250 research outputs found

    Decisional and Behavioral Procrastination: How They Relate to Self-Discrepancies

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    A self-discrepancy is a gap between the perceived real self and other standards like the ideal self. One hundred and eighty-one college students completed a self-report measure of self-discrepancies and decisional and behavioral procrastination. Regression analysis showed that overall dysfunctional procrastination (the composite measure of both kinds of procrastination) significantly varied as a function of self-discrepancies. The amount of variance explained was small. Those scoring high in self-discrepancies were more likely to be dysfunctional procrastinators than those scoring low. The discrepancy between the actual-self and the ought-to self was the strongest predictor of dysfunctional procrastination. When decisional and behavioral procrastination were analyzed separately, only decisional procrastination significantly varied as a function of self-discrepancies

    A Tight Karp-Lipton Collapse Result in Bounded Arithmetic

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    Cook and Krajíček [9] have obtained the following Karp-Lipton result in bounded arithmetic: if the theory proves , then collapses to , and this collapse is provable in . Here we show the converse implication, thus answering an open question from [9]. We obtain this result by formalizing in a hard/easy argument of Buhrman, Chang, and Fortnow [3]. In addition, we continue the investigation of propositional proof systems using advice, initiated by Cook and Krajíček [9]. In particular, we obtain several optimal and even p-optimal proof systems using advice. We further show that these p-optimal systems are equivalent to natural extensions of Frege systems

    Exponential Separation of Quantum and Classical Online Space Complexity

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    Although quantum algorithms realizing an exponential time speed-up over the best known classical algorithms exist, no quantum algorithm is known performing computation using less space resources than classical algorithms. In this paper, we study, for the first time explicitly, space-bounded quantum algorithms for computational problems where the input is given not as a whole, but bit by bit. We show that there exist such problems that a quantum computer can solve using exponentially less work space than a classical computer. More precisely, we introduce a very natural and simple model of a space-bounded quantum online machine and prove an exponential separation of classical and quantum online space complexity, in the bounded-error setting and for a total language. The language we consider is inspired by a communication problem (the set intersection function) that Buhrman, Cleve and Wigderson used to show an almost quadratic separation of quantum and classical bounded-error communication complexity. We prove that, in the framework of online space complexity, the separation becomes exponential.Comment: 13 pages. v3: minor change

    Redundancy, Deduction Schemes, and Minimum-Size Bases for Association Rules

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    Association rules are among the most widely employed data analysis methods in the field of Data Mining. An association rule is a form of partial implication between two sets of binary variables. In the most common approach, association rules are parameterized by a lower bound on their confidence, which is the empirical conditional probability of their consequent given the antecedent, and/or by some other parameter bounds such as "support" or deviation from independence. We study here notions of redundancy among association rules from a fundamental perspective. We see each transaction in a dataset as an interpretation (or model) in the propositional logic sense, and consider existing notions of redundancy, that is, of logical entailment, among association rules, of the form "any dataset in which this first rule holds must obey also that second rule, therefore the second is redundant". We discuss several existing alternative definitions of redundancy between association rules and provide new characterizations and relationships among them. We show that the main alternatives we discuss correspond actually to just two variants, which differ in the treatment of full-confidence implications. For each of these two notions of redundancy, we provide a sound and complete deduction calculus, and we show how to construct complete bases (that is, axiomatizations) of absolutely minimum size in terms of the number of rules. We explore finally an approach to redundancy with respect to several association rules, and fully characterize its simplest case of two partial premises.Comment: LMCS accepted pape

    Traumatismo de genitales externos masculinospor proyectil de arma de fuego. Reporte de casos

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    External genital trauma is caused by external mechanical agents and account for 68.1% of all genitourinary trauma. Firearm projectile trauma are increasing as a result of escalating delinquency in urban settings, these traumas involve the scrotum and penis in 78% and 28%, respectively. Management of these traumas require evaluation of the scrotum and penis; orchiectomy is needed if the testes are not recuperable. Surgical procedures are aimed at avoiding complications such as sexual and urinary dysfunction. We present two cases aimed at reporting the management of external genital trauma at our centre in absence of local reports of firearm projectile trauma.Los traumatismos de genitales externos son lesiones producidos por agentes mecánicos externos y se observa en el 68,1% de todos los casos de traumas genitourinarios. Los traumas producidos por un mecanismo penetrante por proyectil de arma de fuego están incrementando en sucesos delictivos que ocurren en centros urbanos; estas lesiones comprometen el escroto en 78% y el pene en 28%. El manejo consiste en la exploración escrotal y del pene con reparación de la túnica albugínea, incluso orquiectomía si el testículo no es recuperable. La cirugía se realiza para evitar complicaciones como la disfunción sexual y miccional. Presentamos dos casos con el objetivo de dar a conocer el manejo actual de las lesiones genitales en nuestro centro, ante la ausencia de reportes o estudios previos en nuestro medio relacionados al traumatismo de genitales externos por proyectil de arma de fuego

    Asymptotics and zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on unbounded supports

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    In this paper we present a survey about analytic properties of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a weighted Sobolev inner product such that the vector of measures has an unbounded support. In particular, we are focused in the study of the asymptotic behaviour of such polynomials as well as in the distribution of their zeros. Some open problems as well as some new directions for a future research are formulated.Comment: Changed content; 34 pages, 41 reference

    El pH de la carne de cobayo (Cavia porcellus) para consumo humano en los andes centrales del Perú

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el pH de la carne de cobayos faenados en los andes centrales del Perú. Se determinó el pH de 60 canales al terminar el proceso de sacrificio y a la 1, 6, 12, y 24 h posteriores. Los pH fueron de 6,79 ± 0,3, 6,74 ± 0,34, 6,59 ± 0,28, 6,45 ± 0,35 y 5,96 ± 0,11, a las horas 0, 1, 6, 12 y 24 post sacrificio respectivamente. La ecuación que explica el comportamiento del pH fue Y=6.7765-0.0231X-0.0005X2 (R2 =0.996). La ausencia de un adecuado descenso del pH muscular incide negativamente en la calidad de la carne debido a la proliferación de microrganismos perjudiciales. Para mejorar la calidad y prolongar la vida útil de la carne de cobayo se requieren estudios que evalúen las repercusiones de las deficiencias constatadas durante el sacrificio, dado que no se observó descanso, ducha ante mortem ni aturdimient

    Prioridades de investigación y asignación de recursos en agricultura : el caso Colombiano

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    Reunión: Asignación de recursos para la Investigación Agrícola, 8-10 jun. 1981, Singapore, SGEn IDL-239

    The roasting process and place of cultivation influence the volatile fingerprint of Criollo cocoa from Amazonas, Peru

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    The Criollo cocoa bean is classified as “fine” or flavor cocoas, being perceived as aromatic or smooth with fruity, raisin, floral, spicy, nutty, molasses, and caramel notes. In the present work, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry was used to study the volatile fingerprint of roasted and unroasted Criollo cocoa from four Amazon districts: Nieva, Cajaruro, Copallín and La Peca located in the Amazon Region of Peru. The results showed that the main sensory perception of cocoa is fruit, and this decreases as the roasting intensity increases. A total of 96 volatile compounds were found, of which the esters had a greater presence in the volatile fingerprint of Criollo cocoa. Propyl acetate (3.5%), acetoin acetate (1.3%) and diethyl succinate (0.8%) were found as the characteristic compounds of Criollo cocoa analyzed, which give it its fruit perception. The linalool/benzaldehyde ratio was between 0.56 and 0.89 for La Peca and Cajaruro cocoa. Principal component analysis revealed that the Criollo cocoa in each district has a different volatile fingerprint, whether it is roasted or unroasted beans. The roasting process generates a greater differentiation of the volatile fingerprint of Criollo cocoa

    Síndrome de encefalopatía posterior reversible en lupus eritematoso sistémico

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    El síndrome de encefalopatía posterior reversible (PRES) es una condición reversible, poco conocida en el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) que puede semejar al lupus neuropsiquiátrico. Las manifestaciones de PRES son cefalea, convulsiones, alteración del nivel de conciencia y amaurosis. En la mayoría de los casos, la TC (tomografía computarizada) del cerebro muestra lesiones hipodensas en el lóbulo parieto-occipital. Aunque este síndrome es poco común, el reconocimiento rápido y preciso permite un tratamiento temprano con resultados favorables. Presentamos un caso clínico de una paciente con debut de LES posterior a episodio de eclampsia, y que durante el puerperio tardío presenta hipertensión sostenida asociada a convulsiones y deterioro del nivel de conciencia en contexto de PRES