785 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Carvell, Verna R. (Mapleton, Aroostook County)

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    Alien Registration- Buxton, Verna R. (Madison, Somerset County)

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    Test_A il tuo mal di testa. Report d’indagine

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    In questo lavoro si riportano i principali risultati di una ricerca quantitativa volta a testare, attraverso la somministrazione di questionari a più livelli –pazienti (n= 2500) e medici (n= 100) -un semplice strumento di misurazione della percezione individuale della ricorrenza e della gravità del sintomo delle cefalee, dell’utilizzo di farmaci e del ricorso alle strutture sanitarie di riferimento (Farmacia, MMG e Centri Cefalee). L’indicatore di sintesi così costruito, denominato “Test_a”, si rivela in grado di guidare il paziente nella autovalutazione del livello di gravità del proprio sintomo e nel come affrontarlo; nello stesso tempo, lo strumento proposto può essere di ausilio a farmacisti e medici di medicina generale (MMG), potenziandone la capacità di intercettare, sensibilizzare e orientare il paziente stesso ad una corretta gestione di emicrania e cefaleaThis report contains the main results of a quantitative research aimed at testing a simple tool for detecting the individual perception of recurrence and the severity of the symptom of headaches and how it is dealt with in terms of drug use and the use of appropriate reference health structures (general practitioner and headache centers). The survey has been carried out in Italy, April-June 2017, on a sample of 2,500 patients of a total of 100 general practitioners. Two different questionnaires have been submitted, one self-compiled by the patient him/herself with items aimed at testing a measurement scale, and the second in front of the physician, in order to evaluate the level of clarity and satisfaction of the first card

    Pengembangan Array sensor Suhu dan Sistem Akusisi Data Berbasis Mikrokontroler untuk Pengukuran Suhu Bawah Permukaan

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    Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah sistem akusisi data untuk survei panas bumi. Untuk menghasilkan sistem instrumentasi yang mampu mengukur dan memonitor distribusi suhu bawah permukaan diperlukan sistem akusisi data yang murah dan efesien. Sistem dibangun berbasis jaringan sistem terdistribusi dengan topologi field-bus, menggunakan arsitektur single-master multi-slave. Master merupakan unit pengendali, dibangun berbasiskan sebuah PC yang dilengkapi dengan antarmuka RS-485. Slave merupakan unit sensing, tiap-tiap unit slave dibangun dengan mengintegrasikan sistem array sensor LM35 dengan sistem akuisisi data berbasis mikrokontroler menggunakan AVR ATmega8. Pengolahan data dari hasil pengukuran suhu ini menggunakan satu set komputer dengan perangkat lunak microsoft excel 2010 untuk menghasilkan grafik pada titik pengukuran. Hasil implementasi dari monitoring suhu ini akan mengambarkan distribusi suhu bawah permukaan tanah.A data acquisition system for geothermal survey was developed in this research. Cheap and efficient data acquisition system was required to produce the instrumentation system which was capable to measure and monitor the distribution of subsurface temperature. The system consists of field-bus topology, using single-master multi-slave architecture. Master is a control unit built based on a PC equipped with RS-485 interface. Slave is a sensing unit; each slave is built by integrating array sensor LM35 within AVR ATmega8a microcontroller-based data acquisition system. Measurement techniques included sounding and mapping system by placing four slaves planted in the depth of 2.5 m. Processing of data obtained from temperature measurements was performed using Microsoft Excel 2010 to produce graphics at point of measurement. The results of temperature monitoring will described the distribution of subsurface temperature

    Case Report: A Neocystostomy Perforation Presenting as a Gallstone

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    AbstractAn 83-year-old man, with a surgical history of radical cystectomy with simultaneous construction of a neobladder 13 years ago, presented clinically and radiologically as acute cholecystitis. Upon emergent exploratory laparotomy for his acute deterioration, a perforated neobladder was identified with its spilled stones in the gallbladder fossa, mimicking acute cholecystitis. This is the first case report of this presentation. Neobladder perforations should be considered in any patient who has undergone orthotopic bladder substitution, no matter how long it has been since the original reconstruction

    The Complexity of the Practice of Ecosystem-Based Management.

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    In the United States, there are more than 20 federal agencies that manage over 140 ocean statutes (Crowder et al., 2006). A history of disjointed, single sector management has resulted in a one-dimensional view of ecosystems, administrative systems, and the socio-economic drivers that affect them. In contrast, an ecosystem-based approach to management is inherently multi-dimensional. Ecosystem-based approaches to management (EBM) are at the forefront of progressive science and policy discussions. Both the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy (USCOP, 2004) and the Pew Oceans Commission (POC, 2003) reports called for a better understanding of the impact of human activities on the coastal ocean and the result was President Obama’s National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, our Coasts, and the Great Lakes (2010). EBM is holistic by seeking to include all stakeholders affected by marine policy in decision-making. Stakeholders may include individuals from all levels of government, academia, environmental organizations, and marine-dependent businesses and industry. EBM processes require decision-makers to approach marine management differently and more comprehensively to sufficiently require a more sophisticated conceptual understanding of the process and the people involved. There are implicit cognitive, interpersonal, and intra-personal demands of EBM that are not addressed by current literature. This research seeks to understand the mental demands of EBM. A constructive developmental framework is used to illuminate how decision-makers reason or make sense of the ideals and values underlying EBM, the mutual relationships that must be built among natural resource management agencies, and the personal experiences and emotions that accompany change

    Minimization of defects generation in laser welding process of steel alloy for automotive application

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    Laser welding (LW) thanks to its flexibility, limited energy consumption and simple realization has a prominent role in several industrial sectors. LW process requires careful parameters' tuning to avoid generating internal defects in the microstructure or a poor weld depth, which reduce the joining mechanical strength and result in waste. This work exploits a supervised machine learning algorithm to optimize the process parameters to minimize the generated defects, while catering for design specifications and tolerances to predict defect generation probability. The work outputs a predictive quality control model to reduce non-destructive controls in the LW of aluminum for automotive applications

    Evaluation of intravenous voriconazole in patients with compromised renal function

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    BACKGROUND: Incorporation of the solubilizing excipient, sulfobutylether-β-cyclodextrin (SBECD), in the intravenous (IV) formulation of voriconazole has resulted in the recommendation that this formulation be used with caution in patients with creatinine clearances (Clcr) \u3c 50 mL/min. This study evaluated the safety of IV voriconazole compared with two other IV antifungals not containing SBECD in patients with compromised renal function. METHODS: A total of 128 patients aged 11-93 years who had a baseline Clcr \u3c 50 mL/min between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2010 were identified from a database of a university-affiliated inpatient healthcare system; of these, 55 patients received caspofungin, 54 patients received fluconazole, and 19 patients received voriconazole. Changes in serum creatinine (Scr) and Clcr levels while on therapy were compared with baseline values and between groups. RESULTS: The groups had similar characteristics apart from the larger proportion of females that received fluconazole. Baseline Scr was higher in those receiving caspofungin, but maximal increases of Scr and decreases in Clcr were greatest for the fluconazole group. Acute kidney injury (AKI), assessed by RIFLE criteria, was more frequent in the fluconazole vs. the caspofungin group (p \u3c 0.01); incidence of AKI in the voriconazole group was not significantly different than found in the other two groups. The infecting organism was a predictor of AKI and formulation with SBECD was not. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of fungal infections in patients with compromised renal function with an SBECD-containing antifungal agent was not associated with AKI in clinical practice. Since the infecting organism was associated with AKI, decision on which antifungal to use should be determined by susceptibilities to the organism and not the incorporation of SBECD in the IV formulation

    A structured comparison of decentralized additive manufacturing centers based on quality and sustainability

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    Companies are increasingly adopting decentralized manufacturing strategies to manage multiple, geographically scattered manufacturing centers that are characterized not only by similar types of equipment, working methods, and productions, but also by variable mixes and volumes. This trend also applies to additive manufacturing, a well-established technology that allows the flexibility and customization of production to be increased, without significantly increasing the per unit cost. Thus, the need arises to monitor the performance of individual centers in a structured way, and to make practical comparisons of such centers. However, achieving this task is not so straightforward, given the inevitable differences in the characteristics of manufacturing centers and their productions. This paper presents a methodology that can be used to analyze and com-pare the production performance of a plurality of manufacturing centers from two different viewpoints: (i) quality, through a multivariate statistical analysis of product data concerning conformity with geometrical specifications, and (ii) process sustainability, with the aim of achieving a reduction in energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, and manufactur-ing time, through regression models pertaining to the selected metrics. The proposed methodology can be adopted during regular production operations, without requiring any ad hoc experimental tests. The description of the method is supported by an industrial case study

    Unexpectedly large electron correlation measured in Auger spectra of ferromagnetic iron thin films: orbital-selected Coulomb and exchange contributions

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    A set of electron-correlation energies as large as 10 eV have been measured for a magnetic 2ML Fefilm deposited on Ag(001). By exploiting the spin selectivity in angle-resolved Auger-photoelectroncoincidence spectroscopy and the Cini-Sawatzky theory, the core-valence-valence Auger spectrumof a spin-polarized system have been resolved: correlation energies have been determined for eachindividual combination of the two holes created in the four sub-bands involved in the decay: majorityand minority spin, as well asegandt2g. The energy difference between final states with paralleland antiparallel spin of the two emitted electrons is ascribed to the spin-flip energy for the final ionstate, thus disentangling the contributions of Coulomb and exchange interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl
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