393 research outputs found

    On the non-convergence of the Wang-Landau algorithms with multiple random walkers

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    This paper discusses some convergence properties in the entropic sampling Monte Carlo methods with multiple random walkers, particularly in the Wang-Landau (WL) and 1/t1/t algorithms. The classical algorithms are modified by the use of mm independent random walkers in the energy landscape to calculate the density of states (DOS). The Ising model is used to show the convergence properties in the calculation of the DOS, as well as the critical temperature, while the calculation of the number π\pi by multiple dimensional integration is used in the continuum approximation. In each case, the error is obtained separately for each walker at a fixed time, tt; then, the average over mm walkers is performed. It is observed that the error goes as 1/m1/\sqrt{m}. However, if the number of walkers increases above a certain critical value m>mxm>m_x, the error reaches a constant value (i.e. it saturates). This occurs for both algorithms; however, it is shown that for a given system, the 1/t1/t algorithm is more efficient and accurate than the similar version of the WL algorithm. It follows that it makes no sense to increase the number of walkers above a critical value mxm_x, since it does not reduces the error in the calculation. Therefore, the number of walkers does not guarantee convergence.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, Regular Articl

    Wang-Landau Algorithm: a Theoretical Analysis of the Saturation of the Error

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    In this work we present a theoretical analysis of the convergence of the Wang-Landau algorithm [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2050 (2001)] which was introduced years ago to calculate the density of states in statistical models. We study the dynamical behavior of the error in the calculation of the density of states.We conclude that the source of the saturation of the error is due to the decreasing variations of the refinement parameter. To overcome this limitation, we present an analytical treatment in which the refinement parameter is scaled down as a power law instead of exponentially. An extension of the analysis to the N-fold way variation of the method is also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Analysis of the convergence of the 1/t and Wang-Landau algorithms in the calculation of multidimensional integrals

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    In this communication, the convergence of the 1/t and Wang - Landau algorithms in the calculation of multidimensional numerical integrals is analyzed. Both simulation methods are applied to a wide variety of integrals without restrictions in one, two and higher dimensions. The errors between the exact and the calculated values of the integral are obtained and the efficiency and accuracy of the methods are determined by their dynamical behavior. The comparison between both methods and the simple sampling Monte Carlo method is also reported. It is observed that the time dependence of the errors calculated with 1/t algorithm goes as N^{-1/2} (with N the MC trials) in quantitative agreement with the simple sampling Monte Carlo method. It is also showed that the error for the Wang - Landau algorithm saturates in time evidencing the non-convergence of the methods. The sources for the error are also determined.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal fluctuations of an interface near a contact line

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    The effect of thermal fluctuations near a contact line of a liquid interface partially wetting an impenetrable substrate is studied analytically and numerically. Promoting both the interface profile and the contact line position to random variables, we explore the equilibrium properties of the corresponding fluctuating contact line problem based on an interfacial Hamiltonian involving a "contact" binding potential. To facilitate an analytical treatment we consider the case of a one-dimensional interface. The effective boundary condition at the contact line is determined by a dimensionless parameter that encodes the relative importance of thermal energy and substrate energy at the microscopic scale. We find that this parameter controls the transition from a partially wetting to a pseudo-partial wetting state, the latter being characterized by a thin prewetting film of fixed thickness. In the partial wetting regime, instead, the profile typically approaches the substrate via an exponentially thinning prewetting film. We show that, independently of the physics at the microscopic scale, Young's angle is recovered sufficiently far from the substrate. The fluctuations of the interface and of the contact line give rise to an effective disjoining pressure, exponentially decreasing with height. Fluctuations therefore provide a regularization of the singular contact forces occurring in the corresponding deterministic problem.Comment: 40 Pages, 12 Figure

    Fast Algorithm to Calculate Density of States

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    An algorithm to calculate the density of states, based on the well-known Wang-Landau method, is introduced. Independent random walks are performed in different restricted ranges of energy, and the resultant density of states is modified by a function of time, F(t)=1/t, for large time. As a consequence, the calculated density of state, gm(E,t), approaches asymptotically the exact value gex(E) as 1/sqrt(t), avoiding the saturation of the error. It is also shown that the growth of the interface of the energy histogram belongs to the random deposition universality class.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Ricci-flat Metrics with U(1) Action and the Dirichlet Boundary-value Problem in Riemannian Quantum Gravity and Isoperimetric Inequalities

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    The Dirichlet boundary-value problem and isoperimetric inequalities for positive definite regular solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations are studied in arbitrary dimensions for the class of metrics with boundaries admitting a U(1) action. We show that in the case of non-trivial bundles Taub-Bolt infillings are double-valued whereas Taub-Nut and Eguchi-Hanson infillings are unique. In the case of trivial bundles, there are two Schwarzschild infillings in arbitrary dimensions. The condition of whether a particular type of filling in is possible can be expressed as a limitation on squashing through a functional dependence on dimension in each case. The case of the Eguchi-Hanson metric is solved in arbitrary dimension. The Taub-Nut and the Taub-Bolt are solved in four dimensions and methods for arbitrary dimension are delineated. For the case of Schwarzschild, analytic formulae for the two infilling black hole masses in arbitrary dimension have been obtained. This should facilitate the study of black hole dynamics/thermodynamics in higher dimensions. We found that all infilling solutions are convex. Thus convexity of the boundary does not guarantee uniqueness of the infilling. Isoperimetric inequalities involving the volume of the boundary and the volume of the infilling solutions are then investigated. In particular, the analogues of Minkowski's celebrated inequality in flat space are found and discussed providing insight into the geometric nature of these Ricci-flat spaces.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figure

    Synthesis, antitubercular activity and mechanism of resistance of highly effective thiacetazone analogues

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    Defining the pharmacological target(s) of currently used drugs and developing new analogues with greater potency are both important aspects of the search for agents that are effective against drug-sensitive and drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Thiacetazone (TAC) is an anti-tubercular drug that was formerly used in conjunction with isoniazid, but removed from the antitubercular chemotherapeutic arsenal due to toxic side effects. However, several recent studies have linked the mechanisms of action of TAC to mycolic acid metabolism and TAC-derived analogues have shown increased potency against M. tuberculosis. To obtain new insights into the molecular mechanisms of TAC resistance, we isolated and analyzed 10 mutants of M. tuberculosis that were highly resistant to TAC. One strain was found to be mutated in the methyltransferase MmaA4 at Gly101, consistent with its lack of oxygenated mycolic acids. All remaining strains harbored missense mutations in either HadA (at Cys61) or HadC (at Val85, Lys157 or Thr123), which are components of the bhydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase complex that participates in the mycolic acid elongation step. Separately, a library of 31 new TAC analogues was synthesized and evaluated against M. tuberculosis. Two of these compounds, 15 and 16, exhibited minimal inhibitory concentrations 10-fold lower than the parental molecule, and inhibited mycolic acid biosynthesis in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, overexpression of HadAB HadBC or HadABC in M. tuberculosis led to high level resistance to these compounds, demonstrating that their mode of action is similar to that of TAC. In summary, this study uncovered new mutations associated with TAC resistance and also demonstrated that simple structural optimization of the TAC scaffold was possible and may lead to a new generation of TAC-derived drug candidates for the potential treatment of tuberculosis as mycolic acid inhibitors

    Wang-Landau study of the 3D Ising model with bond disorder

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    We implement a two-stage approach of the Wang-Landau algorithm to investigate the critical properties of the 3D Ising model with quenched bond randomness. In particular, we consider the case where disorder couples to the nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interaction, in terms of a bimodal distribution of strong versus weak bonds. Our simulations are carried out for large ensembles of disorder realizations and lattices with linear sizes LL in the range L=864L=8-64. We apply well-established finite-size scaling techniques and concepts from the scaling theory of disordered systems to describe the nature of the phase transition of the disordered model, departing gradually from the fixed point of the pure system. Our analysis (based on the determination of the critical exponents) shows that the 3D random-bond Ising model belongs to the same universality class with the site- and bond-dilution models, providing a single universality class for the 3D Ising model with these three types of quenched uncorrelated disorder.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.