2,635 research outputs found

    Reemployment after structural change in an entrepreneurial ecosystem:capturing the reengagement experiences of Nokia’s ex-employees within Oulu area

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    Abstract. This thesis looks at reemployment processes and strategies after the annual mass layoffs conducted by Nokia in Oulu, Finland. Most of other existing firms in Oulu were Nokia’s stakeholders and that is why the dismissals’ effects were so remarkably damaging. The labor market suffered from the oversupply of skilled workers and the city of the increasing rate of unemployment. Because of the stressful situation that posed great challenges for reemployment, people’s other factors than work experience and education proved to be crucial. In this study, the job search behaviors, strategies, and processes of the dismissed Nokia-employees are examined in the context of a sudden structural change. In addition, the development of their job opportunities before, during, and after the structural change are investigated. Primary data from qualitative semi-structured interviews with seven ex-Nokians is combined with secondary data for gathering information. The main findings from the study show that external, professional assistance contributes considerably for gaining job interviews and offers. Moreover, social networks and get-togethers act as an important information source for informal job leads. The strategy or behavior that an individual decides to choose for one’s job search is closely attached to one’s personal, characteristic behavior and thus more or less conscious. In addition, the ability and readiness to adapt to the changing demands of the labor market appears to be important for the successful reemployment. In addition, the study shows that the business landscape has diversified i.e. there are now also many other ICT firms than Nokia. On the other hand, the diversification has created new jobs and thus increased job opportunities but also resulted in expanded job descriptions and thus required the ex-Nokians to supplement their previous education and experience before being able to enter the labor market again. Lastly, the employee loyalty in Oulu is high which means that the employee turnover rate is low. This results in reduced knowledge spillovers and open positions. In conclusion, the economic development could be in danger of slowing down. The purpose of this thesis is not to provide a guide to a successful reemployment. Rather, the aim is to ignite the discussion on what kinds of tools and services would enhance one’s reemployment possibilities during a sudden structural change. The findings give policy-makers and firms good implications and empirical evidence when facing similar circumstances in the future. The thesis introduces the reader to a modern job search where fluctuations and uncertainty are now a standard

    The Mechanism of Electro-Reduction of Chromate in Molten LiCl-KCl

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    When chromate ion is electro-reduced in molten LiCl- KCl in the presence of Mg (II), Zn (II) or Ni (II), the product is typically of composition LixMyCr04 , in which X + 2 Y = 5. Variations in composition accompany variations is experimental conditions, except in the case of Zn(II), for which X = 1 and Y = · 2. With Co (II), the product is either LixCoyCr04 or Co2Cr04 or a mixture of the two, depending upon the conditions. A mechanism involving a first two-electron reduction followed by a competition between further one-electron reduction and an internal chemical redox reaction accounts -satisfactorily for the variation of product with changes in experimental conditions

    Fiktiivisten hahmojen nimenvalintaperusteet

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkin kandidaatintutkielmassani fiktiivisten hahmojen nimenvalintaperusteita. Tutkimukseni aineisto koostui kirjoitusfoorumi Finfanfun-verkkosivustolle jaetun sähköiseen kyselylomakkeeseen saaduista luovan kirjoittamisen harrastajien vastauksista. Tutkimuksessani selvitän, millaiset tekijät vaikuttavat kirjoittajien alkuperäishahmojen nimeämiseen. Lisäksi vertailen aineistossani esiintyneitä fiktiivisten hahmojen nimeämisperusteita Eero Kiviniemen (2006) listaamiin yleisimpiin nimenvalintaperusteisiin. Tulkitsin aineistosta tekemieni havaintojen pohjalta, että hahmojen nimistöllä rakennetaan kaunokirjallista teosta. Jaottelin aineistossani esiintyneet nimeämiseen vaikuttavat tekijät sen perusteella, vaikuttivatko ne tekstin sisä- vai ulkopuolella. Tekstin sisäisiä tekijöitä olivat esimerkiksi tarinan hahmoihin ja maailmaan liiyyvät seikat. Tekstin ulkopuolisilla tekijät liittyivät esimerkiksi kirjoittajaan ja lukijaan. Tutkimuksessani havaitsin, että fiktiivisten hahmojen nimeämiseen vaikuttavat kirjoittajan nimistöntuntemus, henkilökohtainen mieltymys, nimiin liittyvät mielikuvat, nimistön uskottavuus sekä nimien käytännöllisyys ja ongelmattomuus. Kun vertasin aineistoani Kiviniemen listaamiin yleisimpiin nimenvalintaperusteisiin, havaitsin, että fiktiivisten hahmojen nimenvalinnassa on samankaltaisuuksia reaalimaailman nimeämiseen esimerkiksi nimistöntuntemuksen, henkilökohtaisen mieltymyksen, nimiin liittyvien mielikuvien sekä nimien käytännöllisyyden ja ongelmattomuuden valintaperusteiden osalta. Luokittelussani nimien uskottavuus sen sijaan on sellainen valintaperuste, joilla on nähdäkseni enemmän painoa fiktiivisten hahmojen nimenvalinnassa kuin reaalimaailmassa

    The universal functorial equivariant Lefschetz invariant

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    We introduce the universal functorial equivariant Lefschetz invariant for endomorphisms of finite proper G-CW-complexes, where G is a discrete group. We use K_0 of the category of "phi-endomorphisms of finitely generated free RPi(G,X)-modules". We derive results about fixed points of equivariant endomorphisms of cocompact proper smooth G-manifolds.Comment: 33 pages; shortened version of the author's PhD thesis, supervised by Wolfgang Lueck, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, 200

    Global and local disturbances in the magnetotail during reconnection

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    We examine Cluster observations of a reconnection event at <I>x</I><sub>GSM</sub>=−15.7 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> in the magnetotail on 11 October 2001, when Cluster recorded the current sheet for an extended period including the entire duration of the reconnection event. The onset of reconnection is associated with a sudden orientation change of the ambient magnetic field, which is also observed simultaneously by Goes-8 at geostationary orbit. Current sheet oscillations are observed both before reconnection and during it. The speed of the flapping motions is found to increase when the current sheet undergoes the transition from quiet to active state, as suggested by an earlier statistical result and now confirmed within one single event. Within the diffusion region both the tailward and earthward parts of the quadrupolar magnetic Hall structure are recorded as an x-line passes Cluster. We report the first observations of the Hall structure conforming to the kinks in the current sheet. This results in relatively strong fluctuations in <I>B<sub>z</sub></I>, which are shown to be the Hall signature tilted in the <I>yz</I> plane with the current sheet

    Supermagnetosonic jets behind a collisionless quasi-parallel shock

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    The downstream region of a collisionless quasi-parallel shock is structured containing bulk flows with high kinetic energy density from a previously unidentified source. We present Cluster multi-spacecraft measurements of this type of supermagnetosonic jet as well as of a weak secondary shock front within the sheath, that allow us to propose the following generation mechanism for the jets: The local curvature variations inherent to quasi-parallel shocks can create fast, deflected jets accompanied by density variations in the downstream region. If the speed of the jet is super(magneto)sonic in the reference frame of the obstacle, a second shock front forms in the sheath closer to the obstacle. Our results can be applied to collisionless quasi-parallel shocks in many plasma environments.Comment: accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (Nov 5, 2009

    Solar interacting protons versus interplanetary protons in the core plus halo model of diffusive shock acceleration and stochastic re-acceleration

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    With the first observations of solar Îł-rays from the decay of pions, the relationship of protons producing ground level enhancements (GLEs) on the Earth to those of similar energies producing the Îł-rays on the Sun has been debated. These two populations may be either independent and simply coincident in large flares, or they may be, in fact, the same population stemming from a single accelerating agent and jointly distributed at the Sun and also in space. Assuming the latter, we model a scenario in which particles are accelerated near the Sun in a shock wave with a fraction transported back to the solar surface to radiate, while the remainder is detected at Earth in the form of a GLE. Interplanetary ions versus ions interacting at the Sun are studied for a spherical shock wave propagating in a radial magnetic field through a highly turbulent radial ray (the acceleration core) and surrounding weakly turbulent sector in which the accelerated particles can propagate toward or away from the Sun. The model presented here accounts for both the first-order Fermi acceleration at the shock front and the second-order, stochastic re-acceleration by the turbulence enhanced behind the shock. We find that the re-acceleration is important in generating the Îł-radiation and we also find that up to 10% of the particle population can find its way to the Sun as compared to particles escaping to the interplanetary space

    From Sun to Interplanetary Space: What is the Pathlength of Solar Energetic Particles?

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    Solar energetic particles (SEPs), accelerated during solar eruptions, propagate in turbulent solar wind before being observed with in situ instruments. In order to interpret their origin through comparison with remote sensing observations of the solar eruption, we thus must deconvolve the transport effects due to the turbulent magnetic fields from the SEP observations. Recent research suggests that the SEP propagation is guided by the turbulent meandering of the magnetic fieldlines across the mean magnetic field. However, the lengthening of the distance the SEPs travel, due to the fieldline meandering, has so far not been included in SEP event analysis. This omission can cause significant errors in estimation of the release times of SEPs at the Sun. We investigate the distance traveled by the SEPs by considering them to propagate along fieldlines that meander around closed magnetic islands that are inherent in turbulent plasma. We introduce a fieldline random walk model which takes into account the physical scales associated to the magnetic islands. Our method remedies the problem of the diffusion equation resulting in unrealistically short pathlengths, and the fractal dependence of the pathlength of random walk on the length of the random-walk step. We find that the pathlength from the Sun to 1au can be below the nominal Parker spiral length for SEP events taking place at solar longitudes 45E to 60W, whereas the western and behind-the-limb particles can experience pathlengths longer than 2au due to fieldline meandering
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