434 research outputs found

    Safety Critical Wide Area Network Performance Evaluation

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    The growing importance of real-time computing in numerous applications poses problems for network architectures, especially safety-critical Wide Area Networks (WANs). Assessing network performance in safety-critical real-time systems is difficult, and suggests the use of both human and technical performance criteria because of the importance of both dimensions in safety-critical settings. This research proposes a model that considers both technical and human performance in network evaluation

    Genetic diversity of common toads (Bufo bufo) along the Norwegian coast : disjunct distribution of locally dominant haplotypes

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    Little is known about the phylogeographic history of amphibian populations along the western Fennoscandinavian coast. In the present study, we focus on the common toad (Bufo bufo) and document the spatial distribution of mitochondrial DNA (cytb) haplotypes at 20 localities along its coastal Norwegian range. Two common haplotypes (out of eight haplotypes in total) were represented by 142 out of the 154 (92%) investigated individuals. However, they were shared at only three localities and clustered at two separate geographic regions each. The most common haplotype (55% of individuals) has previously been found to be abundant across central and eastern Europe, whereas the second most common haplotype (37% of individuals) has so far only been recorded in Sweden. The disjunct distribution of genetic lineages is in line with an assumption that the Norwegian coastline was postglacially colonised both from the south as well as across mountain passes from the east. Our data support previous studies on the phylogeography of Fennoscandinavia that revealed that post-glacial recolonisation patterns led to a pronounced spatial structure of local populations

    Noises Cancelling Adaptive Methods in Control Telemetry Systems of Oil Electrical Submersible Pumps

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    The main ideas of this paper are that only some from more than 10 MATLAB Adaptive Methods library may be useful and can be recommended to filter out High-Noises in similar Control Telemetry Channels of Electric Power Components like ESP Systems: only four of applied have shown successfully good results in the early prediction of the ESP motor real insulation disruption (like Sign-error, Sign-data and Sign-sign filters). The best among the ten analyzed adaptive filter algorithms was recognized to be, The Normalized LMS FIR filter algorithm — adaptfilt.nlm

    Optimisation of an acoustic resonator for particle manipulation in air

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    An acoustic resonator system has been investigated for the manipulation and entrapment of micron-sized particles in air. Careful consideration of the effect of the thickness and properties of the materials used in the design of the resonator was needed to ensure an optimised resonator. This was achieved using both analytical and finite-element modelling, as well as predictions of acoustic attenuation in air as a function of frequency over the 0.8 to 2.0 MHz frequency range. This resulted in a prediction of the likely operational frequency range to obtain particle manipulation. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate good capture of particles as small as 15 µm in diameter

    Performance benchmarking microplate-immunoassays for quantifying target-specific cysteine oxidation reveals their potential for understanding redox-regulation and oxidative stress

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    The antibody-linked oxi-state assay (ALISA) for quantifying target-specific cysteine oxidation can benefit specialist and non-specialist users. Specialists can benefit from time-efficient analysis and high-throughput target and/or sample n-plex capacities. The simple and accessible “off-the-shelf” nature of ALISA brings the benefits of oxidative damage assays to non-specialists studying redox-regulation. Until performance benchmarking establishes confidence in the “unseen” microplate results, ALISA is unlikely to be widely adopted. Here, we implemented pre-set pass/fail criteria to benchmark ALISA by robustly evaluating immunoassay performance in diverse biological contexts. ELISA-mode ALISA assays were accurate, reliable, and sensitive. For example, the average inter-assay CV for detecting 20%- and 40%-oxidised PRDX2 or GAPDH standards was 4.6% (range: 3.6–7.4%). ALISA displayed target-specificity. Immunodepleting the target decreased the signal by ∼75%. Single-antibody formatted ALISA failed to quantify the matrix-facing alpha subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase. However, RedoxiFluor quantified the alpha subunit displaying exceptional performance in the single-antibody format. ALISA discovered that (1) monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation amplified PRDX2-specific cysteine oxidation in THP-1 cells and (2) exercise increased GAPDH-specific cysteine oxidation in human erythrocytes. The “unseen” microplate data were “seen-to-be-believed” via orthogonal visually displayed immunoassays like the dimer method. Finally, we established target (n = 3) and sample (n = 100) n-plex capacities in ∼4 h with 50–70 min hands-on time. Our work showcases the potential of ALISA to advance our understanding of redox-regulation and oxidative stress

    Performance benchmarking microplate-immunoassays for quantifying target-specific cysteine oxidation reveals their potential for understanding redox-regulation and oxidative stress

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    The antibody-linked oxi-state assay (ALISA) for quantifying target-specific cysteine oxidation can benefit specialist and non-specialist users. Specialists can benefit from time-efficient analysis and high-throughput target and/or sample n-plex capacities. The simple and accessible “off-the-shelf” nature of ALISA brings the benefits of oxidative damage assays to non-specialists studying redox-regulation. Until performance benchmarking establishes confidence in the “unseen” microplate results, ALISA is unlikely to be widely adopted. Here, we implemented pre-set pass/fail criteria to benchmark ALISA by robustly evaluating immunoassay performance in diverse biological contexts. ELISA-mode ALISA assays were accurate, reliable, and sensitive. For example, the average inter-assay CV for detecting 20%- and 40%-oxidised PRDX2 or GAPDH standards was 4.6% (range: 3.6–7.4%). ALISA displayed target-specificity. Immunodepleting the target decreased the signal by ∼75%. Single-antibody formatted ALISA failed to quantify the matrix-facing alpha subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase. However, RedoxiFluor quantified the alpha subunit displaying exceptional performance in the single-antibody format. ALISA discovered that (1) monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation amplified PRDX2-specific cysteine oxidation in THP-1 cells and (2) exercise increased GAPDH-specific cysteine oxidation in human erythrocytes. The “unseen” microplate data were “seen-to-be-believed” via orthogonal visually displayed immunoassays like the dimer method. Finally, we established target (n = 3) and sample (n = 100) n-plex capacities in ∼4 h with 50–70 min hands-on time. Our work showcases the potential of ALISA to advance our understanding of redox-regulation and oxidative stress

    Evaluating state of health of Li-ion polymer batteries

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    Günümüzde birçok enerji depolama çözümünde, yüksek enerji ve güç yoğunluklarına sahip olmaları nedeni ile Li-iyon polimer tip hücreler tercih edilmektedir. Li-iyon polimer hücrelerde, elektrotlar arasında bulunan seperatör malzeme elektriksel olarak yalıtkan fakat iyonik olarak iletken bir malzemedir. Bu malzemenin yapısı, hücrenin aşırı zorlanma durumlarında özelliğini kaybetmekte ve hücreyi arızalı konuma düşürerek güvenlik problemleri meydana getirmektedir. Hücrelerde geri döndürülemez değişiklilerin meydana geldiği bölgelerden biri elektrot ile seperatör arası katı elektrolit geçişlerinin yaşandığı bölgedir. Bu çalışmada, elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopi yöntemi ile li-iyon polimer pillerin hücre kinetik parametreleri elde edilmiştir ve hücrelerin zorlanmış dolma ve boşalma durumlarında bu parametrelerin değişimi kuramsal olarak incelenmiştir. Li-iyon polimer pillerde oluşabilecek yanlış doldurma ve boşaltma işlemleri sebebi ile meydana gelen geri döndürülemez etkilerin klasik hücre modelleri tarafından tam olarak yansıtılamadığı görülmüştür. Bu nedenle çalışmada hücre eşdeğer devre modeli arıza durumularına göre geliştirilmiş ve sınıflandırılmış, yeni geliştirilmiş hücre eşdeğer devresi modeli ile pil sağlamlık durumunun daha iyi yansıtılacağı önerilmiştir. Yapılan deneysel çalışma ile, normal dolma ve boşalma durumlarında klasik pil modelinin, sağlamlık durumunun değerlendirmesi için yeterli olduğu görülmüştür. Aşırı dolma ve boşalma durumlarının ve etkilerinin incelendiği deneysel çalışmalar neticesinde klasik modelin durum değerlendirme için yetersiz kaldığı ispat edilmiş ve bu çalışmada önerilen modelin arıza durumlarını daha gerçekçi biçimde yansıttığı görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Li-iyon polimer hücre modeli, aşırı şarj, aşırı deşarj, sağlamlık durumu.As much as the batteries involve to our lives in any technologic area as energy storage devices -in our case Li batteries - gain is much importance. Battery state definition is even more important with the complex energy storage solutions. In most cases having a Battery Management System (BMS) integrated with cells is necessary, because of specific applications. One of the main tasks in Battery Management is the determining the battery state by means of charge and health. The battery manufacturers or suppliers have high concern to have a proper battery for the specific application. Charging and discharging of batteries are critical since it is an external intervention to the cell, exciting cell chemistry. When they are not controlled properly there is high risk for battery state of health and the application. The literature reports various different approaches to estimating state of heath (primarily capacity fade). These include the discharge test, which completely discharge a fully cell in order to determine its total capacity; chemistry dependent methods, such as measuring the electrolyte density; ohmic tests such as resistance, conductance or impedance tests perhaps combined with fuzzy logic algorithms. The impedance techniques have been widely used in the last two decades for investigating the kinetic of primary or secondary cells and determining their state of charge or state of health. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method is a time consuming but a well proven technique for impedance measurement. In order to have an idea or make a decision on a "Battery State", state of charge and state of health parameters should be obtained. State of function could easily be evaluated after these determinations. However, state of function may differ according to the operating conditions and it is "user defined". Having the accurate value of state of charge and state of health for detecting failure is very important. Changes in state of charge can be defined as reversible changes in a battery. After proper usage and charging of a battery, effective capacity, internal resistance, open circuit voltage and gas production of the battery yield positive trend comparing the initial values. If this parametric changes act as irreversible changes, battery state of health is affected negatively, comparing to the initial state of the battery. Measuring only the cell terminal voltage and esti-mating the cell status is commonly used technique in most applications, bringing us possible faults while easy measurement technique. On contrary to the fact that, it is possible to detect internal short circuit and cell open circuit while it is not possible to detect irreversible changes on self discharge and internal resistance increase or active power loss by only voltage measurement. Therefore generally a small excitation current signal is applied to cell terminals in order to involve impedance to the measurement parameters. This study aims to identify the measurable parametric changes between cell terminals occur during overcharge and overdischarge process of Li-ion polymer batteries. These parametric chances will give the opportunity to detect and evaluate the failure of the battery. In this study, Li-ion polymer cell kinetic parameters were obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method and changes in these parameters were analyzed theoretically in cases of forced charging and discharging. It was seen that, classical cell models were not sufficient enough to mirror the irreversible effects on Li-ion polymer cells caused by improper charging and discharging procedures. Therefore cell equivalent circuit was improved and classified according to the failure states and it is suggested that the improved model is better reflecting the cell state of health. Experimental studies denote that classical cell model is sufficient and classical method is proper for state of health determination under normal charging and discharging cases. It was proved by experiments concentrated on overcharge and overdischarge characteristics that classical cell model is not sufficient and suggested new model is more realistic for state of health determination. Keywords: Li-ion polymer battery model, over-charge, overdischarge, state of health

    Exact Solutions to the Sine-Gordon Equation

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    A systematic method is presented to provide various equivalent solution formulas for exact solutions to the sine-Gordon equation. Such solutions are analytic in the spatial variable xx and the temporal variable t,t, and they are exponentially asymptotic to integer multiples of 2π2\pi as x±.x\to\pm\infty. The solution formulas are expressed explicitly in terms of a real triplet of constant matrices. The method presented is generalizable to other integrable evolution equations where the inverse scattering transform is applied via the use of a Marchenko integral equation. By expressing the kernel of that Marchenko equation as a matrix exponential in terms of the matrix triplet and by exploiting the separability of that kernel, an exact solution formula to the Marchenko equation is derived, yielding various equivalent exact solution formulas for the sine-Gordon equation.Comment: 43 page

    Exercise decreases PP2A-specific reversible thiol oxidation in human erythrocytes:Implications for redox biomarkers

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    New readily accessible systemic redox biomarkers are needed to understand the biological roles reactive oxygen species (ROS) play in humans because overtly flawed, technically fraught, and unspecific assays severely hamper translational progress. The antibody-linked oxi-state assay (ALISA) makes it possible to develop valid ROS-sensitive target-specific protein thiol redox state biomarkers in a readily accessible microplate format. Here, we used a maximal exercise bout to disrupt redox homeostasis in a physiologically meaningful way to determine whether the catalytic core of the serine/threonine protein phosphatase PP2A is a candidate systemic redox biomarker in human erythrocytes. We reasoned that: constitutive oxidative stress (e.g., haemoglobin autoxidation) would sensitise erythrocytes to disrupted ion homeostasis as manifested by increased oxidation of the ion regulatory phosphatase PP2A. Unexpectedly, an acute bout of maximal exercise lasting ˜16 min decreased PP2A-specific reversible thiol oxidation (redox ratio, rest: 0.46; exercise: 0.33) without changing PP2A content (rest: 193 pg/ml; exercise: 191 pg/ml). The need for only 3-4 μl of sample to perform ALISA means PP2A-specific reversible thiol oxidation is a capillary-fingertip blood-compatible candidate redox biomarker. Consistent with biologically meaningful redox regulation, thiol reductant-inducible PP2A activity was significantly greater (+10%) at rest compared to exercise. We establish a route to developing new readily measurable protein thiol redox biomarkers for understanding the biological roles ROS play in humans