1,661 research outputs found

    The UV absorption spectrum of C60 (buckminsterfullerene): A narrow band at 3860 Å

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    The absorption spectrum of the special C60 cluster buckminsterfullerene has been studied in a supersonic beam by laser depletion of the cold van der Waals complexes of C60 with benzene and methylene chloride. Both complexes were found to display a single, isolated absorption band in the near ultraviolet superimposed on a structureless absorption continuum. For the methylene chloride complex this feature is centered at 3860 Å, and is roughly 50 cm−1 wide. In the benzene van der Waals cluster, the corresponding feature is located at 3863 Å, and has a similar width. This spectrum is tentatively assigned to the 0–0 band of the lowest 1T1u<--1Ag (LUMO+1<--HOMO) transition of a truncated icosahedral carbon shell structure, broadened by coupling to the underlying quasicontinuum of ground state vibrational levels

    Synthesis of the Beryllium 3131A Spectral Region

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    The Beryllium spectral region of the Sun, Procyon and 4 stars in the open cluster NGC6633 up to Teff = 7500K have been synthesised using ATLAS9 model atmospheres and the MOOG spectral synthesis program. The line list used for these syntheses has been modified from the ATLAS9 line list to improve the quality of the fits in light of the improved opacities in the new version of the MOOG code. Significant changes have been made to the Mn I line at ATLAS9 wavelength 3131.037A and an OH line has been added at 3131.358A. In addition there are a number of minor changes to gf-values throughout the synthesised region thus improving the fit for the spectra across the temperature range considerably.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the Workshop "ATLAS 12 and related codes", Trieste, July 11-15, 200

    A renormalization group model for the stick-slip behavior of faults

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    A fault which is treated as an array of asperities with a prescribed statistical distribution of strengths is described. For a linear array the stress is transferred to a single adjacent asperity and for a two dimensional array to three ajacent asperities. It is shown that the solutions bifurcate at a critical applied stress. At stresses less than the critical stress virtually no asperities fail on a large scale and the fault is locked. At the critical stress the solution bifurcates and asperity failure cascades away from the nucleus of failure. It is found that the stick slip behavior of most faults can be attributed to the distribution of asperities on the fault. The observation of stick slip behavior on faults rather than stable sliding, why the observed level of seismicity on a locked fault is very small, and why the stress on a fault is less than that predicted by a standard value of the coefficient of friction are outlined

    The Li Overabundance of J37: Diffusion or Accretion?

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    In September 2002 the discovery of a super Li-rich F-dwarf (J37) in NGC 6633, an iron poor analogue of the better studied Hyades and Praecepe open clusters, was announced. This unique star was thought to be the smoking gun for the action of diffusion, models of which predict a narrow "Li-peak" at approximately the correct temperature. However, with more detailed studies into J37s abundance pattern this star provides firm evidence for the accretion of planetesimals or other material from the circumstellar environment of new born stars. Thanks to the specific predictions made about the behaviour of Be abundances, (the most striking of which being no Be in super-Li-rich dwarfs subject to diffusion) the opposing diffusion/accretion predictions can be tested. Initial modelling of the Be line indicates that J37 is as Be rich as it is Li rich; log N(Be) = 2.25 +/- 0.25, and so is broadly consistent with an accretion-fuelled enhancement. However, that both Li and Be are enhanced by much more than the iron-peak elements (as determined in previous studies) suggests that diffusion also plays a role in increasing the abundances of Li and Be specifically. Furthermore, a new data set from the UVES/UT2 combination has allowed the elemental abundance of Iron to be measured, and the set of preliminary stellar parameters determined; Teff ~ 7340 K, log g ~ 4.1, microturbulence ~ 4.3 km/s, [Fe/H] ~ 0.50. This again provides distinct evidence for the effects of accretion in J37 and requires a new synthesis of the Be doublet.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Poster presented at IAU Symposium 224 "The A Star Puzzle", 7-13 July 2004, Poprad, Slovaki

    Beryllium Enhancement as Evidence for Accretion in a Lithium-Rich F Dwarf

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    The early F dwarf star ``J37'' in the open cluster NGC6633 shows an unusual pattern of photospheric abundances, including an order of magnitude enhancement of lithium and iron-peak elements, but an under-abundance of carbon. As a consequence of its thin convection zone these anomalies have been attributed to either radiative diffusion or the accretion of hydrogen-depleted material. By comparing high resolution VLT/UVES spectra of J37 (and other F stars in NGC 6633) with syntheses of the Be ii doublet region at 3131 Ang, we establish that J37 also has a Be abundance (A(Be)=3.0+/-0.5) that is at least ten times the cosmic value. This contradicts radiative diffusion models that produce a Li over-abundance, as they also predict photospheric Be depletion. Instead, since Be is a highly refractory element, it supports the notion that J37 is the first clear example of a star that has accreted volatile-depleted material with a composition similar to chondritic meteorites, although some diffusion may be necessary to explain the low C and O abundances.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS letters, 5 page

    On the anomaly of Balmer line profiles of A-type stars. Fundamental binary systems

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    In previous work, Gardiner et al. (1999) found evidence for a discrepancy between the Teff obtained from Balmer lines with that from photometry and fundamental values for A-type stars. An investigation into this anomaly is presented using Balmer line profiles of stars in binary system with fundamental values of both Teff and log g. A revision of the fundamental parameters for binary systems given by Smalley & Dworetsky (1995) is also presented. The Teff obtained by fitting Halpha and Hbeta line profiles is compared to the fundamental values and those obtained from uvby photometry. We find that the discrepancy found by Gardiner et al. (1999) for stars in the range 7000 K < Teff < 9000 K is no longer evident.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; Accepted by A&

    Photophysics of buckminsterfullerene and other carbon cluster ions

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    The laser-induced fragmentation behavior of positive carbon cluster ions has been investigated by tandem time-of-flight techniques for the jet-cooled clusters up to 80 atoms in size. Two distinct photophysical regimes were found. The first applies to clusters with 34 atoms or more, all of which dissociate to produce even numbered fragments. Large even clusters fragment by the loss of the high energy species C2, odd ones lose a C atom. The second regime applies to clusters composed of 31 or less atoms, all of which fragment by the loss of C3. These two regimes are sharply separated by C + 32 which fragments to produce small cluster ions in the 10–19 atom size range. Fragmentation of the large clusters occurs on a microsecond or faster time scale only at very high levels of excitation (>12.8 eV). These photophysical results are interpreted as consequences of the large even clusters having edgeless, spheroidal cage structures while the small ones have linear chain or ring structures

    Stability of 1-D Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes under High Laser Excitations

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    Through ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy with intense pump pulses and a wide continuum probe, we show that interband exciton peaks in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are extremely stable under high laser excitations. Estimates of the initial densities of excitons from the excitation conditions, combined with recent theoretical calculations of exciton Bohr radii for SWNTs, suggest that their positions do not change at all even near the Mott density. In addition, we found that the presence of lowest-subband excitons broadens all absorption peaks, including those in the second-subband range, which provides a consistent explanation for the complex spectral dependence of pump-probe signals reported for SWNTs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    An extensive library of 2500-10500 Ang synthetic spectra

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    We present a complete library of synthetic spectra based on Kurucz's codes that covers the 2500-10500 Ang wavelength range at resolving powers 20,000, 11,500 (GAIA), 8500 (RAVE), 2000 (SLOAN) and uniform dispersions of 1 and 10 Ang/pix. The library maps the whole HR diagram, exploring 51,288 combinations of atmospheric parameters spanning the ranges: 3500 <= Teff <= 47500 K, 0.0 <= log g <= 5.0, -2.5 <= [M/H] <= 0.5, [alpha/Fe] = 0.0,+0.4, xi =1,2,4 km/sec, 0 <= Vrot <= 500 km/sec. The spectra are available both as absolute fluxes as well as continuum normalized. Performance tests and foreseen spectroscopic applications of the library are discussed, including automatic classification of data from surveys like RAVE, SLOAN, GAIA. The entire library of synthetic spectra is accessible via http://archives.pd.astro.it/2500-10500/ or (for the 1 AA/pix version only) http://gaia.esa.int/spectralib/spectralib1A/SpectraLib1a.cfmComment: A&A, revised versio
