16,218 research outputs found

    Two and three electrons in a quantum dot: 1/|J| - expansion

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    We consider systems of two and three electrons in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot. A magnetic field is applied perpendicularly to the electron plane of motion. We show that the energy levels corresponding to states with high angular momentum, J, and a low number of vibrational quanta may be systematically computed as power series in 1/|J|. These states are relevant in the high-B limit.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages,6 postscript figure

    Magnetized strange quark matter and magnetized strange quark stars

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    Strange quark matter could be found in the core of neutron stars or forming strange quark stars. As is well known, these astrophysical objects are endowed with strong magnetic fields which affect the microscopic properties of matter and modify the macroscopic properties of the system. In this paper we study the role of a strong magnetic field in the thermodynamical properties of a magnetized degenerate strange quark gas, taking into account beta-equilibrium and charge neutrality. Quarks and electrons interact with the magnetic field via their electric charges and anomalous magnetic moments. In contrast to the magnetic field value of 10^19 G, obtained when anomalous magnetic moments are not taken into account, we find the upper bound B < 8.6 x 10^17 G, for the stability of the system. A phase transition could be hidden for fields greater than this value.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Lagoon water-level oscillations driven by rainfall and wave climate

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    Barrier breaching and subsequent inlet formation represent critical processes that ensure the temporary or permanent connection and transference of water, nutrients, or living organisms between a lagoon and the open sea. Here, we investigate the conditions inducing natural barrier breaching through a 34 months monitoring program of water-level oscillations within a shallow lagoon and the adjacent nearshore, at the Northern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, Louro lagoon. Seven natural openings were identified to have occurred during the three monitored wet seasons, from the 2009 to 2012, (Wet1, Wet2 and Wet3); four in the Wetl, two in the Wet2 and one in. the Wet3. The openings were grouped in three types depending on the observed relation between the lagoon water-level (L-wl), the estimated berm height (B-h) and the water-level at the beach (B-wl): (i) openings by lagoon outflow, which include those characterized by L-wl higher than B-h and lower B-wl; (ii) openings by wave inundation, including those induced by B-wl higher than B-h, and (iii) mixed openings, which result from a combination of the two previous conditions. We observed that L-wl is modulated by the rainfall regime (R-f) and can be explained by the accumulated precipitation. We estimated applying runup equations to obtain B-h and B-wl which depend on the wave climate and tidal level. The inlet lifespan was found to be regulated by the wave climate and rainfall regime; in particular barrier sealing was associated with a sudden increase in wave period and a reduction in precipitation. This work proves that the natural openings could be predicted successfully with support to medium term water-level monitoring programs, which in turn may significantly contribute to strategic decision making for management and conservation purposes.Xunta de Galicia [08MDS036000PR, PlanI2C-ED481B 2014/132-0]MICINN [CTM2012-39599-C03-01]Portuguese Science Foundation [IF/01047/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Constraints on the braneworld from compact stars

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    According to the braneworld idea, ordinary matter is confined on a 3-dimensional space (brane) that is embedded in a higher-dimensional space-time where gravity propagates. In this work, after reviewing the limits coming from general relativity, finiteness of pressure and causality on the brane, we derive observational constraints on the braneworld parameters from the existence of stable compact stars. The analysis is carried out by solving numerically the brane-modified Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations, using different representative equations of state to describe matter in the star interior. The cases of normal dense matter, pure quark matter and hybrid matter are considered.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; new EoS considered, references and comments adde

    VLT and GTC observations of SDSS J0123+00: a type 2 quasar triggered in a galaxy encounter?

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    We present long-slit spectroscopy, continuum and [OIII]5007 imaging data obtained with the Very Large Telescope and the Gran Telescopio Canarias of the type 2 quasar SDSS J0123+00 at z=0.399. The quasar lies in a complex, gas-rich environment. It appears to be physically connected by a tidal bridge to another galaxy at a projected distance of ~100 kpc, which suggests this is an interacting system. Ionized gas is detected to a distance of at least ~133 kpc from the nucleus. The nebula has a total extension of ~180 kpc. This is one of the largest ionized nebulae ever detected associated with an active galaxy. Based on the environmental properties, we propose that the origin of the nebula is tidal debris from a galactic encounter, which could as well be the triggering mechanism of the nuclear activity. SDSS J0123+00 demonstrates that giant, luminous ionized nebulae can exist associated with type 2 quasars of low radio luminosities, contrary to expectations based on type 1 quasar studies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Exploration of Antagonist Efficacy for LPrA2 Like Peptide

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    Leptin is a small protein hormone that controls satiety and is produced by adipocytes. Obese people have increased levels of circulating leptin. Excessive leptin levels cause a break down in the control of leptin signaling pathways leading to increased angiogenesis, proliferation, cell migration, invasion, and anti-apoptotic events. Obesity and leptin signaling have been linked to cancer progression. Literature shows that LPrA2 is an effective leptin antagonist as it decreases proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro. This project compares the effectiveness of LPrA2 like compounds in breast cancer cell-line MDA-MB-468 (M-468 BCs). We hypothesize that the new peptide antagonists have shorter sequences than LPrA2 and could be more advantageous inhibitors of leptin signaling in BCs than the original LPrA2. During this study, we first tested toxicity of LPrA2 like peptides in MCF10-A cell-line. Then we tested the effectiveness to inhibit leptin induce S-phase in BCs and compared them to LPrA2. M-468 BCs were treated with various compounds for 48 hours. Cell cycle staging was determined using a cellometer. Our results show that two of the new peptide antagonists were more effective in S-phase inhibition than LPrA2. We also expect that a combination of the new peptide antagonist and chemotherapy drug will inhibit proliferation in vitro. This study could lead to the development of future studies that test the efficacy of C6 and C8 using an in vivo mouse model

    Internal transitions of negatively charged magnetoexcitons in quantum dots

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    We report calculations of oscillator strengths for the far infrared absorption of light by the excitonic complexes Xn- (the excess charge, n, ranging from one to four) confined in quantum dots. The magnetic field is varied in an interval which corresponds to ``filling factors'' between 2 and 3/5. Electron-hole interaction effects are seen in the deviations of the peak positions from the Kohn lines, and in the spreading of the oscillator strengths over a few final states. Transition densities are used as an additional tool to characterize the absorption peaks.Comment: Presented as a poster in the Third Stig Lundqvist Conference on Advancing Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics: Fundamental Interactions and Excitations in Confined Systems, Trieste, August 11 - 1

    Characterization of a putative grapevine Zn transporter, VvZIP3, suggests its involvement in early reproductive development in Vitis vinifera L

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    Gonzalez, E (reprint author), Univ Talca, Inst Biol Vegetal & Biotecnol, Talca, Chile.Background: Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the most widespread mineral nutritional problems that affect normal development in plants. Because Zn cannot passively diffuse across cell membranes, it must be transported into intracellular compartments for all biological processes where Zn is required. Several members of the Zinc-regulated transporters, Iron-regulated transporter-like Protein (ZIP) gene family have been characterized in plants, and have shown to be involved in metal uptake and transport. This study describes the first putative Zn transporter in grapevine. Unravelling its function may explain an important symptom of Zn deficiency in grapevines, which is the production of clusters with fewer and usually smaller berries than normal. Results: We identified and characterized a putative Zn transporter from berries of Vitis vinifera L., named VvZIP3. Compared to other members of the ZIP family identified in the Vitis vinifera L. genome, VvZIP3 is mainly expressed in reproductive tissue - specifically in developing flowers - which correlates with the high Zn accumulation in these organs. Contrary to this, the low expression of VvZIP3 in parthenocarpic berries shows a relationship with the lower Zn accumulation in this tissue than in normal seeded berries where its expression is induced by Zn. The predicted protein sequence indicates strong similarity with several members of the ZIP family from Arabidopsis thaliana and other species. Moreover, VvZIP3 complemented the growth defect of a yeast Zn-uptake mutant, ZHY3, and is localized in the plasma membrane of plant cells, suggesting that VvZIP3 has the function of a Zn uptake transporter. Conclusions: Our results suggest that VvZIP3 encodes a putative plasma membrane Zn transporter protein member of the ZIP gene family that might play a role in Zn uptake and distribution during the early reproductive development in Vitis vinifera L., indicating that the availability of this micronutrient may be relevant for reproductive development

    Pancreatic Cancer, Leptin, and Chemoresistance: Current Challenges

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Currently, conventional chemotherapies have showed only limited benefits for PC patients. Main factors affecting PC treatment failures are due to late detection, lack of early symptoms and biomarkers, and the development of desmoplasia and chemoresistance. Various mechanisms have been implicated in PC chemoresistance that includes stem cells, epigenetic changes, and alteration of signaling pathways, among others. Obesity is a modifiable factor for PC risk, which is characterized by high levels of the adipokine leptin that is a proinflammatory, proangiogenic, survival factor that affects chemotherapy effectiveness. Here, we will discuss on the mechanisms of PC chemoresistance and the influence of obesity and leptin signaling. Furthermore, the potential use of nontoxic leptin antagonists as a novel sensitization strategy for PC chemotherapeutics will also be discussed
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