16,360 research outputs found

    Psychology ethics down under: A survey of student subject pools in Australia

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    A survey of the 37 psychology departments offering courses accredited by the Australian Psychological Society yielded a 92% response rate. Sixty-eight percent of departments employed students as research subjects, with larger departments being more likely to do so. Most of these departments drew their student subject pools from introductory courses. Student research participation was strictly voluntary in 57% of these departments, whereas 43% of the departments have failed to comply with normally accepted ethical standards. It is of great concern that institutional ethics committees apparently continue to condone, or fail to act against, unethical research practices. Although these committees have a duty of care to all subjects, the final responsibility for conducting research in an ethical manner lies with the individual researcher

    Pump less wearable microfluidic device for real time pH sweat monitoring

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    This paper presents the fabrication and the performance of a novel, wearable, robust, flexible and disposable microfluidic device which incorporates micro-Light Emitting Diodes (Ό-LEDs) as a detection system, for monitoring in real time mode the pH of the sweat generated during an exercising period

    First Canadian Record of \u3ci\u3eHexacola Neoscatellae\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Eucoilinae), A Parasitoid of the Shore Fly, \u3ci\u3eScatella Stagnalis\u3c/i\u3e

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    This paper documents the first occurrence of Hexacola neoscatellae, a shore fly parasitoid, in Canada. The discovery of H. neoscatellae is significant because currently there are no suitable biological control agents available for shore fly control to the floriculture industry

    The opposites task: Using general rules to test cognitive flexibility in preschoolers

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    A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. Executive functions play an important role in cognitive development, and during the preschool years especially, children's performance is limited in tasks that demand flexibility in their behavior. We asked whether preschoolers would exhibit limitations when they are required to apply a general rule in the context of novel stimuli on every trial (the "opposites" task). Two types of inhibitory processing were measured: response interference (resistance to interference from a competing response) and proactive interference (resistance to interference from a previously relevant rule). Group data show 3-year-olds have difficulty inhibiting prepotent tendencies under these conditions, whereas 5-year-olds' accuracy is near ceiling in the task. (Contains 4 footnotes and 1 table.

    Integral-Field Spectroscopy of the Post Red Supergiant IRC +10420: evidence for an axi-symmetric wind

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    We present NAOMI/OASIS adaptive-optics assisted integral-field spectroscopy of the transitional massive hypergiant IRC +10420, an extreme mass-losing star apparently in the process of evolving from a Red Supergiant toward the Wolf-Rayet phase. To investigate the present-day mass-loss geometry of the star, we study the appearance of the line-emission from the inner wind as viewed when reflected off the surrounding nebula. We find that, contrary to previous work, there is strong evidence for wind axi-symmetry, based on the equivalent-width and velocity variations of Hα\alpha and Fe {\sc ii} λ\lambda6516. We attribute this behaviour to the appearance of the complex line-profiles when viewed from different angles. We also speculate that the Ti {\sc ii} emission originates in the outer nebula in a region analogous to the Strontium Filament of η\eta Carinae, based on the morphology of the line-emission. Finally, we suggest that the present-day axisymmetric wind of IRC +10420, combined with its continued blueward evolution, is evidence that the star is evolving toward the B[e] supergiant phase.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. B&W-optimized version can be downloaded from http://www.cis.rit.edu/~bxdpci/pubs.htm

    Edge Shear Flows and Particle Transport near the Density Limit in the HL-2A Tokamak

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    Edge shear flow and its effect on regulating turbulent transport have long been suspected to play an important role in plasmas operating near the Greenwald density limit nG n_G . In this study, equilibrium profiles as well as the turbulent particle flux and Reynolds stress across the separatrix in the HL-2A tokamak are examined as nG n_G is approached in ohmic L-mode discharges. As the normalized line-averaged density nˉe/nG \bar{n}_e/n_G is raised, the shearing rate of the mean poloidal flow ωsh \omega_{\rm sh} drops, and the turbulent drive for the low-frequency zonal flow (the Reynolds power PRe \mathcal{P}_{Re} ) collapses. Correspondingly, the turbulent particle transport increases drastically with increasing collision rates. The geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) gain more energy from the ambient turbulence at higher densities, but have smaller shearing rate than low-frequency zonal flows. The increased density also introduces decreased adiabaticity which not only enhances the particle transport but is also related to a reduction in the eddy-tilting and the Reynolds power. Both effects may lead to the cooling of edge plasmas and therefore the onset of MHD instabilities that limit the plasma density

    Increased renal expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and osteopontin in ADPKD in rats

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    Increased renal expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and osteopontin in ADPKD in rats.BackgroundHuman autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is variable in the rate of deterioration of renal function, with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) occurring in only approximately 50% of affected individuals. Evidence suggests that interstitial inflammation may be important in the development of ESRD in ADPKD. Han:SPRD rats manifest ADPKD that resembles the human disease. Homozygous cystic (Cy/Cy) rats develop rapidly progressive PKD and die near age 3 weeks. Heterozygous (Cy/+) females develop slowly progressive PKD without evidence of renal dysfunction until the second year of life, whereas heterozygous (Cy/+) males develop more aggressive PKD with renal failure beginning by 8 to 12 weeks of age.MethodsTo examine the relationship between proinflammatory chemoattractants and the development of interstitial inflammation and ultimately renal failure in ADPKD, we evaluated monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and osteopontin mRNAs and proteins in kidneys from Han:SRPD rats.ResultsMCP-1 and osteopontin mRNAs, expressed at low levels in kidneys from normal (+/+) animals at all ages, were markedly elevated in kidneys from 3-week-old Cy/Cy animals. In kidneys from heterozygous (Cy/+) adults of either gender, MCP-1 and osteopontin mRNAs were more abundant than normal; MCP-1 mRNA was more abundant in Cy/+ males than in females. Thus, chemoattractant mRNA expression correlated with the development of renal failure in Cy/Cy and Cy/+ rats. Osteopontin mRNA, localized by in situ hybridization, was moderately expressed in the renal medulla of normal animals; however, this mRNA was expressed at very high levels in the cystic epithelia of Cy/+ and Cy/Cy animals. MCP-1 and osteopontin proteins, localized by immunohistochemistry, were weakly detected in +/+ kidneys but were densely expressed in Cy/Cy and in adult Cy/+ kidneys, primarily over cystic epithelium. Increased expression of chemoattractants was associated with the accumulation of ED-1 positive cells (macrophages) in the interstitium of cystic kidneys.ConclusionsWe suggest that proinflammatory chemoattractants have a role in the development of interstitial inflammation and renal failure in ADPKD

    Influence of Pre-Training Predator Stress on the Expression of c-fos mRNA in the Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Striatum Following Long-Term Spatial Memory Retrieval

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    We have studied the influence of pre-training psychological stress on the expression of c-fos mRNA following long-term spatial memory retrieval. Rats were trained to learn the location of a hidden escape platform in the radial-arm water maze, and then their memory for the platform location was assessed 24 h later. Rat brains were extracted 30 min after the 24-h memory test trial for analysis of c-fos mRNA. Four groups were tested: (1) Rats given standard training (Standard); (2) Rats given cat exposure (Predator Stress) 30 min prior to training (Pre-Training Stress); (3) Rats given water exposure only (Water Yoked); and (4) Rats given no water exposure (Home Cage). The Standard trained group exhibited excellent 24 h memory which was accompanied by increased c-fos mRNA in the dorsal hippocampus and basolateral amygdala (BLA). The Water Yoked group exhibited no increase in c-fos mRNA in any brain region. Rats in the Pre-Training Stress group were classified into two subgroups: good and bad memory performers. Neither of the two Pre-Training Stress subgroups exhibited a significant change in c-fos mRNA expression in the dorsal hippocampus or BLA. Instead, stressed rats with good memory exhibited significantly greater c-fos mRNA expression in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) compared to stressed rats with bad memory. This finding suggests that stressed rats with good memory used their DLS to generate a non-spatial (cue-based) strategy to learn and subsequently retrieve the memory of the platform location. Collectively, these findings provide evidence at a molecular level for the involvement of the hippocampus and BLA in the retrieval of spatial memory and contribute novel observations on the influence of pre-training stress in activating the DLS in response to long-term memory retrieval

    SDSS IV MaNGA - Rotation Velocity Lags in the Extraplanar Ionized Gas from MaNGA Observations of Edge-on Galaxies

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    We present a study of the kinematics of the extraplanar ionized gas around several dozen galaxies observed by the Mapping of Nearby Galaxies at the Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. We considered a sample of 67 edge-on galaxies out of more than 1400 extragalactic targets observed by MaNGA, in which we found 25 galaxies (or 37%) with regular lagging of the rotation curve at large distances from the galactic midplane. We model the observed HαH\alpha emission velocity fields in the galaxies, taking projection effects and a simple model for the dust extinction into the account. We show that the vertical lag of the rotation curve is necessary in the modeling, and estimate the lag amplitude in the galaxies. We find no correlation between the lag and the star formation rate in the galaxies. At the same time, we report a correlation between the lag and the galactic stellar mass, central stellar velocity dispersion, and axial ratio of the light distribution. These correlations suggest a possible higher ratio of infalling-to-local gas in early-type disk galaxies or a connection between lags and the possible presence of hot gaseous halos, which may be more prevalent in more massive galaxies. These results again demonstrate that observations of extraplanar gas can serve as a potential probe for accretion of gas.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
