2,823 research outputs found

    Disorder induced brittle to quasi-brittle transition in fiber bundles

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    We investigate the fracture process of a bundle of fibers with random Young modulus and a constant breaking strength. For two component systems we show that the strength of the mixture is always lower than the strength of the individual components. For continuously distributed Young modulus the tail of the distribution proved to play a decisive role since fibers break in the decreasing order of their stiffness. Using power law distributed stiffness values we demonstrate that the system exhibits a disorder induced brittle to quasi-brittle transition which occurs analogously to continuous phase transitions. Based on computer simulations we determine the critical exponents of the transition and construct the phase diagram of the system.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Ages, Distances, and the Initial Mass Functions of Stellar Clusters

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    We provide a review of the current status of several topics on the ages, distances, and mass functions of open clusters, with a particular emphasis on illuminating the areas of uncertainty. Hipparcos has obtained parallaxes for nearby open clusters that have expected accuracies much better than has been previously achievable. By using the lithium depletion boundary method and isochrone fitting based on much improved new theoretical evolutionary models for low mass stars, it is arguable that we will soon have have much better age scales for clusters and star-forming regions. With improved optical and near-IR cameras, we are just now beginning to extend the mass function of open clusters like the Pleiades into the regime below the hydrogen burning mass limit. Meanwhile, observations in star-forming regions are in principle capable of identifying objects down to of order 10 Jupiter masses.Comment: 13 pages, including 3 embedded figures (4 EPS files). To appear in "11th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun," ed. R. J. Garcia Lopez, R. Rebolo, and M. R. Zapatero Osori

    Automated biowaste sampling system, solids subsystem operating model, part 2

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    The detail design and fabrication of the Solids Subsystem were implemented. The system's capacity for the collection, storage or sampling of feces and vomitus from six subjects was tested and verified

    A dual modelling of evolving political opinion networks

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    We present the result of a dual modeling of opinion network. The model complements the agent-based opinion models by attaching to the social agent (voters) network a political opinion (party) network having its own intrinsic mechanisms of evolution. These two sub-networks form a global network which can be either isolated from or dependent on the external influence. Basically, the evolution of the agent network includes link adding and deleting, the opinion changes influenced by social validation, the political climate, the attractivity of the parties and the interaction between them. The opinion network is initially composed of numerous nodes representing opinions or parties which are located on a one dimensional axis according to their political positions. The mechanism of evolution includes union, splitting, change of position and of attractivity, taken into account the pairwise node interaction decaying with node distance in power law. The global evolution ends in a stable distribution of the social agents over a quasi-stable and fluctuating stationary number of remaining parties. Empirical study on the lifetime distribution of numerous parties and vote results is carried out to verify numerical results

    The lower mass function of the young open cluster Blanco 1: from 30 M_(Jup) to 3 M_☉

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    Aims. We performed a deep wide field optical survey of the young (~100−150 Myr) open cluster Blanco 1 to study its low mass population well down into the brown dwarf regime and estimate its mass function over the whole cluster mass range. Methods. The survey covers 2.3 square degrees in the I and z-bands down to I ≃ z ≃ 24 with the CFH12K camera. Considering two different cluster ages (100 and 150 Myr), we selected cluster member candidates on the basis of their location in the (I, I − z) CMD relative to the isochrones, and estimated the contamination by foreground late-type field dwarfs using statistical arguments, infrared photometry and low-resolution optical spectroscopy. Results. We find that our survey should contain about 57% of the cluster members in the 0.03−0.6 M_☉ mass range, including 30–40 brown dwarfs. The candidate’s radial distribution presents evidence that mass segregation has already occured in the cluster. We took it into account to estimate the cluster mass function across the stellar/substellar boundary. We find that, between 0.03 M_☉ and 0.6 M_☉, the cluster mass distribution does not depend much on its exact age, and is well represented by a single power-law, with an index α = 0.69 ± 0.15. Over the whole mass domain, from 0.03 M_☉ to 3 M_☉, the mass function is better fitted by a log-normal function with m_0 = 0.36 ± 0.07 M_☉ and σ = 0.58 ± 0.06. Conclusions. Comparison between the Blanco 1 mass function, other young open clusters’ MF, and the galactic disc MF suggests that the IMF, from the substellar domain to the higher mass part, does not depend much on initial conditions. We discuss the implications of this result on theories developed to date to explain the origin of the mass distribution

    The lower mass function of young open clusters

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    We report new estimates for the lower mass function of 5 young open clusters spanning an age range from 80 to 150 Myr. In all studied clusters, the mass function across the stellar/substellar boundary (~0.072 Mo) and up to 0.4 Mo is consistent with a power-law with an exponent alpha of -0.5 +/- 0.1, i.e., dN/dM ~ M**(-0.5).Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Dielectric properties measurements of brown and white adipose tissue in rats from 0.5 to 10 GHz

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays an important role in whole body metabolism and with appropriate stimulus could potentially mediate weight gain and insulin sensitivity. Although imaging techniques are available to detect subsurface BAT, there are currently no viable methods for continuous acquisition of BAT energy expenditure. Microwave (MW) radiometry is an emerging technology that allows the quantification of tissue temperature variations at depths of several centimeters. Such temperature differentials may be correlated with variations in metabolic rate, thus providing a quantitative approach to monitor BAT metabolism. In order to optimize MW radiometry, numerical and experimental phantoms with accurate dielectric properties are required to develop and calibrate radiometric sensors. Thus, we present for the first time, the characterization of relative permittivity and electrical conductivity of brown (BAT) and white (WAT) adipose tissues in rats across the MW range 0.5-10GHz. Measurements were carried out in situ and post mortem in six female rats of approximately 200g. A Cole-Cole model was used to fit the experimental data into a parametric model that describes the variation of dielectric properties as a function of frequency. Measurements confirm that the dielectric properties of BAT (Δr = 14.0-19.4, σ = 0.3-3.3S/m) are significantly higher than those of WAT (Δr = 9.1-11.9, σ = 0.1-1.9S/m), in accordance with the higher water content of BAT

    Noisy continuous--opinion dynamics

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    We study the Deffuant et al. model for continuous--opinion dynamics under the influence of noise. In the original version of this model, individuals meet in random pairwise encounters after which they compromise or not depending of a confidence parameter. Free will is introduced in the form of noisy perturbations: individuals are given the opportunity to change their opinion, with a given probability, to a randomly selected opinion inside the whole opinion space. We derive the master equation of this process. One of the main effects of noise is to induce an order-disorder transition. In the disordered state the opinion distribution tends to be uniform, while for the ordered state a set of well defined opinion groups are formed, although with some opinion spread inside them. Using a linear stability analysis we can derive approximate conditions for the transition between opinion groups and the disordered state. The master equation analysis is compared with direct Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the master equation and the Monte-Carlo simulations do not always agree due to finite-size induced fluctuations that we analyze in some detail

    Memory effects on the statistics of fragmentation

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    We investigate through extensive molecular dynamics simulations the fragmentation process of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones systems. After thermalization, the fragmentation is initiated by a sudden increment to the radial component of the particles' velocities. We study the effect of temperature of the thermalized system as well as the influence of the impact energy of the ``explosion'' event on the statistics of mass fragments. Our results indicate that the cumulative distribution of fragments follows the scaling ansatz F(m)∝m−αexp⁥[−(m/m0)Îł]F(m)\propto m^{-\alpha}\exp{[-(m/m_0)^\gamma]}, where mm is the mass, m0m_0 and Îł\gamma are cutoff parameters, and α\alpha is a scaling exponent that is dependent on the temperature. More precisely, we show clear evidence that there is a characteristic scaling exponent α\alpha for each macroscopic phase of the thermalized system, i.e., that the non-universal behavior of the fragmentation process is dictated by the state of the system before it breaks down.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure
