401 research outputs found

    Racemic Resolution of some dl-Amino Acids using Aspergillus fumigatusl-Amino Acid Oxidase

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    The ability of Aspergillus fumigatus L-amino acid oxidase (L-aao) to cause the resolution of racemic mixtures of DL-amino acids was investigated with DL-alanine, DL-phenylalanine, DL-tyrosine, and DL-aspartic acid.A chiralcolumn,Crownpak CR?wasusedfortheanalysisof the amino acids. The enzyme was able to cause the resolution of the three DL-amino acids resulting in the production of optically pure D-alanine (100% resolution), D-phenylalanine (80.2%), and D-tyrosine (84.1%), respectively. The optically pure D-amino acids have many uses and thus can be exploited industrially. This is the first report of the use of A. fumigatus L-amino acid oxidase for racemic resolution of DL-amino acids

    Twórczość plastyczna jako forma wspierania rozwoju osób niewidomych i głuchoniewidomych

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    Twórczość plastyczna wydaje się być niedocenianym przez tyflopedagogów obszarem aktywności dzieci, młodzieży oraz dorosłych osób niewidomych i głuchoniewidomych. Tymczasem osoby te warto angażować w wiele form plastycznej kreacji, dodatkowo kierując się zasadą „im wcześniej, tym lepiej”. Tego typu doświadczenia mogą wspierać rozwój poznawczy, emocjonalny i społeczny osób z poważną dysfunkcją wzroku. Zostanie to wykazane na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz poprzez przytoczenie studiów przypadków głuchoniewidomych uczestników plenerów rzeźbiarskich w Orońsku.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    XRD and FT-IR investigations of sub-bituminous Assam coals

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    Two coal samples collected from Makum coal field, Assam, India were studied by XRD and FT-IR techniques. The X-ray diffractogram shows the existence of some crystalline carbons in Assam coals as proven by the appearance of peaks. The radial distribution functional (RDF) method was applied for the determination of structural aspects of the coals. The study indicates that the coals are lignite in type and there is no evidence of graphite-like structures. The maximum in the G(r) plots of function of radial distribution of atoms (FRDA) relates to different distances between carbon atoms of aliphatic chains. The first significant maximum relates to the C-C bond (type C-CH=CH-C), the second maximum relates to the distance between carbon atoms of aliphatic chains that are located across one carbon atom. The curve intensity profiles obtained from FRDA show quite regular molecular packets for this coal. The coals were found to be lignite in nature. FT-IR study shows the presence of aliphatic carbon, C=O and C-O stretching associated with -OH and -NH stretching vibrations. Kaolinite and quartz were also found to be major minerals in Assam coals by FTIR spectroscopy. The difference in intensities of carbonyl groups of the coal samples is likely to relate with the rank. © Indian Academy of Sciences

    Development of Region Specific Hybrid Goat and their Performance Evaluation under High Altitude Condition

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    Goat meat (chevon) comprises an important source of protein to provide essential amino acids in addition to other meat and plant sources of proteins. Therefore, demands for chevon are huge from civil and defence sector in this region. However, there is limited availability of fresh tender chevon in Ladakh region round the year. Hence, there was a need of augmenting local availability of fresh goat meat by developing animal technology for fast growing region-specific crossbred goat for meat purpose that can efficiently perform under adverse climatic conditions prevailing in this region. The present crossbred goat was developed by using mixing genes of adaptive and meat traits through cross breeding between local goats (Changthangi and Gaddi breeds of goats) and Sirohi/Black Bengal goats. To develop this technology, we introduced Black Bengal and Sirohi from plain areas and native breed of goats viz. Gaddi and Changthangi goats for further adaptation and growth performance studies at Leh-Ladakh. After initial studies goats were divided into high altitude resistant/adapted and susceptible groups. High altitude resistant/adapted goats were taken for further cross breeding and pure breeding. All the kids produced out of this breeding were studied for physiological responses, growth performance, and blood biochemical parameters to know their adaptive and growth performance at high altitude. Crossbred kids of Sirohi ♂/Black Bengal ♂ X Changthangi ♀ had significantly (P<0.05) higher weight gain, adaptive physiological responses and blood biochemicals level as compared to exotic pure bred and other cross bred kids. These crossbred kids attained market weight faster than local as well as breeds from plain areas (Sirohi and Black Bengal goats). Average meat yield is 7-10 kg per adult crossbred goat if slaughtered at 9-12 month age. These cross bred (broiler goat) may be reared at Leh-Ladakh for meat purpose. Hence, this animal technology may help in increasing of fresh goat meat (chevon) supply to meet army’s and civil requirements in Leh-Ladakh

    A thermal investigation on coals from Assam (India)

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    A thermal characterization of two coal samples from Ledo and Tikak collieries of Makum coalfield, Assam, India using XRD, FT-IR, and TGA was reported in this paper. The coal samples were heated for 20, 40 and 60 min in a 1000-watt heater (temperature ∼250 °C) in presence of air and characterized by XRD and FT-IR spectroscopy. Both the coals contain amorphous and crystalline phases. The raw coals also contain very small peaks due to quartz, calcite, gypsum, pyrite, and chlorite. The XRD patterns were found to change upon heating. In the coals heated for 20 and 40 min, it was observed that both amorphous and crystalline parts are common in them; crystalline part being the major one in the 40 min heated samples. The XRD patterns of the samples heated for 60 min indicate the presence of major quantities of α-quartz, hematite, and chlorite in them. They also show some new peaks, which are assigned to be kaolinite, illite, magnetite and very small in comparison to the amorphous portion in raw coals. α-quartz was found to be most stable crystalline phase of silica in the coals. The crystallinity % (X-ray) of the coals heat-treated for different times was determined and found to be increasing with time of heating. The FT-IR spectra of raw and heat-treated coal samples at 250 °C were also recorded and compared. The spectra were observed to be almost similar and it was observed that few functional groups disappear on heating at 250 °C. The same coal samples were also characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) techniques. On heat treatment in air atmosphere up to 800 °C, 20–27% weight loss occurs due to removal of various volatile materials. DTA results indicate the chemical reactivity of the coal sample initially at 80–110 °C due to loss of water, and two other major reactions at around 420 and 530 °C due to primary and secondary volatization

    Effect of Freezing Rate on Quality of Cryopreserved Goat Spermatozoa Using a Programmable Freezer

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    Abstract: A total of 45 ejaculates from nine Beetal bucks collected by artificial vagina, washed and extended i

    Cloning and heterologous expression of a gene encoding lycopene-epsilon-cyclase, a precursor of lutein in tea (Camellia sinensis var assamica)

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    This report describes the cloning and expression of a gene lycopene epsilon cyclase, (LCYE) from Camellia sinensis var assamica which is a precursor of the carotenoid lutein in tea. The 1982 bp cDNA sequence with 1599 bp open reading frame of LCYE was identified from an SSH library constructed for quality trait in tea. 5’ and 3’ RACE (rapid-amplification of cDNA ends) was done to clone the full length cDNA of LCYE. Homology studies showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of LCYE gene had the highest sequence identity of up to 84% with Vitis vinefera. The cloned gene was successfully expressed in a PET based Escherichia coli expression system. The size of the expressed protein was 59615 Daltons. A suppression subtractive library was constructed using a quality clone H3111 (tester) and a garden series clone T3E3 (driver).Key words: Carotenoid, RACE, heterologous expression, lutein, tea

    Inheritance study and stable sources of maydis leaf blight (Cochliobolus heterostrophus) resistance in tropical maize germplasm

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    Maydis leaf blight (MLB), a serious foliar fungal disease of maize, may cause up to 40% losses in yield. The present studies were undertaken to identify the stable sources of MLB resistance, its inheritance study, and testing of MLB resistance linked markers from diverse background in the Indian adapted tropical maize genotypes. A set of 112 inbred lines were screened under artificially created epiphytotics conditions at three hotspot locations. Analysis across multi-locations revealed significant effects of genotypes and environments, and non-significant effects due to genotypes × environment interaction on disease incidence. A total of 25 inbred lines with stable resistance were identified across multi-locations. Inheritance of resistance was studied in six F1s and two F2s of resistant and susceptible parents. The null hypothesis of segregation of resistance and susceptible for mono and digenic ratios in two F2 populations was rejected by Chi-square test. The non-significant differences among the reciprocal crosses depicted the complete control of nuclear genome for MLB resistance. Partial dominance in F1s and normal distribution pattern in F2s of resistant and susceptible parents suggested polygenic nature of MLB resistance. Correlation studies in F2 populations exhibited significant negative correlation between disease score and days to flowering. Five simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers, found associated to MLB resistance in different studies were unable to differentiate amongst MLB resistance and susceptible parents in our study. This emphasizes the need of fine mapping for MLB resistance in Indian germplasm. The identified stable sources of resistance and information on inheritance study can be used further in strengthening of resistance breeding against MLB

    Printing of cotton with eco-friendly, red algal pigment from Gracilaria sp

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    [EN] Natural dyes represent an emerging trend in the textile industry and eco-fashion due to the increasing awareness of the sustainability concept, which must be applied to the surrounding environment. In the light of the stated problem, the search for alternative sources of dyes, revealed the new, eco-friendly, biodegradable, non-carcinogenic and sustainable colorant matter, the algal biomass. In the present work, the suitability and viability of printing cotton fabrics with pigments obtained from the red macroalgae Gracilaria sp., has been investigated. For this aim, phycoerythrin, the red pigment, was extracted from fresh algal biomass, and used in a laboratory pigment-printing process, employing a natural and synthetic printing paste, for process efficiency comparison. The color values and the rubbing and laundering fastness of the printed substrates were evaluated. Results show that a light pink color can be obtained when applying both tested printing processes, and in terms of color fastness, both printing pastes show good behavior. In conclusion, the algal pigments show a high printing capacity on cotton substrates, either when employing the synthetic conventional paste and; moreover, when applying the more sustainable and eco-friendly natural paste.This work was supported by the European research project ¨SEACOLORS¨ (Demonstration of new natural dyes from algae as substitution of synthetic dyes actually used by textile industries) within the LIFE 2013 ¨Environment Policy and Governance project application¨ program.Moldovan, S.; Ferrándiz, M.; Franco, E.; Mira, E.; Capablanca, L.; Bonet-Aracil, M. (2017). Printing of cotton with eco-friendly, red algal pigment from Gracilaria sp. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering. 254:1-6. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/19/192011S1625