63 research outputs found

    Children's rights in student voice projects:where does the power lie?

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    This paper aims to develop understandings around the factors which facilitate and those which constrain implementation of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989; UN General Assembly Resolution 44/25) in student voice projects. Article 12 is concerned with children being given the right to express their views freely, and for their views to be given due weight in matters affecting them. The paper considers empirical evidence from student voice projects in two schools in the south of England. Through examining the complex, micro-processes of school practices which came into play during the projects, it is argued that the power imbalance in student–teacher relationships plays a significant role in terms of inhibiting and enabling the implementation of Article 12. The paper draws on the work of Freire, Giroux and Foucault to help develop an understanding of the power differentials within student–teacher relationships

    Comparing long-read assemblers to explore the potential of a sustainable low-cost, low-infrastructure approach to sequence antimicrobial resistant bacteria with Oxford nanopore sequencing

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    Long-read sequencing (LRS) can resolve repetitive regions, a limitation of short read (SR) data. Reduced cost and instrument size has led to a steady increase in LRS across diagnostics and research. Here, we re-basecalled FAST5 data sequenced between 2018 and 2021 and analyzed the data in relation to gDNA across a large dataset (n = 200) spanning a wide GC content (25–67%). We examined whether re-basecalled data would improve the hybrid assembly, and, for a smaller cohort, compared long read (LR) assemblies in the context of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes and mobile genetic elements. We included a cost analysis when comparing SR and LR instruments. We compared the R9 and R10 chemistries and reported not only a larger yield but increased read quality with R9 flow cells. There were often discrepancies with ARG presence/absence and/or variant detection in LR assemblies. Flye-based assemblies were generally efficient at detecting the presence of ARG on both the chromosome and plasmids. Raven performed more quickly but inconsistently recovered small plasmids, notably a ∼15-kb Col-like plasmid harboring blaKPC. Canu assemblies were the most fragmented, with genome sizes larger than expected. LR assemblies failed to consistently determine multiple copies of the same ARG as identified by the Unicycler reference. Even with improvements to ONT chemistry and basecalling, long-read assemblies can lead to misinterpretation of data. If LR data are currently being relied upon, it is necessary to perform multiple assemblies, although this is resource (computing) intensive and not yet readily available/useable

    Emergence of mobile colistin resistance (mcr-8) in a highly successful Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 15 clone from clinical infections in Bangladesh

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    The emergence of mobilized colistin resistance genes (mcr) has become a serious concern in clinical practice, compromising treatment options for life-threatening infections. In this study, colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae harboring mcr-8.1 was recovered from infected patients in the largest public hospital of Bangladesh, with a prevalence of 0.3% (3/1,097). We found mcr-8.1 in an identical highly stable multidrug-resistant IncFIB(pQil) plasmid of ∼113 kb, which belonged to an epidemiologically successful K. pneumoniae clone, ST15. The resistance mechanism was proven to be horizontally transferable, which incurred a fitness cost to the host. The core genome phylogeny suggested the clonal spread of mcr-8.1 in a Bangladeshi hospital. Core genome single-nucleotide polymorphisms among the mcr-8.1-positive K. pneumoniae isolates ranged from 23 to 110. It has been hypothesized that mcr-8.1 was inserted into IncFIB(pQil) with preexisting resistance loci, blaTEM-1b and blaCTX-M-15, by IS903B. Coincidentally, all resistance determinants in the plasmid [mcr-8.1, ampC, sul2, 1d-APH(6), APH(3′′)-Ib, blaTEM-1b, blaCTX-M-15] were bracketed by IS903B, demonstrating the possibility of intra- and interspecies and intra- and intergenus transposition of entire resistance loci. This is the first report of an mcr-like mechanism from human infections in Bangladesh. However, given the acquisition of mcr-8.1 by a sable conjugative plasmid in a successful high-risk clone of K. pneumoniae ST15, there is a serious risk of dissemination of mcr-8.1 in Bangladesh from 2017 onwards

    Determination of in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility for Lefamulin (Pleuromutilin) for Ureaplasma Spp. and Mycoplasma hominis

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    Lefamulin is the first of the pleuromutilin class of antimicrobials to be available for therapeutic use in humans. Minimum inhibitory concentrations of lefamulin were determined by microbroth dilution for 90 characterised clinical isolates (25 Ureaplasma parvum, 25 Ureaplasma urealyticum, and 40 Mycoplasma hominis). All Mycoplasma hominis isolates possessed lefamulin MICs of ≤0.25 mg/L after 48 h (MIC50/90 of 0.06/0.12 mg/L), despite an inherent resistance to macrolides; while Ureaplasma isolates had MICs of ≤2 mg/L after 24 h (MIC50/90 of 0.25/1 mg/L), despite inherent resistance to clindamycin. Two U. urealyticum isolates with additional A2058G mutations of 23S rRNA, and one U. parvum isolate with a R66Q67 deletion (all of which had a combined resistance to macrolides and clindamycin) only showed a 2-fold increase in lefamulin MIC (1–2 mg/L) relative to macrolide-susceptible strains. Lefamulin could be an effective alternative antimicrobial for treating Ureaplasma spp. and Mycoplasma hominis infections irrespective of intrinsic or acquired resistance to macrolides, lincosamides, and ketolides. Based on this potent in vitro activity and the known good, rapid, and homogenous tissue penetration of female and male urogenital tissues and glands, further exploration of clinical efficacy of lefamulin for the treatment of Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma urogenital infections is warranted

    Geographic Association of Rickettsia felis-Infected Opossums with Human Murine Typhus, Texas

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    Application of molecular diagnostic technology in the past 10 years has resulted in the discovery of several new species of pathogenic rickettsiae, including Rickettsia felis. As more sequence information for rickettsial genes has become available, the data have been used to reclassify rickettsial species and to develop new diagnostic tools for analysis of mixed rickettsial pathogens. R. felis has been associated with opossums and their fleas in Texas and California. Because R. felis can cause human illness, we investigated the distribution dynamics in the murine typhus–endemic areas of these two states. The geographic distribution of R. felis-infected opossum populations in two well-established endemic foci overlaps with that of the reported human cases of murine typhus. Descriptive epidemiologic analysis of 1998 human cases in Corpus Christi, Texas, identified disease patterns consistent with studies done in the 1980s. A close geographic association of seropositive opossums (22% R. felis; 8% R. typhi) with human murine typhus cases was also observed

    Defining fluoroquinolone resistance-mediating mutations from non-resistance polymorphisms in Mycoplasma hominis Topoisomerases

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    Often dismissed as a commensal, Mycoplasma hominis is an increasingly prominent target of research due to its role in septic arthritis and organ transplant failure in immunosuppressed patients, particularly lung transplantation. As a mollicute, its highly reductive genome and structure render it refractile to most forms of treatment and growing levels of resistance to the few sources of treatment left, such as fluoroquinolones. We examined antimicrobial susceptibility (AST) to fluoroquinolones on 72 isolates and observed resistance in three (4.1%), with corresponding mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of S83L or E87G in gyrA and S81I or E85V in parC. However, there were high levels of polymorphism identified between all isolates outside of the QRDR, indicating caution for a genomics-led approach for resistance screening, particularly as we observed a further two quinolone-susceptible isolates solely containing gyrA mutation S83L. However, both isolates spontaneously developed a second spontaneous E85K parC mutation and resistance following prolonged incubation in 4 mg/L levofloxacin for an extra 24–48 h. Continued AST surveillance and investigation is required to understand how gyrA QRDR mutations predispose M. hominis to rapid spontaneous mutation and fluoroquinolone resistance, absent from other susceptible isolates. The unusually high prevalence of polymorphisms in M. hominis also warrants increased genomics’ surveillance

    Computational studies towards the identification of novel rhodopsin-binding compounds as chemical chaperones for misfolded opsins

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    Accumulation of misfolded and mistrafficked rhodopsin on the endoplasmic reticulum of photoreceptor cells has a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of retinitis pigmentosa and a subset of Leber’s congenital amaurosis. One potential strategy to reduce rhodopsin misfolding and aggregation in these conditions is to use opsin-binding compounds as chemical chaperones for opsin. Such molecules have previously shown the ability to aid rhodopsin folding and proper trafficking to the outer cell membranes of photoreceptors. As means to identify novel chemical chaperones for rhodopsin, a structure-based virtual screening of commercially available drug-like compounds (300,000) was performed on the main binding site of the visual pigment chromophore, the 11-cis-retinal. The best 24 virtual hits were examined for their ability to compete for the chromophore-binding site of opsin. Among these, four small molecules demonstrated the ability to reduce the rate constant for the formation of the 9-cis-retinal-rhodopsin complex, while five molecules surprisingly enhanced the formation of this complex. Compound 7, 13, 20 and 23 showed a weak but detectable increase in the trafficking of the P23H mutant, widely used as a model for both retinitis pigmentosa and Leber’s congenital amaurosis, from the ER to the cell membrane. The compounds did not show any relevant cytotoxicity in two different human cell lines, with the only exception of 13. Based on the structures of these active compounds, a series of in silico studies gave important insights on the potential structural features required for a molecule to act either as chemical chaperone or as stabiliser of the 11-cis-retinal-rhodopsin complex. Thus, this study revealed a series of small molecules that represent a solid foundation for the future development of novel therapeutics against these severe inherited blinding diseases

    Environmental surveillance of ESBL and carbapenemase-producing gram-negative bacteria in a Ghanaian Tertiary Hospital

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    Background The burden of antibiotic resistant infection is mainly felt in low-to-middle income countries, where the rate of antimicrobial resistance is largely under-surveyed and under huge pressure from unregulated, disparate and often self-guided access to antimicrobials. Nosocomial infections from hospital environments have been shown to be a particularly prevalent source of multi-drug resistant strains, yet surveillance of hospital environmental contamination is often not investigated. Methods The study was prospective, observational and cross-sectional, sampling 231 high and low touch surfaces from 15th March to 13th April 2021, from five wards in the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana. Microbial growth in the presence of vancomycin and either meropenem or cefotaxime was examined and bacterial species were identified by MALDI-TOF. The presence of common extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapenemase antimicrobial resistance genes (ARG) were identified through PCR screening, which were confirmed by phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility determination. Isolates positive for carbapenem resistance genes were sequenced using a multi-platform approach. Results We recovered microbial growth from 99% of swabs (n = 229/231) plated on agar in the absence of antimicrobials. Multiple sites were found to be colonised with resistant bacteria throughout the hospital setting. Bacteria with multi-drug resistance and ARG of concern were isolated from high and low touch points with evidence of strain dissemination throughout the environment. A total of 21 differing species of bacteria carrying ARG were isolated. The high prevalence of Acinetobacter baumannii carrying blaNDM-1 observed was further characterised by whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to determine the relationship between resistant strains found in different wards. Conclusion Evidence of multiple clonal incursions of MDR bacteria of high sepsis risk were found in two separate wards for a regional hospital in Ghana. The prevalence of multiple blaNDM carrying species in combination with combinations of ESBLs was particularly concerning and unexpected in Africa. We also identify strains carrying tet(X3), blaVIM-5 or blaDIM-1 showing a high diversity of carbapenamases present as a reservoir in a hospital setting. Findings of multi-drug resistant bacteria from multiple environmental sites throughout the hospital will inform future IPC practices and aid research prioritisation for AMR in Ghana

    Emergence of mcr-1 mediated colistin resistant Escherichia coli from a hospitalized patient in Bangladesh

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    Introduction: The emergence of plasmid mediated mcr in bacteria has become global public health threat. Herein, we report a mcr-1 positive E. coli in normal human flora from a patient admitted in Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH). Methodology: In total, 700 non-duplicate rectal swabs were collected from DMCH during 13th May to 12th June 2018. E. coli from rectal swabs were isolated on chromogenic UTI media containing vancomycin 10mg/l (Liofilchem, Italy) and confirmed by MALDI-TOF. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined by agar dilution and interpreted according to EUCAST breakpoints. Genomic analysis of mcr positive E. coli (MCRPEC) was performed by Illumina MiSeq sequencing and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using S1 nuclease DNA digests and blamcr-1 probing. Transferability of blamcr-1 were determined by conjugation assays. Results: We found one MCRPEC from 700 rectal swab screening which was isolated from the rectal swab culture of a 17-year boy who was admitted to the burns ICU, DMCH with 53% flame burn involving much of the trunk and face. Genome sequencing revealed that mcr-1 was present on an IncH12 plasmid of 257,243 bp and flanked by ISApaI1. The colistin resistance can be transferred to the recipient Klebsiella varricola with a frequency of 8.3 × 10-5. Transconjugants were more resistant to colistin than donor (MIC 32 µg/mL). Conclusions: This is the first human associated mcr in Bangladesh. These data indicate the need for a systematic “one health” surveillance in the country