9 research outputs found

    Mineração de dados na predição do tempo de imobilidade de camundongos no teste de nado forçado.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo colher informações sobre camundongos, expostos a um fármaco na sua forma livre e nanoencapsulado avaliados no teste do nado forçado. Os resultados foram aplicados em um algoritmo de mineração de dados que pode identificar padrões que permitem a predição do tempo, por grupo de avaliação, com acertividade de 78,19 %

    β-Cyclodextrins alter the energy metabolism-related enzyme activities in rats

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    Abstract Although widely used in medicine, separation technology, and other fields, the effects of cyclodextrins on the activities of phosphoryl transfer enzymes have not been previously evaluated. In vivo studies evaluated the function of cyclodextrins as active compounds. Despite the use of cyclodextrins as active compounds, the effects of cyclodextrins on hepatic and renal tissues remain to be fully elucidated. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of β- cyclodextrins, methyl-β-cyclodextrin (M-β- cyclodextrins), and (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-cyclodextrins) on enzyme activities regulating the maintenance of energy homeostasis in the kidney and liver tissues in relation to toxicity. Serum levels of liver and kidney markers were measured, and oxidative stress parameters were assessed. After 60-day treatments, we observed that the administration of β-cyclodextrins and M-β-cyclodextrins inhibited the hepatic activity of pyruvate kinase, an irreversible enzyme within the glycolytic pathway. Additionally, administration of HP-β-cyclodextrins inhibited creatine kinase activity and increased the total sulfhydryl content in kidneys. Here, we demonstrated for the first time that β-cyclodextrins, M-β-cyclodextrins, and HP-β-cyclodextrins cause bioenergetic dysfunction in renal and hepatic tissues. These findings suggest that understanding the balance between cyclodextrins’ efficacy and adverse effects is essential for better accepting their use in medicine

    Validation of high performance liquid chromatography method for determination of meloxicam loaded PEGylated nanocapsules

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    abstract A method to ensure that an analytical method will produce reliable and interpretable information about the sample must first be validated, making sure that the results can be trusted and traced. In this study, we propose to validate an analytical high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the quantitation of meloxicam loaded PEGylated nanocapsules(M-PEGNC). We performed a validation study, evaluated parameters including specificity, linearity, quantification limit, detection limit, accuracy, precision and robustness. PEGylated nanocapsules were prepared by interfacial deposition of preformed polymer, and the particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, pH value and encapsulation efficiency were characterized. The proposed HPLC method provides selective, linear results in the range of 1.0-40.0 μg/mL; quantification and detection limits were 1.78 μg/mL and 0.59 μg/mL, respectively; relative standard deviation for repeatability was 1.35% and intermediate precision was 0.41% and 0.61% for analyst 1 and analyst 2, respectively; accuracy between 99.23 and 101.79%; robustness between 97.13 and 98.45% for the quantification of M-PEGNC. Mean particle diameters were 261 ± 13 nm and 249 ± 20 nm, polydispersity index was 0.15 ± 0.07 and 0.17 ± 0.06, pH values were 5.0 ± 0.2 and 5.2 ± 0.1, and zeta-potential values were -37.9 ± 3.2 mV e -31.8 ± 2.8 mV for M-PEGNC and placebo(B-PEGNC), respectively. In conclusion, the proposed analytical method is suitable for the quality control of M-PEGNC. Moreover, suspensions showed monomodal size distributions and low polydispersity index indicating high homogeneity of formulations with narrow size distributions, and appropriate pH and zeta potential. The extraction process was efficient for release of meloxicam from nanostructured systems

    Amyloid-β peptide absence in short term effects on kinase activity of energy metabolism in mice hippocampus and cerebral cortex

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    ABSTRACT Considering that Alzheimer's disease is a prevalent neurodegenerative disease worldwide, we investigated the activities of three key kinases: creatine kinase, pyruvate kinase and adenylate kinase in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex in Alzheimer's disease model. Male adult Swiss mice received amyloid-β or saline. One day after, mice were treated with blank nanocapsules (17 ml/kg) or meloxicam-loaded nanocapsules (5 mg/kg) or free meloxicam (5 mg/kg). Treatments were performed on alternating days, until the end of the experimental protocol. In the fourteenth day, kinases activities were performed. Amyloid-β did not change the kinases activity in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex of mice. However, free meloxicam decrease the creatine kinase activity in mitochondrial-rich fraction in the group induced by amyloid-β, but for the cytosolic fraction, it has raised in the activity of pyruvate kinase activity in cerebral cortex. Further, meloxicam-loaded nanocapsules administration reduced adenylate kinase activity in the hippocampus of mice injected by amyloid-β. In conclusion we observed absence in short-term effects in kinases activities of energy metabolism in mice hippocampus and cerebral cortex using amyloid-β peptide model. These findings established the foundation to further study the kinases in phosphoryltransfer network changes observed in the brains of patients post-mortem with Alzheimer's disease