125 research outputs found

    Avaliação do farelo de mamona autoclavado com e sem adição de complexo enzimático na qualidade dos ovos de codornas japonesas.

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    O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar o uso do farelo de mamona autoclavado com e sem adição de complexos enzimáticos em rações de codornas japonesas em postura. Foram selecionadas 216 codornas pela produção e uniformidade de peso e distribuídas em delineamento casualizado, com 6 tratamentos e 6 repetições, sendo 6 aves por gaiola. Foi avaliada a ração referência com farelo de milho e soja, sem e com adição de complexos enzimáticos, e dietas com farelo de mamona autoclavado no nível de 21% sem e com adição de complexos enzimáticos, durante 3 ciclos de 21 dias, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade dos ovos. O peso dos ovos apresentou médias semelhantes entre as codornas alimentadas com dietas à base de milho e soja e as codornas alimentadas com dietas contendo 21% de farelo de mamona autoclavado com o complexo enzimático 1. A cor da gema apresentou melhores resultados com a dieta contendo 21% de farelo de mamona autoclavado em relação às dietas com farelo de soja e milho com e sem complexo enzimático. Os resultados permitem concluir que a inclusão de até 21% do farelo de mamona autoclavado com adição do complexo enzimático 1, nas rações para codornas em postura, podem ser utilizados apresentando resultados satisfatórios em relação a qualidade do o ovo. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the use of autoclaved ground mamona with and without addition of enzyme complexes in diets of laying quails. Two hundred and sixteen quails were selected by production and uniformity of weight and distributed in a completely randomized design with six treatments and six replicates of six birds per cage. The reference diet with soybean and corn was evaluated with and without addition of enzyme complexes, and diets with autoclaved ground mamona level of 21 % with and without addition of enzyme complexes for 3 cycles of 21 days, with the aim to evaluate the quality of the eggs. Egg weight showed similar values among the quails fed diets references and quails fed diets containing 21 % autoclaved ground mamona with the enzyme complex 1 . Yolk color showed better results with 21 % autoclaved ground mamona compared to diets with soybean and corn with and without enzyme complex . The results indicate that inclusion of up to 21 % of autoclaved ground mamona meal with the enzymatic complex 1, the feed quails, may be used provided satisfactory results regarding the quality of the egg

    Energy efficiency of pasta waste and its effect on performance, carcass, and economic viability of broilers.

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    Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the energy value of pasta waste through a metabolism trial and determine the best level of its inclusion in broiler diets. In the metabolism trial, sixty 14-day-old birds were assigned to two treatments (control diet and a diet in which 30% was replaced by the byproduct) with six replicates and five birds per experimental unit. In the performance trial, 525 one-day-old chicks were assigned to treatments consisting of five levels of pasta waste (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 g kg−1) in the diet, with seven replicates and 15 birds per experimental unit, in a completely randomized design. The phases of up to 7, 21, 35, and 42 days of age were evaluated. At the end, two broilers with average weight were selected per plot for carcass evaluation. An economic analysis was undertaken. The calculated apparent metabolizable energy (AME) value of the waste was 3812 kcal kg−1, and its nitrogen-corrected AME was 3616 kcal kg−1. In the performance trial, no significant difference was detected from 1 to 7 days. However, in the other phases, a decreasing effect was observed on feed intake, weight gain, slaughter weight, hot- and cold-carcass weights, empty- and full-gizzard weights and yields, cuts (chest, drumstick, thigh, wings, and back), and feed conversion worsened. The revenue and gross margin alculated for the diets decreased with pasta waste. Therefore, pasta waste is not a viable alternative, except in the pre-starter phase of broilers

    Multi-trait multi-environment models in the genetic selection of segregating soybean progeny.

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    At present, single-trait best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is the standard method for genetic selection in soybean. However, when genetic selection is performed based on two or more genetically correlated traits and these are analyzed individually, selection bias may arise. Under these conditions, considering the correlation structure between the evaluated traits may provide more-accurate genetic estimates for the evaluated parameters, even under environmental influences. The present study was thus developed to examine the efficiency and applicability of multi-trait multi-environment (MTME) models by the residual maximum likelihood (REML/BLUP) and Bayesian approaches in the genetic selection of segregating soybean progeny. The study involved data pertaining to 203 soybean F2:4 progeny assessed in two environments for the following traits: number of days to maturity (DM), 100-seed weight (SW), and average seed yield per plot (SY). Variance components and genetic and non-genetic parameters were estimated via the REML/BLUP and Bayesian methods. The variance components estimated and the breeding values and genetic gains predicted with selection through the Bayesian procedure were similar to those obtained by REML/BLUP. The frequentist and Bayesian MTME models provided higher estimates of broad-sense heritability per plot (or heritability of total effects of progeny; h2 prog) and mean accuracy of progeny than their respective single-trait versions. Bayesian analysis provided the credibility intervals for the estimates of h2 prog. Therefore, MTME led to greater predicted gains from selection. On this basis, this procedure can be efficiently applied in the genetic selection of segregating soybean progeny

    Determinação do ritmo ultradiano do cortisol na saliva de fêmeas suínas em peso de abate.

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