49 research outputs found

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    In the last years many populations of anurans have declined and extinctions have been recorded. They were related to environmental pollution, changes of land use and emerging diseases. The main objective of this study was to determine copper sensitivity of the anuran of the Amazon Rhinella granulosa and Scinax ruber tadpoles at stage 25 and Scinax ruber eggs exposed for 96 h to copper concentrations ranging from 15 µg Cu L-1 to 94 µg Cu L-1. LC50 at 96 h of Rhinella granulosa Gosner 25, Scinax ruber Gosner 25 and Scinax ruber eggs in black water of the Amazon were 23.48, 36.37 and 50.02 µg Cu L-1, respectively. The Biotic Ligand Model was used to predict the LC50 values for these species and it can be considered a promising tool for these tropical species and water conditions. Copper toxicity depends on water physical-chemical composition and on the larval stage of the tadpoles. The Gosner stage 19-21 (related to the appearance of external gills) is the most vulnerable and the egg stage is the most resistant. In case of contamination by copper, the natural streams must have special attention, since copper is more bioavailable.Nos últimos anos foram registrados muitas extinções e declínios de populações de anuros. Eles estavam relacionados com a poluição do ambiente, a mudanças no uso da terra e ao surgimento de doenças. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a sensibilidade dos anuros amazônicos ao cobre. Os girinos de Scinax ruber e Rhinella granulosa no estadio 25 e os ovos de Scinax ruber foram expostos por 96 horas a concentrações de cobre entre 15 µg Cu L-1 a 94 µg Cu L-1. A CL50 -96 h dos girinos de Rhinella granulosa, dos girinos de Scinax ruber e dos ovos de Scinax ruber em águas pretas da Amazônia foram 23,48; 36,37 e 50,02 µg Cu L-1, respectivamente. O modelo do ligante biótico foi usado para prever os valores de CL50 para essas duas espécies e pode ser considerado uma ferramenta promissora para essas espécies tropicais e para essas condições de água. A Toxicidade de cobre depende da composição físico-química da água e do estagio larval dos girinos. O estadio 19-21 de Gosner (relacionados ao aparecimento das brânquias externas) são os mais vulnerável e o estagio de ovo é o mais resistente. Em caso de contaminação por cobre, os igarapés naturais devem ter uma atenção especial, uma vez que o cobre é mais biodisponível nesse ambiente

    Topical Insulin Accelerates Wound Healing in Diabetes by Enhancing the AKT and ERK Pathways: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Background: Wound healing is impaired in diabetes mellitus, but the mechanisms involved in this process are virtually unknown. Proteins belonging to the insulin signaling pathway respond to insulin in the skin of rats. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulation of the insulin signaling pathway in wound healing and skin repair of normal and diabetic rats, and, in parallel, the effect of a topical insulin cream on wound healing and on the activation of this pathway. Research Design and Methods: We investigated insulin signaling by immunoblotting during wound healing of control and diabetic animals with or without topical insulin. Diabetic patients with ulcers were randomized to receive topical insulin or placebo in a prospective, double-blind and placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial (NCT 01295177) of wound healing. Results and Conclusions: Expression of IR, IRS-1, IRS-2, SHC, ERK, and AKT are increased in the tissue of healing wounds compared to intact skin, suggesting that the insulin signaling pathway may have an important role in this process. These pathways were attenuated in the wounded skin of diabetic rats, in parallel with an increase in the time of complete wound healing. Upon topical application of insulin cream, the wound healing time of diabetic animals was normalized, followed by a reversal of defective insulin signal transduction. In addition, the treatment also increased expression of other proteins, such as eNOS (also in bone marrow), VEGF, and SDF-1 alpha in wounded skin. In diabetic patients, topical insulin cream markedly improved wound healing, representing an attractive and cost-free method for treating this devastating complication of diabetes.Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT)National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq

    The sub-basin springs of Poxim river, state of Sergipe: the degradation to restoration

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    Estudos ambientais em bacias hidrográficas são fundamentais para o entendimento do uso dos recursos naturais e dos problemas relacionados à ocupação do espaço. Em Sergipe, há necessidade de se obter informações para fins de planejamento e gestão futura de suas bacias hidrográficas, uma vez que gradualmente observa-se uma redução do volume produzido nos cursos d'água e da qualidade de suas águas, que são imprescindíveis para o abastecimento humano, a utilização na agricultura e na indústria. Devido ao acelerado processo de supressão da vegetação na sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Poxim, formada pelos rios Poxim-mirim, Poxim-açu, e Pitanga e seus pequenos tributários, foi realizado um diagnóstico para se verificar o estado de conservação das suas principais nascentes, a situação quanto ao fluxo de água, as formas de uso e ocupação do solo no entorno destas e os tipos fisionômicos de vegetação remanescentes. As informações obtidas serão úteis para a realização de projetos de restauração ambiental, a promoção de melhorias no ambiente e nas comunidades rurais e resgate da diversidade da flora e fauna nestas áreas. Observou-se que as 20 principais nascentes dos rios e tributários que compõem a sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Poxim, apresentam alterações decorrentes da acelerada antropização (90%), a maioria delas (65%) com elevada degradação (sem raio mínimo de 50m de vegetação) e ocupadas por agricultura (50%) e pastagens (35%). Somente duas nascentes encontram-se preservadas. Quanto à composição florística, as espécies identificadas (43) podem ser utilizadas em projetos futuros para restauração das nascentes e dos cursos d'água nesta sub-bacia hidrográfica. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Environmental studies on river basins are fundamental to understanding the natural resources use and the problems related to the space occupation. In Sergipe, it is necessary to obtain information for planning purposes and future management of their watersheds, once the watercourses volume and its quality are reducing gradually, which are essential for human supply and use in agriculture and industry. Due to the accelerated removal of vegetation in the river Poxim sub-basin, formed by the Poxim-Mirim, Poxim-Açu, Pitanga rivers, and its small tributaries, a diagnosis was carried out to verify the conservation status of their main sources, the situation on the water flow, the different uses, and land use around these sources and the remaining vegetation physiognomic types. The information is useful for carrying out environmental restoration projects, promoting improvements in the environment and in the rural communities and for the flora and fauna diversity rescue in these areas. It was observed that the 20 rivers sources top and tributaries that compose the river Poxim sub-basin showed changes from accelerated human anthropization (90%), most (65%) with high degradation (no vegetation in the minimum radius of 50 m), being occupied by agriculture (50%) and pastures (35%). Only two sources were preserved. The floristic composition, the identified species (43) can be used in future projects for sources and watercourses restoration in this sub-basin