274 research outputs found

    Ground-state characterization of Nb charge-phase Josephson qubits

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    We present investigations of Josephson charge-phase qubits inductively coupled to a radio-frequency driven tank-circuit enabling the readout of the states by measuring the Josephson inductance of the qubit. The circuits including junctions with linear dimensions of 60 nm and 80 nm are fabricated from Nb trilayer and allowing the determination of relevant sample parameters at liquid helium temperature. The observed partial suppression of the circulating supercurrent at 4.2 K is explained in the framework of a quantum statistical model. We have probed the ground-state properties of qubit structures with different ratios of the Josephson coupling to Coulomb charging energy at 20 mK, demonstrating both the magnetic control of phase and the electrostatic control of charge on the qubit island.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Model Kebijakan Penanggulangan Korupsi di Universitas Negeri YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dalam menanggulangi korupsi dan menemukan model kebijakan yang diinginkan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dalam menanggulangi korupsi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara multy stage sampling dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan angket, dokumen dan diperkuat dengan pengumpulan data melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD), dan validasi instrumen melalui validitas isi (content validity). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan penanggulangan korupsi di UNY tidak ada secara khusus dikeluarkan. Kebijakan yang ada mengikuti dan mempertahankan kebijakan yang lebih tinggi, yaitu dari Pemerintah. Model kebijakan penangggulangan korupsi di UNY yang digunakan adalah Model Rasional, yaitu kebijakan penanggulangan korupsi yang dikeluarkan merupakan aspirasi semua staf yang ada di unit kerja dan harus menekankan pada aspek efisiensi atas beban kerja pada unit kerja yang bersangkutan. Adapun kebijakan yang sudah ada yang berasal dari Pemerintah pusat dijadikan pedoman

    CD4 cell count and the risk of AIDS or death in HIV-Infected adults on combination antiretroviral therapy with a suppressed viral load: a longitudinal cohort study from COHERE.

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    BACKGROUND: Most adults infected with HIV achieve viral suppression within a year of starting combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). It is important to understand the risk of AIDS events or death for patients with a suppressed viral load. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using data from the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (2010 merger), we assessed the risk of a new AIDS-defining event or death in successfully treated patients. We accumulated episodes of viral suppression for each patient while on cART, each episode beginning with the second of two consecutive plasma viral load measurements 500 copies/µl, the first of two consecutive measurements between 50-500 copies/µl, cART interruption or administrative censoring. We used stratified multivariate Cox models to estimate the association between time updated CD4 cell count and a new AIDS event or death or death alone. 75,336 patients contributed 104,265 suppression episodes and were suppressed while on cART for a median 2.7 years. The mortality rate was 4.8 per 1,000 years of viral suppression. A higher CD4 cell count was always associated with a reduced risk of a new AIDS event or death; with a hazard ratio per 100 cells/µl (95% CI) of: 0.35 (0.30-0.40) for counts <200 cells/µl, 0.81 (0.71-0.92) for counts 200 to <350 cells/µl, 0.74 (0.66-0.83) for counts 350 to <500 cells/µl, and 0.96 (0.92-0.99) for counts ≥500 cells/µl. A higher CD4 cell count became even more beneficial over time for patients with CD4 cell counts <200 cells/µl. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the low mortality rate, the risk of a new AIDS event or death follows a CD4 cell count gradient in patients with viral suppression. A higher CD4 cell count was associated with the greatest benefit for patients with a CD4 cell count <200 cells/µl but still some slight benefit for those with a CD4 cell count ≥500 cells/µl

    Antitubercular therapy decreases nitric oxide production in HIV/TB coinfected patients

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    BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide (NO) production is increased among patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and also among those with tuberculosis (TB). In this study we sought to determine if there was increased NO production among patients with HIV/TB coinfection and the effect of four weeks chemotherapy on this level. METHODS: 19 patients with HIV/TB coinfection were studied. They were treated with standard four drug antitubercular therapy and sampled at baseline and four weeks. 20 patients with HIV infection, but no opportunistic infections, were disease controls and 20 individuals were healthy controls. Nitrite and citrulline, surrogate markers for NO, were measured spectrophotometrically. RESULTS: The mean age of HIV/TB patients was 28.4 ± 6.8 years and CD4 count was 116 ± 36.6/mm. Mean nitrite level among HIV/TB coinfected was 207.6 ± 48.8 nmol/ml. This was significantly higher than 99.7 ± 26.5 nmol/ml, the value for HIV infected without opportunistic infections and 46.4 ± 16.2 nmol/ml, the value for healthy controls (p value < 0.01). The level of HIV/TB coinfected NO in patients declined to 144.5 ± 34.4 nmol/ml at four weeks of therapy (p value < 0.05). Mean citrulline among HIV/TB coinfected was 1446.8 ± 468.8 nmol/ml. This was significantly higher than 880.8 ± 434.8 nmol/ml, the value for HIV infected without opportunistic infections and 486.6 ± 212.5 nmol/ml, the value for healthy controls (p value < 0.01). Levels of citrolline in HIV/TB infected declined to 1116.2 ± 388.6 nmol/ml at four weeks of therapy (p value < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: NO production is elevated among patients with HIV infection, especially so among HIV/TB coinfected patients, but declines significantly following 4 weeks of antitubercular therapy

    Antiretroviral pill count and clinical outcomes in treatment-naive patients with HIV infection

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    Objectives: Treatment guidelines recommend single-tablet regimens for patients with HIV infection starting antiretroviral therapy. These regimens might be as effective and cost less if taken as separate drugs. We assessed whether the one pill once a day combination of efavirenz, emtricitabine and tenofovir reduces the risk of disease progression compared with multiple-pill formulations of the same regimen. Methods: We selected treatment-naïve patients starting one-, two- or three-pill formulations of this regimen in data from the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration. These patients were followed until an AIDS event or death or until they modified their regimen. We analysed these data using Cox regression models, then used our models to predict the potential consequences of exposing a future population to either a one-pill regimen or a three-pill regimen. Results: Among 11 739 treatment-naïve patients starting the regimen, there were 386 AIDS events and 87 deaths. Follow-up often ended when patients switched to the same regimen with fewer pills. After the first month, two pills rather than one was associated with an increase in the risk of AIDS or death [hazard ratio (HR) 1.39; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-1.91], but three pills rather than two did not appreciably add to that increase (HR 1.19; 95% CI 0.84-1.68). We estimate that 77 patients would need to be exposed to a one-pill regimen rather than a three-pill regimen for 1 year to avoid one additional AIDS event or death. Conclusions: This particular single-tablet regimen is associated with a modest decrease in the risk of AIDS or death relative to multiple-pill formulations

    Survival of HIV-positive patients starting antiretroviral therapy between 1996 and 2013: a collaborative analysis of cohort studies

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    BACKGROUND: Health care for people living with HIV has improved substantially in the past two decades. Robust estimates of how these improvements have affected prognosis and life expectancy are of utmost importance to patients, clinicians, and health-care planners. We examined changes in 3 year survival and life expectancy of patients starting combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) between 1996 and 2013. METHODS: We analysed data from 18 European and North American HIV-1 cohorts. Patients (aged ≥16 years) were eligible for this analysis if they had started ART with three or more drugs between 1996 and 2010 and had at least 3 years of potential follow-up. We estimated adjusted (for age, sex, AIDS, risk group, CD4 cell count, and HIV-1 RNA at start of ART) all-cause and cause-specific mortality hazard ratios (HRs) for the first year after ART initiation and the second and third years after ART initiation in four calendar periods (1996–99, 2000–03 [comparator], 2004–07, 2008–10). We estimated life expectancy by calendar period of initiation of ART. FINDINGS: 88 504 patients were included in our analyses, of whom 2106 died during the first year of ART and 2302 died during the second or third year of ART. Patients starting ART in 2008–10 had lower all-cause mortality in the first year after ART initiation than did patients starting ART in 2000–03 (adjusted HR 0·71, 95% CI 0·61–0·83). All-cause mortality in the second and third years after initiation of ART was also lower in patients who started ART in 2008–10 than in those who started in 2000–03 (0·57, 0·49–0·67); this decrease was not fully explained by viral load and CD4 cell count at 1 year. Rates of non-AIDS deaths were lower in patients who started ART in 2008–10 (vs 2000–03) in the first year (0·48, 0·34–0·67) and second and third years (0·29, 0·21–0·40) after initiation of ART. Between 1996 and 2010, life expectancy in 20-year-old patients starting ART increased by about 9 years in women and 10 years in men. INTERPRETATION: Even in the late ART era, survival during the first 3 years of ART continues to improve, which probably reflects transition to less toxic antiretroviral drugs, improved adherence, prophylactic measures, and management of comorbidity. Prognostic models and life expectancy estimates should be updated to account for these improvements

    Similar but different: Integrated phylogenetic analysis of Austrian and Swiss HIV-1 sequences reveal differences in transmission patterns of the local HIV-1 epidemics.

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    OBJECTIVES Phylogenetic analyses of two or more countries allow to detect differences in transmission dynamics of local HIV-1 epidemics beyond differences in demographic characteristics. METHODS A maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree was built using pol-sequences of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) and the Austrian HIV Cohort Study (AHIVCOS), with international background sequences. Three types of phylogenetic cherries (clusters of size 2) were analyzed further: 1) Domestic cherries, 2) International cherries and 3) SHCS/AHIVCOS-cherries. Transmission group and ethnicities observed within the cherries were compared to the respective distribution expected from a random distribution of patients on the phylogeny. RESULTS The demographic characteristics of the AHIVCOS (included patients: 3'141) and the SHCS (included patients: 12'902) are very similar. In the AHIVCOS, 36.5% of the patients were in domestic cherries, 8.3% in international cherries, and 7.0% in SHCS/AHIVCOS cherries. Similarly, in the SHCS, 43.0% of the patients were in domestic cherries, 8.2% in international cherries, and 1.7% in SHCS/AHIVCOS cherries. While international cherries in the SHCS were dominated by heterosexuals (HET) with MSM being underrepresented, the opposite was the case for the AHIVCOS. In both cohorts, cherries with one patient belonging to the transmission group intravenous drug user (IDU) and the other one non-IDU were underrepresented. CONCLUSION In both cohorts, international HIV transmission plays a major role in the local epidemics, mostly driven by MSM in the AHIVOS, and by HET in the SHCS, highlighting the importance of international collaborations to understand global HIV transmission links on the way to eliminate HIV