401 research outputs found

    Solar cycle induced variations in GONG p-mode frequencies and splittings

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    We have analysed the recently available GONG p-mode frequencies and splitting coefficients for a period of three and half years, including the rapidly rising phase of solar cycle 23. The analysis of mean frequency shift with different activity indices shows that the shift is equally correlated with both magnetic and radiative indices. During the onset of the new cycle 23, we notice that the change in b4b_4 splitting coefficient is more prominent than the change in b2b_2. We have estimated the solar rotation rate with varying depth and latitude. In the equatorial region, the rotation first increases with depth and then decreases, while an opposite behaviour is seen in the polar region. We also find a small but significant temporal variation in the rotation rate at high latitudes.Comment: Uses aastex, To appear in Astrophysical Journal, October 10, 2000 issu

    Conflict Mediation, Emotional Regulation and Coping Strategies in the Educational Field

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    Teachers who present high emotional skills and knowledge of strategies to mediate the conflicts generated in the classroom, are able to exercise a better management of both the teaching tasks that correspond to them and to establish an emotionally nutritive and productive educational climate for the students. This research aims to study and analyze, under an integrative conceptual revision methodology, the theories and models that consider individual, group and social aspects of the origin, development and attention of conflicts, as well as emotional elements that underlie people's behavior. All this within interpersonal relationships and in the different areas of action; in order to synthesize the results of each, establishing points of agreement and complementarity that serve to be adapted to the educational field. Educational mediation and emotional regulation are two constructs that have been previously studied separately, or in conjunction with others, but not in a complementary way between them. The presentation of these conceptual discussions suggests the formulation of new theoretical proposals, aimed at improving interpersonal relationships, the environment and dynamics of teaching-learning, focusing efforts on the teachers' collective

    Match analysis in football: a systematic review

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    The main focus of this paper was to review the available literature on match analysis in adult male football. The most common research topics were identified, their methodologies described and the evolutionary tendencies of this research area systematised. A systematic review of Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Knowledge database was performed according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines. The following keywords were used: football and soccer, each one associated with the terms: match analysis, performance analysis, notational analysis, game analysis, tactical analysis and patterns of play. Of 2732 studies initially identified, only 53 were fully reviewed, and their outcome measures abstracted and analysed. Studies that fit all inclusion criteria were organised according to their research design as descriptive, comparative or predictive. Results showed that 10 studies focused predominantly on a description of technical, tactical and physical performance variables. From all comparative studies, the dependent variables more frequently used were “playing position” and “competitive level”. Even though the literature stresses the importance of developing predictive models of sports performance, only few studies (n = 8) have focused on modelling football performance. Situational variables like game location, quality of opposing teams, match status and match half have been progressively included as object of research, since they seem to work as effective covariables of football performance. Taking into account the limitations of the reviewed studies, future research should provide comprehensive operational definitions for the studied variables, use standardised categories and description of activities and participants, and consider integrating the situational and interactional contexts into the analysis of football performance

    The Role of Adenosine in Pulmonary Vein Isolation: A Critical Review

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    The cornerstone of atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation is pulmonary vein isolation (PVI), which can be achieved in more than 95% of patients at the end of the procedure. However, AF recurrence rates remain high and are related to recovery of PV conduction. Adenosine testing is used to unmask dormant pulmonary vein conduction (DC). The aim of this study is to review the available literature addressing the role of adenosine testing and determine the impact of ablation at sites of PV reconnection on freedom from AF. Adenosine infusion, by restoring the excitability threshold, unmasks reversible injury that could lead to recovery of PV conduction. The studies included in this review suggest that adenosine is useful to unmask nontransmural lesions at risk of reconnection and that further ablation at sites of DC is associated with improvement in freedom from AF. Nevertheless it has been demonstrated that adenosine is not able to predict all veins at risk of later reconnection, which means that veins without DC are not necessarily at low risk. The role of the waiting period in the setting of adenosine testing has also been analyzed, suggesting that in the acute phase adenosine use should be accompanied by enough waiting time

    Complementariedad entre las relaciones diacrónicas de los T-Patterns y los patrones de conducta en acciones de esgrima de espada masculina de élite

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    El objetivo de este artículo es establecer las posibles relacionesdiacrónicas detectadas en el análisis táctico de los asaltos de esgrima deespada masculina, desde tres técnicas analíticas complementarias. Se utilizóun diseño observacional nomotético, puntual y multidimensional enel registro de ocho asaltos de dos esgrimistas finalistas en los mundialesde Budapest 2013 y Kazán 2014. Se utilizó el instrumento de observaciónESGRIMOBS. En el muestreo observacional realizado con LINCE v.1.1 seregistraron 407 frases de armas. El análisis metodológico se realizó con losprogramas THEME v.6 Edu, GSEQ5 y HOISAN. Los resultados concluyenel interés de este análisis complementario a través de dos claras orientaciones.En primer lugar, un análisis táctico (intra-frase de armas), que vinculael pensamiento táctico con la ejecución técnica específica y su eficacia.Este análisis intra-frase de armas se lleva a cabo mediante el análisis secuencialdel Retardo 0 (análisis de coocurrencias) y las configuraciones de losT-Patterns. En segundo lugar, un análisis estratégico (inter-frases de armas)que nos informa de la relación bidireccional, prospectiva y retrospectiva, delas acciones de esgrima en relación a su eficacia. Este análisis inter-frases dearmas se realiza mediante el análisis secuencial en los retardos -1 a -5 y +1a +5, las agrupaciones de clusters de los T-Patterns y el análisis de coordenadaspolares. Estas herramientas nos permiten establecer relaciones directasentre las distintas acciones tácticas y su eficacia en el marcador, así comosobre las operaciones estratégicas de los tiradores durante la competición,pudiendo constituir un excelente complemento para la mejora de la tomade decisiones de los esgrimistas

    Individual differences in explicit and implicit visuomotor learning and working memory capacity

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    The theoretical basis for the association between high working memory capacity (WMC) and enhanced visuomotor adaptation is unknown. Visuomotor adaptation involves interplay between explicit and implicit systems. We examined whether the positive association between adaptation and WMC is specific to the explicit component of adaptation. Experiment 1 replicated the positive correlation between WMC and adaptation, but revealed this was specific to the explicit component of adaptation, and apparently driven by a sub-group of participants who did not show any explicit adaptation in the correct direction. A negative correlation was observed between WMC and implicit learning. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that when the task restricted the development of an explicit strategy, high WMC was no longer associated with enhanced adaptation. This work reveals that the benefit of high WMC is specifically linked to an individual’s capacity to use an explicit strategy. It also reveals an important contribution of individual differences in determining how adaptation is performed

    Slotted Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna for RFID Application

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    A single layer coaxial fed rectangular microstrip slotted antenna for circular polarization (CP) is proposed for radio frequency identification (RFID) application. Two triangular shaped slots and one rectangular slot along the diagonal axis of a square patch have been embedded. Due to slotted structure along the diagonal axis and less surface area, good quality of circular polarization has been obtained with the reduction in the size of microstrip antenna by 4.04 %. Circular polarization radiation performance has been studied by size and angle variation of diagonally slotted structures. The experimental result found for 10-dB return loss is 44 MHz with 10MHz of 3dB Axial Ratio (AR) bandwidth respectively at the resonant frequency 910 MHz. The overall proposed antenna size including the ground plane is 80 mm x 80 mm x 4.572 mm

    Aortic perforation by active-fixation atrial pacing lead: an unusual but serious complication

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    Perforation of a cardiac chamber is an infrequent but serious sequela of pacemaker lead implantation. An even rarer event is the perforation of the aorta by a protruding right atrial wire. We present here the first case in the medical literature of aortic perforation as a sequela to the implantation of a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator. The patient was a 54-year-old man with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy who underwent the implantation of a defibrillator, with no apparent sequelae. Six hours after the procedure, he experienced cardiac tamponade and required urgent open-chest surgery. The pericardial effusion was found to be caused by mechanical friction of a protruding right atrial wire on the aortic root. The aortic root and the atrial wall were both repaired with Prolene suture, which achieved complete control of the bleeding. There was no need to reposition the atrial wire. The patient had a good postoperative recovery

    Validación de la versión española del inventario de asertividad Gambrill y Richey en población con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia

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    Objetivo: Validar la versión española del Cuestionario de Asertividad de Gambrill y Richey en personas con esquizofrenia. Método: La muestra está compuesta por 125 personas con esquizofrenia en tratamiento en uno de los centros de rehabilitación psicosocial que participan en el estudio. Los instrumentos utilizados para valorar la validez discriminante y convergente son:el cuestionario de habilidades de comunicación(CSQ); la Escala de Funcionamiento Social(EFS); el Perfil de Habilidades de la Vida Cotidiana(LSP);la Escala de Impresión Clínica Global (ICG) y la Escala de Funcionamiento Global (GAF). Resultados: La consistencia interna del instrumento muestra un alfa de Cronbach de .935 en la escala total. Los coeficientes de correlación intraclase para valorar la consistencia temporal del instrumento oscilan entre .21 y .78. El instrumento muestra validez convergente con la escala CSQ y con las subescalas de comunicación y aislamiento social (p < .001-.05). Con el resto de subescalas de funcionamiento social muestra validez divergente. Con la CGI muestra validez divergente con la probabilidad de respuesta, sin embargo encontramos que hay validez convergente entre las subescalas de CGI y la subescala de grado de malestar del instrumento (p < .012-.042). Conclusiones: El instrumento muestra unas buenas características psicométricas y parece útil para la valoración de las habilidades sociales en una muestra de personas con esquizofrenia

    La toma de decisión, ¿es una conducta observable?: Discusión sobre diferentes perspectivas teóricas utilizadas en el estudio del rendimiento deportivo

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    En este artículo se presenta la evaluación crítica de algunas limitacionesde la investigación tradicional sobre toma de decisión, y se centraprincipalmente en los estados mentales internos, dándose menor consideracióna las acciones de los individuos. Se aportan argumentos basados enhallazgos empíricos que implican que las medidas psicológicas de tomasde decisión no requieren construirse como un rol inferido en cada participantepor mecanismos internalizados. En su lugar, consideramos algunasdebilidades de la valoración de las tomas de decisión como proceso, quese localizan internamente en la mente de cada participante. Se discutenlos marcos de referencia basados en el comportamiento, que consideran lasactividades contextualizadas de los atletas a lo largo del proceso de sus accionesdeportivas, como expresión de los procesos psicológicos. Se muestracómo los análisis de variables observables pueden subrayar las complejas einterconectadas relaciones entre procesos psicológicos y percepción, accióny cognición en los comportamientos orientados a la consecución de metas.La comprensión de los procesos de cognición, percepción y acción puedemejorar mediante la identificación de propiedades clave directamente mediblesque capturen las relaciones persona-entorno