6,688 research outputs found

    Improved prediction of laminar leading edge separation

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    Research was conducted to provide a definite criterion for the prediction of the bubble burst on airfoils typical of those used for fighter wings. The approach taken was to correlate existing airfoil bubble burst data using various parameters at the laminar separation point. The method due to Weber was modified to provide a continuous analytic solution for the velocity distribution around the airfoil leading edge. Coupling the modified Weber method with the Stratford laminar separation prediction method leads to a universal chart giving the conditions at separation as a function of stagnation location and leading edge radius. Application of the combined method to available two-dimensional airfoil data resulted in an empirical criterion presenting the limiting local velocity gradient at separation as a function of the boundary layer momentum thickness at separation for bubble burst. The correlation leads as well to the qualitative explanation of two types of laminar stall: thin airfoil and leading edge. The validity of the correlation is demonstrated by predicting the lift coefficient and angle of attack for stall on airfoils with leading edge or trailing edge flaps


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    The production of excess on-farm manure is placing continuous pressures on dairy producers to meet or exceed standards for environmental regulations while maintaining profitability and competitiveness. Evaluation of the effects of recycling nutrients on the profitability of the whole farm enterprise is important for a dairy operation. The objective of this study was to develop a linear programming model that evaluates the economic performance of a dairy operation considering production and environmental constraints. The main goal was to maximize profits from the dairy enterprise considering milk production, manure production, crop production while maintaining a balance of nutrients in the system. Results from simulation analyses showed greater effects on total farm profits at the more restrictive P-based than N-based manure application rates.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    The Influence of Motivation, Voice Behavior and Work Engagement of the Individual Performance at Islamic Bank

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    This study discusses the problems frequently experienced by human resource managers in improving the performance of individual employees at Islamic banks. In this regard has been expressed by the fact that the need for human resources (HR) at Islamic banks much needed especially qualified individual performance. This study purpose to prove that the behavior of sound, employee engagement and motivation have an influence on the performance of the individual in Islamic banks. The method used is quantitative approach with a simple linear regression analysis to prove the independent variable (sound behavior, work engagement and motivation) have an influence on the dependent variable (performance of individuals). The sample used in this study is limited to the existing Islamic banks. The results of this study can be used as a reference for HR managers at companies, especially in the banking sector. For further research is expected to add to the object and the amount of sample, is not limited to only Islamic banks but coupled with commercial banks (conventional)

    Pengaruh Tax Avoidance dan Board Diversity terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Perspektif Corporate Governance

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of tax avoidance and board diversity on corporate performance in the perspective of corporate governance. The research was conducted for non-financial firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2010 to 2013.In this research, tax avoidance is measured by Cash Effective Tax Rate (CETR), board diversity is measured by 3 proxies, i.e. age, educational background and tenure of the board of directors, and the performance of the company is measured by the Tobin\u27s Q ratio. Analysis of panel data with fixed effects model was used to analyze the influence of independent variables and the dependent variable. The results of this study indicate that the tax avoidance negatively affects the corporate performance and board diversity not affects the corporate performance

    Hubungan Persepsi Pemberian Reward terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Loyalitas Kerja Karyawan pada Pekerja Pendatang

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    This study examines the extrinsic and intrinsic reward relationship to job satisfaction and loyalty work in manufacturing companies in Batam. The reward system consists of a reward desired and expected reward either extrinsic or intrinsic. Job satisfaction can be met if the reward system fair and equitable to all workers according to their contribution to the company and will reduce labor turnover because of their loyalty to the company's labor and employment. Respondents in this study were 239 labor migrants working in manufacturing companies in Batam that reside in the Flats Muka Kuning, an analytical technique used is the analysis of correlation and independent test samples t-test. The results of the hypothesis: there is a positive and significant relationship between reward extrinsic and reward intrinsically desirable to job satisfaction and loyalty work, there is a relationship reward extrinsic and rewards intrinsic to expect on job satisfaction and loyalty work and not there are reward differences in perception between men and women on job satisfaction

    Penanaman Nilai-nilai Moral pada Siswa di SD Negeri Lampeuneurut

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    Dalam konteks persoalan nilai-nilai moral, yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru adalah penanaman nilai-nilai moral. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan penanaman nilai-nilai moral pada siswa di SD Negeri Lampeuneurut. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penanaman nilai-nilai moral pada siswa di SD Negeri Lampeuneurut. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitiannya yaitu deskriptif. Penggumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan teknik observasi. Teknik wawancara adalah dengan cara mewawancarai 10 orang guru kelas. Agar data hasil wawancara dapat terpecaya, peneliti menggunakan alat bantu perekaman berupa alat tulis dan media elektronik seperti HP. Selain itu di dukung dengan teknik observasi (pengamatan) yang diterapkan adalah teknik pengamatan tidak berpartisipasi (non-participant observation). Dalam melakukan observasi (pengamatan), peneliti bertindak sebagai pengamat penuh tanpa terlibat dalam penanaman nilai-nilai moral pada siswa. Selanjutnya seluruh data diolah dengan tahapan analisis data kualitatif yaitu reduksi data, model data (data display), penarikan/verifikasi kesimpulan dan persentase. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan peneliti ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Pertama, guru menanamkan nilai-nilai moral kepada siswa dengan cara menyisipkan 10 nilai moral yaitu nilai religius, nilai sosialitas, nilai gender, nilai keadilan, nilai demokrasi, nilai kejujuran, nilai kemandirian, nilai daya juang, nilai tanggungjawab, dan nilai penghargaan terhadap lingkungan ke semua mata pelajaran yang diajarkan. Kedua, siswa kebanyakan tidak berbohong kepada guru karena menanamkan nilai kejujuran. Ketiga, hubungan siswa dengan teman-temannya pun baik, keempat, untuk memperdalam ilmu agama siswa selain agama disekolah juga belajar di tempat pengajian dan TPA.Simpulkan penelitian ini adalah penanaman nilai-nilai moral pada siswa di SD Negeri Lampeuneurut adalah sebahagian besar sudah baik karena guru sudah menanamkan nilai-nilai moral kepada siswa walaupun ada beberapa guru yang belum sepenuhnya mengetahui nilai-nilai yang harus ditanamkan. Kemudian menanamkan nilai-nilai moral kesemua mata pelajaran, memberi nasehat setiap hari, guru menjadi panutan siswa, melalui lingkungan sekolah dan kerjasama dengan orang tua. Disamping itu siswa di SD Negeri Lampeuneurut mempunyai tingkah laku yang baik karena sudah mengetahui beberapa nilai-nilai moral dan memudahkan guru untuk melanjutkannya

    Arthrogryposis in piglets

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    This report documents experimental reproduction of tetramelic arthrogryposis in purebred Yorkshire swine by breeding trials. Data from the trials indigated arthrogryposis may be due to homozygosity of a simple autosomal recessive gene. No affected pig was observed to be alive at parturition, although most had been alive in utero just prior to delivery. Other than dystocia observed in the sows, no other significant clinical findings were noted. The condition was noted in five litters from two sows which were bred to the same boar. Approximately 25% of the pigs exhibited the clinical signs of arthrogryposis which included malformed rigidly extended legs.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 9, 197
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