411 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a nano-scale rotor driven by single-electron tunneling

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    We investigate theoretically the dynamics and the charge transport properties of a rod-shaped nano-scale rotor, which is driven by a similar mechanism as the nanomechanical single-electron transistor (NEMSET). We show that a static electric potential gradient can lead to self-excitation of oscillatory or continuous rotational motion. The relevant parameters of the device are identified and the dependence of the dynamics on these parameters is studied. We further discuss how the dynamics is related to the measured current through the device. Notably, in the oscillatory regime, we find a negative differential conductance. The current-voltage characteristics can be used to infer details of the surrounding environment which is responsible for damping

    Li2SnO3 as a Cathode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries:Defects, Lithium Ion Diffusion and Dopants

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    Tin-based oxide Li2SnO3 has attracted considerable interest as a promising cathode material for potential use in rechargeable lithium batteries due to its high- capacity. Static atomistic scale simulations are employed to provide insights into the defect chemistry, doping behaviour and lithium diffusion paths in Li2SnO3. The most favourable intrinsic defect type is Li Frenkel (0.75 eV/defect). The formation of anti-site defect, in which Li and Sn ions exchange their positions is 0.78 eV/defect, very close to the Li Frenkel. The present calculations confirm the cation intermixing found experimentally in Li2SnO3. Long range lithium diffusion paths via vacancy mechanisms were examined and it is confirmed that the lowest activation energy migration path is along the c-axis plane with the overall activation energy of 0.61 eV. Subvalent doping by Al on the Sn site is energetically favourable and is proposed to be an efficient way to increase the Li content in Li2SnO3. The electronic structure calculations show that the introduction of Al will not introduce levels in the band gap

    Psychophysical Investigations into the Role of Low-Threshold C Fibres in Non-Painful Affective Processing and Pain Modulation

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    We recently showed that C low-threshold mechanoreceptors (CLTMRs) contribute to touch-evoked pain (allodynia) during experimental muscle pain. Conversely, in absence of ongoing pain, the activation of CLTMRs has been shown to correlate with a diffuse sensation of pleasant touch. In this study, we evaluated (1) the primary afferent fibre types contributing to positive (pleasant) and negative (unpleasant) affective touch and (2) the effects of tactile stimuli on tonic muscle pain by varying affective attributes and frequency parameters. Psychophysical observations were made in 10 healthy participants. Two types of test stimuli were applied: stroking stimulus using velvet or sandpaper at speeds of 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 cm/s; focal vibrotactile stimulus at low (20 Hz) or high (200 Hz) frequency. These stimuli were applied in the normal condition (i.e. no experimental pain) and following the induction of muscle pain by infusing hypertonic saline (5%) into the tibialis anterior muscle. These observations were repeated following the conduction block of myelinated fibres by compression of sciatic nerve. In absence of muscle pain, all participants reliably linked velvet-stroking to pleasantness and sandpaper-stroking to unpleasantness (no pain). Likewise, low-frequency vibration was linked to pleasantness and high-frequency vibration to unpleasantness. During muscle pain, the application of previously pleasant stimuli resulted in overall pain relief, whereas the application of previously unpleasant stimuli resulted in overall pain intensification. These effects were significant, reproducible and persisted following the blockade of myelinated fibres. Taken together, these findings suggest the role of low-threshold C fibres in affective and pain processing. Furthermore, these observations suggest that temporal coding need not be limited to discriminative aspects of tactile processing, but may contribute to affective attributes, which in turn predispose individual responses towards excitatory or inhibitory modulation of pain

    Vitamin D prevents endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction induced by sera from women with preeclampsia or conditioned media from hypoxic placenta

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    Context: Placenta-derived circulating factors contribute to the maternal endothelial dysfunction underlying preeclampsia. Endothelial colony forming cells (ECFC), a sub-population of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), are thought to be involved in vasculogenesis and endothelial repair. Low vitamin D concentrations are associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia. Objective: We hypothesized that the function of human fetal ECFCs in culture would be suppressed by exposure to preeclampsia-related factors-preeclampsia serum or hypoxic placental conditioned medium- in a fashion reversed by vitamin D. Design, Setting, Patients: ECFCs were isolated from cord blood of uncomplicated pregnancies and expanded in culture. Uncomplicated pregnancy villous placenta in explant culture were exposed to either 2% (hypoxic), 8% (normoxic) or 21% (hyperoxic) O2 for 48 h, after which the conditioned media (CM) was collected. Outcome Measures: ECFC tubule formation (Matrigel assay) and migration were examined in the presence of either maternal serum from preeclampsia cases or uncomplicated pregnancy controls, or pooled CM, in the presence or absence of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3. Results: 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 reversed the adverse effects of preeclampsia serum or CM from hypoxic placenta on ECFCs capillary-tube formation and migration. Silencing of VDR expression by VDR siRNA, VDR blockade, or VEGF pathway blockade reduced ECFC functional abilities. Effects of VDR or VEGF blockade were partially prevented by vitamin D. Conclusion: Vitamin D promotes the capillary-like tubule formation and migration of ECFCs in culture, minimizing the negative effects of exposure to preeclampsia-related factors. Further evaluation of the role of vitamin D in ECFC regulation and preeclampsia is warranted. © 2014 Brodowski et al