40 research outputs found

    From taxonomies to ontologies: formalizing generalization knowledge for on-demand mapping

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    © 2015 Cartography and Geographic Information Society Automation of the cartographic design process is central to the delivery of bespoke maps via the web. In this paper, ontological modeling is used to explicitly represent and articulate the knowledge used in this decision-making process. A use case focuses on the visualization of road traffic accident data as a way of illustrating how ontologies provide a framework by which salient and contextual information can be integrated in a meaningful manner. Such systems are in anticipation of web-based services in which the user knows what they need, but do not have the cartographic ability to get what they want

    Les visites décennales VD2 ET VD3

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    EDF a engagé la préparation des troisièmes visites décennales de ses 34 réacteurs 900 MWe dans un contexte d’état technique des matériels et de maîtrise de l’exploitation permettant d’envisager une durée de vie à 40 ans au moins. Les troisièmes visites décennales seront, sous contrôle de la DGSNR, l’objet d’un réexamen de sûreté dont l’objectif est d’augmenter le niveau de sûreté des tranches en exploitation

    Occupational tetraethyl lead poisoning in Autonomous Province of Voivodina

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    Rad obuhvata prikaz 22 slučaja otrovanja tetraetilolovom, od kojih je 8 bilo lečeno na Neuropsihijatrijskom odeljenju u Somboru, a 14 na Neuropsihijatrijskoj klinici u Novom Sadu. Kliničke slike obolelih na oba mesta su imale zajedničke karakteristike, te su se mogle svrstati u tri forme: diskretnu, manifestnu i tešku, odnosno smrtnu. Osam bolesnika pripadalo je ovoj trećoj g rupi i od njih je troje umrlo. U radu se iiznose rezultati kemijsko-toksikoloških analiza krvi i mokraće bolesnika primljenih na Neuropsihijatrijsko odeljenje Opšte bolnice Sombor, bolesnika lečenih na Neuropsihijatoijskoj klinici u Novom Sadu, karakteristike obdukcionih nalaza, rezultati kemijsko-toksikoloških analiza unutrašnjih organa obdukovanih i nalazi tetraetilolova u tri uzorka benzina koji je korišten za pranje zamašćenih metalnih delova u industrijskim preduzećima iz kojih potiču oboleli radnici.Twenty-two cases of poisoning with tetraethyl lead are described. The patients were treated in the Neuropsychiatric ward of the General Hospital in Sombor and in the Neuropsychiatric University Department in Novi Sad. Clinical pictures of poisoning were classified into three groups: discrete, manifest and severe/with lethal issue. Eight patients belonged to the third group, three of them died. In \u27the paper are presented the results of chemico-toxicological analyses of the blood and urine of treated patients, post mortem findings and ,the results of the chemical analysis of three samples of the petrol used for metal washing in the plants in which the poisoned workers were employed

    Caratterizzazione di suoli calcarei della pianura alluvionale del medio Shabelle (Somalia); II - aspetti chimico-nutrizionali

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    Sono stati studiati i suoli calcarei della pianura alluvionale del medio-Shabelle (Somalia) valutandone la dotazione in elementi nutritivi minerali, totali e assimilabili. Le dotazioni nutrizionali dei suoli appaiono complessivamente buone, pur con qualche squilibrio nel rapporto Ca/Mg, mentre aspetti fisici (tessitura e struttura) e climatici rappresentano i principali fattori limitanti la potenzialit\ue0 produttiv

    Measurement of N-Type 6H SiC Minority-Carrier Diffusion Lengths by Electron Bombardment of Schottky Barriers

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    Minority-Carrier diffusion lengths of n-type 6H-SiC were measured using the electron-beam induced current (EBIC) technique. Experimental values of primary beam current, EBIC, and beam voltage were obtained for a variety of SIC samples. This data was used to calculate experimental diode efficiency vs. beam voltage curves. These curves were fit to theoretically calculated efficiency curves, and the diffusion length and metal layer thickness were extracted. The hole diffusion length in n-6H SiC ranged from 0.93 +/- 0.15 microns