91 research outputs found

    Assessment of heavy metals pollution in the gulf of Gabes (Tunisia) using four mollusk species

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    Since the establishment of the ‘Tunisian Chemical Group’ in Gabes city, Tunisia, no serious investigations were carried out about the heavy metal pollution in Gabes gulf.  In the present study, the contents of four heavy metals were assessed in four mollusk species (two gastropods, Gibbula ardens and Patella caerulea, and two bivalves, Pinctada radiata and Pinna nobilis), collected from twelve coastal stations. The results obtained showed generally that high concentrations of heavy metals were recorded in the central area of Gabes gulf, nearer to Gabes city; the low concentrations were in contrast found at the edges of this gulf, which is probably due to the chemical pollution generated from the huge industry of phosphoric acid in Gabes city. Comparing the results found with the four examined species, the lowest concentrations were noted with the two bivalve species P. radiata and P. nobilis. The highest heavy metals’ concentrations, noted during this study, are comparable to the findings of other authors in other areas, but they are considerably beyond the standards. A remediation action is necessarily needed either by reducing the amount of heavy metals in the phosphgypums quantities thrown directly in the sea or by stopping completely this harmful industry to protect the marine life in the area. A remediation action is necessarily needed to protect the marine life in the area

    Changes in volatile compounds and oil quality with the method of olive tree propagation and saline water irrigation

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    The main goal of this study was to investigate the effects of moderate saline water irrigation on the composition and quality of olive oil of the “Chemlali” olive cultivar in comparison to a control plot grown under rain-fed conditions from two methods of olive tree propagation (suckers and cuttings). The antioxidant compounds, oxidative stability and volatile compounds of virgin olive oil samples were determined and reported. The irrigation did not affect free acidity and peroxide value and specific ultraviolet absorbance (K232, K270). Whereas, fatty acid composition, oxidative stability, total phenol, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents were affected by irrigation. Rain-fed virgin olive oils showed a statistically significant higher content of oleic and linoleic acids. However, olive oil samples obtained from fruit of irrigated trees from suckers had a higher content of (E)-2 hexenal (67.2%) and a higher content of total phenols (860 mg kg–1). Interestingly, more stable oil was obtained from moderate saline water irrigated trees from suckers compared to olives from cuttings

    Evaluation des facteurs pronostiques pouvant influencer les resultats d’une septoplastie

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    Introduction :Une des principales Ă©tiologies de l’obstruction nasale est la dĂ©viation septale, dont le traitement chirurgical est la septoplastie. mais d’autres Ă©tiologies peuvent ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine d’une obstruction nasale, notamment une hypertrophie des cornets, des vĂ©gĂ©tations adĂ©noĂŻdes hypertrophiques, une polypose nasale, etc. Les critĂšres de sĂ©lection sur lesquels se base un chirurgien pour dĂ©cider de pratiquer une septoplastie, sont essentiellement basĂ©s sur l’évaluation clinique. Le but de nĂŽtre travail est d’évaluer ces critĂšres cliniques ainsi que les critĂšres dermographiques pouvant influencer les rĂ©sultats de la septoplastie.Patients et mĂ©thodes : On a Ă©valuĂ© tous les patients qui ont eu une septoplastie dans les 2 Ă  10 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Les donnĂ©es cliniques ont Ă©tĂ© revues afin de prĂ©ciser le siĂšge de la dĂ©formation septale initiale, sa sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© dictĂ©e par le chirurgien et les rĂ©sultats fonctionnels de la septoplastie.RĂ©sultats et : les patients ayant une dĂ©viation septale antĂ©rieure ont rapportĂ© le plus d’amĂ©lioration aprĂšs septoplastie. Toutefois il ressort de notre Ă©tude qu’une sĂ©lection des patients basĂ©e uniquement sur l’évaluation clinique par le chirurgien de l’importance de la dĂ©viation septale est Ă  l’origine d’un taux important d’insatisfaction des patientsObjective : a common etiology of nasal obstruction is deviation of the nasal septum, for witch septoplasty is the definitive treatment. But nasal obstruction can be caused by other conditions, such as turbinate hypertrophy, adenoid hypertrophy, and nasal polyposis. The surgeons’ selection criteria for septoplasty largely rely on clinical judgment alone. The aim of our study was to evaluate if this clinical criteria and the demographics ones could influence the results of septoplasty.Patients and methods :We evaluate all patients who underwent septoplasty in the past 2 to 10 years. Clinical files were reviewed to establish the initial type of septal deformity, its severity dictated by the surgeon and the functional results of septoplasty.Results and Conclusion : Subjects with anterior septal deformities were shown to benefit the most from septoplasty. However, selection of patients based on clinical evaluation alone does carry a considerable risk of patient dissatisfaction with end results

    Carcinomes nasopharynges localement avances

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    Les carcinomes nasopharyngĂ©s reprĂ©sentent une entitĂ© spĂ©cifique diffĂ©rente des cancers de la tĂȘte et du cou. L’incidence est plus élevĂ©e en Asie du Sud-Est et en Afrique du Nord. Le pronostic reste sombre pour les stades localement avancĂ©s (IIB—IVB), plus d’un tiers des cas prĂ©senteront une rĂ©cidive locale et/ou mĂ©tastatique, la survie globale Ă  cinq ans tous stades confondus est estimĂ©e à 50—70 %. L’objectif de ce travail est de prĂ©ciser les aspects cliniques, diagnostiques, thĂ©rapeutiques et pronostiques chez 100 malades porteur de carcinome nasopharyngĂ© localement avancĂ© traitĂ©s Ă  l’Institut Salah Azaiz (ISA) et de prĂ©ciser l’impact de la chimiothĂ©rapie neoadjuvante (CNA) ainsi que les sĂ©quelles thĂ©rapeutiques Ă  court et Ă  long terme.Mots clĂ©s : carcinome nasopharyngĂ© - chimiothĂ©rapie - radiothĂ©rapieNasopharyngeal carcinoma represents a specific entity different from cancers of head and neck. The incidence is highest in South- East Asia and North Africa. The prognosis remains poor for locally advanced stages (IIB -IVB), more than one third of cases presented locally recurrent and / or metastatic disease, the overall five-year survival for all stages is estimated at 50-70%. The objective of this study is to clarify the impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on long-term survival among 100 patients treated in Institut of Salah Azaiz by neo adjuvant chemotherapy followed by locoregional radiotherapy for locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and identify prognostic factors and clinical long term effect.Key words: nasopharyngeal carcinoma – chemotherapy - radiotherap

    Facteurs predictifs d’atteinte ganglionnaire centrale dans les cancers differencies de la thyroĂŻde. Analyses univariĂ©e et multivariĂ©e

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    Les cancers papillaires et vĂ©siculaires de la thyroĂŻde sont les cancers endocriniens les plus frĂ©quents. L’envahissement ganglionnaire semble peu influencer la survie globale, mais majore les risques de rĂ©cidive locorĂ©gionale et de mĂ©tastases à distance. Cet envahissement est une complication frĂ©quente des cancers papillaires de la thyroĂŻde, moins rapportĂ© dans les cancers vĂ©siculaires. il implique un Ă©videment ganglionnaire qui n’est pas sans risques. Pour dĂ©terminer les moyens de limiter les curages ganglionnaires, nous avons tentĂ© de dĂ©terminer les critĂšres per opĂ©ratoires prĂ©dictifs de mĂ©tastase ganglionnaire centrale et ainsi identifier les patients qui doivent bĂ©nĂ©ficier de cette procĂ©dure. Notre Ă©tude est une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective portant sur 71 patients (49 femmes et 22 hommes) traitĂ©s entre 2000 et 2011d’un cancer diffĂ©renciĂ© de la thyroĂŻde de type papillaire ou vĂ©siculaire. AprĂšs analyse des critĂšres Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques et anatomopathologiques, nous avons trouvĂ© une association significative entre l’envahissement extra capsulaire, l’envahissement ganglionnaire latĂ©ral, la bilatĂ©ralitĂ© et l’envahissement ganglionnaire central. un Ă©videmment ganglionnaire central prophylactique doit donc ĂȘtre particuliĂšrement considĂ©rĂ© chez ces patients.Mots clĂ©s : carcinome thyroĂŻdien, Ă©videment ganglionnaire, mĂ©tastase ganglionnaire.Papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas are the most common form of endocrine carcinomas. Lymph node involvement seems to be a low risk factor for death, but it increases the risk for loco-regional recurrences and distant metastasis. Lymph node involvement is a common complication of papillary thyroid carcinoma, less reported in vesicular carcinoma. il involves node dissection and its resulting morbidity. To determine means of limiting lymph node dissections, we attempted to determine intra-operative criteria predictive of node metastasis and soidentify the patients likely to benefit from this procedure. Our study is a retrospective study of 71 patients (49 women and 22 men) treated between 2000 and 2011 from differentiated thyroid cancer (papillary or follicular).After analyses of the demographic, clinical and anatomopathological factors, we found a significant association among extra capsular invasion, lateral lymphnode metastasis, bilaterality, and central compartment lymph node metastasis. A prophylactic neck dissection of the central compartment should be considered particularly in these patients.Keyswords : thyroid carcinoma, lymph node dissection, lymph node metastases

    Carcinome hybride de la fosse nasale

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    Hybrid carcinoma is a rare neoplasm, accounting for less than 0.1% of all registered tumors in salivary glands. Up to now, only one case of hybrid carcinoma of the nasal cavity has been described. In this report, we describe a case of hybrid carcinoma composed of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma with an adenoid cystic carcinoma component occurring in the nasal cavity in a 56-year-old woman. Caldwell-Luc means resection was performedand the patient revisited because of the tumor recurrence within two years of evolution. A second surgery was accomplished by means of Red Denker and a adjuvant radiation therapy is envisaged. We have not enough detachmentto speak about actual evolution. It is in our knowledge the second case of hybrid tumor of the nasal cavity described in the literature. Hybrid carcinoma of the nasal cavity is possible although rare. Therefore recognition of other component that is more aggressive and has a worse prognosis has therapeutic and prognostic ramifications.Keywords: Carcinoma; hybrid; tumors of nasal cavity

    Osteomyelite atypique ou centrale de la base du crane d’origine sinusienne

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    Introduction : L’ostĂ©omyĂ©litede la base du crĂąne esttypiquement secondaire Ă  une otite externe nĂ©crosante chez des patients ĂągĂ©s, diabĂ©tiques. Elle atteint l’os temporal et est habituellement due au pseudomonasaeruginosa. Dans sa forme atypique, l’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite atteint les os sphĂ©noĂŻdal ou occipital sans otite externe associĂ©eet est beaucoup moins frĂ©quente. Le but de cette Ă©tude est d’analyser les caractĂ©ristiques cliniques et de dĂ©terminer les modalitĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques de l’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite nonotologique de la base du crĂąne.MĂ©thodes : Nous avons revu rĂ©trospectivement deux casd’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite atypique de la base du crĂąne.RĂ©sultats : Les deux patients se sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans un tableau d’altĂ©ration de l’état gĂ©nĂ©ral, une asthĂ©nie, des cĂ©phalĂ©es et de la fiĂšvre. Les signes rhinologiques Ă©taient discrets. Aucun des deux patients n’avait de dĂ©ficit neurologique. L’imagerie avait montrĂ© une destruction osseuse, la biologie a objectivĂ© un syndrome infectieux et une biopsie osseuse trans sphĂ©noĂŻdale a confirmĂ© le diagnostic d’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite. Un traitement antibiotique prolongĂ© a Ă©tĂ© instaurĂ© et les deux patients ont Ă©tĂ© guĂ©ris sans rĂ©cidive moyennant un recul de 12 mois.Conclusion : l’atteinte ostĂ©omyĂ©litique centrale de la base du crĂąne est une affection rare dont la prise en charge passe par un prĂ©lĂšvement osseux prĂ©coce et un traitement appropriĂ© afin de prĂ©venir ou limiter d’autres complications telles qu’une extension endocrĂąnienne, un empyĂšme, ou la mort.Mots ClĂ©s: OstĂ©omyĂ©lite; Base du crĂąne; sphenoĂŻdite; IRMIntroduction : Skull base osteomyelitis typically arises as a complication of ear infection in older diabetic patients, involves the temporal bone, and has Pseudomonas aeruginosaas the usual pathogen. Atypical skull base osteomyelitis arising from the sphenoid or occipital bones without associated external otitis occurs much less frequently. The purpose of this study was to review the clinical featuresand determine efficacy of treatment for nonotologic osteomyelitis of the skull base.Methods : We retrospectively reviewed two cases of central or atypical skull base osteomyelitis.Results : The two patients presented with asthenia, headache, and fever. No patient presented with neurologic deficits. Contrary to malignant otitis externa, our cases were not preceded by immediate external infections and had normal external ear examinations. One patient had an underlying immunocompromising condition. Imaging demonstrated bone destruction, subsequent microbiological analysis diagnosed infection and a biopsy proved diagnosis of osteomyelitis, a prolonged antibiotic treatment was instored. The two patients were cured with no recurrence of skull base infection over 12-month follow-up period.Conclusion : Central skull base osteomyelitis is a rare disease whose treatment requires an early bone biopsy and appropriate treatment to prevent or limit other complications such as intracranial extension, empyema, or dead.Key Words : Osteomyelitis; Skull base; sphenoĂŻditis; MR

    Gestational diabetes mellitus in Cameroon: prevalence, risk factors and screening strategies

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    Copyright \ua9 2024 Sobngwi, Sobngwi-Tambekou, Katte, Echouffo-Tcheugui, Balti, Kengne, Fezeu, Ditah, Tchatchoua, Dehayem, Unwin, Rankin, Mbanya and Bell.Background: The burden of gestational diabetes (GDM) and the optimal screening strategies in African populations are yet to be determined. We assessed the prevalence of GDM and the performance of various screening tests in a Cameroonian population. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study involving the screening of 983 women at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy for GDM using serial tests, including fasting plasma (FPG), random blood glucose (RBG), a 1-hour 50g glucose challenge test (GCT), and standard 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). GDM was defined using the World Health Organization (WHO 1999), International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Special Group (IADPSG 2010), and National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE 2015) criteria. GDM correlates were assessed using logistic regressions, and c-statistics were used to assess the performance of screening strategies. Findings: GDM prevalence was 5\ub79%, 17\ub77%, and 11\ub70% using WHO, IADPSG, and NICE criteria, respectively. Previous stillbirth [odds ratio: 3\ub714, 95%CI: 1\ub727-7\ub776)] was the main correlate of GDM. The optimal cut-points to diagnose WHO-defined GDM were 5\ub79 mmol/L for RPG (c-statistic 0\ub762) and 7\ub71 mmol/L for 1-hour 50g GCT (c-statistic 0\ub776). The same cut-off value for RPG was applicable for IADPSG-diagnosed GDM while the threshold was 6\ub75 mmol/L (c-statistic 0\ub761) for NICE-diagnosed GDM. The optimal cut-off of 1-hour 50g GCT was similar for IADPSG and NICE-diagnosed GDM. WHO-defined GDM was always confirmed by another diagnosis strategy while IADPSG and GCT independently identified at least 66\ub79 and 41\ub70% of the cases. Interpretation: GDM is common among Cameroonian women. Effective detection of GDM in under-resourced settings may require simpler algorithms including the initial use of FPG, which could substantially increase screening yield

    Potent nematicidal activity of phenolic derivatives on Meloidogyne incognita

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