I equation is obtained by solving these classical Hamiltonian systems as an example.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    The Role of Landscape Connectivity in Planning and Implementing Conservation and Restoration Priorities. Issues in Ecology

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    Landscape connectivity, the extent to which a landscape facilitates the movements of organisms and their genes, faces critical threats from both fragmentation and habitat loss. Many conservation efforts focus on protecting and enhancing connectivity to offset the impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity conservation, and to increase the resilience of reserve networks to potential threats associated with climate change. Loss of connectivity can reduce the size and quality of available habitat, impede and disrupt movement (including dispersal) to new habitats, and affect seasonal migration patterns. These changes can lead, in turn, to detrimental effects for populations and species, including decreased carrying capacity, population declines, loss of genetic variation, and ultimately species extinction. Measuring and mapping connectivity is facilitated by a growing number of quantitative approaches that can integrate large amounts of information about organisms’ life histories, habitat quality, and other features essential to evaluating connectivity for a given population or species. However, identifying effective approaches for maintaining and restoring connectivity poses several challenges, and our understanding of how connectivity should be designed to mitigate the impacts of climate change is, as yet, in its infancy. Scientists and managers must confront and overcome several challenges inherent in evaluating and planning for connectivity, including: •characterizing the biology of focal species; •understanding the strengths and the limitations of the models used to evaluate connectivity; •considering spatial and temporal extent in connectivity planning; •using caution in extrapolating results outside of observed conditions; •considering non-linear relationships that can complicate assumed or expected ecological responses; •accounting and planning for anthropogenic change in the landscape; •using well-defined goals and objectives to drive the selection of methods used for evaluating and planning for connectivity; •and communicating to the general public in clear and meaningful language the importance of connectivity to improve awareness and strengthen policies for ensuring conservation. Several aspects of connectivity science deserve additional attention in order to improve the effectiveness of design and implementation. Research on species persistence, behavioral ecology, and community structure is needed to reduce the uncertainty associated with connectivity models. Evaluating and testing connectivity responses to climate change will be critical to achieving conservation goals in the face of the rapid changes that will confront many communities and ecosystems. All of these potential areas of advancement will fall short of conservation goals if we do not effectively incorporate human activities into connectivity planning. While this Issue identifies substantial uncertainties in mapping connectivity and evaluating resilience to climate change, it is also clear that integrating human and natural landscape conservation planning to enhance habitat connectivity is essential for biodiversity conservation

    Maslov Indices and Monodromy

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    We prove that for a Hamiltonian system on a cotangent bundle that is Liouville-integrable and has monodromy the vector of Maslov indices is an eigenvector of the monodromy matrix with eigenvalue 1. As a corollary the resulting restrictions on the monodromy matrix are derived.Comment: 6 page