3,250 research outputs found

    Far-field scattering microscopy applied to analysis of slow light, power enhancement, and delay times in uniform Bragg waveguide gratings

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    A novel method is presented for determining the group index, intensity enhancement and delay times for waveguide gratings, based on (Rayleigh) scattering observations. This far-field scattering microscopy (FScM) method is compared with the phase shift method and a method that uses the transmission spectrum to quantify the slow wave properties. We find a minimum group velocity of 0.04c and a maximum intensity enhancement of ~14.5 for a 1000-period grating and a maximum group delay of ~80 ps for a 2000-period grating. Furthermore, we show that the FScM method can be used for both displaying the intensity distribution of the Bloch resonances and for investigating out of plane losses. Finally, an application is discussed for the slow-wave grating as index sensor able to detect a minimum cladding index change of 10810^{-8}, assuming a transmission detection limit of 10410^{-4}

    Grupos asociativos de turismo rural en Argentina : el caso de los grupos Cambio Rural del Centro Regional Buenos Aires sur del INTA

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    El Turismo Rural en la Argentina, surge acompañando los cambios en la demanda de los turistas que buscan formas de recreación en espacios abiertos. En esta actividad coexisten diferentes actores que llevan adelante la actividad. Si bien prevalecen los emprendimientos individuales y de baja escala de producción, existen grupos que trabajan en forma asociativa con la finalidad de facilitar la adaptación a los cambios y desafíos que plantea el nuevo escenario nacional y mundial. Dentro de estos, se destacan aquellos nucleados en la región del CeRBAS (Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur) perteneciente al INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria), por ser una región que logró mantener la cantidad de grupos asociativos; explicando en la actualidad el 20 por ciento del total a nivel país. En este sentido, surge como objetivo de investigación dilucidar qué aspectos ha logrado resolver el trabajo asociativo en este grupo y cuáles aún se presentan como desafíos a solucionar en pos del desarrollo sostenido de la actividad. Se utilizó como metodología el estudio de caso simple a partir del desarrollo del caso CeRBAS. Se seleccionaron tres variables: la tecnológica, la comercial y la actitudinal, las cuales se midieron a partir de encuestas semi estructuradas a 45 productores del grupo. Los resultados de las encuestas se procesaron con herramientas estadísticas multivariadas (Componentes principales y Análisis de Clúster), utilizando el software PC-ORD. En dos ejes se logró explicar el 64,5 por ciento de la variación total de la muestra. Del análisis de las variables se observa que la mayor limitante corresponde a la dimensión comercial y dentro de esta, el indicador de mayor peso, fue la dificultad de acceso al mercado (64 por ciento). El trabajo del grupo logró posicionarlos por encima de la media tecnológica del sector de Turismo Rural. Estos resultados se acompañaron de una actitud positiva frente al trabajo grupal (98 por ciento de los productores). La limitante comercial se correlacionó positivamente con la percepción de la performance económica por parte del productor que manifestó tener falta de fondos para inversión (91 por ciento) y retiros mensuales insuficientes (49 por ciento). Se concluye que los productores nucleados en los grupos asociativos de Turismo Rural del caso estudiado lograron ventajas tecnológicas, actitudinales y mostraron predisposición al trabajo en grupo, sin embargo, no logran resolver aspectos comerciales representando una de las principales limitaciones que dificulta la sostenibilidad de la actividad de los mismos

    Constraints on Omega_m and sigma_8 from weak lensing in RCS fields

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    We have analysed 53 square degrees of imaging data from the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (RCS), and measured the excess correlations in the shapes of galaxies on scales out to ~1.5 degrees. We separate the signal into an ``E''- (lensing) and ``B''-mode (systematics), which allows us to study residual systematics. On scales larger than 10 arcminutes, we find no ``B''-mode. On smaller scales we find a small, but significant ``B''-mode. This signal is also present when we select a sample of bright galaxies. These galaxies are rather insensitive to observational distortions, and we therefore conclude that the oberved ``B''-mode is likely to be caused by intrinsic alignments. We therefore limit the cosmic shear analysis to galaxies with 22<R_C<24. We derive joint constraints on Omega_m and sigma_8, by marginalizing over Gamma, Omega_Lambda and the source redshift distribution, using different priors. We obtain a conservative constraint of σ8=0.450.12+0.09Ωm0.55\sigma_8=0.45^{+0.09}_{-0.12} \Omega_m^{-0.55} (95% confidence). A better constraint is derived when we use Gaussian priors redshift distribution. For this choice of priors, we find σ8=(0.460.07+0.05)Ωm0.52\sigma_8=(0.46^{+0.05}_{-0.07})\Omega_m^{-0.52} (95% confidence). Using our setof Gaussian priors, we find that we can place a lower bound on Gamma: Gamma>0.1+0.16\Omega_m$ (95% confidence). Comparison of the RCS results with three other recent cosmic shear measurements shows excellent agreement. The current weak lensing results are also in good agreement with CMB measurements, when we allow the reionization optical depth tau and the spectral index n_s to vary. We present a simple demonstration of how the weak lensing results can be used as a prior in the parameter estimation from CMB measurements to derive constraints on the reionization optical depth tau. (abridged)Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Double Lobed Radio Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We have combined a sample of 44984 quasars, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 3, with the FIRST radio survey. Using a novel technique where the optical quasar position is matched to the complete radio environment within 450", we are able to characterize the radio morphological make-up of what is essentially an optically selected quasar sample, regardless of whether the quasar (nucleus) itself has been detected in the radio. About 10% of the quasar population have radio cores brighter than 0.75 mJy at 1.4 GHz, and 1.7% have double lobed FR2-like radio morphologies. About 75% of the FR2 sources have a radio core (> 0.75 mJy). A significant fraction (~40%) of the FR2 quasars are bent by more than 10 degrees, indicating either interactions of the radio plasma with the ICM or IGM. We found no evidence for correlations with redshift among our FR2 quasars: radio lobe flux densities and radio source diameters of the quasars have similar distributions at low (mean 0.77) and high (mean 2.09) redshifts. Using a smaller high reliability FR2 sample of 422 quasars and two comparison samples of radio-quiet and non-FR2 radio-loud quasars, matched in their redshift distributions, we constructed composite optical spectra from the SDSS spectroscopic data. Based on these spectra we can conclude that the FR2 quasars have stronger high-ionization emission lines compared to both the radio quiet and non-FR2 radio loud sources. This is consistent with the notion that the emission lines are brightened by ongoing shock ionization of ambient gas in the quasar host as the radio source expands.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures - some of which have been reduced in quality / size. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Cosmic Shear Analysis with CFHTLS Deep data

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    We present the first cosmic shear measurements obtained from the T0001 release of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey. The data set covers three uncorrelated patches (D1, D3 and D4) of one square degree each observed in u*, g', r', i' and z' bands, out to i'=25.5. The depth and the multicolored observations done in deep fields enable several data quality controls. The lensing signal is detected in both r' and i' bands and shows similar amplitude and slope in both filters. B-modes are found to be statistically zero at all scales. Using multi-color information, we derived a photometric redshift for each galaxy and separate the sample into medium and high-z galaxies. A stronger shear signal is detected from the high-z subsample than from the low-z subsample, as expected from weak lensing tomography. While further work is needed to model the effects of errors in the photometric redshifts, this results suggests that it will be possible to obtain constraints on the growth of dark matter fluctuations with lensing wide field surveys. The various quality tests and analysis discussed in this work demonstrate that MegaPrime/Megacam instrument produces excellent quality data. The combined Deep and Wide surveys give sigma_8= 0.89 pm 0.06 assuming the Peacock & Dodds non-linear scheme and sigma_8=0.86 pm 0.05 for the halo fitting model and Omega_m=0.3. We assumed a Cold Dark Matter model with flat geometry. Systematics, Hubble constant and redshift uncertainties have been marginalized over. Using only data from the Deep survey, the 1 sigma upper bound for w_0, the constant equation of state parameter is w_0 < -0.8.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, accepted A&

    Energy demand and the context-dependent effects of genetic interactions underlying metabolism

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    Genetic effects are often context dependent, with the same genotype differentially affecting phenotypes across environments, life stages, and sexes.We used an environmental manipulation designed to increase energy demand during development to investigate energy demand as a general physiological explanation for context-dependent effects of mutations, particularly for those mutations that affect metabolism. We found that increasing the photoperiod during which Drosophila larvae are active during development phenocopies a temperature-dependent developmental delay in a mitochondrial-nuclear genotype with disrupted metabolism. This result indicates that the context-dependent fitness effects of this genotype are not specific to the effects of temperature and may generally result from variation in energy demand. The effects of this genotype also differ across life stages and between the sexes. The mitochondrial-nuclear genetic interaction disrupts metabolic rate in growing larvae, but not in adults, and compromises female, but not male, reproductive fitness. These patterns are consistent with a model where context-dependent genotype-phenotype relationships may generally arise from differences in energy demand experienced by individuals across environments, life stages, and sexes