665 research outputs found

    Method of statistical filtering

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    Minimal formula for bounding the cross correlation between a random forcing function and the state error when this correlation is unknown is used in optimal linear filter theory applications. Use of the bound results in overestimation of the estimation-error covariance

    Influence of diesel surrogates on the behavior of simplified spray models

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    Numerous experimental investigations make use of diesel surrogates to make the computational time reasonable. In the few studies where measured (surrogate and real diesel) and computed (surrogate only) results have been compared, the selection methodology for the surrogate constituent compounds and the measures taken to validate the chemical kinetic models are not discussed, and the range of operating conditions used is often small. Additionally, most simplified models use tuning variables to fit model results to measurements. This work makes the comparison between some frequently used diesel surrogates using a simple 1D vaporizing spray model, with the spray cone angle as the tuning parameter. Results show that liquid length and fuel fraction strongly depend on the physical properties of the used fuel for a fixed spray angle. These parameters are important for modeling auto-ignition and pollutant formation. The spray angle is varied till the spray length is the same for each surrogate. Results show important differences between other spray parameters such as local mixture fraction and axial velocity

    Microprogram scheme for automatic recovery from computer error

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    Microprogram scheme enables computer to recover from failure in one of its two central processing units during time duration of instruction in which failure occurs. Microprogram advantages include - /1/ built-in interpretive capability, /2/ selection of processing interrupts by priority, and /3/ economical use of bootstrap sequence

    Mirror formation control in the vicinity of an asteroid

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    Two strategies are presented for the positioning and control of a spacecraft formation designed to focus sunlight onto a point on the surface of asteroid, thereby sublimating the material and ejecting debris creating thrust. In the first approach, the formation is located at artficial equilibrium points around the asteroid and controlled using the force from the solar radiation pressure. The second approach determines the optimal periodic formation orbits, subject to the gravitational perturbations from the asteroid, the solar radiation pressure and the control acceleration derived from a control law

    Automated multigravity assist trajectory planning with a modified ant colony algorithm

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    The paper presents an approach to transcribe a multigravity assist trajectory design problem into an integrated planning and scheduling problem. A modified Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is then used to generate optimal plans corresponding to optimal sequences of gravity assists and deep space manoeuvers to reach a given destination. The modified Ant Colony Algorithm is based on a hybridization between standard ACO paradigms and a tabu-based heuristic. The scheduling algorithm is integrated into the trajectory model to provide a fast time-allocation of the events along the trajectory. The approach demonstrated to be very effective on a number of real trajectory design problems

    Forward Symplectic Integrators and the Long Time Phase Error in Periodic Motions

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    We show that when time-reversible symplectic algorithms are used to solve periodic motions, the energy error after one period is generally two orders higher than that of the algorithm. By use of correctable algorithms, we show that the phase error can also be eliminated two orders higher than that of the integrator. The use of fourth order forward time step integrators can result in sixth order accuracy for the phase error and eighth accuracy in the periodic energy. We study the 1-D harmonic oscillator and the 2-D Kepler problem in great details, and compare the effectiveness of some recent fourth order algorithms.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. E, 29 Page

    Accurate analytical approximation of asteroid deflection with constant tangential thrust

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    We present analytical formulas to estimate the variation of achieved deflection for an Earth-impacting asteroid following a continuous tangential low-thrust deflection strategy. Relatively simple analytical expressions are obtained with the aid of asymptotic theory and the use of Peláez orbital elements set, an approach that is particularly suitable to the asteroid deflection problem and is not limited to small eccentricities. The accuracy of the proposed formulas is evaluated numerically showing negligible error for both early and late deflection campaigns. The results will be of aid in planning future low-thrust asteroid deflection mission

    Towards a framework for work package allocation for GSD

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    Proceeding of: Proceeding of: OTM 2011 Workshops: Confederated International Workshops and Posters: EI2N+NSF ICE, ICSP+INBAST, ISDE, ORM, OTMA, SWWS+MONET+SeDeS, and VADER 2011, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, October 17-21, 2011Global software development is an inexorable trend in the software industry. The impact of the trend in conventional software development can be found in many of its aspects. One of them is task or work package allocation. Task allocation was traditionally driven by resource competency and availability but GSD introduces new complexities to this process including time-zones differences, costs and cultural differences. In this work a report on the construction of a framework for work-package allocation within GSD projects is presented. This framework lies on three main pillars: individual and organizational competency, organizational customization and sound assessment methods.This work is supported by the Spanish Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) under the Eureka Project E! 6244 PROPS-Tour and the national cooperation project SEM-IDi (IDI-20091150)

    Vision-based relative navigation for formation flying of spacecraft

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    The objective of this paper is to develop a robust and efficient approach for relative navigation and at-titude estimation of spacecraft flying in formation. The approach developed here uses information from a new optical sensor that provides a line of sight vector from the master spacecraft to the secondary satel-lite. The overall system provides a novel, reliable, and autonomous relative navigation and attitude determi-nation system, employing relatively simple electronic circuits with modest digital signal processing require-ments and is fully independent of any external systems. State estimation is achieved through an optimal ob-server design, which is analyzed using a Lyapunov and contraction mapping approach. Simulation results in-dicate that the combined sensor/estimator approach provides accurate relative position and attitude esti-mates